&fl If 1 WW (jjjjMfttg L VOL. XXV. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. '28, 1901. NO. 4. NEW YORK CITY LETTER Dr. T. V. Hall (live a Vivid De-jS acilptlon of America's (Jrcat- rh est Clty-lmproveinent. i New York. Jan. 11X14. Q Mr. A. Y. Iti a. ii, 1 Lakct lew, Ink. hear l iii nd: i $ I promised to ilti yi my hit- ptvMxIotm nf New York ril.v. It U iTlllllll.V II IIIOHl Illtfll'Ht lllg plait, ami iift-r hating lived lun a few ; months Ih'uIii ii iiiiii!'hIiiii1 tin b affliction which ni i-enldi'iit havi v for thi'lr rlly. There In a saying, t) "Once it New Yorker always a N.'WiJ Yorker." I reinenilicr reading tliat' , some railroad cn-rt was nffinl ajjfi princely Miliary to no went, which In .Jf '0 refused with the remark that nothing would cotniKMiMate him for having ;(c In li.it Vnw V.ib i One of the tlmt thing the ft ranker observes, Is the case with which lie can lltid bin way about town. Every Mtni't t'oriier has it guiding sign. When hoarding a car you can fiel jimh tired the car will continue on that wtreet ami not turn off Into some 1.1. I.. .1 1 Willi" II 1 III I III' t I'llll l Mil llllllll- ; V noticed clncw here. In ('liii'iigo, thej intricate w indiiiKM of the street riill-j.sj ways In an early lesson for the: vlnllor to learn. I Q 'I'll" New Yolk people are Justly ; Q jirmiil of t lie new East Klver bridge: IMi Kpmn East Itlver aliout one; half mile noil h of the oll liioi.khii bridge. 'I'll Im IliiliieliMi-Nteel Htnii't lire 4-oMt more than twenty million lul ; 'J larH and whm nin-ncil to tin Ilk- nliout i Q I ,.0 I he first of I he new year. 1 1 In nearly ; one ami one half tulles in length ami i x Iiiih four times the capacity of the ild bridge. On the Manhattan Mlile, at th liver'n ciIko, the Hour of the bridge lien a hove Home eight story buildings. The approach to thin 4'levatlon, however, Ih ho gradual iih to Imj scarcely noticeable. Standing In the water, one sees far liclow a t'OUStUtlt priMCMHloll of til UK Itllll wteauiern. The men on the decks look like chllilren from thin hclghth. The police a re on the lookout now lor hour crank who may wrk notoriety !y liclng the first to make a sensational leap fnuii the bridge. No city has ever approached New York In count ruction of tall I mild i nun. I'hh than sixteen yearn ago the first Mtructural steel frame building was erected. 1'rlor to that tho fourteen wtory buildings wero called "sky Hcrnpers," Now they have such buildings an the Park How, with it thirty one stories, and the St. I'aul with twenty live stories. There, are oiorethau two hundred "skyscrap ers," lu the Manhatton portion of Urcater New York, over fifteen uries. The l'urk Itow building Iiiih fifty five hundred tenautH, counting the i-mployeeH an well au tho employe. It Iiuh Ur pitnnenger eluvatorH which carry by act ual count an average of i hlrty five thoumind people dally. Tho "Flntlron nulldlng," while not tho tallent, him tho uiout peculiar coiiHtructlon. It Ih twenty two Htorhm high, built on a perfectly triangular plat of land which given It livery Nli-lklug appearance. The bauo of tho triangle U not more than tlghty foot. Tho hIiIoh about one J iimd red aud llfty feet. New Vork han lutely boou treated t o eight Inchon of enow, which meuns m great deul to tlw Htreet cleaning . k- I' ',) " 4 ,r' ' ,v U ! ; " , t ' U '-"" - ft- IT J1 . It f A LAKE'S SHARE IS $7,585.83 This is Our Proportion of United States Five Per Cent of I and 5alesIt is Road Fund. County Trenmirer Ia-v Beall yester day received a voucher from Secre tary of State F. I. Dunbar for the num of P7,.V."(.K, In-lng the propor tion of the I ted Staten kt cent land Mtli-n fund now in the State Treanury, to In paid to Lake county by the State of Oregon, purnuunt to the provinionn of the act ol Feb. 1, 1H9.I. Thin money goH Into the road fund, and can not lie uw-d for any other purpone. Lake county Ih credited with 5, i:,240 atren of land. The total amount of money given to the state 1h fW.iri.24. With thin amount of money avail able Lake county nhould have letter rondn than ever before. The road Hhould lie put in perfect condition during 19)4. A new road obonld be constructed up Billiard or I Head man canyon, and thus give the Warner jieople a cut off of lx in Hen. A n Unwanton JACOB A. HIIS. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S "IDEAL CITIZEN." Jacob A. RIK whom the president recently ocucrHiod hU "Ideal cltUen." In a natlr of Denmark. HI early yenrn In A merlin were yenra of urent hard ahlp. Ilia "llnw the Other Half I.lvea" matin hint famntia and did mnch food, lie ha a been very atMreaaftil aa newapapor man, autlmr and aootologlat. W deimrtment. For hiiow Ih not al lowed to remain long to hamper tralllc. It In hauled and hi raiH'd to the river. They have at prcnont en gaged lu thin nervlce neven thounand men and three thounand teninn working lu day and night nhlftn. Tho bunlent atrueta are cleared flrnt. Then more lelnurely the Hide Htnvta. it taken a quarter of it million dol lam to dlnpoHO of a light nnow tall. Tho atreet raihvnyn do their ahare toward cleaning the etrceta. This In one wuy tho new Subway will not be annoyed. Tho Subway Ih another affair cf great magnitude. It haa coat over one hundred million dollars, and it Htanda as tho moat remarkable tun neling propoflttlou lu the world today. It will be ojien to travel within Hlxty days, extending the entire length of Manhattan. They will operate five hundred cam, and tho CHtlniated carrying capacity In forty thounand people per hour. With tho completion of tho Sub way, Now York will have three car linos along the tmmo avenue. First; thoHurfaco street railway. Second; tho elevated, thirty feet above the atreet. Third; tho Subway, thirty to forty feet beneath the street. New York City aooma to have en Joyed a boom during tho past Ave years In building as well as other sick to instruct their medical Industrial enterprises. This boom has had a mild check the last few months. Due, It Is said, to the stringency of the money market In Wall Street. Manipulations there seem to have a most far reaching effect. Kverythlng is attributed to Wall St. I have heard It given ns the cause for business depression in widely varrylng lines. The same aa we In Lake county attribute good or bad business to the beef, unit ton and wool market. New York presents great contrasts between wealth and poverty. The poor are much In evidence In certain districts. The city has Ita Kost Side as well as Ita Fifth Avenue. The question immediately occurs to one; why do all these poor people remain lu New York? It seems they prefer to remain here and starve, rather than scatter throughout t he country or go West where they might bo fairly comfortable. The sick poor, except In Isolated canes, arc well taken cure of at tho numer ous free dlsiHusailes uud hospitals. Among those Booking relief, there are comparatively few English speaking, or at least American born. The clinics are made up almost entirely of foreigners. . Many hospitals make use of the BtudcntH, while at the same time they do not neglect the wellfure of the patient. New York city has become the mecea of the student of medicine. It Is no longer either tho fashion or neocesBary to go to Europe. In fact many from the other side ore now coming here to furnish their medical educatiou. Where there are doceus coming now there will tie thousands ten yeara hence, la the prophecy of observant medical men. This is one of the fast things In which tho new World, always to the front, haa proven superior to tho old; namely in the Art nud Science of medicine. Very Truly, T. V. Hai.i., M. D. Slaughter Predicted. Enthusiasts of the 22 calibre, extra long, organized a hunt club Monday at the Drug Store de n?al), for the purpose of exterminating the mnch liersecuted Jaekrabbit, and thus de stroy the mainstay and staff of life of the local redman. W. 1). Woodcock and Lee lVall tonned pennies for first choice of sides, and the result of thelrchossing is found in the foliowti.g names: Lee Beall H. Bailey Dan Maloy Fent Sniisb Joe Lane . E. Woodcock W. Dyer W. R. Steele A. Y. Beach F. O. Ahlstrom Thos. Beall W. I). Woodcock Dr. Steluer L. Bailey A. H. Hanimersly A. b. t neney V. L. Snelling C. H. Anderson Geo. Iteed . F. B. Evans Jack Woodcock (iuy Bowman The conditions of the first bout, are, that It will take place next Sun day from some place on the West Side; that the losing side pay for the oyster supper. All members are to leave Lakeview by 9:30 a. ui., Sunday morning and all markers must be presented lu town by 5 p.m. Two ears constitute a marker. Uuosncg as to tho number each member will bring in can tie left with F. P. Light. No markers will be counted with only one ear, and mem- bera are cautioned that if rabbits are found with only one ear, to bring in the rabbit. No member la allowed to kill more than 500 bunslea before lunch la announced by the master of hounds, Dr. Stelner. Married. Sprntt Wells, son of John Wells, a well known Spraguo river stockman, and Miss Kate II. Deurdorff, a mem lier of one of the promlneut families of northeru Douglas county, were married at the home of the bride's mother in Oakland, Wednesday, Jan uary 0, by tlie llev. F. W, Leonard. The young couple will make their home In Klamath couuty near Bly. Teacher' Examination. Notice la hereby given that the county superintendent of Lake coun ty will hold the regular examination of applicants for State and County paiiera as follows: KOU STATE PAPKKM Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 0 o'clock a. in., and continuing until Saturday Feb. 13, at tour o'clock p. m. rOR COUNTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday Feb. 10 at nine o'clock a. m., and continuing ' until Friday Feb. 12, at four o'clock p. m. J. Q. Wiluts, 4-2t County Superintendent. 1