Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1904, Image 7

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i :i ' ii t
I 'I II "' " It Hl'l-
I!i .V :!' ill' h i.
: ! i h ,iin ' I
Hunk 1cmilt4 linm lurrrni'd N."i hm
font In li-n j cmi-h.
Fully '-'..'.nil imtmoiih commit milrhle ('
ftiiNNln i'vitj' j'l-nr.
Tin' vnllrv of tin Ainnznn mill re
main iiliinmt iini'iiitiil,
line ic.niiiii lit Wiirlli'inlxTK export'
,(mi,ohi tin i inoti Iiiih i-r ntiiiuin,
AiiiiIIht IiiiiiiIIi' nny linn for IjOlido'.
I to Ih Imllt Mt lloriou at a cunt of
'J in- NiiiiiiIhI) Khlp to lln I'nlti'd Slntcu
fin h nutiitiiii :iJHi,HK) tmm-U of Ainu'
rlu Ki'itpoH.
Tho I'lilti'd Hint"- iimch nearly n llilril
more inffee limn I In' ri-xt of tin world
llt lourlhi r.
At t'lintrrliiiry rnthiilrnl llirri' nrc
nlwii.v iilMiut forty unrkini'ii i'Iikiik'
III till' Hll lli llllT.
IIIi'iiiIiiuIhiiii'h wwhk' works nre t
Inrtii'Nt In llio world, after tlnf in
I'nrlo mill Hrillii
Liv AtiKi'lfx rliilniH to Imvi it (; ''
tri'trll of n II In ill vr mi'lill Iiiiii li In n
vlriulty Hi. in iiny oiIht Aiih-i Ii-iiii i lly
Mure uurk li put 1 1 j i u mivnl iruim In
tui'ui't pun lli o I'm li iiiMi'li'i' tlimi lli
wcii' n-'iulri'il to Htuml iliiilnn tin
SpuuM! w in'.
Tin- HlrtiiliiKliiiiii (CiikIiiihI) puPri'
forii' coiikIhIh nf T K I'iikIIhIiiiiimi. 71
I rlilimi'ii, 'J! I rNluiHMl, H Hi'oli liiiii'ii
iiiul 1 in num.
A cIi'vit 1'iilMilntor CHtlniiiii'H iimi
there ii r In iim liy ff'uriili. teleph u
iiiul trolley i oiiiiiiiiIik In thl coiiiiirj
15,NM,IMMI pule.
Acini'dllii; to tin' t'lilti'il Sin I I'M ceil
mih for Hum. there an- .'I.'.'lil perKinm In
tin' t'lilliil St.'itim who nrc ii huinltvi!
or more yenr of line,
Northern Nigeria In In have a new
JHilIre foi'ie I.inui alrotu,', rerrillle.1 It:
the territory ami on the linen of the
royal IrUh ronHtnlinlnry.
The hint eeiiMiiM fcnvc 1h value of
poultry rnlm-d In the I'ulted Stiite
tlurlnu the yenr lv.r.i ih KHi.v.i) 7T .
i-Kk'i I'IimIih i l In the xiiiiie yenr, fUl,-'
If two nuiHSel InivlllK I'XIIi'tly the
finme weight nre pri . iiIihI to n nrn m il
tniiii he will i it ii flu I . eHllmati' tlinl
IIiiimm to lie the heiivh-r which hill tie
lfK1 Vlllllllie.
A h'.rue urea of mat irnl irtiu. m ,
lint til-en cliiiiiTenil In KiHiti'tiii.v. I'. i'.
tienr the liiii llii'.'iit i urner of l.lalio iim. I
Ifltliln twenl.x live inili'i of the ('.inn
iHall I'.ii i(W- i ailw ay.
i :
'. I
to I
I" I'l ' '
II II I ll 1
i t' II I:
' I' 1. 1'" i I
i".pr ici I
in hi '
'.it i? hy n
mill evryt
li a way n lo I' e the in' .
irl lh' e U'I'lt" ilt K line
l."V ;
II " I i
Ihlie liiiiiten ely reil .n In;: f work of
the tel: 'r ",h oierill' r. A "i t of llllto
ni.ttle liiMirii!:ii ii'4 ) now ln'ln innil
whlili w ill. II 1 1 H.ilil. miiki lii"iiii.'"
ao clinii that t ;.) will tn hirjjely tiwit
IliNteml of lellem.
U'rl I nnl llurna llral.
All lirililelit llllM revenleil In ollli'liili
of the llrlllMh iuiy Unit run I whli Ii him
liiH'li liuluerteil In Water Inn hlKlii-r
eviiiiiill ve iiuillileM iiiul longer einlur
nine Ihnu eonl fri'Nli from the pll'i
uioilth. Cxpil'lK helli'Ve that eiirl
nn'iiU now t'li if on w ill iri m 1 1 n ! . a
ouiilete liMilntlnn In roaliuu Klntlili.
If the eonl ran he kept llii'li l water It
will luxt loiiKi-r ami le cheaer to
uiinl mul Ktoro.
At the eonl liiirueit li I '. 1 1 1 1 ill War
alone i oil .n.iiiNi,irMl n yenr. the
llelil of ei'oiioiuy III all the liavleH ami
iiii-riliiiiil iiiiii'Iiii'h of tln wm lil If Mi l
i nil I really linen hum heller Mill lie
New York hotttekoelieM foiliul illir
lilt; the eonl famine IiimI winter that
elmli'M Inteuiteil for reluiriiliii; went
lielli r when thorollKhly (1iliiiienel.
KiiMf llltrnllrn llrllrn,
Wlllliini the Becntiil to none linn untile
a tiulille nilillllon to the lloheuxol
lertl collection III Iterllll. Ill II plate
KIiihh allow en m' M carefully leMiKllel
on n velvet cunIiIou u atrip of hark
with tin- Imierlptlon:
"With thla piece of Imrk hla Imperial
lunJfKty the emperor lioiiml up tin
empreMH' In-okeu iirni after ohe wiih
thrown from her home at !ruuew aid."
It In a tuiitter for Hpei ulntlmi mi to
wlui t honor woiihl he tlone to a porotm
pliiHler which hail heeu loyally inlher
In;,' to hla own Imperial rlba for a
month or ho. It wotihl prohahly !
frnuicil In iIIiiuioiiiIh ti rid cHcorteil to
the muxeiiin hy a reKliuent of KuariN
1 playing; a Hpeclally coiuponcil planter
I march. - Modern SiM lety.
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Toightf and which lian hem
in tiao for over 30 jcptm, liaa bornn Iho altnmtnre of
0? ""d lian bon mnulo iiuilcr hla pcr-
P jgJ&T?l "onal pcrvlloii ulriro It Infancy.
'-CMtAvX Allow no one todM lve you In thl.
All Counterfeit, Imitation and Jtiat-aa-ifood' are but
KxpcrlnicntH that trKlo with and cndaiiffrr tho hcjilth of
Iufant and Children Kxpcrlcnco ajfalnat Kxpcrimcut.
Caatorla la a hnrmlcaa aiibtltnto for Caator Oil, Paro
K"rl, Prop and Knot hiiio; HyrupN. It I I'lcaaant. It
contaliia ncitlicr Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
fuihatuiice. It aife Ih ita guarantee. It deatroya AVomm
mid allay I YvcrMiiic. It 'iire Diarrlm-a and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble, ure Conntlpatioii
and Flatulency. It assimilate the 1'oimI, regulate the
Stomach and Itoxvel, ztt healthy ami natural sleep
The Children' Panacea Tho Mother's) Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Scenic Line
To The Cast And South
Through Salt Lake City, Leailville, rue-
blo, Colorado HprinK" and iHinvfr.
Offera the choice of Three Koulea thro
the (aiiioua Rocky Mountain Kcenery,
and Five Dintinct
Houth ol Ieriver.
Hon tea Kant and
lictmeen O'en fcnd Denver, carrying
all ClaNea of Mmlern K'jiiipment.
I'erfe't I'inintf Car Service and I'eraon
aly Oiridurted -"on rift Kxcumiorm to all
I'omta Kat.
For all information and illutrated liter
ature, call on or ad)ree
General Agent,
121 Third 8t. Tortland, Or
Northern Stage Line.
Thf Mlaalnar Anchor harkt.
i I.ylni: nmlil n pile nf linn i-luiln. tin
; I'lmra, inlilex. ele.. In friuit of a llnltl-
inurv Junk i!i(ii Ii a vreat ilmilile Ir.m
' iitn Imr hIiim -Ule w lili h Inn mi Inlrnt
i I i Im 1 1 r . It weMm aevenil tmiM niirt
I lie .iuiiinii iniiHeum IH u! ,i u llf ,,,,,.,,n.. ,.,. r.,, ,,1,,,, ,
hnx recently in iilllei one lif the Millie I
I'ulo l-1 fl i'lll llie 1 1 iltuihi.vut. Ie I
hlile It Die , merit :i u lilnlmni ami lar'.'e j
A 111" k II tl Illte hlu'ep Keelll lnll.llHii Mill '
Mr. JoelielMUi, llll.f of the ,i-.MI, 1
Nnrlh I "m-i Hi -iiirini; j lit .tm
hIiiIim that tin- liilu's w 1 a I - I li.' 1 1 1 ! . . . I
III Silii l l i all ,.s-(-s.-i c , ,11 .n li -i i -it ii
In 11.11111111:1 Midi the Imlialis nf .Nui'th
Ill the eleitinii nf IVi'J there Wi re In
Kiil.iii.l ami W'ali'i I'l. n;i llliti-rati
In Sinllaiiil. I.."m7; In Irelaml. M.HI'.p. !
At the I sit", eleetiium the llmire Hi'lv: !
llliteralei In 1 Z 1 1 1-1 : 1 1 . I . 'JS.,",; Sinl l.i li.l
';'J; iri'inuil. in.:i:.7. 1
It U Ii iI ti ll flnlll lrueel4 that Ih 1
lilea the ?1 .."iiHi.iai fur the cnnitnn tl n
of II pillaee nf (n in e at The llnuue Mr.
l.'lll'lHKle Ii:im ;lveli ?'.'l I I.IM Nl fur the n "
irniilziitlnii nf an 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1: 1 1 i t 1 1 1 1 1 lllnary
on 1 1 j I i n i n anil liitrin.'itiiiiial law.
A thirl; of imlriehea lit l'hi'lli. Ariz.,
now numliei'M mure than l.iiim hlriU.
Their ImTease N rnpiil lierause a pair.
hun illk' m i lilelllM. will lal-te a lil'imu
I'ueli Hiiiiimer for seventy jeara. i;a-h
pnlr lu'iiilmes In I'eatlicfn anil vti'V
uliniit $iiu a ,vear
The vast Imlk of the t.-.i-le uf the
I'lilleil Kliiilum Is i-etii Inly lin.i
iirlli.v. I'm' l."'i years l .wu In the
. resent time It lias lieeti iraetleally a
enliliiiueil ciiixuh. In I!ni'.' the tntal of
the expuils ami import toiielietl .fl.
:t!Ml.lHMi,(aiO. the hlKhesl II j lire ever
The xeeretary of the treasury has
ruled, nfter obtaining the opinion of
tho nttorney ueueral. that Amerlenn
plirehaserM uf the illils in the I'tilti'd
Htatea In foreign traileimuks ret:isterei
In the I'iiIIimI Stales patent olllec have
no proteetlon imainst the luvnsiuu of
their territory hy the foreign uuiniifiie
tlll'er of the iirllele eovered hy the
One ilelliilte ml vaiilate In auhatlttit
liiK khaki for lilue cloth uniforms for
the n tiny In the tropica ami In summer
was not considered when the I'haiiKt1
was illseiissed In the war department,
the anopheles tnoHi 1 1 1 1 1 j not having uf
that time heen e.xhiiiistlvely atitdleil.
The malaria lil'ccdriin liiosiiilloes will
not Unlit tlinu sulistauces having n ,VI'I
heiv color, hut swarm nliout hlue fall
rl.H. The niunlii r of Auiericans who mnj
enter the Transvaal or (Malice Liver
enlony Is limited to (I t't.v ii mouth, end
elicit must have u permit, the blank up
plication for which can he had of any
ISrillsh consul. And. Phi, mi allidavll
must he 1 1 in I that the applicant has
rUllieleiil means tu support h.mseir a id
l.iliiily nl'ter arriving, i'on-ililerailiin of
hiti h ii J 1 1 1 -it t it i i Is often delayed for
Weeks, and those w ho row luipalleut
uud iinlve in advance of their penult
are p'ncrnll.v kIvcii the option of lenv
1 1 1 k tho next day or Imprisonment for
tdx months, with a Hue of f'J,-i:!.'t.
A complete telegraphic ayHtem of
ahoitliuiid hua been luhurliiUHlj wnrjt'.jj
"(Hide III Itiissla for one nf tlie izai's
buttle ships and In I H7" t was sent to
America as a part of the l:usdan ex
hibit at at I'l.llade'phl i
After tile rinse nf t III exposition It dil
nppeariil. 'aln se in h w hs mad" for It,
I. ml llie Kiisi:ni exhlhlt was s.-nt bacl!
Without It. Years later It lulled ii
With n lot of old Iron which a etctitnei
landed at I'.iltlmore. and II has bi-vu
there ever since. The Fnslm nnral
uutlmriiies are probably atlll. UuuLUii;
for It.
Pull and complete stock of
liverythine in the line ot
rVSl: Snider Bui ding on Water St.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaven Lakeview at 6 a. m.
ever' day but Sunday.
I'.eturning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. in every day but
Passengers' arc $ j. Round trip fa
OFFICE- KnolrU St WltuflelJ's. Lukertaw
L. McNacohton, Prop.
p Office at Mercantile Store
1 j Stage leaves Lakeview Monday?, Wed
I nesduys and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrives
j at I'lush at D p. in. Leaven Plush Tues
IdayB, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
i a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
PaM(eii(iT fare 3 one way or $5 fir
! round trip. Freight rates from May
i 1st to Nov. 1st f .", jH.r hundred ; from
Nov. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per hundred.
Scarlet Funerals.
They haw.' n ourioiiK rustom nt
Mie burial of married women in Urn
til. The eollln, henrse mid the livery
of the driver ttnit he bright scarlet,
Ihe four white horses drawing tht
heurse tntist be cnvrri J with scurlet
nets, nrul scarlet pi limes must deck
the Urscn' heuds.
TS mm
I w tntublivt with tom
snh tmiilik.. '1 he ilfunl ii Mack
UriuiKlit tl id mo mere good
la one wtwk than all tlie doe
tor's uimlirino I took In a
jrear.' MIIH. 8 A It A II .
bUlHFIKLU. KllutUville, Ind.
Theilford ' Lilack llrnught
quickly invi(;oratea the ac
tion of the Ktomacb and
cures even chronic cases of
indigestion, if you will
take a small done of Thed
ford's Hliu'k l'raiifiht occa
ioually you will keep your
stoniarl) and liver in per
fect condition.
More sickness is caused by
constipation than hy any
other disease. Theilford '
Itliu'k-Draught not only ro
lioves cnnstiiation but cures
diiirrhteii and dysentery and
keeps tho bowels regular.
All druggists aull
-oeut jmckutfua.
"Thedford's Black
Prauffht is the best medi
cine to regulate tho bowels
I have ever u.sod." MRS.
A. M. U K A N T , 6ucada
Ferry, N. C.
SiTomaKow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
fakeview Market
&v-r:J. c- Door North of Hotel Lakeview
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc.
J. WENDELL, - Proprietor.
The Only First I'fass Restaurant iq Lakeview. Turkeys,
Chickens and Suckling Pius baked to order. Itread and pas
try always on hand. Excellent Service Prices Reasonable.
v AX:
, It
Pcservs your confl-
deme. 1 hey tuvcucver
(ailed won't tall now.
Sold by all dealers.
1 11. 1 1 SIm..! Auuu.I
poslpald, free. 'V
Datrolt, Mloh. Ur .
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing caa ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
UI IIIMsud cit 'i i M
OI.IIM aw. -.
A Terfect For All Throat and
Cure : I-ung Troubles.
Monsy back if it fails. Trial Bottlss frsa.
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. YADIN, Proprietor.
Office in Linkville Hotel
Klamath Falls.
Daily from Aer to Klamath Hot
Springs, Keno, Klamath Falls, Dairy,
Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview.
Daily from Lakeview to Bly, Bonanza.
Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, Klamath
Hot Springs and Ager,
Makes connection with all trains at
Alter. Also connects at Klamath Falls
with the stage for Ashland.
Good Stock . Easy Coaches
H. E. Biliii, Prop'r.
Office in Bleber's Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex.
cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrives
at AHuras at 6 p. ru.
leaves Alturaa for Lakeview at
0 o'clock a. nl., or on the arrival
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention ...
First - Class - Accomodations.
I amof? Rami BrmU with Swallow Fork In
JolllCd UdllJ right ear for ewes; reverse
forwothors. Bouieewes Square Crop and Hltt
In right ear. Tar Hraud 111. Range, Crana
Lake. Potnfflc address, Lakeview, Oregon
Zac Whitworth ear, Half Underorop off
right tor ewes ; reverse for wethers Tar Brand
W. Range, Fish Creek. PontoSoe addresa
Lakeview, Oregou