L pebruary gargains Are now displayed in our win dow and In our store. They comprise -a 'line of goods worthy of your attention. Embroideries and Insertions, good I5cts, 20cts and 25cts values now lOcts a yard Ladies Underwear now 25cts each--Mens Golf Shirts now 50cts each--Ladies Flannelette Skirts now 50cts each- -Mens Shoes 2.25 val ue now I.5o--Mens I.25 Undershirts now 80c. In our Grocery Department you will find the best goods at prices you can well afford to pay. Standard Tomatoes for 15c a can; American Sugar Corn for 15c a can; 2 boxes Best Bluing for 25c; 2 pas Cellu loid Starch for 25c; 2 pounds Corn Starch for 25c; 2 pounds Laundry Starch for 25c; 12 pounds Evaporated Peaches for l.oo; 3 cans Sugar Peas for 50c; 3 cans of String Beans for 50c; Schillings' Roast Coffee for 25c per pound; Schillings Best Soda for 10c a pound; 10 pound box Soda Crackers for 85c; 3 packages Challenge Mush for 50c; and many goods in like low proportions. If you know of any store in l.akevlev that will give you better goods for the same price or the same grade of goods for a less price than we do we would not expect you to come here. Everything we sell is GUARANTEED or your MONEY BACK. PREHIUM CROCKERY COUPONS FREE WITH EACH 25 c CASH PURCHASE AT Bieber's Cash Store READ THE ..EXAfllNER.... FOR THE NEWS AYRES & WHITWORTH STOCK .CREDITORS' SALE.. .J. The Ayres & Whit worth Stock of General flerchandise is selling at prices lower than the lowest. Store Fixtures for sale cheap: Safe, Reming ton Typewriter No. G, New National Cash Register, Show Cases, lite. Tobacco, Gioceries, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Crockery, Tinware, Agateware, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shot s, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD A. II. Ilammersly, Manager LOCALS OP THE WEEK SUMAIARIZED Movements of Townspeople and Visitors Who' Come and Go For the Week. , f, flPORTANT ITEMS GATHERED Dashes of Ntws from Here and There Occurrences of Both Urave and Omy Import Which Will Prove Interesting J W. (). V. hull Friday Fob. 19th. ft 1 Tlu Woodmen Kail will l a hum hut. ft St. Yalontlne' ilny wan vry iptlct In Lakcvlcw. V. D. ItroodiM of Ft. Uldwcll win In Lnkovlew lat Tliurmliir. . Mr. George Wlukleinan of Sum mer Lake recently fell heir to "ikh. Horn In Lake lew Feb. Kith, to tho wife uf John Mtilkcy, Jr., ii hoy. W. II. Duke Im reported c-rlt Icull.v III nt hi won Juiiii-h' place near Crane Creek. Ticket f. r the W. O. W. ball will l 1.50, hut t'2 worth of good time ; l HMHlirwl. ft ! L. It. Whorton 1 again routined to hln lt'tl. having recently recover ed from n Hovore lllnc. i j County Clerk ManrinK issued mr riage license yesterday to M. L. Troth and Lenora I.. Easterly, both of Hilver ! Lake. j Get yoiy ticket m today for the Woodmen anniversary hall tumor I row night. Only f 1.50 nt the Mono- gram. " 7 I Word come from I'Iuh that j Honey Creek wan out of It hank from the heavy thaw Sunday ami I Monday. A party wan given Ml Ada Woodcock hint Monday night on the event of her departure for liciio, which I expected to lie In a few day. 'A bird in tho hand is worth two In the bush." Our tailored suit ar "bird" and we ran put one in your hand at a very small price. AhUlroin Hrothora. 7 Itev. J. U. Stark will prvmh at the 1'nion School houe next WodnoHilny evening and will continue every Wedncdy evening a hn lieen the order heretofore. The Woodmen are making every effort to make their anniversary ball tomorrow night ahead of any thing yet given In that Hue. Come out and have a good time. 7 Ji lt I'nrrUh and Henry stvlu tnrt ed for their home at I'lwdi lnt Thurduy, but found the miuw too deep when they reached I'anwiH prairie and wire compelled to Ic turn. China New Year wax uxhered In hint Monday by the cxploon of a few firecracker. It iM-guu a little earlier over near lirt Arthur when the JapN got their hatth-nhlp to working. The uulforiied drill team of the Woodmen Lolge will lead the crawl march nt the aunlverMary ball to. morrow night. 1'iich will Ih nccom pun led by hi partner. The public Im cordially Invited to attend. 7 RAILROADS APTER . OURTiniJER. The New, Era In enklng of the want of AlturaM, nay AlturaMoffcr h pec In I Inducement for a pi-niiut roaMter. Uro. shm munt I cec. hilly fowl of the gootMr, awl hi appetite Khould Im nppcuMed. The Forenter Lodge of Lukcvlcw Ii4 taking a boom. A hmi-ImI iIIk peiiMatlon Iiuh Ueii granted to take E. H. Llunen, a iMH'lal li)MMctor of J new iiiemtN-rM at a minimum rate f : until the 17th of Maiih. to The follow luif Im an excerpt front an article on Ihe developing f "re (uii'h timber which Wiih publlMhed In the January iiumlur of tho Columbia Itlvcr awl ircKuu TIiiiImt man: The completion of the Klamath !ukc Itallroad from Lalrdx, hi HIm klyoii county, California, utoii(r the north bank of the Klamath river Into Klamath county, Oregon, In probably the line with thn Kreateat atrateulc rommerclal value. The Klamath river cut throiiuh the Cnm ade ami CoaMl rat'ceM, and will develop through It h exteiiHloii an empliv In area, cnrr.vlnu uuod bodlept of Hiinr and white pine, t he m Im -1 1, mi w lib Ii IliU Hue hurt partially broken has been the luoht complete III t Hi'Uoll. The eMeliHli.n of the Klatiiith l.ulie Callroml to Klatiialh Lake will fiirnUli an oulh t for the IIuiImt tributary to Khiiimth Iike awl tributary trcatiiN. ThU Hue tapM the l.iiui'Ht body of miyar awl yellow pine In ( rcuon. The exteiiHloii of the .Sort hern Call. foriiln & tircuoii Itallroad from lt teriultiiiM at Madeline, In Northern!. era ( allforula, to I.akcxli w, Oiiumi, will tap the yellow pine of Iike awl Klamath count Im awl furuUh an eanteru outlet la Iteiio, Netada. ! the 1'. S. Land department In look i Ins over land matter In the Iwike- view land otllei'. j Alex Fitzpatrlck came down from !theZX ranch Monday accompanied br hi wife' mother, Mr. McGrath ami daughter Alice. Twenty or more are expected join the lodue here. Eldoii Woodcock and Marion l'.arne, two tlrMtK'l.iHM blackMinlt Iih have formed a part nernhlp and will j hereafter conduct the ImimIiichm of W. Get your measure taken today for a j lK xv'"'l'," l & A xhare .f the suit of those fine tailor made clothes at ; ,M,,,llc Ptronai;eHolcited. Hoiki the Monogram. Even suitors can he n HHH-lalty. 7 j suited with our suits. 7 Jack McDonald, the I'alMley ntaj;e driver, on hi north trip Monday found nearly every brldw afloat from the high water. rtupper ior me v . j. v. nail Willi Iw nerved at Ilarvey'a retaurant. Every effort will Ik madu to pleine thoe who wlnh eupinr. 7 I have a quantity of 11 rat-prude Lake City flour which I will dlHpime of at $4 jer hundred. Call atrcHtau rant. W. M. Hauvy. I Jo v. J. 1J. Stark received a letter yeHterday ntatlng that hi mother had died at hi old home In the eawt, and was burled on Feb. lt. Frank Howard of Drew alley ha Ix-eii confined to IiIh room for Home tlmo with an nix-en on IiIh jaw. He I now able to le on the street. Win. Jf. Shirk and wife who liavo Ixt'ti viwltlnx In Oakland, Cat., ami Seattle, Wanh., for neveral month, returned to LakeviewhiHtThurHilay. Dr. T. V. Hall returned hint Satur day from New York City, where he competed a punt Kiaduate coiiim! In a Medical mcIiooI. llelMladto he hack In Lake county. AYRES & WHITWORTH STOCK A. E. MackliitoHh write The Ex aminer from I'aiillna, Crook county, that Htock of all kind are looking Hplewlld In hi Hcctlou. and that the winter ha lceii an Ideal one for stock. He Iiiim fat mutton Mhccp ready for tho butcher. Four memUTM of the Odd Fellow' lodtfe In Lakevlew who live at Fala ley, have withdrawn awl will Join the new lodye which I to Imj lntl t ii ted at I'jiiHley on tho li'th of March. Oulte a iiumlx-r are expect ed to ko from the Laketlew lodge "n that date. Guy Mc' une passed throiiKh Lake view last week enroute to New Pine Creek from Chritmas Ike, whero five ruasked men slaughtered his sheep. He says his loss is only about 2000. He says he knows who did the dastardly work and will proceed to prosecute the guilty parties. A dispatch Tuesday conveyed the startling new that V. H. Senator Mar cus A. Ilanna had died at 0 o'clock Mon day. His death was unexpected, and comes as a shock to his family and friends. Only a few weeks ao Senator Hanna was considered a formidable candidate for president. Head of Noted I Irm Dead. The auiionncemfiit of t be deat h of AlU rt llardlng I made In the Com men ial IJiilletlii of DohIuii of thetilh. That paMr nay: "The Mwldeti death of Albert E. Harding on TuchiIii.v hil came with a terrible Khock to the 4.d Hade of lloMton. Mr. Harding wim the Mentor partner of the well known Itimtou hoiiMC, Harding Ac Caverly. Doth partner had that kind of bul lie reputation that ha helped to 1iilM up ItoHtou' irpiitat Ion for llnaiiclal honor. Mr. Caverly ha alway Us'ti 'MHelally popular In the wool growing dUti-lct. Mr. Harding wa but a year or o iM-yowl 50 year of age. He wa trained In the wool trade under hi father In the firm of Harding. Gray & Dewey, hi father being the neulor partner. Some year ago he oh tablihed the firm of Harding &. Martin, later Harding, Martin A. Caverly, awl now Harding A: Caverly. The II rm made a xpeclalty of Terri tory wool even l'fore t bey iK'cuplc their pntniit comiiiandliig poltion n compared to llm'e wool. Thern never ha Im-oii a breath upon thf honor of the firm, awl It would l hard to Had the re oril of one unkind word uttered agalut litem In the trade. Mr. Harding leaven a widow, a daughter awl three Hon. The hlet Hon, already a fa Vorlte iim hi fat her l-fore lil nt, U Mill a Htwlent at Harvard. Mr. Harding' funeral wa held at IiIh home In ColuiMMot yeterday afu-rnoon. An a token of respect to IiIh memory the entire wool trodo of Beaton cloned tlieir door for tho ufternoon. Htlll young, HiicceHHfiil In biiHlneH, fortunate In IiIm marriage and bleam'd with a Ix-autlful daughter, and man ly Hon. Mr. Harding certainly Mcoiuod to have everything to live for. HI only burden wathe terrible croHH of agonizing phymlcal pain from an allllctlon of the nerve that hat ened hi untimely awljpathetlc end." It will be rcmciiilicrcd that IJallcy & MaHlngill aro tho local reprewn tativeH cif thl IJoHton Wool firm, and much regret I cxprcHHcd by tho ithoepinon of tho county. Mr. Hard liig'n death will ciuiho no change In tho IuihIiichh, and tho repreentatl ve will be In tho field a uual the coin ing Hprlng. Tho niOHt completo Job ntock iff of the railroad Im to bo found at Tho Examiner olllco. Flrot-claHH work alwayu, at reauonnble prlceM. tf.