Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 21, 1904, Image 1

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NO. ?.
cuai i nuRh .y?
J V V f Lrf t-mKJ V T m-f
Llttla Son of lul Urautlacht is a
Sufferer Prom a Peculiar Ac- j'.Q
cldent-llas done to Reno.
- ' S
Miirlnii. tho III Ik "oil of I.ul -Jjj
Itrnullaoht. I- "iinVrliig fnnn 11 piiu
liar m ii h ut llntl happened last S
M-eek, which lut caiiwil IiIm uii-h(4 , js
ii i u It itlitriit. iiml who U not on IiIk Jjj
way In Kelio In ! ncli lil lllril lily
I routed.
On Wfilni-Niliy nf ImI week tin
lllllc follow swallowed mi Imn
WIIhIi.T llllll III ll't'l III llU IllOlltll,
Htnl lodged I" lil" Hll'lllll, llllt llit(
visible i hi c xmnlnutoii. After . jjj
several futile attempt ly IiIhi"uIIut Jj
1u extract ll, II seemingly panned ; -S
l.iwn Intn liU stomach. Jr. gave no
trouble until next day, when lrs. i,
Sinlllt ninl SIIiht were culled In. It
WAD Ittl (f KmIIIo III locate tilCWaslier,
mid the physician did iml deem ItjlQ
necessary t ierforiii mi ojwriitlnn. ' ;h
or could not dr. so very well on no-1
.-mint of not knowing It liM'itllon. j&
Mr. Krnutluchl witu considerably j ?Q
itlnriui'il alioiit Un' lioy, us very llt-;S
l to fooil could puss down his throat i(Q
Moiulay In- slatted fur I In city l
To Arrange for a Leap Year Dance
Many Mdiea (lather and All
Talk t the 5a me Time.
1 ,M
ti juToiiitt f tho otiMtriKMlon, uuI;:q
MtMvlmt nuiM Im lon Ah X-ray. - i
t in' ; ,?
hIioiiIi) It lie fotunl necessary lo cut
It out, there will lx' no trouble
machine will readily disclose i... a..i...fl. t.ii.t
'.lll K UK-Ill Mill ll I III- " "in I, , l.
llmlinur It. ll U Iiomm tluil mi oht-
atloii will not In- iii-TKMary, I. in thai ' Y
It ran I"' workfil ilnwn y mihih" pro- $J
; S
4'1'MH. y
" !j
ny Hasten KrstoratUin. 1 .0
. . . i I I s
A riTclil illHiaicli iroin iihiimik
Inn nay:
A propoMlilnii him Ikvii Miliinlt U-il
to tln I'tililir l.ail ( oiiiiiiImmIoii toi
pi-rnilt liona llilf HfllhTH to take tipj'S
nrlcullnral lamN wltlilu fonnt n- K
l-l... ... I ........ I. ..I I,Im Mliill S
HITVI tin" miimiM'i 'i miii g.t
lM'llivf that Hcttlcru in ri'wrvt'H would
' protect ratlii-r llian Injniv, tliofor
HtM. Tla-y point out that not t lorn
would Ih HTiiiaiient ronldontH, uud
would hare tho nanto Intvrt'Ht In pro
Ut'tltiK tho fonHtH fwljolitlnx tholr
liomeH and fnrutu that they would
have In protoctliiK tholr own pthoii
iU projHrty.
NotwItlirttmnlliiK thorn In boiiio
force In thin uruinont. It U not lo
llovod tho cointiilHMlon will lndorno
l ho propoHfd fhanjfo. Tho prom-nt
lutontlou of tho Intorlor Ik-part-
inont In to ellinluato tho agricultural
lands from I ho forent ronorvcH horvto
forecroatod. and ovorjr care Ih Ik'Iiir
z(rclHvd to lucluilt) uo agricultural
land la rrw-rroa that aro horoaftor
oroaU'd. Tho work of ollmlnatln
farm lnudn from exUtlng roHcrvo Ih
jrorolnn; very n!owly, but the
prciM'Dt axltatlon In favor of admit
ting not Hon to font roHorvoa jnay
have a tondency to haitton the work
of elimination, and the couiiuIhhIoii
may make rocoiumondatlen to thin
offoit. If thin Ih aocomplinhod, It In
prohaldo that a largo aroa of agri
cultural land, now lucludod In tho
('aHcado roHorvon, an wollanlnHovcral
roMorvoH la Washington, inay.wlthlii
I'oaxonablo time, bo restored to the
public domain. Tho common object
nought to bo attained Ih to, allow
Hcttlorn to have free uccohu to tho
fort lie agricultural lands that are
now withhold from entry because
they aro embodied In the forest re
Morves. The advocate of tho chnng
o( policy are not particular how
this end Is accouiplndtod.
A' C;
oK k
k. r.
About bilrty ladk-s met In the
opera housy last Saturday afternoon
to arrange for a leap year party to
Im given on the -Jth of thi month.
The KxamliiiT . reporter did not
approach nearvr than two blm-kn
V ifroin the hall, but he wan able to
ihejtr coiislilerable from where he
i-' was stationed. The uieiting iieiHMl
i withgcncraldIeuHion,whlchcontln-
i ued throughout to the end. A chair-
f : y l .
I 4 ... 9 i 7
v. f
v '
lUe HOivnU Mn. Thomim C I'lntt. wife of the well known New York Ma
tter iind political loader, wna Mm. Lillian T. Janeway before her marriage to
the aeniitor. and thin la Iter thlfd matrimonial venture. Sh la a handaome 'tte i nd .a nbuut forty yenra of nge.
Isn't This Correct?
An exchange Hays a lawyer charge
a man 10 for a ten minute conver
Matlon, tho man Insists on paying It.
A doctor charge $1 tor a preacrlp
tlou nnd' the patient say, "O, pshaw I
I that enough?" An undertaker
conduct a funeral, charge flOO, ho
la Just "iHTfectly lovely" with every
one In aud outside of the family; a
man buy a gold brick aud apologists
for not having bitten ln-fore; an
an editor walk a mile through tlie
hot sun to got the facts about a
death, marriage or social function,
bhmu1 three Injur In writing It up
and pralso iooplo until ho hates
himself. Then If ho makes one Insig
nificant omission or error, or charge
flvo cent straight tor three extra
paiier ho I "stingy, carcles, good-for-nothing
who never get any
thing right and charge four time
tho prlco of the city paper twleo a
large; ho I most any old thing aud
ought to be run out of town." How
would you like to bo a newspaper
Old Road Case In Supreme Court.
The United States Supremo Court
heard an argument last week In the
case of the I'ulted States v. the
CaHfornla & Oregon Luud Company
appealed from tho United State Dis
trict Court of Oregon.
The case Involve 100,000 acre of
land grauted 30 year ago to the
Btate of Oregon to aid In tho con
struction of a military wagon road
from Eugene City across tho Cascade
mountain to tho eastern boundary
of the state. The government now
seek to cancel tho grant, thus de
priving purchasers from the state of
their rights acquired.
In doubt Immersed,
The world give all the credit to the
man who butt in first.
man and other o Ulcers were elected
with the usual accuratenoss. acumen
and iierclsioh usually displayed at a
feminine meeting of this kind. The
din of many voices, multiplied a
it passed from the ball to the re
porter's ear, like the deceptive voice
of a coyote, and when a motion wo
made to have a punch (not a punch
and Judy) corner, the huge roof
$j covering this gathering, began to
swell, and as It swayed up and
down, the reporter stepped liehind a
brick building for safety. As . the
roof legau to settle back to Its
original place, some high musical
notes wafted through a broken win
dow, which announce! that the
punch corner had been kuocked com
pletely out.
The much mooted question as to
whether the ladies should' adorn
themselves hi swallow-tailed coats
and vests, wnrf not heard from the
reporter's vantage point, and he
I supposes tlat there was nothing
l j said about it, as there was consider
K j able opposition shown In the numer-
i ous caucuses held on many previous
( j occasions.
W When the meeting adjourned, and
the ladles dispersed, It was noticed
a they gathered in little groupea
along the street to talk It over, and
incidentally rearrange their dismantl
ed curies, that all had not been
serene within. And, It I now hinted
that there was a clash of arms that
would have put Napolean and Wel
lington to shame.
The reporter learned from some of
the ladle that nothing but harmony
prevailed, and that the biggest leap
year party that ever happened iu
Lakeview, would come off; and
from the way the committee of
arrangements are managing the
affair, it will no doubt bo a grand
The Man Who Hutu In First.
Look out for opportunity, and when
It comes, rush in;
IHrtTt wait because you fear you
may uot have tho strength to win!
Titer may be other who could do
your task with far more skill
Than you can do It never mind go
at It with a will;
They cut but little figure who remain
Old Uallleo probably was not a whit
more wise
Than many another of his day who
gazed up at the skies;
Columbus may not have been blessed
with epeelal gift that sent
Him where no other might have
gone to find a continent
But they who might have won the
fame remained in doubt Immersed,
The world gives him tho credit who
setts forth to butt In first.
Old Howe' machine wo but a poor
contrivance at tho start;
McCormlck' work has been Improv
ed in every Joint and part;
Tho boat that Fulton ran would be
u funny thing today;
What Morse did wo have- bettered,
but hla fame Is on to say
They did not wait for other
who stood back In doubt linmer-
C barley Oliver a Benedict.
Marriku At Rosevllle, Jan. 10 Mr.
C. M. Oliver of Goose Lake, Modoo
county, and Miss Ella Butter of
Rosevllle, Cal. The bride and groom
arrived In Alturaa Tuesday evening,
and remained until Thursday re
eel v lug the congratulations of friend.
Mr. Oliver la one of Modoc's best and
most prosperous young men, and we
Join with hla many friends In wish
ing him and hla fair bride a happy
and prosperous journey through
life. Plalndealer.
Wo will sell foreat script in lota from
40 to 5000 acres. Special rate ou
large lota. Trice on application.
1 & Maxwell.
The world glvea all the credit to tho
man who butts In first,
t Chicago Becord-llerald.