Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 28, 1904, Image 6

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Ills Vaeatlot..
The mnmiipr tourist, being enirrS
In some naturalistic puraulta, ram up
on n be which sat leisurely on
blade of Rrafw and aeemetl icrfectb
"How now?" quoth the mi tumor tmtr
1st. "Thin belle oil I have rend about
the busy bee."
"What does?" asked hla guide.
"Why, that bee on that Made of Rrnrta
taa lieen sitting there all morning evi
dently and still glvca no pIku of intend
ing to go to work."
"Oh, he doesn't have to go to work
for aome time yet." explained the guide.
"He doesn't T What variety of lee IS
"That's what they cull the husking
bee. He won't have anything to do
until next fall. Judge.
Frit Like m Uojr.
"It makes me feel like a hoy again tc
jtet into the country," said the cnthusi
astlc citizen.
"Yes." answereil Mr. Sirlus Parker
"I went to a picnic the other day. I
went rowing and blistered my hand-,
wei;t swimming and fell Into the wa
ter, played baseball until my muscle
were sore and fell out of a tree. I felt
exactly aa if I were a Ny agnin. and I
want to go on record as being mighty
thankful that I am grown up." Wash
ington Star.
All the Drat of II.
"I think." she said, "that I have a
little the best of my husband.
"How is thatr
"Why. he thinks I give too much
time to my clubs, ao I offered to give
up one of mine for every one of hla
that he would give up."
"Well, he belongs to only two. and I
belong to eight. Yes. 1 think I have a
littie the best of him." Chicago Post.
A Forrnanrr of Loquacity.
"There's no use for me o suggest to
my wife that it's time to go home.
She'll talk for two hour yet."
"What makes you think so?"
"Didn't you hear her remark when
she started the argument?"
"No. What was it?"
"She snld. "There's very little to say
.on either side." Denver News.
Man. Poor Man!
Jones Why In the world did Smith
top taking Turkish hatha when he was,
married? i
Brown Oh. I guess it'a lscause his
wife keeps hiin In hat water all the
time. ;
71 Ghest that Game In
the Mayflower
la sure to attract the attention of every
New England woman and with pride in
her heart she marvels that it is so strong
and well preserved. This is due to the
fact that it has received prompt attention j
when any hipns of weakening were t-hown. j
So the woman of to-day may keep her
atrentrth and preserve her (rood looks if I
she gives immediate attention to the first
symptoms of any womanly weakness. j
Jjr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription prompt
ly cures disease and restores strength to '
all women who are weakened by any !
womanly disease and are run down by j
maternal and household cares. j
Backed up by over a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform cures, a record
such as no other remedy for the diseases
and weaknesses peculiar to women ever
attained, the proprietors and makers of Ur.
Pierce's p'avorite Prescription now f el
fully warranted in offering to pay fyw in
legal money of the l.'nited States, for any
case of J,eucorrhea, I'tmale Weakness, Pro
lapsus, or Full in if of Womb whieh the
cannot cure. All they ask is a fair aud
reasonable trial of their means of cure.
CIATION, Proprietors, iluffalo, N. Y.
Miss Stella Johnson, of j8 lirady St., Dayton,
Ohio, writes : I was troubled with severe riaiua
every month when I wrote to you for auvic-e.
After following your directions, I am happy to
say that after five years of untold suffering I
have nut had auy pains since firat using your
Favorite Prescription." I thank God mid Ur.
E. V. fierce for the bealtb I now enjoy. I shall
urge other women who suffer as I did to not
your medicine "
Take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets instead
of any other laxative.
Famous Porecaatcr't Prophecy.
Samuel Itcutur, the famous fore
raster, wlm liven In Hunt on, Ima
Issued his prophecy for I'.MM, In alilch
lie anya:
"I predict that prices for pig Iron,
railroad stocks and ninny commo
dities will lc low cr next yenr tlm'i
for the year Just passed.
"I predict that the Kepuhllcnn
pnfly will l successful In the Novem
ber elect Ion. I predict that after the
year l'.m4 there will a revival In
trade. Itetter times and higher
prices will prevail until the yenrl!ll.
"The present down cycle of prices
and In general business cutis In l'.Mi.
The year l'.HO w ill be the beginning
of a new up cycle In pig; Irmi and for
long; prosH-rity iti general business,
lasting' until the next commercial re
vulsion, due iu JlUl. The coming op
portunities to catch business and
prices at their lowest limits of de
pression will not liiipK'U again for
JO years.
Hcmn Thiol
We offer tine lltintlied Dollars lie
Hard for any case of t'urarrh tnat can
not lie cured bv Hull's t'ularrh Cure.
F. J. I'll K.N KY iV Co., T-iledo, O.
We, the utiilersiKiied. have known F.
J. Cheney for the last IS years, and lie
lieve him mrtectly honorable in all
hnsines transactions and tinanciplly
able to carry out any obligations made
bv their Or m.
Wkst a Tier ax, Wholesale Irtiggi.-Is,
Toledo, O.
WALlllMi, Kl.VNAN A MaKVIN, W'llnlcculc
DtUgi(itS, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catanh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous serlaees of the svstem. Testi
monials cenr free. Price V etc. r bottle.
!old bv mII Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the let.
Knell crew of a naval vessel con
sists of seven men besides the cap
tain of the turret, w ho has gcm-rul
charge. There are two guns in euch J
turret, so that when in action there
are III a turret 1'. ineii. At each gun
there is a pointer, a trainer, a sij-ht j
setter, a rammer man, a hoist , man.
a breech lock limn, mid a louder, j
Kach has his station and tin
men practically Is-come part of the!
gun, working; together like a inn-1
Six Shaffer brothers, nous of John
Shaffer of Highland county, Ohio,
were recently photographed in a
group at Hillsboro, Ohio. The old
est la 8i years of age ami the young;
et.74. Their united agea amount to
s0 years. Their father'a children
nuinln-red 115, and the children of
these six brothers numls-r, reajavt
ively. 11, k, !, 13, 12 ami 5, giving the
list In the ortler of the father's agt a.
Mr. John II. Cullom, F.ditor of the
Garland. Texas, 'ews, ban written a
letter of congratulariona to the man
ufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as follows : "Sixteen years aito
when our tint child was a baby he was
subject to croupy apella and we would
be very uneay about him. We began
using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
1SM7. and rinding it such a reliable rem
edy for colde ami croup, we have never
I ecu without it in the hou since that
time. We have five children and have
given it to all of them with good results.
One got! feature of this remedy is that
it it not disagreeehle to take an:' our
babies really like it. Another is that it !'r"' eoniplete payments in weekly lit
is not dangerous, tuid there is no risk stalluieuts of (JO cents, or $2.H) a
from xiving an overdose. I congratu- j umuth.
late yon upon the success of your rem-! ' ..,,. ,, .. ,
edy. For t-ale by Lee lieall. I Oi:'-A ( M U "OH Handsomer
The Minneioiika, built at Cleveland
for seacoast trade, bein lonerit lian
the locka In the Welland canal, was
i?rydocked at the bead oft lie". St.
Lawrence system and cut In two.
The rear half steamed through the
canal, while the forward half was
V. .1. Ilannau. who resides at
f'oriiiny:, Telia ma county, f'al., is
undoubtedly tin? oldest active; car
penter in th; 1'iiltcd States, if nut in
the whole world, lit; la over 101!
years of ae, but Is still in Kood
health and able to K't't around as
lively ami do as much work an many
a craftsman half a century younger.
M outlrrTiil .ervc.
Ia displayed by many a man enduring
paina of accidental (Juts, Wounds,
liruises, Burns, (Scalds, Sore feet or stiff
joints. Hut there's no need for it.
ISucklen'a Arnica Halve will kill the
pain and cure the trouble. It's the best
Salve on earth for 1'iles, too. !i5f, at
Lee ileall's, Druggists.
Everybody Is In the Deal
Merchants, Farmcs,
Icachcrs, Profcs
5ional . flcn--Mechanics
People Bvtrywhere tracer to Take
Advantags- ot the Itljc 5avinz Af
forded by the Co-operative Way
of Piano Itiiying.
I'lano purchasers ordinarily con
sider themselves lucky to yet a
slight discount off the price of a
piano. Scores of buyers a re willing
to accept at a discount instruments
that have been slightly damaged
and many take pianos that have
la-en used for a greater or less time
In order to have a good, substantial
Instrument at a price they can af
ford. Hut by Joining one of our clubs
purchasers enjoy the same ad vantag
es as a wholesale buyer. You e.-!!S
walk Into our store which Is the
most extensive modern piano con
cern In the whole I'aclllc West where
the largest llueof the II nest and most
reliable pianos mndcarc carried, ami
at your leisure make your selection
from a choice collection of ."am pianos
every one absolutely crfcct and
guaranteed to lie so. You don't have
to wait your turn now in t hcscclub.
Your piano Is delivered to you as
soon as your decision Is made, your
name Is placed In the club H-ccupy-lug
the same relation to us that a
wholesale dealer docs, w ho purchas
es as many pianos.
Low prices and absolutely fair
dealing an' the dlst iugtii-.hiug fea
tures of I '.lie is I'lano House. We
possess many facilities for saving
money which mi other concern In
the country ths-s, and we sell pianos
at all times for many dollars le-.s
i i nan i ue same gram- can itc st-curt-n
for at any store, Fast or West. Hut
,,. vn.M.ut ,,,,,., lmi.H ar,. ,v Uir
tin-best that purchasers ever had.
We are prepared hi these clubs to
fn.i.lli l.'ltli ti i.t-l l.ln.r . .i, .a-.tttl
K. - J a...-....,
hum lit n -i in- aiini tit Kiiii. I'a.-t
I ... .. ..! Ill ..I. ..II..
when you examine the Instrument.
I I'l-I'll "A" pianos are those that
jsell ordinarily for "Ji'-'m, ?J7.'..
ami $:pm. Club mc mls-ra are get I lug
them for? lis, fi:s7, and $7.
Payments down, $., ami 1.1'.") a
CU'll "II". a little higher class
ami morct-lnhorate ly finished, pianos
for N1, $ 24, f-'Jti, i-tf., etc. .Pay
ment; down, ami ?!.."') a week.
CLI H ('" The pianos Includetl
iu this club a iv among the very high
est grades, but payment down la on
ly 1-, ami the remainder $2 n week.
CU'll "I)" Kxceiilliigly choice
and most costly pianos of national
reputation that will last ami lie a
satisfaction for general Ions. Initial
payments, f 2li hwn, ami f J.'m week
ly finishes the buying.
CU'll "K" The very hlgla-nt grade
pianos, Including; grands ami baby
grands. Initial payments, $27 down,
balance to be arranged to suit cus
tomers, ho that It Is paid within
two years.
OIMJ.VN CU'll "OA" -Org-aiiH in
this club are all standard makes, ele
gantly finished, pay only t'-UHl dow n
and more elaborately llulshetl ttr-
gans for ft payment down of $.i.(M',
and the remainder for the small sum
of 1.IM a week, or 4.H) a month.
I'.ct t-r look Into this now, clubs
are 'all filling rapidly. Kilers I'lano
House, tin biggest and best and the
busiest piano concern on tin; I'm-lflc
Coast, No. 1, Washington street,
corner i'ark. Larg: stores also at
Sua Francisco and Sacramento, Cal;
Spokane and Seattle, Wash.
Lord Frederick Wol veiton Is ex
pected to arrive In t his country next
spring with a party of friends, nil
bound for a trip In the far west,
Ills lordship Is a great traveler, and
finds recreation' In anthropological
research, but doiibTlesH what will
endear Jilni mostto.N'ew Vork aoclefy
la the fact that he Is Icechaniberlaln
of the royal household ami a rich
man besides.
The Oregon Weekly journal, a Demo
cratic newspaper, 16 pnges, full of news
all of It! $1 a year to any address. The
loumal, P. O. Box 121, Portland, Or.
e Kan.a.h-Ule-Bai.oad
. . . TIMI! TA1H.I. . . .
In Kneel June i'Hih. liMr.l.
w pnlly nsr
Nn. 1 i. a l'....iw r l FrvlKht Mi. 4 Nn
in. . in.'
in i. in,
d :l
V . :t.i
Iti. t J
II : .-
I't'KltlAM i it:
Jlnu-tlnn flillliis j m -'ii
rit tu in it ! j it :n
I pp r -x h ii'i f-i-iir I .' .i
l. '. r " " " , j -'- :u
ii'.i -iit.'ioii -." -I j ,-. n
j Knll i r. i-ti Sinr 'J SI I ft in
M.-rl irllKt I ':ti 4 lt
i l.!l!i 1:1.1 I I in
TO a N lOtS. Ii.ll.rn ,.. no, I
ni-i -ii iftn '! tt!'t mi r.y In
I null Tnlr Ktmnlni 't.
I.iiiiiii N, uotmii'ii,
T. I imk.-.l Aitrr.
Iti III-. .Null a. mill
l-1'lllltli ('..iUH ll '1,
Kiri ln"iitii-,
h. y I. I STATK met
i lu riil Ak ii!.
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Ashland, Oregon
Ofilfn k) MtrVt. Orccltf. Iro
ffH at - Orafral Sun Vr
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counaclor at Law.
iJio Connrtlcut Avenue
VahlnKton, I). C.
All rron tin have hrrrlnforr mmlr I IN At
I'WOOh' In ant kind til l and. Vlnn.l or Tim.
berlntrlc. llih haa hrtn aiirrtrd by Ihr
Hrglalrr nr Utrflvrr at any f. 5. I anil Ollti.,
can hate the laauancc n Ititlr I'. M. I'atrnl lr
I ..I.I I .4- I -... . l ii. I
ma their Uupliiala Uncial, or C'Mllliatca ul
J I ntrv. anil an agrrrmrnl ti pay m )I0 hen- ,
ever said Patents shall Isaue.
Orc(n. Calllnrnla
and Nevada
5lal Agent
For ' ntii hilllhtf ur t-t.
Intf tm tMUifit'litK to 0
South Eastern Oregon
live Stock Association
Will be given hir the srrwt ami oonvMlon of any per
' son or peraotia aUmllng ail) atut-k la-longing
to mrlllU-ra ot this Aaara-tatlofl.
J. D. COUdrlLIN,
J, n. INNES. President.
ar Traoc Markm
'rrff, Copyrights 4c.
Anvnna eaniUrttf a akalrh and dHM-rttlliin mar
qiil.-Hl Hai-Hri.iiii our oiiiinn free. alittiiir an
Iiivi.iiiIiiii la iirohnlilf r-itelitnlihi. (-unitiiiinlrit.
t If ilia nl rietly olillflintliil. Iliillfllirfik tin I'ati-i.ts
sent fr. olitnai sifntM-y for aururiiiK imtiima.
I'uiaiii tlirouit-li Aluiin L Co. recul'a
tfxi-UU tuitiet, milmut clmrva, Iu tlia
Scientific Jimcrlcaru
A hanrtaomBlf llltiatrsliM wneklr. T srirtwt rlr
rulallon of any ai leuillln Joiiruul. Ti-riua. l a
ymtr; four nmnt lis, U Hold by all nwalWra.
Mraiich tMlm, 136 V Ht, Waaliliialou. I. U
at m
a. a. i.. Tm-i t, m. i,
I li. -Ul TM, K. i
urn m p'liM-:it
-hl ai.-iiiua ami Mui'seana.
I nkevlrw. Or,
or'MCK li.-a.ii-a ini, ( nniwirtil
.l.imatl)r itn) nr num.
iii r it h i.
I'li.l Bli-laii anil Kui itran
Or'Hi . - N" Imiy lliHl-lln.
lilt t lll-.TiOKI .r
I nlii-vli-w, tlri-aoB
OKI UK I'uly l 1 1 U ,i k .
I.. H
.11 lll.l) Ml lim
l..ili-l Ih. trreana
I: n.lina
okhi v. i
t'. it
. loo in j .nl- t itu
l.aktet Irw ,
t: K !'-i linililiin.
J liooia
tkllnriii'j.iii.lnM .
I.aki-tlr , Or
i-IMri: liuii.lii't;.
i.i. nut
t liurnr) .s. jm
I iiiiiI llnllrrtt Hprrlailty
OKf It K . Int IIiiII'Iiiik.
. W, Tr I'll KtiOV
I'liJ lrlsn atuil fu
Wtl.'t Ki-liarl lll'l.. 0'hi llnli I I aknlrw.
wvnnnaru nr tnr ynnm i-i-w
nuuunfn ur inr. numu .. n...
M ( ntt tin. S'l miit It M i"lin'.'tr til
I'HI'll 111 'Mill l Maxitili- IUII, at H . 111.
liHfH It a 1 1 I Y, I I in III a ll'li r.
K. s. Iyi in. t I. r.
.'' f'ft r ' r
I. o. o, K. iiii -h tl
I.I nn. I ltinr i?,
iH) - -iitiiK '' li mi'iitli In Oil'l l'r.
Inn .' IUII. jtlo- !. Vt.K lllm, !
l . J MiH.KK. Ht til.-. .
Jf,' S s .v - ; A'
I.tkl't II .W- I'fi-ili hlng si-rvlees at
11 o'cliiil, . M . and 7::! I'. M., every
j m-ciiud nlid f'HII'l ll Mliiilill'.
s;,.,,.l,,i . I,. ,. .1 v..i..l,..- t In
. II,
t liu; every Tburs-
day at 7:".a I". M.
Xi-:w I'im: Cim i k I'rencblng Ser
vleesat II o'clock A. M.. and 7:.'M) I'.
M., every (list Sunday.
Sunday School every Sunday at la
A.M. Prayer Meeting every Thurs
day at l:M V. M.
ItK I lit-. I. Preaching .Services at II
o'ebs k A. M.. and 7:'M P. M.. every
third Siiinbiy.
.1. ll. Nt aii k. Pastor.
Intake effect, Tuesday, Apr. 1, HKr2
No. I No. 2
OMiOa. in. I.r . Kino . .. ...At iV:" p. m
:i'l a. in. l.v... si-iunili Ar i : p. m
ll):ii.'i a. in. l.v I ar Ar i i. in
U:: a. in. I.r f ramia Ar 4:liti. m
II :1a a. in. l.v... piir.1v Ar H::i . m
ll.d'i i, in. l.v I'lntiiss . . Ar i:l.'i p. in
I.' iih p. iii. l.v... Cliat . Ar (.. ni
l? s ti. in. l.v I am. Tun , At 'Ml i. tu
IJ:.l . in. l.v. .. Ki ll KiM-k .. ..Ar 1:17 p. m
IJ:Vt.. in. l.v... ' . i h li 1 1 av .Ar I ::t'i j. iu
l:l'i i. in. l.v... iiih- .Ar l:l'i ji. in
l:tiii. in. l.v . I I. (.nn ...Ar l-':'it . in
V:.ii i i in. l.v At I-.-. . Ar l.'Jioi' i"
H :hi i . m . ,v ai lei' Ar ll:'Jitjilu
1:lSA i Hi. I. v .. II.M -i rii.K .Ar 11:11 i. in
8:M . Iu. l.v . Murray .....Ar 1" I" I-. I"
4: jr. p. in. l.v .. Knrin ..Ar li:'.1l i. Ilk
A:?'i i. in. l.v. . llore l.aki...Ar M:t . in
6:.'ai i. in. l.v vt su rly . .Ar :'" i. in
:.oi j. in. l.v... Ii-riiiii . . Ar " l
7:l.'i a. Iu. l.v Itii i k hi h lia A r, 7 :M i. lit
7: in p. n.. I Ar ...Mh.Ii IIiiii. l.v 7::to a. iu
511 WAVAI.I.i:VkY
A.H0ini In :"iin.l.v. . I ' I ii in Ha A ,1.1-ti pin V.II0 am
V l.i . in II -.lism l.v.. Intiin. Arl l.l.'i .in H ill am
t).:ui pin l.'.'i'i Hin' l.v. Iti'i kH Hli.ArL' J' .n 7 ft am
7 1 pin I.' Vihiii I v.l lHirt 1 1 It-A r l.tiipr.t 7 (J am
Ti-rmii, - lor I si'Vl-'H , I'nUlry iiml I lio-h, Oro.
slut Kl. Illilto ll.1 nk" city, elm villi-, Ailill
Alliirnn ami 1 1 1 -1 r , i'iiIII.
Hot i r 1 1 1 h , - or ' ninl SiihiiiivIIIu
Iiov e - (or Mllfnril, U.n-.vllli- ntid lliinllll
villi-, Ciillf.
Vliitnii, fur l.oviilinii. ho nl. -villi- unit t aroil-
lii'll'l lint Sprltllta. I Hill .
H' i ll whli n,r iii ni i', i MVliirvllli- hihI lirn ti
vlllr.l'nlll. rinlrvllh-,- Mnlinnk ninl (piliicy, ChIII.
Ili-iiii,-i-initii-i-ilnK v. till .-o. Thc. t u. fur all
tiolniN Kimi x i-kI : V. ,1 I . It, II. for all ptiluis
'I In- Harm-)- ('until y
I 111- Stock Arxitt'lH
t Ion. of which I hiii
a iiii-iiilii-r, pnya 7.'io
rewuru lor evkli-in o
It-ailltiK In tlm con.
v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tif piirilcs
alrtilluK ktock lit.
I. .. .1.
bura. Ill Hililltlmi f
'V offer l.'iiHt ri-wanl.
llorBi- lira nil liiirm-.
aliov liar on t-ltliur
or linllt )wa. Id I ii m ii i
lUiiifi-, llnrni v, l.aki- hiiiI ( rook t'oiiiitloa.
llorwi venlfil Hlli-ll wrlil Hnrai-a anlil to naas
llirotiKh tlila ai-i-tloii will Im ripiirliut In this
papt-r. K not so ri-poriml. tilnaau writs or It-la.
pliiiiieTlio'l'liui-t liurslil, Main WM, Iturna, Ore
goti v W baowa, l-ifo, Ur