Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1904, Image 8

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    Bieber's Cash Store tf Hotel Building
Bad Weather
may be expected now, but no
weather should be so bad as to keep
you from picking up good things in
our line of trade when they are of
fered. Rain or shine, this store is
always the best .place to leave your
The goods we are offering now
at special prices are for your pres
ent need.
Odds and Ends are being clos
ed out now regardless of cost. You'll
see what we mean when you see the
Bieber's Cash Store j& Hotel Building
I w w
Creditors' Sale
All Goods must be turned into iloney as soon as possible.
Tobacco, iioceri?, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Crockery, Tinware,
Agateware, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc.
Extra Heavy Overalls, ;"kj
f.3.00 Panto, f.150
115.00 Suits, f-i.50
All wool Mackinaw Coats, f.'.OO
1.50 Hhirta 75c
3.50 Hats. :")
2.50 Hats, $1.50
12 00 Hats, 11.00
Thread, 50c doz
tar Tobacco, 45c lb plug
All Evaporated Fruits, Sib $1.00
Prunes 12 lbs fl.00
liest liacou, 15c lit
Iient Guardiao corn f'i a cane, 2 doz
Java and Mocha Coffee, 20c lb
Atate and Tinware, half price
14.00 Shoes, $2.75
Lace ami Embroidery half price
H & W Canned Goo Ij at greatly reduced prices. All other goods too
umerous t-i mention, will be sold regardless of cost .
Store Fixtures for sale cheap, Safe, Reming
ton Typewriter No. G, New National Cash
Register, Show Cases, lite.
Buy now and save money, don't wait.
' H. S. ADELSTIEN, manager.
Win. Holder, editor of the Paisley' A IVTYr'l-I I" r I ICC
I Post, nml S. M. Ihtlley, editor of the
Silver Lake Orcgonlan were visitors
SUMMARIZED In Laketiew Tuesday.
Movements of Townspeople and' -J. Cnrrhr on,..! .t v-k, 5aKe Brush I- Pound to Contain
Visitor Who Com. and ' T ' T " M ! T"nlc Acld Whkh 1,1 T"
visitors wno vomo a no i.ii,. mh..i....i...i i lid n... ...n.i I .... ..
Mldes Like Ian Hnrk.
outs with the alii of his dogs. I
l'Wl Turner wan summoned
Go For the Week.
Nothing Is lost In the economy of
home from Iteno hint week by the nature, but some thlngsgct lulsplac-
Dashes of News from Here and There H''rl,,,IH MnesN f his aged mot her. , ed oecnslonally and one of them Im
Occurrences of Both Grave and I Wc understand that her condition In ournrtt sla.suys the Kcnodaxctte.
I ."till rrltlenl, hii.vh tho Ccdnrtille Nevada state shrub, the hardy
(lay Import Which Will
Prove Interesting
Record, I sagebrush, hint never Ini-ii nilliiilireil
People are coming In from nil part 'rlli othcrw Iso than mi adorn-
Write It 1!KU. of the country to prove up on their 'went of (he laiidseue and browse
L. It. Moss wax In from his sheep IIiuImt html. They mv meeting with . " mediocre sort.
I'litup Tuesday, good hut cool weather. Tlie lient Hut the tiny Im Im v nliir for this
School Is-gati again Monday after ,,mt poMslbly eonld he expected this omnipresent dant. It promises In
the holiday vacation. J''r. i 1 1 a to he mo eagerly sought for that
A. II. Miilkcy of In. vis Creek wan' l"otlng from The F.xnmlncr the ' "" ' H""UleHH .,imullty
In likevlewSatunl iv. i I'ortlami TeleRnini wiya: "New al"1 r,ll',,IU-v l"-"'l. t hm will pre-
' I'lne I'wk In nald to Im the HiiiAlleHt i v,'nt l,M "M,'r ,''"l"nlH.
, town In Oregon ,,r California that U !
lighted with elevtrii'lty. How
about Salem'.'" .
County court hold 1 1 m trxt hckhIoii
tf the new year thin week.
('. LoffiiiM niul wife of Crane
Luke were In town .Monday.
Walter Keeil. the Illy hotel man
Hpent CliriMim iM In ,akeiew.
Arle C. Hampton, the Adel nd
njjoKue, wan In I.ukevlew Friday.
Wonder how many have broken
their New Year rvnolntloii already.
Clyde I'leannntM wa up from Wil
low Itunch Monday with a load of
T. S. Hamllay Im runnluK the city
elettrlc ll;ht plant while I'. A. Stan
ley U away.
Virgil Conn, the Palnley
ThU plant iIhiivh from Nevmhi'M
it rdl hut rich mill tannic mid In uluin-
i ilnnee. The proportion of t liN liiiin
h nl Im im great In the MngvlmiMh a It
U In t he much Nought for oak hark
of California, w hli h Im gathered In
' Mich uautlty that forcNtMnredcmol
ImIumI, for t he hark eannot In-obtain-ed
without ih-Htroylng the tn-e.
J udge Wren w hm among the flrnt
and ponxlbly wax t he llrwl to arrive
was tninnuetlng luiMlneMM in Lake- j H,,.v,.v
The following people were yeMtwr
day proving up on their timber bind:
.1. (. Storey, Taeouia, .1. W. Sloat
ami ChiiM. Malley, I'oi'tlaud, A. J.
Cmnphell, Tenlno, WiimIi., and M.
Fay MIIIm. Illy.
.Med ford Mall: Arthur Smith, of
Iketoiint,t)r.go., Ih In the valley , ,,. uow,.,p. of thU property
upon u vliiit to IiIm pareiitM, Mr. and p,,HM,.MM,.,i ,v ,,nr arl. iueMla, but hl-
MrM. W. M. Smith. I he gentleman :r,H.H, have never gone far
exMt-tM to leave for ItritUh enough to ih iuoiiHt rate the
Columbia, when- he will hnate. XV(irl ..ft Im plant an a nouive of the
.1. C. IiimImoii eame over from Adel "tid.
and Npent Sunday and Monday in' A eorrepoinhiit of Secretary In-
view HrHt of the week.
While here he complet- gull". W hone let ti r folloWM. Iwim made
ed the plirchaMe of the lloyd n liuinberof en-rlnu 'lltw and Im enn-
Wm. IialglelMh and W. IS. KoutMiui, ( ranch in South Warner fr Mcm.
of Add were traiiMactlng luiMlneMM In i:,war.N lira.v. Consideration $i.
I akevlew tirnl of the week. INMI.
I'.oru At the S. .1. 1'roj.e place
north of Lnkcview, to the wife of it.
F. ISranch on New Vearday.a boy.
Jack KobiiiMon U buiMV at the
Court house copying the reconU pr.--j imint register if he expect m to vote at
punitory to making a set of abstract the coming elections lu June and
A new set of vgitnitloti books
have Im-IMI opened by County Clerk
Maurlng ami forwarded to every
precinct lu I he county. F.vcry voter
Start i iff t he New Year right and
list your property for sale with the!
Lake County Fxamiuer real estate!
W. II. (iilham of Adel was doing
business with a goat In one of the
Iikevlew mm' ret Hocletle one day
last wi-ek.
Monday night was the coldest of
this winter. The government ther
mometer at this otllce registered .'I
above zero.
F. (). Hunting started for Port
land first of the week, to attend the
meeting of the National Livestock
Throw away your old heatem ami
go to Ilcrnnrds' and get a new one I
While saw lug wood last Saturday
Charley Wendell sawed the end of
vinced that the ex I ract I 1 1 of tannic
mid from the H;tge will become till
Industry in this Iclnlty.
After extract plants hate Imvii
i i'ccti d, tamicties will follow ami la
ter shoe factories, fur .Nevada, lie
lug a stock growing country, has
all the raw material at hand ami
here lu Keno Is the cheapest and lst
power to b abiained, another and
most Important factor lu the build
ing of a great Industry lu re.
If the people of IJelm. through
ins iimmo on. jnsi leaving t,e eml their chau r of commerce were to
hanging by a strip of skin. Dr. look thoroughly Into this matter.
Stelner sewed it hack on. and t he t might result lu luest Imable beuellt
Injured member Im rapidly growing ! to t he city and state,
hack, much to the gratlllcatloii of: Folio lug Is t he let ter above refer
red to:
' I have tried one exN-iiment with
sage brush ami Mini that It Is a
sirong tanner. Kudosed find sam
ple which was tanned In thirty-six
days, but owing to the difference In
strength of liipiornml the way I had
to work It out, It Is a poor sample.
"I have two different wayn lu
Horace F. J ones, special lnsxrtor
for the Interior iH partment arrived
from Laketiew Tuesday, and lias
been kept busy examining the timber
claimants who make proof here. He
will leave Monday for Piinetille,
where lie will make his headiUarterM.
Silver Lake Oregoulau.
i working the next lot, w hich I am
Cedartille Record: We understand mire will Im' a good test. I will
-It will save you enough wood to I tl'at M.srs. . I. M. Thompson of Al- nend a sample lu (l few days.
pay for Itself. l-lt
J. W. Westlake fell and broke the
two hones in his right wrist on New
Yearn Kve, while walking on the
frosty side walk.
The store, observed the Sunday
closing order last Sunday, which
they agreed to do until the spring
trade commences. .
Atty. Jhh. A. ItoggH hoarded the
Southern Stage Wednesday morning
for San I'mncisco, where ho goes on
Home land business.
The W. (). W., and Circle treated
themselveM to a party oik; night last
week. Stockn and other gamcH were
played until a late hour, after which
a lunch wan nerved lu the bamiuet
i turns ami tt . Mierioek or Laketiew, "I received a let ter from parties lu
with others, have engaged in the ; t he east a few days ago saying that
slaughtering business at Iteno, and heather was down and that they
will slaughter stock for the market.
They are now handling a large band
of lambs Isioiiglng to lieorge Tur
ner, of this place.
A couple of dogs and as many boys
Jumped up a Jack rabbit In the court
yard Saturday, and the way the
nnow flew for a few wconds wn
quite amusing to several spectators.
The rabbit made a II Hue for a small
opening under the fence, which .the
dogs thought plenty big enough for
them until their heads came In con
tact with a hoard. The rabbit
didn't atop to laugh ut tho dogs,
but It was plain to sec that he was
would not build at present, so I am
lu the dark as to what they will do.
"I am sure an extract tannery will
pay and will do all in my power
to work sagebrush Into tanning ma
terial. My next sample will be larg
er. "F.S. AI'STIN. Jlencela, Oil.
"December 1:1."
Stxmi&s & Cos
y Coppcr-rive-fced
Alex Davis, foreman for .1. W.
Howard, started Monday with a
baud of IN) head of beef cattle for
( iaxidle, from which place they will
be shipped to San Francisco. Mr.
Howard has -already delivered
about PiiHI head and now has over
HOO left. These will be taken out
later in the season. Klamath Re
publican. Miss Onnlo Ken ting wiih the
maiden name of the young lady who
Is now Mrs. T. H. Curry, of Martinez,
says tho Point . Itlchmond Record.
Mr. Curry Is a young business man of
Martinez and a brother of our H. It.
Curry. Miss Keating Is a sister of
Mrs. J. H. Mdlarrey, ami resided for
a time in Laketiew, The Kxamlner
wishes the couple a Joyful married