Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 28, 1904, Image 8

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) 1 ,
uicuer s vasn otorc
Hotel Building
We give Premium Crock
ery Coupons Free with
each 25c Cash Purchase
Ask yourneighbor to show you some of
the Pretty Pieces of Decorated China
ware that they have received as pre
miums at Bieber's Cash Store.
They are Free to Cash Buyers
Here you can buyaii kinds of Merchan
dise from 10 to 25 per cent. less than
credit giving stores can offer them.
As we told you last week, our bargain
table is loaded down with many desir
able lines at specially low prices. To
have the advantage of Prices you must
come here. Every Cash purchase will
leave you little for other things.
Movements of Townspeople and
Visitors Who Come and
Go For the Week.
Dahe of News from Here end There
Occurrences of Both Urave and
Uay Import Which Will
Prove Interesting;
Leap year party tomorrow night.
Ilalph Tatro I back at school
thin week.
County Supt. WlHH n I folding
teuchem' examination la tho court
hotino this week for m lii iln I'm In I t
Walter Itold of the Illy hotel, In In
lakcvlcw thin week hobbling nlioiit
with a ratio, a tlu result of a severe I
attack of rhcuinatlnm. j
A club dance wait organ tied ItiNt
At the Point of n dun James Ty
gcrt of Klamath lrells Is Com
pelled to Harry Ml 5eeds
The Searchlight of tlx Itlth say
week ami flu first dance came off on Micro wan a marriage Monday after
Saturday cvctilnir. It will supplant noon In Itcdditig ('at., that could not
the dances given by the laml. be termed particularly happy.
We will sell forest script In lots from The groom wan an un willing one,
40 to ."i000 acres. SHvlal rate on accepting marriage a a more pleas
large lots. 1'rlce on application. Inn alternative than death, nud the
1 & Max wru.. ! bride was ready to burnt Into team.
i Programme of the local teachers' The principals were MImn Lucy
i Institute to he held at thcCoggnwcll ceds and James Tygutt. both re-
A Itoowvelt Hub has Uvi. organ- :k w.,un, Sll(lmlV) ceutly of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Feb. 11. will bo puhllnhcd next wetk. Tho girl, who In not iptlto IS yearn of
(ill Arthur nunc In from the den. v,, w,lh '"r I"'"'"'"-
Uod at 1'aUlov
Good liin-de nt the leap year dulirt
tomorrow night
Bieber's Cash Store Hotel Building
Joe Howard of invwn alley wiw
III town yesterday.
A good supply i if cold Weilllit-t
(Coo, Is lit The Monogram.
W. 1). Krbaddiin. of I t. I'.idwi'll.
wan la Lakcvlc Saturday.
ert hint week and gave out the Infor-
uiatioii tliat Hhoe
out there since
Koy I'axtou wan In from the den-
p Mere doing tine
the reci'iit snow
T.vgurt, who In '.'I yeum f age,
worked In a butcher li"p tin-re.
T.vgurt or Talari (the paper
prints the inline both wii.Vb) had
routed t he girl, hlch could only
rt lant Thursday and he reported ,H' ,'l,,t,',, I"""1 l'-V "'""' s1'"
llaiii'l t lie young butcher filol bc-
I that I1 Inchen of niiow had fallen.
ii....... m i . it. i which hud gladdened t ho sheepman's
Marry McGrath In in none to Altur-. 1
as to work for bin brother, George.
('.('. Pratt In quite nick at bin home
south of Lakovlcw with orynlpelan.
1 Goo. Knncx, who han Uvn on trial
In Alturan on the charge of lucent,
wan found guilty hint week, ami
Ibike Ikmnctt and sou Joe, were In j was sentenced to la yearn ami 11
Lakevlew lant Thursday from War- im.nthn In the H iiUcntlary. I
m'r' j The doom will oh-ii at .v:W at the
('. S. I'Mlmei'lit wun in trnm III I.
... . omn r oiii"i nii infill,
' . ami i ue Kranti iiiareu win niari ex
Dry Valley butter ranch lant Thum
1.V. I m-tlv at ! oVIin k. There will In- no
IlaHcum ami Marnhal Tinker were delayn. no lie on ha ml at the pronr
la town Saturday from the Went ' hour without fall. 4
"hie. ' 1 .ailicn who have U-cil uufort una te i
A. H. M.ittlicwn re;lHUMvl at the , necurlmc partnern fur I In leap year j
Lukcview liiHt Thurmlay from St. ! party. mlht .do well by applying at j
Loiiln. I'aUIey. There apHarn to be a nnr- :
1-re.l .McK.Midreewa in town from ,,,,H "f "'! " old ba. h, lorn in , yent.-r.lay after a n!ell, load of ! I'lwwniicnn tt.wn.
I nupplien.
Creditors' Sale
All Goods must be turned into Honey as soon as possible.
Tobacco, (oceries, Hardware, Paints, OiU, Glass, Crockery, Tinware,
Afjateware, Clothing, FurniHliins; Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Iry Good, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc.
Etra Heavjr Overalls, f,c
'iJM PaatM, 1.50
$15.00 HuitH, t M
All wool Mackinaw Coats,
$1.50 Bbirtu 7c
$3.50 Hats, $2.00
$2.50 Hat $10
$100 Hau, $1.00
i bread, &(lc. doz Lttce and Embroidery half price
8 & W Canned G.kkU at Krcatly reduced prices. All other goods too
numerous t mtintion, will be sold regardless of cont .
Star Tobacco, 45c lb plug
AIT Evaporated Fruits, 81b $1.09
Prunes 12 lbs $1.00
liest Itacou, 15c lb
liebt Guardiao corn $3 a cane, 2 doz
Java and Mocha Coffee, 20c lb
A Kate and Tinware, half price
$4.00fchoes, $2.75
Store Fixtures for snle cheap, Safe, Kemiiitf
ton Typewriter No. 0, New National Cash
Ke'ister, Show Cases, lite.
Buy now and save money, don't wait.
H. S. ADELSTIEN, Hanager.
I t han. Morrinon and ('. . Vincent
j were vinltorn from New I'ine ('reek
'Saturday. ;
j I.adien procriiv your daiii'f ticketn!
for the leap year purt.i at I'-eall n '
I 'rtitf Store. I
Horn In l.vkeview, Titemlay, Jan.
2t, 11104, to tfte wife of J. S. Field, a
10 pound boy.
J(K Fuller, I'n-d Cainpln-U ami
Jeo. Stevenn were la from the XI.
ranch Saturday.
Harry Itoltcrtn wan over from the
7T ranch In Warner lant Thurnday
on land bUHinenn.
I'lmii Overton and wife and Mm.
Jos. N. (iivan of Hindi, were yuentu
at the Eakevlew Monday.
Tho liut'tliiK of the Itoonevelt
Ix-aue next Friday night ban Ihhmi
pontpoiKHl for one week.
I.. F. Wlnkleman came down from
Silver Lake Tuenday, having nnnt
all. lant Mummer frellitili.
Artint Graham In painting and
KrainiiiK Jeore JammertharH "I re
treat" la very artintic ntyle.
KlKhtb grade Ntate examination
Wednenday, Thurnday and Friday
of thin week.
Three of the pupil of tho i'rof'8
Tom H.'intliiK ift nrneil Tuenday
from the tlenert In the lelulty of
Uaiux Peak, wln ii- he took a Imid of
nupplien. Tolil nayn he elii nuiitelftl
I Inchfn of miioW while out t here, and
I'fportn nle-ep buiklii lii'ullhv and
III K I comlitliili. i
j 1'erry Stanley and inotbt-r return-'
j ed lant week from Lincoln. t'al.,
where they performed the nail inln-i
hi on of laying to rem their himhniid j
ami father. .Mm. Stanley ntopped
at New 1'lne t n-i-k to renlde with
her laui;bter, Mm. Ileyuoldn.
rrenldent. E. E. Lytle, of the Col
tiiubla Southern railway, wrltcn the
Ilend llulletln that he will noon In)
In Ik-tid to arrange for terminal fa
cliltlcn for bin line. The flnal tleter
mlnatlon of the route for the rail
road extenniun ban not yet been
nought 1 1 i 1 1 1 to marry ln r. lie lied
between two tlayn. An attorney
wan put on the caw. He arrived la
llcdiliiiK a week aro yentertluy ami
located hln man the name day. The
attorney, W. I', stlujtlcy of Iteiio,
Nev., In the authority for thin uu
romantic tab. He could make no
headway with Tyjrart.
Theulrl arrived licreTncmluy. Hy
j Wetlnenday Tyuart. wlm wan work
in ic in tlie Mciui-I nliop, hail heraway
'from the attorney ami out of bin
nlht altogether, The mail of the
law could not lovale her aKaln.
He commuiiieateil with Jow-ph
Scfiln, a htiHliicnn man of Klamath
I'alln and brother of the K I 1 Hen
in w liere TyKart "n herlen of Hliecennen
ended. The brut her arrived In Kcd
tliuu Sniiiiay liioiiilii; on the l0:;ill
train from the north. The attorney
had Tyuart bn-ated and npeedily
liloii-lit the two together.
The brother calmly Informed the
lH-trai'l' tlinl he had the alternative
of marriage or tleath. lb nhovved
Tygart the weapon In Intended to
kill him wltli If he didn't marry the
Tyart Hparrcd for time. The
attorney nayn It looked like a cane
of running away on the btiUher'n
part, but the brother autlclpaU
niich an attempt. He never allowed
Tygart to net out of bin night for a
moment Sunday.
When It came bedtime Tyttart went
to bed. The brother nat by the lnd
all night, bin revolver handy.
Tygart could ntand the n train no
Owing to the fact that few nople longer Momlay iiiorniug. He pro
line electric lightn ln'twwn 1 and 4:.'M) ! diieed the girl from nomewhere and
room took a day off lant week, afj that traffic was blocked for a while,
the I'rof'H requent.
Fred Sturm and It. G. Annate ad,
rcprenentatlven of Baker & Hamilton
are guentn at the Lakevlew.
If you want to make money out
of your cows, buy a Do Laval
Hcparator. Ahlntrom liron. Agentn.
County Clerk Manrlng Innued a
marriage licenne to Ed Campbell and
Amy liurnn, both of I'IuhIi, on Monday.
There In talk of organizing an Odd
Fellowu lodge at I'alnlcy. It Is ex
pected there will be 2tt charter inem-
J. W. Tucker went to Uly lant week
to meet bin wife who ban lieen vlnlfc-
Ing rclatlven at Fortlund. They reJ
turned yesterday accompanied by V,
O. Bunting who was a delegate to
the National Livestock meeting.
o'clock a. m., the llghtn have Ix-en
cut off during that jntIoiI, which
maken a navlng of about one cord
of woot to the town. The connump
tlon of wood ban In-eu about '2
cordn ix-r night, and the nupply In
running dintrenHlngly low for thin
time of year.
The niiow etorm lant week piled
the snow ho deep In Caiuan valley
Dan Malloy was compelled to leave
his buggy there and came In home
bock on his return from Warner.
Duke Bennett also left a wagon there
while enroute from Warner to Lake
view. The road has since been brok
en, and teams are having no more
coiinentcd to the marriage. The
llcenne wan procured and the wed
ding performed by Judge Strong.
The brother left for Klamath Fa I In,
hint night, and Mr. ami Mm. Tygart,
nays the attorney, will ntirt Eant
this morning.
Guns Not Bad When In Use.
The New Era nays: A display of
guns lust week created a llttlo ex
citement on our streets but the mat
ter all blew over and the only differ
ence now noticeable Is the absence
of one of the parties who figured
so conspicuously In the gun
display. Guns are bad things to
fool with unless the parties so fool
lug with them Intend to iincthcm.
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