Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 25, 1904, Image 8

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New Spring Styles
This year the Royal Tail
ors of Chicago arc . . .
. Their
Your chance is as good
as the next man's. Call
and see its about it.
25 Pr ccnt-
Bieber's Cash Store
Pav Less & Dress Better
- fc v.
The Ayres & Whitworth Stock
of Oeneral rierctuuidise is selling
at prices lower than the lowest.
Store Fixtures for sale cheap: Safe, Reming
ton Typewriter No. G, New National Cash
Register. Show Cases, Ktc.
Tobacco, Goceries, Hardware, Paints, Oils,' Glaus, Crockery,
Tinware, A Kate ware, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps,
.Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ktc, Ktc.
A. II. Ilammcrsly, Manager
Movements of Townspeople and
Visitors Who Come and
Uo For the Week.
Dashes of News from Here and There
Occurrences of Both Orave and
Osy Impart Which Will
Prove Interesting
Andrew Morris wan over from
A del Inst week.
t'mhrvllaN nt the Monogram.
Ahlstrom Uros. s
Place your orders for garden himmIs
with A. lUotier. s
Owen MeKendnM' of Loiclla. was
tu Lakevlew Friday.
' Hoys ruldM'i' boot nt tin' Mono
gram. AhlHt r m Uros. s
John llrnnch viis In town from
IiIh ranch at (lover Flat Friday.
("ha. McTlmmotis of Pokcgoui't,
MImh Lulu 1 1 riles of Davis Crook,
spent several days hint wMk visiting
her sister, Mm. W. I. I lory ford.
While here- she attended the W.I). W.
since Saturday evening nearly 24
The HiiriiN Time. lerahl says that
the local business men of (hut city
have organised u local strick com.
Inches of rain and melted kmow have pnny with n capital of f 1,000 for the
fallen, ami the ground lielng frozen purposn of buying und etiulppTug nn
the water has all run off to the low , automobile lo le put on the road
landM, '. J Is'twoon liiims and PilnavlUe. The
A telephone polo fell 'down $li -tfti are 'phieed at 10 eM and
Ukevlow-Sllvcr Lake line last 'w.vk l","rlJ' wry Hllzeii has taken stsk.
about two in Hon north of town, Imv- T'w l''" devised to encourago the
big rotted off. The pole was soon 1 proposal line of automobiles to Im
There wan no rabbit hunt Sunday,
owing principally to the Mcarclty of
put on by the Columbia Houthern
Should thU line prove Nticwssful, a
foid klllem, who would brave a)
Hue from I'rluevllle or I lend to ,uko-
blinding snow and in In Htoriufora
I view would no doubt Is profitable.
little sport.
i ax tin' roads areexoolletit nil the year
Mtl.ltll.l 1 Ll llll.l ..! f .1 L I It.
Operator liurke has been giving; ... ' ' ,. .. , ,.
. 1 1 K Initial h ! it Mm and niiothcr one
the public the latoNt war iii'W'n as It I
t'o .Madeline would wll hout doubt bo
llJIIItlt.HM Till I llll llt I MM II l-t IIIIMIi'iI
! good paying enterprises and Is the
In the poxtollitc, iiihI art' un-atlv, . , .. .
I means of brinuing our mads from .1
appreciated. , . t . ,
, to s hours earlier.
Alturas Is to have a Flmt Natlo.,,,1 I A ,,,.,.,,. f ,,,lk,.v,,.Wi ll4
bank, the articles of l"'-'rp..iatl..u;allvi)v mxm(1 ft,r nu .,.
having Iiimm, executed. The bank Is ; M). ,ur u Ht r,. ,, ,,.
roulHton-d at the Lakevlew Sunday. , Wtod to Ik. ntarted durlnu the ,, , ,,,, ,,u,.u,(iri,
flmt w.H of March. i ,y((tH wUh hli whlH.,H(.H,(.alnl,.(, ,r
There wan no nchool .Monday on ,,, a r,u. ' he nmchlne Im
account of It Ik-Iuk a IcRal holiday I ot n e.p iihIvo one, CI.'nJ ts liitf the
Waxhlnutoirrt birthday. The court j ,,r,.,., t IUH y 4. home power.
lioUMo. lanu omco ami tiaiiK were , 1..,, u .m,..,.,,,,.,,..! il f :ui
inlloN an hour over ordinary road,
and In eulpied with an extra uear
as noou aM
I aUo cloMcd that day.
I l!i-v. .1. It. Stark i'IiihimI liU inii'l.
1 InuH at IW'thel chuivh Nouth of .ew'r illiublnn Mep urades
IMlie I'r.U. IimI Sill. .Imv. Twi-lvv HIIVii It Will ! lien
Mrs. K. ToniiyMon of Loh AiwIch,
was n KUOHt nt the lnkoviow Thum
day. Old candy all gone now at the
Monogram. A frenh stock just ro
celveil. s
A full line of garden Hoodx will Ik'
on tinle nt IHelKT'rt Cum!i Store In the
1 near future. s
j J. K. Xorln started for the dOHort
Tuesday to hoo how his sheep have
liecn wintering. .MIh Jennie Maxwell, who IiiumIhimi
Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Hawkins sK'tit , teachlnu the Uly s. hool. Is lu Lake
Saturday and Snnday lu lakevlew ' vU-w. and has charue of her sister s
visiting ri'latlves.
v . 11. jarr was 111 uim'vhmv j
Thursday last from his ranch south A report comes from Altnras that ,
of New I'lne Creek. jl'ltt liver Is out of Its banks and j
Llovd Hunter, a Summer Lake ' "tnvls of that town an- under
i tu. . 111 . ii.. it
water. It Is uiiusiialforthat stream .e.i.e aui inum- r.arry aim
Twelve )hii.v
were taken Into the church, and a ' spring opens.
Sunday school was started. "'
millinery business, while the latti-r,
' Mrs. Nelloii Is a way on a visit.
...Scbool 1-1otc0...
Xahcvicw H)iob School
Molidny's varatloli as enjoyed.
Kex ii in I Kay Kmci-soii Iuin c ipilt
rancher, xvas ilolug business In Lake
view hist Thursday.
L. X. Kelsay of the Silver Lake
Oregonlan spent several days In the
county seat butt week.
Mrs. W. A. Massingill and Mrs. A.
V. Beach sp'nt several days last
week nt Willow Hanch.
Jack Miller of Klamath Falls,
passed through Iakevlew Monday
on Ids way to Cedurvllle.
Lecu Holbrook spent several days
In town last week from Ills sheep
camp west of Goose Lake.
Geo. Cooley, of the firm of Currier
i Cooley at Paisley, was In Iike
vlew several days last week.
Geo. Colvln and I.. V. Walker of
Paisley, started for San Francisco
yesterday to remain until spring. .
Ivan Charlton started Monday for
Wadsworth, Nevada, to Join his
... I... . . I I . I. I.. II...
iw m' iiiii nil riiuj ill lit. nil
Fifteen head of prime lnvf Sioerw !
were recently brought In from
Drews valley by Henry Newell, and
sold to Wendell the butcher. Tiny
are Is'lug slaughtered for the Lake
view trade. t
The W. O. W. anniversary ball last
Friday night was ipiite a Hiiccessful
affair. The grand march was led by
the uniformed drill team followed by
the dancers. The many sj mi-tutors
were greatly entertained.
The service on the southern stage
this winter, so far as mall Is con
cerned. Is better than usual. Post
master Wilcox says that only on
two occasions has the malj lst'ii too
lute to distribute at night.
I have new line of wall paKT
samples for V.Htl, which are prettier
and are iniichcheaiK'r than last year,
father, who has some mines In that j (.a ftt JI)y nH m.M UI(,
A.JL. Howell returned trom Kedding
and other California points .Monday,
having gone down to see tils
Ayres & Kchlugel have Just com
pleted puiiorlng and pantlug their
saloon und now have the neatest re
sort In town.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vanderpool,
who have charge of the Venator
ranch this winter, sere shopping In
town Tuenduy.
Judge 11. L. ISenson returned Tues
day evening from California, where
he was called owing to the serious
illness of his son, Ilea. Kcpubllcnn
them they an beauties.
7 2 1j.
F. V. Hwartz writes The Examiner
from Woodland, that he will be In
Lakevlew a month curlier this year
than last, with his running stallion
Joe Terry, and trotting stallion,
Amador Chief. Terms will be very
War news Is plentiful In the papers,
but very little fighting Is reported
between Itussla and Japan In the
post few days. Wur Is threatened
between Knglund and France over
the coaling of some Russian vessels
In France. Otherwise nothing
serious 1ms happened since last week"
1 Frank Moore an also alMcut.
The bad weather has made no dif
ference lu the attendance at school.
Some people think the I'mf. lias
Ikn-ii called down pretty hard but he
don't Sim It that way.
Tin' programme lu Miss Sands'
room was uood although thcluvltcd
pupils were disorderly.
Then' will ls a programme lu
Prof's room Friday, come one, come
The rweii t rains caused an over
flow of the sidewalks which left a '
deposit of mud and made walking to
school very disagreeable.
Has any one found 11 fur boa since
it week ago Monday? If no please
leave It nt the school house for It
was lost by one of the pupils.
The nM-esses of the boys of the
Prof's room are cut off this wiM-k 011
account of having 11 rough house
last Thursday and breaking a win
dow pane.
Kvery rumlur of this paper, aud on
jieclally those who go to make up
our big list of country constituents,
are invltisl toreadourextruordlnary
announcement on nnotls-r page of
this Issue, which explains how each
one of you may secure for one year n
feast for the mind In "Farm Life,"
the loading magazine for thecouutry
home. "Farm Llfo"lstothccountry
people what the Saturday Kvcnlng
Post is to the city tieople. It Is a
clean, wholesome magazine a inaga
zlno that delights every member of
the household that gives satisfying
1 nourishment to the mind that has
common sense for tho basis of its
many splendid articles.
The exiHMidltures of Klamathcoun.
ty for the past three years has .been
its follows: For the year IStol, 115,.
237.41; 11H)2,23,82-1.00; 1003,12:1,2.12.1k).
This county contains 3,014,240 acres
and a population, excepting Indians,
of 3,970. Express