SHORT STOUIES. y"n Anieili-aii Tract aochty la 1 1 1 y -4 I u I ( ycnr old. A turllo limcrllMMl 'II. I". V.. 1H(1J," linn finc out of a aunnip at Cantr bury, N. II. At tin irNtit time pig Iron la pro iIihiiI In I Ih United Kint at tbo r.ito of nearly 2l.imo,Mio Iomh a your. The llrlllali pot oltlit dvparliiiM handled iHut year ninety-two pWvea or tiinll matter per rupltn of populnilim. whlln thf I'iiHihI Htatea (xist oflJi Imn 4IhI IP7 ploeea wr capita. In the Tainaniek copier mine plumb line 4.'JTAi feet long of piano w lr wit recently lowered from lln shaft mouth, It took thlrly minutes to ilrp and la probably the longest plumli I In ever nwd. A l'ort Minoiit ti (S. II,) mnn linn n goM fl nil thnt will take fiMHl from hla Imtnl III Will lllllll SOIHC (l.lllll.V III III llllK ! Just above the aitrfiire of the wnti-r Pi tin kIdIic, mil IIh1 null will Itiviirluhly roino up and 1 ii k It. A letter wna ren-lved nt thn at-rlcui turn I department IIh otber (1m- iixk'nn for two lmU of "furirlllwr." 'I I writer, having rwhwl need frwi a paternal government, inn tinxluim tr get Imli'vt r elm wait touilng to liliu After tlii iinvclllinr of the Shrrmnn tniin) In Wnahlugloii In tMoln-r tin dragon guarded atinllo of Itolil Siiili'i the sculptor, whli h hiin HtiMMl near t slip of the priMii-t iiiontiiiii'tit fi'i more thnu tlv jenrs. will U torn dw i. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. "Monsieur Itcaiiculro." running at lb Coinitly theater In Lowlon. recently crcbralc It two hundredth perforin BllCe. Frank laiilrla' uw opra will I written by Harry II. Kihlth ami Clinton Crawford and la to ln railed "TI Jockey." Joi'pIi Hart and Carrie do Mnr arc tr. rontlntie In "l-'oy tirntnlpa." Tin pliir wins uiinR'i'il ly public satiety wlih cartoon fa ret -a. Ida Cninpitwt, wbo will nnt r'a"n:, be lending, woiimu fur William (;illrti baa anlleil for KuroH. when- a he wi!l apenil tin- summer. I'm nk Motilim, tin Kl mm In "The Snltiin of Kulu," will continue In Mi' nli' licit m-Mimii, when tbo iiiiihIi ii -ouiUy will tnur the country. At ii performance hitcly of "A MM aummcr Nigbfa lrcain" by Viinur atuth-nt tin liH of I Ik ph-)- wna liindi ly MIhn Jiiih- I'rlwlllu Soumi, dutlhti' if tin iiiurrli klut:. C'lurn I.lpiiinn N In In lit out nt a Mnr livxt B4'iiuiii liy WclM'r V I'h'IiU who liiii-nd niiikliii; ImU Mi'ini. n tiuili-r ilii'lr iiuiiiiiui'iiK'iii, a infiuU-r of tbi'lrown nryiinliiiliiii. EDITORIAL FLINGS. ItocaiiNt of mi rrror of tin i-nrollln't rlcrk ArkmiNiia I to lm tin lMntlt of nlMiut a liundntl ikw luwn. ArkaiiHii oiiclit to pi-tiHliin that fiirolllni; clerk. lOKUii"Mirt Journal. NeWNpii'MT rciNirtt atate that tbo tlrxt koii mtim nt of I'.mCI left a NtlllillK il"r In Ita wnkt. '1 hU I.M.kx na If the up t" luti nioiiNtcr lind iii'Minri-d ttit work of tin KHrtoH". mitiiiiHiblh'. Nw Vol-!. World. A life convict ut KltiK Blnn wlio pllt tbt prlnon piiiwr lia nxkiil Mr. Until -' for a piiNH to New York. Iotn of tliou liurdiMntl old crliulnula atlll OKnri on KoIiik to New York after they tilt. WaxliliiKton I'trnt. Peter, tin new king of Servla. l ltiotel iim KiiyliiK thnt h" la "profound y loiK'hed" lij the colilldetiee Hhown billi He N prolmlily iiIho iiware Unit be wPI be vl'ileutly toiirhetl If Unit coiilldenr' n lion lil ever wain. KiiiiHaK4"liy Ktur. Wo re:nl with einollnii In the ct teemed New York Tlinea that "tbe rep tcHcntiitlve net lire Im kIiioIiik to return from ICunH." I low ever have We been iilile to cet ii I. oik without them? And. by tb way. bow loin; buve tbey been KoneV-llartfortl Couriint. GERMAN GLEANINGS. Tbo amount of 4'erninn capital In Tented abroad la an Id to be over $8, IKM).OO0,0OO. During tbt biMt aevon ycara Oer many baa la hi 7,:i5 inllea of cable, at a ooat of JT.tKHMHM). (Jeruinii el lien aro atill growing eo faat that the wiwuillla tun burdly keep up with their order. Tch'Ki'apli wire In Iterlln are bolntf placed tinder k round ho as to avoid Accldenta from nIoiiuh. Berlin bun now a "bncbelora' club" divided Into kiiiiiII tin tn. with amoklnK and (IIiiIiik roonia In common, where IiikIo men can live ut uiodernto rntea. Tbo Herman empire la divided Into 115 chamber of commerce dlstrhta. 'J'heao chamber exert a powerful In fluence on It'KlMbitloii In the empire, e peclully In tnrllf innttcra. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Molnt eartb and a cloudy day for IrunHplnntliitf. fUiorry culturo la the almpleHt of nil fruit culture. (Jet a Rood tree, plant It carefully ami let It alone. powdered hellebore dllMed on the lenvea while tbo dew la on la the bat remiily for the currant worm. To mnke the moat out of the Harden, keep It well iiiiinureil, and a fut a one crop tiuiturea put lu another. In propnrliitf meillelniil or aromattf berba for homo uw. cut when In full bloom, dry In the ahnde and never nl low them to et wet. While null will kill weeda to a certain extent and la iiIho a remedy for aoiua klnda of itn'liii. It will kill other planta aa well, ao that care luuat be taken la ta uat. A Till for I'aolr, b Tallnr. 1'iHile, the Imdoii tailor, Ii nlMHlt to receive the accolade. Why not y Hum be not done more to make I'.dwavd VII. prciM-ntahlo than all other artlxta In the I'ulted Klnploin put toicetber? t'loth tiuike the klm; aa well ii the tniin I'iMde llinkex the flotbea, erii I'oole iniikea the klnir. When I'dwnrd wim almply I'rlnee of W'alea be owed I'oo'e at tluiea at lnm li aa $PKi.iNHI and even atllTered the tuilitr to nddrexa lilm Pi public pliici'i without fen r of the Tower, Tlieri lire fU'Vcral dixtlnuillxlli d I 'miles In KiikIjiihI. but none at fauiouH iim 'I n I lor I'mile, One tiny lit Axcot I'ihiIi. I.ovi-rlna lienr the prlnce'a eroii mid aecklliK to Im imreeiilili. remnrlied. MWeepbiK hi" biitid ove I lie mote in bin (i, "Your MJiil blk'hiK-HN, tin crowd today nppenra t i Im rnllicr niUetl." Tlw prince, who n I wnya batetl a auob, liMiketl ainiiHetlly nl I'oolt and replied. "Well, l'ooh'. we can't all be tailors." SMMiklnu of I 'mill, one of bin cuxtnin ! era anya; "HU account are n nd'Tid once a year, Juxt around Chrlxtinnx. If not paid be walta twelve month and eenda a aecond bill. Kuril aa do not piiy on receipt of the accoml atntcmcut nr.. droppetl from hit book, and never auuln are tbey allowed to give an order In bl eMtabllHbmeut." New York I'reaa. V'nrrr ut llnl.ll. The font of bnblt waa forcibly II luxtratetl by a recent Incident nt the puiupliii: xiiillou of the waterworks nl Knld. A tank atnnd Juxt outxUIo the bulldlnK la kept full of water for the accommodation of paaaera by and the nelKhtxil IkmmI atock. A cow itit'ltxtoui cd to drink at thl tank ciimo for ber moruliiK drink. The valley wim cov ered with water and atood wllhln two or three Inchea of the top of the lank, but the cow went over the wiiHte of watera to the tank. Twh-e ahe atiiek In the tiiilil and appeared to Im In dan j;er of drowning, but by perxeveriincf xhe llnally reiicbtxt the objective olnt. After tlriukliiK Ioiik and copiously xhe turned iilxoit anil alowly tnndo her way to bind, apparently xat lulled that abe bud done the only a valhible thllij; to llnd water.-Knld ikln.) Kiik'le. .IiiIk .loiiitt Iuiii IMxoii of tbo Miipn-mt court tf New .lerncy Iuim ellit baii'lHiiuie ilniiKbterx ami une huh inure or Icmh ho. Mm. IHxnii will ti t let the Klrla innrry out of their regular turn. The llrt. necond nml tlilnl In the order of birth bnve f Mind worthy biiHhiindM. ami the atern obi Juriat kI vea to ench a gov ernment bond of f aa a tnar rbiici portion. Ti e Jude baa never been Interviewed by a new-Hpnpcr man. BLACK - STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE Rtock and poultry ha?a few trouble which are not bowel and liver invtrjlaritiei. Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine n bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puU the orpana of, digtion in a ptfeft condition. Prominent American breeder and farmer keep their herd and flock I healthy by giving them an occa sional dosaofWack-Draug'ht Stock and Poultry Medicine in their fiMid. Any atock raiser mav buy a 2.r)-cent, half-pound air-tiiht can of thi niedicine from hi dealer and keep hi stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealer jrener ally keep Hliick-Drauplit Stock and Poultry Medicine. If your doe not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturer, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. Rooiiaixa, fU., Jn. l"-Blaek-Draugbt Htook and Poultry Medium. I tha bet I eTr tried. Our took mi looklas; bad wh.a jroo ma th. m.dlolo. and now tb.y ara (ttlnc so On.. Tbey ar. looking 10 Dr SMtk setter. The Kind Yon Ilavo Always In tiao for over 30 yepra, and jyf wmal supcrvlalon alnce It Infancy. f-CCCCA4 Allnur tin nnn l(i vn Ton In thin. AH Counterfeit, Imitation and Jit-aH-Rood" are but Kxperlincnt that trifle with and endanger the health of Infant and Children Experience acalnat ISxperimeni. What is CASTOR I A Caatorbi la a harmlca aiibatlttite for Caator Oil, Pare fc'orlc, Dropa and Ktiothiiifr Myrup. It I l'lcaaant. It contain neither Opium, JMorphlno nor other Narcotic mihalnnce. It iiro I it guarantee. It destroy Worni uud allay roverrMlincaa. Jt cure Diarrhoea and Vlnd Colic. It relieve Teething Troublea, cure Conatlpatlon and I'latiilcney. It aaalnillatc the Food, regulate the Htoiuach and Ilowela, glvlmf healthy and natural sleep. The Children' lanaceik The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. TMC etrTUI MIINM, Tt MU.IU STMtT, W TOM OTV. S. J. STUDLEY 5TUDLEY LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, i Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of FURNITURE JUST OPENED. OOOD5 AR RIVIMl ALL THE TIME. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICE5 HOTEL IUkeytbw . ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLA55 ACCOnnODATIONS SAHPLE ROOH For COnriERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT SeohaKow LIQHT & HARROW, Proprietors fiKev ew 3 1 Door North of a Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc. J. WENDELL, - - - Proprietor. WM. HARVEY, THE PALACE The Only First Class Restaurant in Lakeview. Turkeys, Chickens and Suckling Pius baked to order. Kread and pas try always on hand. Excellent Service Prices Reasonable. SEEDS D.t.rv. your confi dence. Thryhavcncver won't fall now. Sold by all dtalrri. 1M Sea Aaaual oatcald. fret. D. M. riRRV a CO, J Datroit, vaion 1 Si Donelit and which ha been ha home the ftlfrnatnre of ha been marie tinder hi per- Signature of !l F. E. HARRIS & HARRIS e Snider Bui ding on Water St. m t yviarKer M Hotel Lakeview PROPRIETOR. RESTAURANT Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery narMPTIOH 9.trt A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Monay back If it fails. Trial Bottles fraa. The Scenic IJne To The Efcftt And South Tbrouab Halt Lake C.,ir, lndville, Po9- blo, ('t.lorado hfiring-a and Ihner. Offer tbe choit-e rd Thrett lloiitea thro i be (amoua ockir M' nrttain Hcenerj, and Kiva Iitinct Koutea Cant and Koiith of I)enver. 3 ."TkainpaIlY 3 lietaeen Ott'en and Denver, carrying all Claniea of Modern Equipment. I'erfe.-t I'iniriK Car Service and I'eraon aly Conducted ."ourint Kscumiona to all I'ointM Kh1. STOPOVERS ALLOWED OH ALL CLA5Sf;S OP TICKET For a)', information and illutralel liter tu:e, call on or addree W.C. flcBRIDE, General Agent, 121 Third St. Portland, Or Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW-PAISLEY. A. W. BRIAN, Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m. every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :50 a. ra every day but Sunday. PasMflf er.' ar $3. R.and trip f g OFFKe- HxvnoMi A Winefleld'n I.ikerlaw LAKEVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE t. L. McN'acghto.h, Prop. Office at Mercantile Store rtace leaves Lake view Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrive at Plush at 9 p. in. Leaves Plush Tues day, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m. Paiseii;er fare 3 one way or fo for round trip. Freight rates from May 1st to Nov. lt $.75 per hundred; from Nov. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per hundred, Western . Stage . Line J. L. YADIN, Proprietor. Office in LInLvillc Hotel Klamath Falls. 1 Daily from Ager to Klamath Hot Springs, Keno, Kiamath Falls, Dairy, Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview. s - Daily from Lakeview to Bly, Bonanza. Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, Klamath Hot Springs and Ager, Makes connection with all trains at Ager. Also connects at Klamath Falls with the stage for Ashland. Good Stock ... Easy Coaches LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE IT. E. Baikik, Prop'r. Office in Bieber's Store Uge leaves Lakeview daily, ex cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrives at Alturas at 6 p. ra. Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at 0 o'clock a. m.. or on the arrival of the stage from Madeline. Ar - rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturas. Freight - Matters - Given 5trict - Attention ... First - Class - Accomodations. SHEEP BK.4KUM. lamoc Rami Brnd with Bwallow Fork In JdillCd DallJ right ear (or awes; rrvarca for wether. Borne twin Bquar. Crop aad But la right car. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crane Lake. l'ostofflo. addreaa, Lakeview, Oregon LaU IlllllnUllll ear, Half Cndercrop off right (or ewe ; reverse (or wether Tar Bran 4 W. Range, Fish Creek, rontoffloa addreaa Lakeview, Oregon I