Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 25, 1904, Image 6

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Tom Murray, one of the brightest
mind tit prvwnt onjinod In the re
tail trade til America. jrlve In the
current Ismu" ot S.vnteni hi opinion
of the value of nil vert Initio tk a force
upon which In thl day of the world
the modern busduc man may de
pend for tau'cetw If he wmild compete
for trade, In tne following words:
"A man who nowaday rents a
store, hire help and doen not tisiinv
on advertising, I" not destined for a
HUeccHfful business career. He had
far U'tter tlsiiuv rent first, then ad
vert isinii and his help expense after
ward. It he does not ndwrtise it
will not 1h lonir before he will not
need employees. Had it not heen for
advertising I tdiould have lcen !
crowded out of my business the sec
ond year. If a man does not know
enonjih to advertise in these days lie
can buy that kind of brains that
does know, and he had letter do so
or quit buying goods, get out of bus
iness, and work for the man who
does advertise.
"Iook around you. Who are the
men who succeed? Are they not
the advertisers? Make yourself the
talk of the town. It can In- done. 1
cannot le otherwise than a great
lieliever In advertising.
"I never study an ad. I write any
odd sentence that may happen to
come into my head.
"I find that the more a man gets
into the habit of writing ads. the
more ideas come to htm. Many a
man who thinks that he cannot
write ads is mistaken. A little nerve
often proves that a man has some
advertising brains that he did not
"Don't go into business unless you
Intend to advertise."
Is the Lord & Thomai Advertising Agency
the Head of Which Retired February Itt.
Possibly there is no line of industry
in the United States that has grown
in eucb proportion in recent years as
that of general advertising, which
includes publicity in newspnpers and
magazines and outdoor display
advertising, and through its tremen
dous force the entire basis of modern
merchandising has been revolution
ized. The Chicago paiiero of the current
week devote much space and time to
the wonderful growth of the adver
tising business as a whole, ami that
of Lord & Thomas In particular,
owing to the retirement of Mr. I).
M. Lord, the senior member of the
firm, who leaves active business life
with a rich competence.
The business of Lord & Thomas
bus been one of the most aggressive
and progressive of its kind In the
country, having in recent years been
under the active management of Mr.
A. L. Thomas, whose Judgment on
advertising matters Is considered as
authoritative by the vast body of
publicity users. Mr. Thomas has
suceedeil Mr. Lord to the presidency
and will continue at the head of the
M-. C. It. Krwln, the new Vice
President has leen connected with
the company for 'Jit years and Is
therefore a veteran in the field; asso
ciated with him and Mr. Thomas is
Mr. A. I). Lasker, the Secretary and
To give some idea to the public of
the growth of ad vertisingas a w hole,
it might Is; stated that in two years
the business of Lord &Thomnsnljiif
lias increased one million dollars in
the billing, and in the one month of
January in 1!H this house hits book
ed fTl'O.OUO.OO in advertising con
tracts from the following concerns,
wliosi! names are household words
in tin- United Stfltes: Allliclisi-r-IJiikcIi
lire whig Ass'n, St. Louis;
Siegel, Cooper Company, New York;
Woolson Spice Company ( Lion Cof
fee) Toledo, Ohio; Haniillon-iiiown
.Shoe Company, St. Louis, Mo.;
Sterling liemedy Company, iCascar
ets), Chicago and New York; The
Woman's Magazine, St. Louis, Mo.;
Armour & Co., Chicago; Michigan
Stove Co., Detroit and Chicago;
Union Pacific Railroad Co., Omaha;
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Jty.,
Chicago; Hock Island It. It. System.
Thirty-five years of wldeexperlence
in handling the publicity of a large
proportion of America's most suc-
cessful ml vert Isers have fitted Lord
& Thoman to k'lve most u!l Ions
ami profitable service toeiitorpi Istng
business Unas In every Hue.
The main otllces of Lord & Thomas
are In the Trude Itnildmg, Chicago
and Its LaMcrn branch l In the
Anieilcan Tract Society building.
New ot'K
fnrli of la Olil Runiitn Rmnlrw ('
aen by Modern rCyen.
I-Vw people ii, !' chile the fact thnt
tixl ".;. nt the ihiwti of the twentieth
ren ' .M'v, there are stl!l purls of the eld
bei'i.-n empire where tin traveler of
Ui'-.! tilil.'S h:is Ii vn; tlint. there nr.'
rtncienf town w! nil no to irit ha
feen. temple nnd towers tint n lev. r
of chissle lltemtsir Im dcliuhted In.
I i-vri;i;..nx in ain ieiit Crook that n
..iv'.'i-.t I ;l it .Vet deciphered - whole
reKlotx. !n fact. fu:l of tintiipilt'.e for
w'.'.-.h no I'ji.-doker lias lieen written
and w Idch !re not shown upon the hit
est iua:s. i her;' nre region within
our temperate none w here nn modern
I'uro ean foot ha trod, so far a wi
nre able to tell - region when the civ
titration of ;ree'( mnl Koine mice
tlol.nshed and whore flue monuments
of classic art and of nn unfamiliar nrt
that supphinted the classic waste their
beauties upon the ignorant sliiht of
half civilized nomad.
Tj realize the tnnh of this one neetl
only to cross the range of mountain
tlun run parallel to the eastern coast u
the Mediterranean and. avoiding all
car van routes. Journey Independently
H-out the barren country that lies be
tween these mountains and the Ku
phrates. Here is a territory wl.lch.
though not wholly unexplored. I full
of most wonderful Hero nre
cities and town long descried, not so
groat or so Imposing perhap a Pal
myra, but far hotter preserved than
the city of Zfliohht ar.d giving a inech
truer picture tf the life of the mu loiit
Inhabitants than one can draw from
those famous ruin.
These town are not hurled. !!i;o tVe
great cities of tho Me-op ti". I :n !r.ias,
nor have their sites been built t;;.n Ii
modern times, as ties.' of the olas-e
cities of fJ recce have boe;i. 'I", ey M rid
out against the sLy upon ld;;h inl i r
lie tdioltorcd in seipi. st t d w Kev -. i re
secting to the low of the tri ve'er us
he approaches them very mtioh the
same aspect a they did in the fmrth
century of our era when Inhabited by
prosperous. cnltlviitid and happy pen
pie or when deserted by those Inhab
itant some l.:im year ao. Howard
Crosby Itutler in Century.
A Navy Fanrral.
The funeral of a sailor at sea I n
most Impressive ceremony. Nine men
Of the Massachusetts died ns the re
sult of a thirteen Inch gun's explosion.
They were burled at San Juan. I'orto
Rico, but before the bodies were taken
ashore the funeral was held, ns Is the
custom, on the quarter deck of fhe
ship. Excepting on special occasions
like this officers alone nre permitted
on this deck. In the presence of the
Admiral and other officers, standing
with bured heads, and marines nnd
blue Jackets, n detail from each ship
of the squadron, drawn up In line, the
caskets containing the men who died
were liorne by men who had been
their comrades on to the quarter deck.
A band played a dirge, a quartet of
sailors sang and the chaplain prayed
and spoke with 'solemn voice of the
bravery of those who had suffered a
death so cruel. The brawny men of the
ships of war were standing silent, lis
tening, their heads bowed, their sun
burned faces motionless. Hut never a
tear was shed, for tears and women
have no place aboard a man-of-war.
TLe bodies were taken ashore In the
captain's gig after the service and rev
erently buried. Leslie's Weekly.
A Qom Career.
The Paris papers record the death of
?iie aged Mgr. llaiier, who was former
ly father confessor to the Empress
Eugenie and Is known to have had
a considerable Inllucnce over the un
fnr; unate direction of her policy. He
was a Jew by birth, nnd during the
fourth decade of the last century he
w is a lei-y man upon the Pnris bourse.
In is", he astounded hi kinsfolk and
f-!:'n- fia-iiiei is by turning IPuuan
t a'! f!!c. lie was no c.-s Mieees .'ul in
a ( ia is. i.tii than he had been as n o
I -r .. I'e v.--' oi-dained prie I. ta!:o:.
t'fp ' y V'"!'1 '"'in III.. hee:ii!,o 1 1;.- reii
!., s i ! lor of the empress ; i inl
w,: -i 1 1 1 : I a n t iiseiv.iieur by I'ooe I'm;
IX. A few yiai ago Ihe oM priest
added to the lis! uf s'lrpr!" which
characterized hi life by taking to him
self a Wife. Westminster Ca.ette.
Hlraw Hnla Xeeil Hi'iiitliliiK.
"If il Ktniiii; thliifc-." :ii'l the liat
innn n f lor he luid Mold :i three d ilhir
piinania. "thnt men who hrnh n di'i'hy
or it soft hat every day never put a
brush to a Klrmv hut. 'J hero I no rca
Hu for thu neglect. Hi raw hat need
bniMhliiK more often than the others,
for the dust clIngH to them nnd hi more
uotleenhle. If you brush your utruw
hot every duy and tierub It with u hMIT
bniHh dipped In tepid wuter once or
twice a KeuHon It will lunt two yenrn
WUb proper cure." New York I'ren.
Kd Ooer snys that Harold II.. 2:t.
can pace n half mile as easy its ny
horse he ever sat behind
The Young Jim trotter, Walter Kelm.
2:1 Hy. will very likely be one of the
stars of Mart iHMiiarest's stable thl
It I reported that the Messrs. 1 dun
lin, proprletvrs of the YllhiKO farm, lu
tein! reitnolni ttie number of trotters
-.. , ... . i i b
iiiki iiucer hi ioo iM-iiii.
Dick Wilson Is at the Indianapolis
track with hi stable. Among the limn-
ber lire ratchen Hoy, Jiin-'t; i.ime :l;
i Sphinx, ":hi'i. mid (intoiiiau Maid. I j'j v.'
! :l!t4. I x" , i
Sfrnsburg. by Director, daiic" "1
r.mulatliin. by tnward. and owned by i
' W. V. linker of Columbus, 1)., I said I
j to ls one of the "star" green ones at i
I the Columbu trark. '
' Clem Deaehey ha a good one for the
j green classes in Itoyal Coat, a II v-
year-old son of i;eg.-il Wilkes and Nan- ;
lile Kttlcoat. lie showed a mile Id :
-:l;t'... as a thne year old. ,
P itehle, 2;iii,i. and Star Twist, j
2 .".. have been sent by their owner, i
A. W. JanL-ard of llonner Spi lm;. j
Kan., to the Louisville tK truck to i
! trained by John lluey. I
I ami oouratr and IhotJiiht I
wmtld narar regain mjf ."
'Three yciirs tf delicate hciilth
trying doctors' prrscriplions anil
patent im-dicines' without l-iiclit
night well s.ip the courage of any
wouuin. A lit I yet Mr. Ilrynnt provit
that the question of the cure of worn
itnly disease is only a qui tiou of
using the ri;ht remedy. A tew tlnsr
of ' I'.tvonte I'resiTiption ' refctoirnl
her courage and re vi veil her hots:,
becniwe he could see "a decided
chuiige front the first." Thres
rrot.tliii' ue of the mr !:rine r--lo.vd
hi-r to perfect britlth.
Ir. Pierce's I;.ivorite l'recription
cures irregularity, dries euk iiiiul'
drxin, heals inflammation and ul
ceration, cures female weakness.
Mn frfirah Hrvant. rrrnltlrnt of Mfnii'liu
SvMt:l sci'-nre Chtlt. rrsiilmir Ml rjt Atkiitit
Ave, Mmplii. Trim . rilr: "I ul)t irtl
Willi tlt-iti-Htr h-nllh tor three ymr. tryinir
doefor' itreM-riT'lionn ami ttriit meihi-tiicM
until I iunI oitiruKr and thUKlil I'wctiiltl
never rrjenin my lirnlth: tmt a lew tnv ot
your l;vuriie rrrncriptiftn' niatle itirchioiKr
mv niititl. Ceiiltl tft a devitlrd chaiixe frum
Ihr firM. ui I krS on lakins l fui llirre
months faithfully anil am now In pcifccl
Dr. rierce's Medical Adviser, ia
paper covers, i sent free on receipt
of 21 one-cent stamps to pay erpensr
of mailing only. Address l)r. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
iirrit uit iiiiir.(TUKV.
i'mtkh irrT.
I'j aldeiit Tliiorlnre ItiMiiwvclt
Heerctary of State John May
tw'Cietary of Tri'anury U-al'e M. Hliaw
Secretary Interior E. A. Hitchcock
K-crelary of War Win. II. Tall
rk-crctary of Navy Win. II. Mtiixly
Hccrt'tary of ( tiuinit ree tii-o. II. ( orlelyou
H-i rt lary of Axrirulitire Jami-i Wllaou
I'liMinaMt r (ii-m-ral Henry C I'ayne
Attorney Ittm ral I'. I!. Knox
(iovernor .lien. K. 'Iiiii1t1hIii
hc-erelary of Ktate
Attorney fe-m ral
hup). I'lililic liiKtrui iltiii.
1'rinit r
I'alry ami Komi (.'uia
I'. .. .-Vnit'iim
Fn f.rt in'- JutlK'n
K. I Imiitiar
:. H. MiKirv
... A. M. Crawford
. J. fl . Ai'ki'ruiaii
J. H. Whitney
. ... J. W. Ilaili y
) i. II. Mil. I, ell
I . W . r niton
I lliniCT lli-rinaii
(.1. N.u IllUinatiii
C. K. V olvertitii
It H II. nil
. A. M.s. ft:
hum ji nieui. MKriiii-r.
II. I.. Ilelmttll
j JlI'lKe .
' . I lie in v.
I.. K. I i
I k K ill NT V.
j Jnhii Ki 1 1 1 1 1 r
j Hi tf ! ' 1 1 1 II 1 1 V H
j .I'eljf
I I iel'i.
'-..I I It
'I r. mrfr
: .1 y " - l j r
, S-I.,i il Mi.l , .
Snrf)t r
I .-tut i I It-j tin' . .
.1. N. Ilnri;
I:. . I'.iiiiiiiii
.S. W li. til'ii.ii
It. "y j
A. N'. Miiiirjin; ',
. II. I'..!it, ' lieu 1 1
. .Ittliii il. lihiir I
.. . .1 . Willi!.- j
.. (' I'.. Meitr.
.. I . K. Ilitllih
.1. I . I J ii I k .tell l
J. I'n.M.
. A. i. unit i
"Nasal Catarrh qniokly yiehlH to troui
tncilt by Lly'a Crown buhii, wliich ia BKrce
ehly aromulio. It is received through the
DOHtrilH, cleaiiHCH and heals the wkois mir
faco over which it dilfuHeg itnult. Iirueihtu
sell the COu. ui.o; 'in id ni.s by mail, 10
conts. ToBt it and you are miro to continue
tho treatiutnt.
To ftccoruMioilnto tUoHo wlio are partial
to the ue of utomizers in upjilyiiig JiciuiiUl
into the UBMal j.asaugeH for etilarrTuil lruu
bUi, the propri. ir prnpare Cream llulm iu
liquid form, whioh "-ill bo known aa Kly'n
Liquid Creura Palm. Trice including the
praying tube U 75 cent. Druggiita or by
mail. The liquid form embodiea the med
icinal properties of the aolid preparation. M
X-r7 is
-' . ' - ts
g Kla t, ah-1 eke -Railroad
. . . I IMIi TAIJLH . . .
Ill I .bine ','Slli, iflOl.
No, I So. 3 l''iK r A rn Vld No. 4 No
K 111. in.
I-, m
j ji 1,1 i
! !' '
1 1 1 k i m :
i r I, mi Siamit '
.W Hll.,11 M
I'ce- r - ' n i. eir
I . r
: l . S.i nL-. -I il It'll
a-!, I ii n h h
J -X SI. t l III l.lH.- I
;i t. I. vlltn I
l ; "il
II li t
. u
1 1
' .Vl'
T 1 1 .,' V I ( ' I s I tti .it. .'.I ir. I
in .r.t f.l .til I en tie-v In
.O. .Ot! lit'.
I Hi tl I el. . V siiilnt !
. .)! . . k- . . I t U I 'I.
In,, . 1 1, in. i tl A Hi r,
I;, ni.. , -r ,-. mimI
Vt'i ttllllli i ... e.t,
r tr I mi r nth-f.
I. K I. r l l n t
it. hi ml I'tttOit Kisi H'.
HK t I V JMAAW I.I I.. -
ItUMNLSS l;M r.WI'kl.l S
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Ashland, V Oregon
Orttrrt XT M.rklr. brarltr. troa
frac lug ti brarral Svoar Murk
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
i.tio Coimcflcut Avenue
Washington, I). C.
Alt porun lei have hrrrtitfnrr maile I IN At
I'WOOC In any klnJ ol I antl. Mlnttal i.r 1 Im
ticr I nirlra. which ha hern accrplrj hy Ihr
Krglalrr or dtrrlver fit any I'. 5. I and (Mike,
can hate Ihe Imuikk of thrlr . h. I'airnl fur
alt jirtd promptly allcndril lu hy arndlnn
ma thrlr Duplualr kcicluli-, or Crrlllkalra ul
I'ntrv, and an aKrcrmrnl I., pay me $10 when,
ever aalil Palenlt ahall lauc.
Orcatin, Calllnrnla
and Nevada
Mala Agent
. S3
For an) otto kllllnir or itraJ.
Intf (toca Uiliriiliin to ll'
South Eastern Oregon
live Stock Association
Will Iw ylvvn for the trrtMt mn nonvl'ilofi of my pr
Kin or wrnii KUtlhg My mUx k lloiiglriK
Co niwitMr of ihii AMkocialion.
J.t). COUOflLIN,
J, H. INNES, President.
kl44. BO YEARS'
.Vi V T
Taint MaRKfl
Mffi Co-YRIOHT &C.
Anvnn ndlng ftkMrh and rifwrrtutlun niT
qiickif ui iTtMin mr Di'Hiloii fr ht)ntr u
tuviMiiWtfi in rhnf iutiiiMli). 'onniitiiilfH
ItMim Mtrit ly riititlilfMttiul. Ilniitliokou I .itii4'.f
imii I ri'H, 4 ili-tt nu'iu y for niM'tiniitf pnlftiU,
t'iii'iiits tiikini tlinuh Muiut Co. rwol
Scientific Jlmericnm
A tmnrlf-omftr WnlTtA wnoklr. I irvwt rir
ru Inl Inn tt imy m-irni .lie jMiirnal. 'I tiii, 1 1 m
V'r; fiMir ni'tritlia, U HtilUbyull Yiiwnlcal rt.
lyiUNN no.3e,Broad""'- New York
Jiram.'h tlMleo, r;ib V Ht, WnatiiiiHtou, l. I.
Tin n i rn r
;?,' VV'-1" iL W-'
a . r a. i tUAfi..-r ri r i
- i in nia i i i i i ii inff l
H. k. I.. HTKINKN, M. II.
K It. aw I TM M t
Mfliril A NTIIMH
I'hl nlelniia rt irei.
l.akseleM, r.
ururK llttr riia- Hlor., (all atiawartd
iMinatly ilay nr nmhl.
I'd) alrlaii anil kniKi aii
'i I U K - New haly tlulltllnit.
IUI O r' llr'.MOIttimT
I nkevlew , tlregaa
uH II K lnl) lliilltll.iu.
I . fr 4
.tltmiiry mi Ian
l.nkettew, Orraoa
ti,it Ihtil.tiitrf.
ii it xt.nx nn.i:
l aki'l let , Or.
'it I II r. liiiil.lli.a'
j iiikiiu:
kliorne) .al-Law .
I.aketli-M , Or
"iiiri: ii) iitiii.iiiia, ,
I. ! t (TOII
Allorarj .nl-l.aH
I .a n it Mallera Mrelaliy
I'KUl K i'ali Iliiiltllna,
u W. HI r l lll.0
l'hlelnn an'l Niniron
tiltlee lli liart Hell! H mi Holt aarrlra.
wnnniiru nr mr kvnnin ik.i.
nuuumin ur in: nuniu rami. .s...
Mt i l, on thu 'M ami 4Ui M "Im-ulay of
rat h iii'tiitii in Mh.iiiiu- Hall, al a . tn.
K K I MIMI. I ilimil iiliilnaiitli r.
r . .V lvii I. h rk
C r f f t f f' i,
I . A K K 1 1 W KM AM I'M! NT. Vn l. $
V I. II. II. Y lilt fl, llir li aiel il llinr '".
v ilay fvelilttif il ,ai h liitiiitli In Otll I ) 0
lew ' Hal!. I lltri f . p. luaia,
I . I'., W . I .M.M.HC. Hi til.. .
r y ;
H. li.Clll kCII Dlk'LCIORV.
.KI tl l - I'll lll hill- Hl-r il'I'M lit
II n'llml, . M . ji inl 7::'.n I'. M., every
m-cmid ninl ftililth Sutidiiy.
.Siiiidiiy Ni l i'er.v SiiihIii.v at l(
A.M. rin.M-r Meet liii; every 'I'll nin
thly nt 7::in I'. M.
Nkw Tim: Ci.i i k I 'rem hi lie s, r
vIccMiit II ii cIih Ic A. M.. ,ii.. I T::ui p.
M., every Urn I Snndny.
Snuihi.v ScIiihiI ecry Simdiiy nt 10
A.M. I'riyer Miid Ini; every Thum
dny nl 7:-W I. M.
IlK'i iiKl. I'li-nchln SitvIcch at II
o'ctiM'k A. M., nnd 7:'MI I'. M., every
third Snndny.
.1. It. Stuik, I'antor.
To take effect, Tue'dMv, Apr.
1 . 1 Bo
Nn. a
p. !
p. m
4 lu p. in
H.:i p. in.
J:l'i p. m
'J:IH p. m
2:10 p. tm
I :I7 p. m
I :M p. in
IIS p. nr
I a. in
l'.':lui p.m
11 :.mi p-ni
II :l l p. tn
ln:47 p. m
in '.ii i. m
H:lii p. in
:!li p, m
H::l'i p. in.
7 :.V p. 111.
7::m a. In
Ml 11 A VAI.I.I V KV
5.ii pin 1" :i'niiii.f.v . . I'l ii man. A f .1 in .m 1 in am
.1 1 1 pin II VHhiii i.v .. I n I on Ar hl.l.t inn a in H m
..."ii pin I-'.'i'ibiii l. .11. i k i th. r.' in .n " Wiain
7 'Jii pin l.'.'.ainl I. v. i 'lain illeA r' l.-lepin 7 mi an
T run,, for I ii'.t vl. w, l ul-lev inel I'ln-li, lire,
an. I II. III.IhiII. I iilte lily, I iiliti villi-, A I lit
AIiiiihh ami III.-I..-I , i itlll.
II.. I .-i.niii. : t.i t-ii.ii'l!-h ami Snmiu llli
Iit.v.e (..r Mild.! I, lini. -ville nn I Htmllli
Vliie, Cnlll.
Vint i. ii, It.r It. Mil tun . Iii.u iii.'vil le ami I 'limit.
I. eli'i. lint 1-1 1 , r 1 1 iu - l nlit
II. 'tk 1 1 Ii,- it.r i it in -i i, 'I ii i li.n II If Hint ( t r t e li .
Villi', Calif.
I Inlrvllle. Mtiliiiu k ami inlm-y. nlll.
Itl'lllt,- eon lire! i tig. M 1 1 II hit. I'HI-. to. for ail
i.i.liiin hint! .V ml : . t I II. II. for all ilnia
'I In Harney l i.iiiity
l.le Htnrk AhMieia-
I Ion . nl wliic ii am
II ini'lnlier, .n f 7'KI
1 1 v ni tl li.i n nn ni a
It ii.Iii.K to I Ii e con.
vlilii.ii of piirtie
Nll lllillK Klin k I. it.
Ii Hi II I I'U In Ha mi in
;rr-l,fc,, Lera. Ill H.I. Hll
I r ! efli r . (m r. w
I Horai' I. rami In
I rlim hnr nil el
j or In. Hi Jiiwa.
fin. In
i o ran-
It ii.
I orileil In M fonli Una
KaiiKi'. llarm v, Lake anil Crook t'oiintlea.
Herat a vt'iilml when aolil llorat a anlil to paaa
tliniiiuli tlda aeetlon n lll hit riiiiriinl In till
paper. If not an reporieil, iilitaaii wrliu or ti'lu
mine hid iimi i Iicral.l, Main HM. Iliirna. Oru
no, t
V:tKl a. in. I.e... Kelm '..Al
II. 17 a. in. I.v . re m in 1 1 Ar
1 1) :', a. in. I.e. . i e. ar Ar
IU::iU a. in. I.v. Kraiieia Ar
II :l'i a. in. I.e... I'nnty Ar
II M a. in. I.v I'liimaa .. Ar
U:ob . in. I.v t hat Ar
IV l u. in. I.v... I ane rttli Al
. in. I.v. . lit .1 It.M , ..Ar
r.' VI,. in. I.v... t'oiKiaiiila ..Ar
lil'ilt. In. I, v.. lite le. . ,Ar
I AD p. ni. I.v l.ltKttn . ...Ar
'2:Ml I p.m. I.v .Mne.lee Ar
H:tm ( p.m. I.v Aiin ilff Ar
t p in. I.v . H 1 1 1 1-( . 1 1 1 1 K t, . , A r
8 :.'7 p. in I.v Murray Ar
i:'M ji. in. I.v . Karlu .. Ar
A :.' p. in. I.v . Ilorae l.akt ..Ar
ft p. in. I.v . W a v t rly . . a r
H :''' p. in, I.v . . . I t r mo A r
7:l.i a. in. I.v . Iin.i'lt inain-Ar.
7 : III p. ii i Ar Mntlrllm- I.v
k" W W IIhown, Kile, Ore