Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1904, Image 6

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    While Seiintortiormin wits deliver
ing his earnest kjhtIi In liehnlf of it
thorough investigation of the post
nflliv department n aged num.
ntooping tnnlcr the burden of four
The Weather Calendar.
Till' I'hnttalHIOga Mcdll'llIC t'll. till'
manufacturer of Wine of Cnrditlnml !
Thcdfonl'w Ithtck lraught have Just !
Issued tlx' I'.Mt-l edition of thelM'nrtlul I
Weather Chart and 'Kml;ir. This
won venrs. looking In through t he Calendar with Its 1:1 sheet 1:1 x S In-
rlii'H in hi xr makes a bright ornament
I for t ho woll nml I a useful aopilslon
Ulnssdoorsof tin nwir lobby. The
Mary lander's words had mi unusual
thnrnt for Mm. lie was loath to
uiov away. "Ah. year's train
ing 1 gave li i tit Is telling
tin octogenarian, "it's telling.
in iiiiv homo orotliceon occonnt of Its
dlspla ycd weather prediction. 'I'ho
prominent numbers can be rend
exclaimed : across a large room as can the color-
ol signal Hags showing tho weather
conditions for eaeh day. I hese
g; Kama h-lele -Railroad
. . . II.MI: TAHI.Is . . .
Ill Kited .tunc '.'Hlli. 1 Ml : t
won- 1'iiilv lew
Nil. I No. H !'. nit.. r .V I r-1 k l I S. t No t
It. It. I . HTKIM M. Ii, KM IM1ll,Ml
mviitii a i
l"hj alt-lama mlNiiiirniii,
l.akri it . ,
nllliK n.t . limn hi,,,,. ( n, h..f
lr tirt I v 'lu i'i iiiuhi.
Thot.l.l man was Uoynl II. Porter, j Wij( ,,;.,.,, nintrato the fore-
iiow president of a bank at Keeiie. , nists ,,f prof. A ml it w .1. IWoe who
X. II. lie is visiting In Washington achieved girat prominence by his
ami went to the senate in the hope i accurate predictions of the great
of iiieeting the Maryland senator
tialvestt'ii, St. I.oiiis aiul Minnesota
storms nml eVelones. So treat Is
who years ago was his pupil in ajtlii j,,,,,,,,.,,.: ,,f ,,.s). ,IV(i,t ions
school at i.auivl. they me printeil In ..Mm.uiNi of
, 'these calendars nml in 1n.ihhi.immi ol
We offer One Hundred lK.IUmK.-j"' "'' Pi'thday Almanacs
arl for any case of I'ararrh Mint can- , w hieh are i.-ued ly the I 'ha 1 1 am 'gu
not be out il hv Hall's Catarrh Cure. ! Medicine o., each oar. We under
K.J.l'llKXKYl..T..M...O. , , , ., ,.,,, lhu w.-nlh.-r
e, tlio nnili-rsu'iittl. have known t . , ... . i
.1. Clicnev for the hist l ytvtrs. ami he j elmrt ami ea lemla r may l-o secured
lieve hiiii jerfr-clly hoii'irahV in all 1 liy sending lUe in stamps to t he
busine:" tram-action ami nnaiicn-iiv ; cil;1t tnuoogn Medicine t'ompativ
Twrntv5even CarlonJ. Worth
Over $IOO,tHIO of I (no New VUn
os InvulwU ....
I llrr rianalloutf (Irianlifil l ,1..r
Cn-prrtlv I'lunn Cluh .! an.l IWIU
rrv in ticuln ml Otu I'Hix Mrlu.ll
tut In lwnrat mi-nl of ff monlhlv In
Cluti A, and tt 00 a week In Club It.'
, in ..
II m
. in i
i" 1 1
III 17 I
in i i
II .; 1 .1
It l T I II tl.l.
I'h.t klrlan hhiI tni at nn
hi c iii. on It I. N. Imi) lno.llii
I okl ii M
i .Iiiii, ii.. i, sl.linii j
1 Nn nun it
I .. r '. h i.'rk Spur
I v it " " '
III II. .1 S. I)K, stHlliill
i. Km 1 1 i r. k S.ur '.'I
I SI. i-l no.u.. J iki
I. till I li
il il j
I, ... ! Itlt II r
,-. :u j
.'11 i
It'1 tH M K
HI tin III : I
I nkrt li-M, llrrimi
j 1 1 or four humli'eil tine now plamm j
I were soi liifcl.le of tio weeks In the!
: Call of llMlJ y Clleis I'lmio llousel
Ion t he co-opera t i e plan, which was
; t hen for t he Hi st t imo Int roilucotl In
I Western piano selling. This i i liilna t -!ei
in Philailclphia. ami Is a plan that 1
J appeals tit once to the Im-mI Jii'lue
, liient of pracl icnl people. I'lxt' linn
j I ret I Pianos can U- s.. 1.1 In the lots
i a meat ileal cheaper than thev can:
Tcim. Any .if our
awe to carrv out anv oiinnaot'iis i . -i,,, .,
hv their firm. I , , " ." ' , i II v
Wi-st Thi ax. Wholesale Pruttfi Is. I rentiers w no ua t e noi mvuiv.i a eopt
Toltnlo. it. of t he Lailies' r.irth.lav Almanaccan
get one liy selHlilig
"l.atlies' I'.irt Inlay
tauooga, Toiiu.,
W'Ai.niNt;. KiNN.tN . Makvin, holesale
Itfiitfc it. Toltiio, tt.
Hall s Catanh Cure i taken internal
lv. act inn ill recti v upon the hltsnl an. I
iii ueoua serf aces "of the svsteni. Testi-j t heir ti rungist
moiiials senr free. Price 7.V. er hottle. i
Sohl hv ail Pniirnist!'.
HallV Kaniilv Pills are the hest.
their a'hlress to
Almanac," t'hat
m hv calling oil
I A W .M .
TlOt I I I S. llll.I.H ."I Hint
IMIl -I. -f.. .'. !. I lt 'rtV III
l 1 1 111- II I
I Mi it t ill. I multi
I 4. Nil I. N t K H ! I l ,
U.o I . ..k. . I vn. r,
Kt-ni.. N t.i . mi,. i
li'ctiitiiiM t ..II. . It'll,
I I rr I It.'i f M
I. K I hlllV mut
tit ' i. - r tt I lit. Kill- Atj.-tOn
llt LI V A MAW I I I..
hu.nim:s.n i.m i:kpisi;s
' be I In t he ri uiilar n-tail w ay to
humlreil Imvors. 1
It Is the same principal of selling'
large tpiaut It irs to a single firm up- .
pi ieil to Melling t tne 1 1 uiulivil Pianos j O-., 1 1 nln tnnnfn
to as many people ho unite Pi olio oOU I IIVI 11 Ul XyUll
Cluli for that purpose. 1
1 wo Months of Preparation.
I'ttl) Hull. II. IK.
I . fO
ol i ii t:
A I lot n 3 HI
I.Mttt'vtfti. ili'i-goa
it t, i it tn i i:
A 1 1 ttl lll-J . . l.nM
l.nki t rn , Or.
i I li'l. ImIi l:uil.!ii,4
V J lltioilr!
I lni'lir j .n . I jim .
l.iikf lew , Or
I'Kt lt K ImIi l.,i'.ii,k.
i In 1!mi: wt importeil L'.i'n7,ihmi tons
jot coal; in r.wi-. i...i.-,iitHi, aim in i:hu.
William M. Tn-loar, w ho beat j j (MHi. The gn at Increase in 1:hi:1
Champ ( lark of Missouri for eon- j , ,(. tjo-ur,. ar). f,,r the first nine
piess in lVC. ami servetl only one I , ninths of the year in eacli easel w as
term, is know n to have mi veil at,,,,. ,,f ,-t.ufse. to the striko. for
least J?niHh of the PMHHl drawn I'.v j ii e that has Ihvii settle.! the im
him in salary.'s tii'inina-i por, n.,rt Ii;u.k ,
tion was a huge joke In the tlistrict. ; -rhis Sopte mU-r showt-il an imtiort
He ha. I tamrht school ami ti.i.llotl at
country tlances. X
( vor t wo uiont lis of most pains
taking preparation have Inch .l. iit
oil to these live new piano clnlis. :
(tver a hun.ii-i t Im.iin.imiI ilnlhirsi
worth of strictly stainlaril draml I
new. fully wnrrantc.1 Pianos ure In-!
vt il veil, nuiolig t hem thocotl,v Kim-'
luills, anil hi. k. rings, an.l Welter. '
1 1 igct her w it Ii such fa mot is makes a
the N ose, the lloliurt M. t'altle, the
Marble Co.
?4 Mtl
jta M
t)r jlrrv kt Mjrlc Grirllr. Iron
r( tag mi Ijrarr! Soitr Vtork
a r.
I i . i t f: run
' ltrir nt-l.nn
I nml tiin-i a nin-rlnll)
OKI- II K I'nly IIiiII.Iiuk.
J u n ttii i iit:
iefi'! riii.iri.
li Irian ami huiriin
mtl MMk. 0.... Mi.i. I lk. lrw.
ll,.:i..ti a- li.i. iu i i.. ..,... ..ii
Ol r.t.,iitni ions. W illie ui-o .epieiuiMT
i.i; .
ii-.uomwiii i , there were Inj.ikhi tons linpiil li .l.
IIMtttRV ttOBK Of All MNOt
Land Notice. L ""
v nnnnnii fit tut unnin ik. u.
j : ) nuuumcn uf inc numu t -fc s... t.M
! M.-. tin- i Mini till W . .li. ,Uy
l ) in. li in . mil iii .!... in. Hull mi n i.
. in
in mi i v. t iisiit i otu in mi. . r
jl fan, t Ink
proininence wonhl take the nomina-;
tion. as everyone thought (.'lark '
eoulil not possibly Ik- tlefeatetl. A
gratle ma kes.
Better Than Last Year.
A fry liisf Call . Then- Is no oucst h n now as to our
"I stuck t. my i-nnine. ill f lioiiif Ii evry uliility to till these eluhs. N.i one
joint ac los I ami evcrv nca ve w as rat keil ... m i,,. .... ........ i i ... .... i,,, ...i ...
lamlsliile took place ami the fnliller i ith pai u," u rn-s ('. W. liellamv, a In- . .........
... t , t , .U'omouve ti reman, -f l'.ti r i i tlk: t. t. .' l..a ' J"1"- ",,r 1 ttl. Is lille.l to get
gottheseat. He put up a couple of. .j was weHk aM(, wiU,.,u, ahv ,,. his or h.-r Piano. MemU-rs of t Ih-m-
buildings with the money liesavetl in I petite an.l all tun As 1 a ! cluhs ilo imt even ha ve to know now
congress ami iust after iroing out of ! r:11.1.:1.? " V' ' "J1 ".,.h".11 "! . I who t he ot h-r ineinUrs of the elul.
i i ric i.ii if rs, ami a. if r iaKi ii , i leu us
congnss was apiiointetl postmaster 1 well as I ever 1 1 i in mv liic
ti..i. i., o.i.i,- ,.!'( lly. mn .lon ts-.,,f alay
" j "ife. streiiuth anil Irian their use. tus' Lines are Inclmleil in
Mexico, In Amlrain county. He Try them. Satisfaction nuanintenl by;
I m llt.iill I'rlt.M fill 1't.lili. i
' Portlam! for you to select from.
They have Ixt'ii coining In each tiny
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
iJio Connriicut Avenue
Washington, I). C.
ft f f
V t. o. o V nn ! Hi.- 1. 1 nn. I M llmr. C
I n y i ii I ii u til r ... Ii lut.i.l Ii in t .. r).
in Hall . I ok.' I It'll . V Hi a 1 n .
I . IV. H . J . f. ill.. .
- ! n. I-. CMl UCH DIKMiClOWY.
AllprraonimhnhatehrrrliittircniaJrl INAI. ' I.Ak 1: 1 1 W - Prone hi ng services a)
I'KtHIF In any kind ol I an J. Mlnrial or llm- 1 o'clock A. M.. all. I 7 :.Ul p. .M.ivirv
b.ri:ntrlr.. Hlch ha. bcrn accrpUd h, the j ,, f , , sllll(v.
UrgUtrr or Kcrcltrr ol any f. ,. I and l)lll., . , , , ,
can hat. III. I..u.n., ..I lh,l IL S !.... fc., SUII.Ia.V Se I c ,y SllHihlV lit Jl
Weak. , ,,n will-noil IS mil lllllllc.l 10 't , aald tjind promptly atlrnded to by andln( I lilt t-r Mi-t-t lag el fly llllirs-
italn new lew- makes. I lie I'.ntire l.llers I'lalni : m tnrir tiupiitai Kctciata, or ctrliiitataa ul ilav at i :.IU IV M.
rents one of his liuiltlings to I'ticle
Sam anil still holtls the oflice.
Conic ratulat lona .
Mr. John H. Cullom, K.litor of the
Garland. Texas, News, has written a
letter of congratularinns to the man
ufacturers of Chamberlain's Couiih
t hese 'n,rv- nJ f" aKrrrmrnt to pay mt $10 htn-
.... , . cr ald I'atcnta hall laau .
1 he Inst rmiients are here In i
Orcgnn, California
and NaJa
5tal A(nl
ut the rate of two or more carloads, j
ami tn one single day last week no!
Tor any our k tlltriar "r tJ
Inif aun-K lM.lijiiifiii In 11-
A man walking along the P.uiilt
vanl St. Mitchael. Paris, stops'd to
light ii cigarette. Suddenly he lie-jless than nine carina. Is arrived. !
gan to dance with pain, ami the U ,"'M '"IV'' '"' yr piano J LOOK OUT
t II Hi I .. ...1.. till. I lit I I.. 1 ..!. t !.. lll..l
- - - . r- i 1 a. I : I I a. iiiii'h inn mi jm nn ut I lit
Kemettyastoiiowa: "Mxteen years auo - ,.,lllIf ,H ,,r, ,., v. areoin-!
hen our nrtt ciiild as a liaby lie was 1 wns Miirin-lse.l to w tiniiu-s isxiilmr .... . :
eubiecttocroupy spelln and we would I 1 1 panl.-,l by tlifti.anufacturersguaran-1
be verv uneay about him. We began "' the mini s nose. His nose had j tee and also l.y Kllers Piano House
using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in KIiitt'il when he applied a match to i "Money Pack If Not Sntisfactorv" ' Cnttfh FaStPITl flrPPflfl
18S7, and rinding it such a reliable rem- i , ,.. ..,., ,,.,.. i JUUI" taalCI II UlCgUII
edy for colds and croup, we have never ! cigarette. The nose proved ,,, gr.'.-m'-nt. And t lie pat ments rang;.-j
made of celluloid. " 1 . ,' - ""M L1VB ilUCn ASSUCISIlUn
. to Jfl.trii, J?J ami a week, or fur-
respomliiigly am. units if you prefer
New Pim: l hi i k Preaching Ser
vices ut II o'clock A. M , ami " .'M p.
M., every llrst Sunday.
Sunday School every Sunday at Jo
A.M. Prayer Meet lag e ery Thurs
day at 7::U P. M.
ItKTMM. Pri'lichlllg Servlei-M at II
o'cloi k A. M., and 7::m P. M., every
t bird Sunday.
.1. IS. S i akk. Pastor.
teen wnnoiii ii in tne riouse eince that ; i. JU1 artificial oin
time. We have five children and have i
given it to ad of them with (food results. I 1 "
une goou teature o una remedy is mat i All attempt is lieing made to have to i.av bv the month
it is not disagreeable to take anJ our I I
babies reallv like it. Another is that it ' lgtlMll Ibsen, son of the .Norwe-
is not dangerous, and there is no risk j,llin t.on. t t,,H ,.0ntrv ,.xt vear
from giving an overdose. I congratu-1 .
late you upon the success of your reir;-j a'"' 1,'t t un 0i his fat her's plays,
edy. For sale by Lee Beall. j ;
In the ethnographic musculo1 of!
Rotterdam may now sii-n a
ls?aut iful carpet which the shah of;
Persi.t pn-s.-nted to Queen Wilhel-j
lnina ns a souvenir of his visit to j
Holland some uiont lis ago. Woven
into the carpet is the following in-;
script ion in Persian: 'Presented by
His Majesty Mozzaffer ed Iin. Shah, ',
Kmiieior of Persia, to Her Majesty j
Wilheliniiia, Q'leen of Holland. In;
the ,ve;ir of the Ile.ljiiu PL'n." Tin-;
carjs-t measures ."ti s.jaan.' yards,
and in each sijii.ney.ii-. there a re,
::."0.h0o stitches.
eiii7aa arT'oalaflar' I
Ir tin ml u iiif I. ir I uiligt- slioii.
I U-e ( 'haiiiberhiiii'n Stoiuai-h inel
Liver Taha-ls lor i n. ! i o--t ion joel inel
that tln-v suit my c;i-e better than iinv
tlvspepsia remeily 1 Imve ever tried anil
I have n--eil many i i t'tt-i t-i, t remeilie-.
I am i, early titty-one years nf nw,. rt,,,
liave hi; "ei ed a great 'leal lioin inoi'es
tion. J cui eat alui'ist anything 1 want
to now. (iKo, W. Kmory, Kock Mill.-.
Ala. tur sale bv Lee Peall.
f'oiiiiiiamler I". A. Miller, I'. S. .t
has jnirchased jiew Xo. 1 1 in the
historic St. John's church, Washing;
ton. from a I'hiladelphan, paying
?1000 for it.
Moudei-rul .frvf.
Is displayed by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds,
ISruises, Jturns, Scalds, Sore feet or ut iff
joints. But there's no need for it.
ISucklen'a Amiva Halve will kill the
pain and cure the trouble. It's the best
Salve on earth for Piles, too. iiOi-, at
Lee peall's, Druggists.
3i s r n r ir n
?-:A BY
l . .. ,. 1 M
imc i"fi ri-trtx
A Few of the Prices.
It Is imwissible for us to make de
tailed lilt-lit ioll of prices here. Slltlice
it to say that Pianos for w hich ordi
narily and ".'.V) Is asked are now ,
?1 In, $l:;7 up to ? ami 5I7 for t he j
regular 1'7." and :!hi st.t It m. ( lass A.
I n ( lass P. are found the choicest j
of Marshall it Wen. I. II, llica Son.
Wescrainl the beautiful I '.alley Plan-'
os. SIni;, .l'l'i; and pa.vnients
of si; down ami $1 ii u week buys,
Iheiii. These are posi t i Vel.V t he lo - ;
er.t prices ever seen ill print.
( orresp. iinling reduet ions prevail
a Iso in lass ( ', HamlK. I'ull par-'
ti. -lilacs will appear in these coliims;
each da v I ill sa le closes.
Will ( iflvfii for th arivot mw ro l tlri tM ny r
Vt IIM'llll-r lf ttlU AaVMM lHtl'iri.
J. i. coUdrii.iN,
J. n. INNliS,
I In take effect, I'. ! iy, ,r , ,
Oran Clubs Too.
be iil-
W il h
Two organ clubs w ill also
gani.t d by .1, ninary i'nd.
KellH lll b.-r w hen oil ilea r- Piano House y ou are
y it li I he i-l r. ingest, largest and old
est est ,i blithe. 'ia no li nil, W ho sell
insl rii iik-ii t s at all linns on their
; 1 1 a-I'i t's a 1 1 1 ne. a nd a t prices made pos
sible only by tlie many 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 n - ami
up-to-date advantages I hey employ.
Sale enniiiii nces ami clubs are a
open tomorrow. Knrliesl. buyers
have flu- pick of the largest, lines!
collection of Pianos ever seen ill
1 Portland. lalers Piano House, No.
'',7,1 Washington street, corner Park.
Write us for furl her particulars, clc,
'Out of town Inquiries promptly nt
j tended to.
i Tho Oregon Dally Journal mid the
I Luke County Kxninlner both one
(year for Tin Weekly Journal
j and Kxninlner one year for Sf-'Jo.
I The Semi-Weekly Journal and Kx
I uinlner one year for '!. tf
. . . Trade Marks
rkkrj. . .ifO Designs
rrff", Copyrights Ac.
Atirnna annatnif a akftr-ll and itcNrrlnttnn irmT
qiili-klr iit.riitiii i.iir i.iii.m frn wnt.tht.r an
tnvt'iii I u IH pri.tifil.ljr .ii:-iilfthlif. I't.iiiiiiiiiilt ii
tlnliH .irit'lly t-"ltllilfllll.ll. 1 lurKHM'tlr, fill I .11 t'l. 'n
a. iii frt'tt."t in.'(.iifir li.r iti.t'iiriuif niiMiitt.
I'at.-ni a l.iki'ii tl.r.iiiul. Muiui ft l'.. ro.i.lva
aprl'll lii.lirr. WIU.oilL ctiHriH!, Ill III. I
Scientific Jlmericnn.
A hanrtnomi'17 lllntrni"1 w.hlr. I firi.'CH rir-filtatP-ti
of niiT ncM-iiMH' 1nrfinl. 'I rritm. f (
yiir : fur riinntlm, L (Miltlbyull tirwHitftit tro.
MUNN no.3e,Bro-d"a New York
llrunch oill. u. iA Y St., WuiiI.iiiuiiiii. 1. 0.
I Nn. I Nn. 2
I U iai a. in. I.v hftiti Ar .V'iii p. nv
I V IT a. in. I.v tiiiiiiIi . Ar I ..ii i. in
j lii n'i a. in. I.v t it ar Ar t . m
in ..Ul n. in . 1 .1- 1 ran. I h .... A r I In i. in
i ll.l't ii. in. I.v .. I' tr i. m
II i'i h. iii. I.v I'liiinna Ar J :l i. m
I l-"'t" .. III. I.v I'liat tr '.' 1H in
I.' I" e. in. I.v i riii. r.. ii M J In .. in
l'.': ,. in. I.v . . It. tl Cm k . Vr 1:17 i. in
K'.'i:i.. in. I.v t 'iniiHiit in .Ar IT. j,. m I., in. I.. I-- .A i It. .. in
I : in i. ill. I.v 1,1. 1:1111 Ar l'.''.'ai a. m
'.' : 'ii 1 . 111. I.v A1111.I.1 . Ar riii
i :im i . 111. I.v . A in. ilt-t' . . Ar 1 1 I j. in
Hi. Iv lint .-. IIIH-...A r lilt i. 111
:i. '" I', in- I.v Mmrnv Ar I. .17 .. 111
I .'ii i. In. I.v krirln Ar In .-n ,. 11.
1 ji. m. I.v . II ..r-e I n k. , . A 1 ti ll. i. in
.V 1 p. iii. I.v Wioirly .Ar . in
ii : ;n (1, 111. I.v. . T.'rniM Vr h ' :.'. .. in
: I 1 u . in . I.v lo 1 . I, 11111 11- A r . 7 '.' . '. 111
; : I'i .1. . A r M .1. 1.-1 1 ii.- I . 1 7 : .in 11. 111
' 111 : .inn I.v I'iiiiiii y . i.o. ,in ti Mm
! 'l li pill j I I .'I'M III I.V .. I II I. Ill A I 1. I .j H III I, III
ill it .ln )J.'ir. 11 111 I.v, II. 1 I it Ii. A I,.'. :i' .n T.V'iMin
1 T-'n i-i.i; t.f liin'i I.v 1 1 ii tr 1 1 If A r I. liipin 7 mi uin
'I'. nn.., for I n t- i.' u , I'h i Kit-j mill I I u -li , Ore.
inn I I 1 IIMv- i ll. I Miy, i 1 .tin ill.-, A-llli
A Ii nm- nml III. In 1 , 1 ill II .
II. it -ni aiKH, Mini'ti-li unit r iimiiiv lllc
1 mil,
in . fer M ill.. I'I, Inn. " ill.' 1111. 1 II1111II11
vl:l. . I.l.f
Villi I, II, I. it' I liMllt.lll, I I11W II ley II If II ll.l 1,1111. 1 -
I.. H i. II. .t sprint"- 1 iil'l
lli-fk 1 1 M, tin 1 .. in -i f , 'I n I... v lili 11 mt (.ri ne
vill.. I11III.
tin ir VI lie, Mnhnn k 11 ml 111 1 my, I 11 1 II.
II11111, ii.iiii.ii mi; 1 1 li s'f I'm', in. 'nr h 1 1
I'm 111 m Knsl .V Wt'M: . .V T II. II. fur nil pnliiin
Hieilh .
'Iiif llnrli.y (iniiily
I.i c Mm k Ar-miii'
linn, nl u 1 1 Ii h I nm
a iiii'iiili.'r, pHya $7iti
ri voiril lur cvlili'iice
I1111II11K He' 1.111
vlilluli of I'tir I lea
Kti-ulliiK hliirk I"'
lutiKhm In In Ml.'lil-
lllTM. Ill Hlllllllflll I
ynffi'r I'M) rewanl.
Ilnriti' lirninl liorNi'-
nhiin I .ii r 011 liiliiT
nr I111II1 Jnwh. It.',
l unli'il In H ciiiinlli'M
Hhiikc, IlMrn. v, Lake anil ( rook C.iiuitlca.
Ilora. v. nli'.l wlii-ii aol.l . dorm a noI.1 lo msia
tlir.niK'i HiIh ai'i ll.iii will I"' ri'p.irlii.l hi HiIh
iaH-r. If mil mi r. port.'.l. pi M.' wrliu or tili
jilionu Tlio Tlinea llcralil, Main lluniM, Oru
K011 W W IIhou h, HI.', Or