Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 14, 1904, Image 8

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    Bieberrs Cash More
Bad Weather
may be expected now, but no
weather should be so bad as to keep
you from picking up good things In
our line of trade when they are of
fered. Rain or shine, this store is
always the best place to leave your
The goods we are offering now
at special prices are for your pres
ent need.
Odds and Ends are being clos
ed out now regardless of cost. You'll
see what we mean when you see the
Bieber's Cash Store
Creditors' Sale
All Ooods must be turned into floney as soon as possible.
Tobacco, Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Crockery, Tinware,
Agateware, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc.
Extra Heavy Overalls, tiHc
$3.00 Panto, $150
$15.00 Suite, $.50
All wool Mackinaw Coats, $2.00
$1.50 Shirts 75c
$3.50 Hats, $2.00
$2.5 Hats, $1.50
$2.00 Hats, $1.00
Thread, 50c doz
S fc W Canned Goods at greatly reduced prices. All other goods too
umerous fri mention, will be sold regardless of cost .
Store Fixtures for sale cheap, Safe, Reming
ton Typewriter No. G, New National Cash
Register, Show Cases, Jvtc.
Buy now and save money, don't wait.
H. S. ADELSTIEN, Hanager.
Hotel Building
Hotel Building
Star Tobacco, 45c lb plug
All Evaporated Fruits, 81b $1.00
Prunes 12 lbs $1.00
Bent Bacon, 15c lb
Best Guardian corn $3 a case, 2 dux
Java and Mocha Coffee, 20c lb
A(;atf and Tinware, half price
$4.00 Shoes, $2.75
Lace and Embroidery half price
Movements of Townpeopl and
Visitors Who Com and
Go For the Week.
Danhea of News from Here and There
Occurrence of Both Grave eni
Oay Import Which Will
Prove Intervatlng
Horn At riiiHli, .tin. tttli to the
wife of.. W. Fine, it Kill.
Horn In Inkevlew, Jan. 11th to
the wife of Fred Flher n boy.
Frank llacklnay came In lnt week
with freight from the railroad.
II. II. Burr, wan visiting In Luke
view frin ll'lllow Hanch Saturday.
Horn In Lakevlew, .an. 12th, to
tht wife of He v. .. II. Stark, a daugh
ter. Horn In Lukevlew, .an. , t tin
wlfo of I?. N. .aqulh, a 10 pound
Louie Louhhold I confined to hi
lied with n nevere attack of nppemll-
S. S. Stile and .ih Frank, San
Frnnclco drummer are guet t
the Ijikevlew.
S. H. Chandler wn last week ap
pointed guardian of the proerty of
11 S. Chandler. -
(ieo. H'horton ntnrted Tuemliiy
morning for San Frnnelco fir ft few
week vacation.
The H'oodinen and circle held
Joint Installation laxt night, but too
late to lie reported thin week.
J. W. Tucker ban Uvn appointed
deputy county clerk ten day to a
lt In extending the VM iiHeuient
Mm. Scott, wife of upeclal agent
IV. H. Scott, ntnrted for Klamath
yesterday morning to join her hu
baud. Throw away your old heater and
go to Bernard' and get ft new one
It will xave you enough wood to
pay for ltelf. l-4t
Mr. find Mr. F. B. llotiHton of
Valley, Hpent neveral day In Inke
view hint week, the guent of Mr. and
Mr. Harry Bailey.
Mr. and Mr. H'm KuhhIU enter
tained ft number of friend at whUt
lant Thursday night. An enjoyable
time I reported.
I. X. Converne and wife ami A. K.
Converne of New Fine Creek, were
in Lakevlew Monday attending to
Homeland matter.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Held enterta
ined Home friend lnt Friday night
with Home late piece on the phono
graph, and otherwlHe.
.nek IIobliiHon took the Houtherii
Htnge yeHterday morning for Kcno,
where he hat lecn offered ft position
in an nbntractlng office.
Anotlier coyote drive by the Crane
Creek hunt club took place Saturday
when two coyotes were caught in
the chaw. The hiiow Ih a little too
deep now for effective work and the
drive Tuewday did not come off.
Mr. and Mr. .. C. Hhellhammer of
Crooked ("reek, went to Alturaii liiHt
week in renpoiiHe to a HummonH that
Mr. John I'enland, a lter of Mr.
Shellhammer and l'oMtmnter IV II
cox, waH quite Hick at that place.
The little child of Mr. and Mr. I'en
land wan nMo reported quite 111.
Levi Strauss 6 Cols
Ove xJLls
Charley Harvey returned from
Madeline, Friday loaded with N000
pound of freight for our merchant,
He made the trip In ten day with
lx borne.
Oliver Charlton who ha Imvii t on
fined tn hi IhmI for about three
month from a broken leg and n
severe alcknc, I now nblo to U up
and about.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Mugrave re
turned from Klamath Fall lnt week,
Mr. MiiHgrnve having given up hi
poHttloii In the Keame & .cutting
Htnre there.
A hiiow storm Saturday night mid
Sunday made fair nlelghlug, ami
Hlelgh and In'II of every deHcrlpthm
n to I eeti and heard both day
ami night Mince.
A hiiow and wind torm .S'atnrday
night croHHt-d womc electric light
win- ami canned three fue to burn
out In a many truufotiucr In the
town y Htcm.
County Clerk Maurlng In lltfiirlng
i up the exMiim' of the county for the
pnt year Hud that a little over
iflo.iHKl will rover it. not Including
' f 2.100 for road.
j Owing to the wan I ty of teacher
(lu Lake county, Supt. J. J. Wllllt
ha accepted the mhool at Inlon dl
t Met to teach a three mouth term
J bcglunlng lat Monday.
The Chewaucau l'othail lengthy
w rlte-up on the work of building n
dyke at Summer I.akc to procure the
viint depoHlt of Hoila, alt and pot
iihIi, by C M. Sain, preldent of the
Oregon 'otah Co.
Ml Kdua 'lark, daughter of .ack
Clark, formerly of thl county but
now i if A nh la nd, wa an arrival on
the wentern Htage (lelgh) yeterdny
morning on n few wev-k' vilt with
friend. She I the gucHt of Mr. Dan
M alloy.
(ieo. M. .one, accompanied by hi
daughter. Ml Anna .one ami
Mr. H". B. Snider, arrived from
Falnley Saturday. Mr. Joiicm ha
Ien Hiifferiug from a large carbuncle
on the back of hi neck and I here
for treatment.
The tcaniHtcr have I Mt-n hauling
Ice tor the pat week for Lakevlew'
bulueH men, both from Cotton
wood Creek and from the nlough on
the hIohIi. The Cotton woimI Ice I
t II lnche thick, and I perfectly clear
and pun, and the teainU'r get
f 2..V) er ton for It. The nlough lit
I not very good and command onlr
f 1..V) -r ton.
M'ullace Taylor n-turned from San
Franclco lat Sat unlay and after
vlhltlng the ZX ranch In Chewaucan
returned to KenoyeHtcrday. F.lghty
head of work hornc were mnt to
ICeno a week ngo from the 'AX ranch
to work on the big government
canal near Keno ami Mr. Taylor ha
gone to look nfter them. II'. L.
Flack and . Strickland took the
borne over and the former will have
charge of them during the Hummer.
At the Hcwdon of the County Court
laiit wk the tax levy for 11)04 wa
made. 2U mill i the total Includ
ing the Htate tax, which I a ralo
of 2 mill over lout year. The State
tax levy this year will be 7 mill,
a compared with 5 mill lout year.
ThU Increase in due, partly, to the
Iiewl and Clark fair appropriation
of 12.10,000 for 1004, the I'ortage rail
way f 105,000, Indian war veteran
f 100,000, and The Iulle-(Vlilo Hhlp
canal $100,000. The total revenue to
Iks ralHed I 1,2.",0M), a compared
with f 700,000 liiHt year.
PnUley Mines Afly $IS.asKlch
Copper DeponlU near Port
Hidwell Cause a Mush.
The fate of the much talked of
Hngchcn mine eaut of Lakevlew,
ha liecu div ided for nil time, a far
a expert mining men am concerned.
Cnpt. .1. Sub JohiiNou, V.. M., inetal
lurgtt and aayer of Vlalla, Cal.,
who a here looking over the
ground In the latter part of Deem.
Iht. ha wilt biu k the n port of hi
vImII . A he tvprcHctitcd inlulng cap
ltallt It I certain that hi report
would I' accurate.
He find that there I almoxt abo
hi I cly nothing of value In the fatnou
Siijxvhcii. The (immm.v dM not hIiow
coloi to the value of M cent In four
ton of rock and that I nhont a
Htuall a they get.
The wonderful Sachcii country
look fabiiloimly rich to the unwary
proNiM-etor and the crcdulou public,
and tin humlred of acre of lililng
Mtuff make It tempting.
McHwr. HuKhe and U'elxuer,
wlione report brolluht Mr. .ohnoll
to Iikevlew, wen eildei'tly l n km! ,
or ele entered Into a cotiHplracy to
wit by "Milting" t heir claim.
Mr. .InhiiMou alo took nauiple of
rock from themlueNiiear FaUley ami
the iiHay I quite Itatteilng and can
I relied upon to I' aholutely cor
rti't ami reliable. All that I ncce.
nary now I to know that the quan
tity I there and "then there will he
Hoiuethlng doing" In the mining bu
hie In Lake county.
The fiHny on ample No. 1 wa:
(iol-1. value Mr ton fll.n
Silver, .0
Sample No. 2 wa:
(iold. vnlue t ton fl.12
Silver. Trace
Hut the Kreatent dlcovcry of the
age In mining circle. I the ciqir
mine over the Fandango mountain
: In Surprlm- Valley They are located
on what I known a the NelHham
hill and are liiiiiieuwly rich In copper'
Mr. JoIuimoii took Hiimpk" of thl
on' along with him, ami hi ii-port
I moMt flattering.
The iiHay made by him wa; laid
pound of pun copper to a ton of
2IXHI pound, or ."2 t i-nt chemical
ly pun' copper. If the copier depo
it nrv vat enough, no doubt Hmelt
Ing work will hooii ! pnt up by
capltalUt. NuuM'roii claim for
mile around thl rich dlncovery
have I wen ntaked off and no doubt
the Held ha Ini'ii more than co-end.
Thee mine an thirty mile from
Iakevlew by the Fandango pa,
and Hhould capital take hold of them
the enterprlne would lie a great help
to thl whole country for mile
Our Share of State Tax.
The State Hoard codhImI lug of the
governor, HiHTetary of Htate and
tate tretiMurer have computed the
revenue to be rained by direct taxe
for Htate ex (kmihch for 1004 and Hied
the amount at f 1.225,000. The ap
portionment for Klamath, Lake and
Crook countlc Ih a follow:
Klamath, fH..W) or .0115 per
cent of the entire tax.
Lake, f 1.1,107.50 or .0107 or cent if
the entire tax.
Crook, f 15,1125.00 or .OHM) jmt cent
of the entire tax.
Leap Year Ball.
Ladle of Lakevlew call a meeting
for Saturday.
All ladle who are intcrcHtod In
giving a Orand Ix-ap Year Ball on
Friday, Jan. 20th, pleiiHU meet In
Harry Hall Saturday afternoon at
2:.'!0 o'clock to (Hmcuhh arrangemeutH.
It In hoped the ladles 'will renpond
heartily to thl call and unite to
make the Ix'ap Yeur Hall a buccchh.
Kvery lady U Invited to bo present
At the meeting Saturday at 2:30 V. M.