TUB BREEDS OV UVMV CATTLE. The principal breed of luff cnft,!" nni Hhmlhorn, AlM-nl'-cii-AiiK1'". Unllowny, mid Hereford. It ibn-a not nuitlcr mo Hindi wlilt I) bmd u fariiMT rlt', for they nr all jrd mid will return profit to the owner when lutHHt'iilly imiuHui'il, wrltf II. Kliutimu In Live Kloek JoiinuO. Till' IIIOHt I'HHCIltUI polllt when y'i mini mirnirea In llnr Is'rf ctt5f Imni hum, Im iin wllli any other bualiieKH. Ihi nhouhl lo It (or life. Coiiipctltluu J- keen, ami only tin men who jrn Into a ImimIiicmh deliberately, Rive their win li inlixl to II, inxl tlik to H, hnvo any reuMoiiibl chance (or MtlCCCMII. The Improvement o( live utock N 1 he work of h lifetime. I iirnm Hint mice become fumoua (or hni'dlnjjj live Hock have iiHinilly been In lli lunula of one family from oiictrciierit tlon to another. No ureal Item-lit Jin ever come to live nlmk from the work of HjMH'iiliitorw or men lm k Into the IiiimIih-mn for a year or two. The ileinaiiil In constantly Increneluj; (or kioI iMff cattli. J' he breeder Ik eoiiNiantly InervuHliin for Root I lncf Hi tie. Tho breeder whouhl not over look the alilllty of hla Block to pro duce nnlinnla that will meet the re iilrmentM of the open market. Ileef producer In general art aunt lni neutered hull to hem! their herd, anil appreciate u thoroughly uoim! animal. 'INiey are turning IlK'lr attenlloii more and more - to the ivijuliTiiit'iit of the market iv a tmli for their feeding oM-ratloiiH. Duality and condition are the iiiuhI 0Heiitinl point for a l-cf animal to pone, ami to Inmire themt iolntM we iiiuhI have a well bred un well a h pure hred anliiial lo Im'kIii with. We hoiihl not de pend alone on the edlnrce o( an animal, when we are eecllnn the head for our herd, lint they ahould Im In a high elate of development In the region of the loin, crop. buck, thigh. twlNt and riinip. for thcee an the part from which are eccurcd the high priced cut of lavf. I am reliably Informed that two carload of well bred Hereford lie I fern recently Mold at the KniiMti City Yard in the' butcher Mtock cIiimh at a premium of tl.X over other butcher Mtock. Their freedom from witate made iliem chcuMr than the common 4'(iw aiid heifer, llutchcr rut audi attle without wiimIo and Mend back .for limn. The man who fa nun and feed out 'of IiIm own reHourvcH one prime atcer and one hog er year (or each ten ncrH of land In hU (arm Im abxolute ly certain of huccc. And he who liaM found out the certainty of thin Hteady, Hiire method of farming Iiiih IlKcovered the mont Independent life that In nvnllable to the American ngrlciilturlHtM. Stcadlne of pur .poHO, Intelligence In tho Hcloctlon of well bred la-of cattle, patience In their care and feeding, and the .ability to know hen they are rlie, .In the price of a iicccHHful feeding operation. The time I here when nlna-tentlm of the profitable finding operation" n re com ucted on a Hinall Moale. MatlHfactory remit la have lieeii recorded from feeding tho gradew of all the licet breed. Itut not one I iiHtance of profit with Mcrub Ih n corded, for their fei'dlng Ih largely a h peculation. There Ih no higher form of art than that which deal with tho Intelligent manipulation of animal' life the molding of living crcaturcH In accord ance with the will and purpoHC of a guiding mind and yvt how many of thoHe whoaHHiime tho rcHpoiiMlhlltty know of the breadth and depth of Iho proposition with which they will have to deal. H bnl Aw Thcj? Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. A new remedy for stomach trouble, bilioumieHH, and coimtipatioii, and a good one. Price -5 cents, For ale by Lee ltuall. THBi MALL OF FAME. Mr. Cli've'liAd will upwid iIm ainnm trout fillet; in th lUrkililriii. John Morley linn hud tHlowr4l umd lint the hoaornry prfre(omUlp of an cient hhuur? at the CiikIIhIi Imyml Hciiiiiiy,' Andrew (iralmui, for forty years clilef naalfttst at tho Canihrldge ch mrvatory, Knuland, baa retlrnl at the age of eighty-eight. fcinjor Alexander II. Dnvla of New T"lk and IjoikIoii hn prenenlnl tnxtin rllle, Ky with iivk amounting to 1iio,(ki to be lined III providing a putv lie park In that city. Menator Comma In a rrrabytrriao find a tr.cmUT of the Maaonlc fraterni ty. Ill two diHiuhier niarriM c atbo Ilea, the ceremony In each limtatire be luff erfriiied by Cardinal (llbuona. Kir ,1 nines Uuihrht, nnwlv ktiiKhird upon merit. I only forty fnnr yenra old. lie waa an naaoelatn of the Itoyal Hoot tlah academy before lie waa thirty and la now It prealdent. I la U famed aa a (xirtrnlt painter. In recoKnltlon of the able manner In which he looked after the detail of the prealdent'a reception In Hun Franclaeo the member of the cltleen' exwutlve committee hare preaented a allver Iot IniC cup to M. II. Ie Younif, their chairman. I'rofcaawr Henry A. Ward of CblcaR". collector of "meteorite, ha Jut add ed an Interesting apecluien that fell near Hath Furnace. Ky., on Nor. 15. Ill collection ranka fourth In the world, and he baa one meteor preaent ed to him by the ahah of I'erala. Alexander Wllkle of l'per Cralgle. Perth, N. It., la lellevel to ponaeae the lonffet beard In the world. Ilia excep tional Krowth of hair began when he waa alwiut twenly-tlve yenra of age. From thartlme It erew rapidly, and It la now 7 feet 24 luchea long and allll Krowlni;. SHORT STORIES. Within eight month we have re ceived enough emlgrauta from Europe to repeople In-liind. A new word Iin Iwen rolnml for ap plication to n alght tenilnK optician. lie la to be called an "oilologlt." A large monHC waa wen recently atrolllng around leisurely In the neigh iMirlnKwl of the aehool bulldlnga at I'riMiiine Ile. Me. In Oiimlm the other dny a girl comb ing her hnlr gave her head n toa and dlKliicntisI her neck. It required the combined atrengtli of fotir men to pull tho vertehrie Into place again. On the army thla year we idinll ani'nd Ji:t(i,ooMi. on the navy SsTlOoimmiO. The civil eatabllithmeiit will cot ll'-'fl.-(hK).(kh. To the Indian we ahull give lia.noo.0O0. The Interest on the public debt will be $27,000,000. It la proponed to buy the field on which Alexander Hamilton waa alaln In hla duel with Aaron Purr and con vert It Into a public park. A monu ment already atand on the apot, but It la neglected and nuvlalted. The death'rate In Cuba before tba war averaged about forty-two to a thousand, taking a period of acveral year. It la now but twenty-ono. Thla meana a decreased losa of time from lllneaa aa well aa aavlnff of life. Dragging Pains 2825 Keeley St.. tuiCAOo, lu... Oct,, 2, 1902. I luuVred with falling and con geatiou if the womb, with aevera pain through the groin. 1 suf fered terrihv at the time of men truation, hail blinding headache and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, for it teemed that I had tried all and failed, hut 1 had nevor tried Wine of Cardui, that blesaed remedy for lick women. I found it pleasant to take and toon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood aeemea to course through my vein and after using eleven bottle I waa a well woman. Mr. Hush is now in perfect health btvnuHe the took M ine of Cardui for jnenstrual disorder, bearing down pain and blinding u-hi when all other remedies fulled to bring her relief. Any I uuerer may secure neaiiu oy tail ing Wine of Cardui in bur home. The first bottle convince the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice in case requiring pecial direction, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladie' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tena. ilii.yiiii E! AXtccfal'kPrPDaMiionrorAs- Sin)iiaiiiiiperiwaflrrtii(CKii- (uiij lite siuuuitra bmi uowcit Promoter l)ii1,M?ion.Clirprf ill ness bim I'si fenf mil nciiinr ('iMin.M m inline tun- !t:R-r.i!. OT ',Mtt:oTic, ! i! J i ('... i. t-.fttn I Apnfi-cl I !v I'm r.;i -.tiyn lion.oiir SU'm.irli DinibiMvi Won is ,( "rnvuliv .- .i o vcnslv ncsiinlL.;.?.J l;r SlJiEP. FacSuniks Si'nelurf of NKW YORK. ill tXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. STUDLEY i 1 S. J. STUDLEY 13 LAKE VIEW FURNITURE CO, Full and complete stock of everything in the line of FURNITURI m JUST OPENED. 0OOD5 AR- ! 3 RIVING ALL THE TIME. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS -K.iiV ACCOMODATIONS T'(lli JLa-i- SAHPLE ROOn For COnriERCIAL TRAVELERS. COURTEOUS TREATMENT UEo'ilAKKOW LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors fT lakeview Door North of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc. J.WENDELL, - - Proprietor. WM. HARVEY, THE PALACE The Only First Class Restaurant in Lakeview. Turkey, Chickens and Suckling Pigs baked to order. Bread and pas try always on hand. Excellent ALL NEEDS Esperlenna ha eaUblUlied It a UcL Wold by ull deHiors. You tow-they ro'. l0t Seed Anaual poaliwld ! W all i plloaata. D. M. FERRY A CO. DITROIT, MIOri. - lP" .''" MEET ft rnpii For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years F. E. HARRIS El & HARRIS CnjrJor Riii nW nn Water St umum ui umiq um muiui ui. 9 t Market S is Hotel Lakeview PROPRIETOR. RESTAURANT Service Price Reasonable. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery SNSrMPTIOX prica viuuiu u,iiiM A Pertect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Monay back if It falls. Trial Bottla Itm. A. tmc otrru coiiNn, mtm mm. I 1 b I ." . m ' 'K . as 1 Im r m r laiini iSiS1 The Scenic Line To The H&st And South Through Rait Lake Citr, Lead vi lie, Poe bio, Colorado spring and Denver. Offer the choice of Three Route thro the (amoua Iio:ky Mountain Hcenery, and Five Diatinct Koutea Fat and Month of Denver. , 3 TATTBATNf5DAlCy 3 Between Ogc'en and Denver, carrying all Claaaea of Modern Fpilpmeat. Perfect Dining Car Service and Peraon aly (V)ndncied Touriat Excursions to all Point F.anl. STOP OVERS ALLOWED ON ALL CLASSES OP TICKET For all information and illuttrated liter ature, call on or addrewa W.C. flcBRIDE, General Agent, 124 Third St. Portland, Or Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW PAISLEY. A.W. BRIAN, Proprietor. leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m. every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :it0 a. m. every day but Sunday. Passengers' araftj. Konm4 trip OFFICE Rcroold A WlDcfleld's Lakcrtaw LAKEVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE S. L. McNacghtox, Prop. Office at Mercantile Store I Mage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed I noalflVI a r. rl F.iil.v. at A m -v. . u " - . o ui.( m 1 1 ivv at Plush at 9 p. no. Leave Plush Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.( Paaenger fare $3 one way or $5 for round trip. Freight rate from May 1st to Xov. lt $.75 per hundred; from Nov. 1st to May 1st 11.00 per hundred. Western . Stage . Line J. U YADIN, Proprietor. Office in LInkvillc Hotel Klamath Falls. Daily from Ager to Klamath Hot Spring, Keno, Klamath Falls, Dairy, Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview. Daily from Lakeview to Bly, Bonansa. Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, Klamath Hot Spring and Ager. Makes connection with al! trains at Alter. Also 'connect ftt Klamath Falls with the stage for Ashland. Good Stock .-.. Easy Coaches LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE D. . Bxbckk, Prop'r. Office In Bieber's Store Stage leavea Lakeview daily, ex. cept Sunday at 6 a. a. Arrives at Atturas at 6 p. m. Leavea Alturas for Lakeview at C o'clock a. m.. or on the arrival of the stage from Madeline. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturas. Freight - Matters - Given Strict Attention tlrst - Class - Accomodations. BtllKKP 11 BANDS. 1 9 moo Rami Brnds with Swallow Fork la JdlllC) DdllJ right car (or awes; wars (or wethers. Soma ewes Bquai Crop and Slit In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Rants, Cran Lake. Poatoffloe address, Lakeview, Oregon LAU If III ITT UI III ear, Halt Cnderorop off right (or ewe ; reverse (or wether Tar Brand W. Range, Flab Creek. PotlolBoe address Lakeview, Oregon