Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 25, 1904, Image 3

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Tliroiitfh tho llhernllty of Mra.
Margaret J. I'lant aprlvatepatlenti'
pavilion will he erected at Kt. Luke'n
hospital, New York.
TUIC DADTD v-. on nir.i k r. nr
IlltvJ l nt kll Aivrtini nimrf vu nn-
kiiii Htrwi. Nun rmni lMtn. !.. wham
Minir't tor lvrilalii( ran l mrnlr for Ii.
? S. F. Ahlstrom
Important nnd Interesting Maps
unJ Mlnliips of the Week
llrlcfly Written.
laths r rm.tdKAi'iiic issmirs
Short, CrUp, I'lthy I'arasiraph That
(live the Cream of the Week's
New in a I orm AM l'uy
Header Appreciate.
. ......
(icruwiny Inn on nil nvcntite MM
ii( Imnl t rcen to I In- Hitinra mile,
'ilffi'l' ri VlT.V lllltlCJitll There
lire many iIIhniwh f lie tnliTolp'M of
v t I -1 1 are ilcl rojcil hy It.
Ki'hturky luvorllu WhUk) ItitMenl
ami In-lit. I'lis oiituii ncniiufii'l It,
1'iwt i KlliK.
Tin MTfiinii w immIh uihI plftnji of
tin riilllppiiM1 IIhimIh will I"' hIimwii
nt I In Worlil'M lair In h Mi lnl
t'lillef I lull.
If yoil haven't well flu lilmlcl of
tin- pali iil ui'l' t thU olllrc, call In
iiinl Iiihh'cI It. tf
''ln xluirk IioIiU tin- record for
IuIIK-iIIhIiiii'c lliilnlnjf. A xlinl'k
Iiiim Ihn-ii known to fiillT mni iiiIIi-n In
three ibi.v.
Cjrim Niililn Vliik v I rf I chain
ion hihI ull ilmiiii'i'Mi ill lln'iii hIL
I'wil in nil lirl rl iUce. Ak T
fry iin .Nnlilii i'iihi u hmU m In n yuu wnnt
a uihhI Ih'i tit I 1 1 1 f . '17 ll.
OwIiik lo tin clearncN of tlii air,
I'ciilMlMllllull III tin' A re Hi; ri'KloliN
run le carried on ly Nriui two
lulli-M apart.
In South Aftli-a tin- white iiiiIm
lia' Ihi'H fniiixl no il'l riii-l Im to
Will lll' II I ll'H lllUlhlll'llWlX III ii'Hxarll v
been a!optri.
Culiirniii (.urn for i-iili' Hi :i hitf bur
j.iili. UI iirii-H Iimu'.M Mini rrnMt IflH'eil.
fiml .n -i HI nuiii.r f 10,.'M Iml Ml. I I"'
kjM (hi frtimi; , il'UMi iiuil Imliinri nil
imii-v I'ihiih'iiIn. Import at Ihi "I
tlii. , -7-lf
Tin' careful city futhiTM of TojM ka,
Kan., have panned nil ordinance
mukliiK It unlawful for a ilotf to
chaw a lilcyi-IUt.
Tin IiIkIh'mI point for wap'M reach
ed before the (mule of Is'.t.'l Iiiim now
lteeit regained or pimncd practically
ami In all line of work.
Alplno flowt-m ami plautH are ko
quickly In-coining extinct that utrong
iiicnMurc are to lie taken In future
for tlirlr pn wcrvatlon.
I'ohI & KIhk are now receiving big in
voice for their winter trade. All the
fluent liratxln of liiieura and ritHia are
kepi there. Pout A King furiiinh the
home with the U'Mt brand fur niediciii
al piirM)N.a. 4J-II
When a IttiMHlan dlea he In hurled
Willi a puMT In hln handa. On thla
U writ ton IiIm Chrlntlitn name, n well
an it prayer for IiIh moiiI.
Car fare In not needed ly whool
children In Victoria. AiiHtralla.
They are carried In Htrect earn to and
from mcIiooI free if chfirgo.
Then-port o( t lie amlitor of tlio
Mtnto of Iowa, hIiowm that then1 are
1,1'IMI telephone coinpaiilcx In the
Htnte oh compared with 7(H) lawt year.
An I'linllxli electrician Iiiim chIIiii
nted that JiiHt thiii tenlliH of a mcc
oihI arc required fur a nl;ual to pnwH
throiiuli (he Atlantic cnlile, '7oi
Wlinrtiiii.t SiiiiiIi'h I'iiIihv citnliniiCH
to In- t ho "'ti!.u ciu'o rniun. If vmi Mr1
liHikinK fur a until you Mill likely lint
liiin nt tin Piilni'ii. i"ir ami I'cnt
hIwiivn tri'iit their patroiiH well. I -atoht
peiiitiiicalH. Private cluh room, 4L' l(
AiiHlrnlla hart more churches per
capita than any other count ry. She
Iiiim 1!1U churchert to every 100,000
people. Knuliunl h'lK 1 1 1, mid KuhnIh
lllll'llt Tm.
Callfoinlu will Install an nllvt oil
factory In the California npnce In the
Agriculture building at tho World'n
Fair. The jiroceHH of extracting the
oil will he hIiow n In" all detail.
Now that cotton jiithmch reduce
the nine of a linle until It wc-IkIim
pouiulH to the Mipiare foot one whip
will carry tho product of 40,000 acre
of average cotton land.
The department, of JiiHtlco will
nIiuw In the Kovernineiit ImlldliiK 'it
the world'M fair photoKrapha of the
laruo prfrtoiiM, M'iilleiit lnlert and
WorkhoUHen In the I'nlled SlateN,
with ipiH'luieiirt of the work done hy
the prlMoliel'rt.
SeVeml ciplei of the North wi-nIi-mi
Ktixk larectoiy, rnni'illed hy Slu-n A
l.iwhllv, pr n I it of All'iiH. Iihvh heijn
lell hl'tiilN olllee for diNlriliiltimi. It 1"
A VhIiihIiIh hook l r nlnck iihmi bihI Worth
the prieii. tf
III Npe.lklllH of the effect, of Nllll
Hpotrt on the earth, I'rofoxHor i;iklnM
of the YaleoliN rvatory mild: "They
produce no climatic or utinuf pheile
dint iirliatieeM or chamo-M. The fftt-t
of the fpofM U entirely iiintnn l le. It
taken a very wnwltlve coinpann to ln
affected even."
The diversity of toiiHuen lo In
f mi ii I In one count ry In often a mat'
t,-r of Hiirprlne. I.ant year the IUhle
HiM-lely'N aentn xdi the Hcllpturen
In .VMaiixuajjen In the ICiihhIoii em
pire In hiiiKUaKi'M In Iturmah, In
.'M Mouth MalaiMla, and .VI In the
luyptlau aKeiicy.
Mr0rloua CirmnaUnri-
( hie w im on Ik hihI nmIIk ami the i.ther
freed a lid riy. W'heiiie I he il ilferein e?
Hie who t liluhiiii with health in-e
lr. Kiiik'h Noa I. lie Pllln to iiminU'ii it
!y K.'nilv aniiit-iti).' the Inxy orttaim they
i'iiiiH-l ifiMnl iIIci-Ui.ii hihI head off con
tiiiiiin. Try them. Only '.''.:, al
l. H.'.iU'n lrti(ti:ii.
The illttlctilty of puttiiiK a large
phiiil In a Miiuill Hat him I wen Hulved
hy t he i real Ion uf a piano that can
lie niovt'il III Hectlolirt, and call In
put together after arrival. The key -hoanl
U ihM.'H h.ilile, and the only
tiling to he moved In hulk In a xiimll
liii.X a tl'ille over two fi-et tit depth.
Ill a cao lirought at Haverhill,
Manx., to declare t heelei t Inn nf May
or Wood void liecmiKe during hln
canvann for t he ollice he treated to
clKiim. and wan, t lieii fun-, gnllty of
lirllH-ry within the meaning of the
law, the ifrand Jury of that city han
found that there la no caune for
action, an clKam can not tie held to
Im "n valualije coiiMlderatloti."
Ararly KrlrH Ills I.I re.
A runaway aliinut ended fatally,
KtarUnl a hurrihle ulcer on the leg of J .
II. tJrner, Franklin Orove, III. For
four .tear it h-tlei all doctura and all
remedies. Hut Ituckleii'a Arnica Iralve
had no trouble to cure him. Kpially
good for Iturna, Itruiwa. hkin Frupiioiia
and 1'ileN. l'5o at Iee lieall'a Drug
For the Mrnt time In the history of
(ierniftn unlvcmltert a deaf muto hiw
nticcei'ded In obtalnlnt; a doctor'ri
dejsnv. Or. Walter Kuntie, on
whom the rnlvernlty of Ixlpnlc han
coiifei n-d a I'h. I)., In a comparative
ly youn man. Hln thenirt for tho
decree In n-garded uh one of thejient
In recent yearn.
The corn belt IncludeH a little of
northwcKtcrn Ohio, a connldcrable
HtrlpacroKn north central Indiana,
all of northern and central llliuoin,
the whole ntate of Iowa, north-wi-Hteru
Mlnnourl and Houlheantern
NebniHka. On the miip it roughly
rcMi-mhlen nil elongated kite with the
little end In iioi'thwenlcru Oliio ami
the wldent part on the Mlsnourl
Iii nl iieax umiot tie mi ll
hy ii.ilitiiiii)iiH an they cannot
reach I he iliceufiii' portion of the eat.
There in only one way to cum tleut'necs.
ami thai i by r-inft itutional remedieH.
lieafnchH in caupcil by an iulhuucit ciin
ilitioii t tii- niucoiiN lining of the
KuMai'hiiin Tube. When tin tube id
iiillameit you have a ruuibliiig sound or
impel feet hearing, ami w hen it in en
tirely cloned, licafiicHH im the rcntilr, ami
uiili'fB tho iiilbiiiimatioii chii bo taken
out ami thin tube restored lo ita normal
condition, heariut; will be ilonlroyed
forever; nine cafea out of ten are caused
by Catarrh, which in nothing hut an
iiillainod condition of tho muooua ner
vines. We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of dcafneaa (caused by Ca
tarrh) that cannot be cured by llall'a
Catarrh Cure. Hend for circulars free.
F. J. CH EN K V A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by DniKginta, 7rt?.
Hall's Family l'il'a are the beat.
The number of men who fall
on account of lack of courage
la euormotia. Tbo cumber who
would refuae to let go of a dol
lar If they knew poaltlvcly that
It would bring back two la aa
tonlahlng. BucU men merely ex
lat Thoy don't live. Tbey never
really amount to anything.
Tho men who win are the men
who think out the right courao
to pursue aud then back up their
oouvk'llona with tbclr liiat tienny
nud their hint ounce of energy.
Th flrnt ivx1 John Wana
rcaker vrr old brouicht him
IS. Ita d'llverrd hi aooda
In a whillmrrow. H ct-li-ctrd
Die tA aid wfnt di
rectly to a nrwKimper oflla
nd ptanknl it down for ad-
vcriliting apace.
Fomo men would have apc-nt
$1.50 for Home cheap dodgerannd
Mnvetl" the rent. They would
have been wheelbarrow mcr
chanta today. Shoe and Leather
If WiniimiWr wrr 4ola
lintlnrM here, L would ad
TfrtlM lit Ibla paper.
Manufacturer of the
Recognized aa the Kent Vaquero Saddle Q
Wa'on and Htiy HarnoKS. Whips, Robes, Koatas, J
Uits, SiurH,2Quirt.s, IloHcttun, Klc. f -6-
X Repairing of all kindH, by competent men. -A- J
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and .Furniture
of ail kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Hereford Stock arm
Drews Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
r '.--:-:.-: - - .
f'lV largest herd of registered
xttfSlj: i Young
J-v? -5v Ci lit--.-;?
Cattle for Sale
d At DOR AU!0 head of herd
Announces a Clubbing Arrangement With
The handsome Illustrated Magazine published by the
old reliable firm of Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago,
the largest publishing house in the world. "Farm Life"
is the leading publication for the farm home. Printed in
colors and beautifully illustrated throughout. Each is-
contains special articles relating to successful fanning,
also special departments for women, boys and girls, and
the little folks.
The Ijtke County Examiner, one year ?2.(H
Turin Life, one year M
lloth imperrt, one year for
Tlio yearly jirlce of The Examiner.
New subscriptions or renewals.
Subscribe or renew to-day and don't forget to mention
that you want both papers for only $2.00, the price of
The Lake Count v Examiner.
This offer is for only a limited time; take advantage of it white
YOU'VE got
iiiniMinniMMiii mmiiiii MiiiMiimiMMMiiiiiiiMn tninni niMiniiiUMimiit