Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1904, Image 4

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    ...School Uctc...
XnUcvicw IMtfl) Scbool
PuMl.hed Ever Ttmr!y
Mtnlc Building
tc tok. "
llnlph Tntro Is sick
Smm of tlif girls an taking j
(One Year. $2.00 j ndviuitngt of tin- l.enp War.
TERMS: J Six Month -J ,,,, ,,.,, ts behind In Phy-
(Three Months. ,
- - Hlonl tioography.
mm K n k-t m m m'- yt J
On,!.,;.'. W" ,,,,vo "n ,iml " ,U,,,SMnt ,,I,M
rhwi'SS.. ::":''.US;''';'';;j; -.lurinc vat-atlo.i an.l f.vl like If wo
PB to. .van, ...
une oiiiiiiu ........ .. ... ,, , in
Then aiv -'.. pupils onroiiou w nu 11 1 a
Is several limn1 than there was last j jl
year, about fifteen of those began jjj
... 1 1
Tho Examiner Imius tho .now , .,.,.,.,.. Ut,.riir-V s.n-l..t.v li.ive !
Yoar itl. a now volume, aftor fo ,, ,(,r l(.,ri
twenty-four years of oontinuous la-. ,.... j
bor to -ivo tho people of l.ako conn-, t
'"rt ' 1 I 1 Thoso who like to hoar good
tv a newspaper that woiil.l bo a , .......
IJ """ Vssuvs should attend tho !t h tirade s
rndit to tho count v whoso naino 11
Unrs. Tho Examiner starts ol. .
XXV under inoro favorable circum-1
stances than ever liefon. Wo have! Mi- Hall's chart class, that Is
novorcoascutostruWora.lvanco-ln.ost of tho.,,. havo Urn promote
,nont in tho light in which all news, j to tho tirst grade.
papers an prom to achieve, an.l j There was not inuol, st inlying last
how woll wo havo accomplished Wednesday. lit a good .loal of ! i.v
this much-dosiivd end, is probably 1 ..11 account of tho boys building a
lietter judged by the way our nnd- stage an.l this lieing thoir tirst ox
ers sonk an.l act. As ncti. 11s soak ! poriotice it took thoni all l.i.v with
lou.lor than wo will not con- J tho uirl.s help.
sider the latter but we are well satis-; shut tho cantata thoro an two
fiotl in tho way wo havo livn uso.l . rj,.,r, missing, an.l is causing a
by the eoplo of Lake an.l adjoining j ri,.lt of iuoonvoiiioiico. ami if
counties, and wo take it that Tho . ,ln v ,, jl;ls t ;t kt'ii t hou, ly mistake.
Examiner is fully appn-ciatod in U j w wtmlil Ih- kIshI t havo then 10-
.,1 is growing evoiy .lay. aSqUerade at
proud to say. The Exam- jf. NeV Pi I
New Pine Creek.
started out to cover.
The field in which Tho Examiner
was launched is growing evoiy day
and wo are proud to say. The Exam
iuor is grow ing with it. For lifter
years Tho Examiner was tho only, t ho fust of .January Pine Creek!
pajKT in Lake county, but since then j 8,,pM., (,Vor w ith a roarinc mask i
four others havo been launched: one wit, f,,rty eouple of merry dan-1
however, has already bid its read-! C(.rH The hall was crowded with
ers ndieu. after an exciting but short j on.i(,Uers till standiiij; room was at j
career. a im-inium. The dance lasted until j
Tin jkI vnncoinent of a county is j f,,. ...., .i- 1,, , inorninir. Homer'
usually marked by the nuiulier "' 1 ioiurd made the music w hich was
appearance of its iiewspaiers. 1' out of sij;ht the lKst that New I'ino
the newspapers are many and pre-! ('nt'k ever had. Ivan Hammersly
sent a healthy and pros'ierous air, J (.01(j,u.ul tle i)U; w U nu artist
then tho people are undoubtedly in a ; ln (l llUu roomnever overlooks any
Ktnte of prosperity and happiness, j om. jn tl)e i,ull
And, we are frlnd to note that this is ; i.',,nwliitf are the ones who were
the condition of Lake county. Wt ; masked:
hope that the past year will Ik- a jvrry Striplin
marker for this new year and all the J iA.tlll Carrico
future years.
John Vincent
Any ld Thiny;
'low n
i 'low 1,
Miller I'.oy '
Keller's H'.red Man S
. Chas Khodes
The Annual nuuilK-r i.f the Oregon-,
, iuv Hammersly
l.m issued on the tirst of the year, is ; rr(iwf()nj
a splendid edition covering the re-; vir!1.rll,.t. snanish Cavalier !
sources aim possiiiiiiii.-r. 01 on.. .
m Mauley
nook an.Uorner in the state of Mr-,
eson. Maps of each section of the:
'Alt oolise
State are classified in groups, as for 1 !irliu
instance, Klamath, Lake, Harney j j.-,,,
and Malheur are termed '-the broad
, ( lainle .M ulKe
counties of Southeastern Oregon.;
( tins Stanley
Land where cattle and sheep thrive j fM ( ress
on bunol.. assa...l w.iere 1. . i..uo f spaiilsli I .. ii.-Iii S I rl j
produces ri. mi meadows of liay . :
1 H llarret t
Lake county is well written up by ,
. Addle .M UlKey
the pen of L. I . Corn, nivini; the
ilittelliiK iold i
Soldier I'.oy
( 'mill
I'ncle .losiah
rt.-s.tirces. as w.-ll as stating the ie-;
cessities needed to d'-velop 1 he conn
try. J'uilrouds and irrigation are!
wanted, if any material advance-1
melit is to lie made, and if we ex-;
poet to keep pace it h ol h.-r counties
of the state. Tli.- pro.-p'Tt of either :
at an early date does not appear In;
be very ro.-y. After every other;
county ill the state ha.- been supplied
then we can look for a little develop
ment in that line. In the mean time j
we will net alone; as we always
Mabel Ilarrett
Annie Cook
Itilla 'oolise
Emma iallaeher
Allie Hammersly
That ti lit tors
Joda TacMin
Mrs kusncll
il.--ie Voiiiis
! A nnie iallbert
1 Pratt I'.lurion
I Emiiiit Wade
Henry '00k
Minnie Taylor
Purity 1
pieell of Ilea Its
I 1 lee u of I e;i rl s
Ked Itidinx II ood j
Tidy iirl
All I Not tJold
Siimnier Time
I'.llt tel ll.V
School Jil l
Ticket Alien!
1 )iii.-li School Hoy
Keno l ook
I'ilie ( reek Ilooster
Our Store Policy
The Chief Study of This Store
Is to satisfy Its customers. Our slocks are always ke t complete will,
thoroughly reliable merchandise. Curtesy on the pari of eor.v emplo'.o
Is Insisted upon. Our progressive methods of morchandlzlnu. coupled will,
tho very ureal amount of business wo transact, k.vp prices al the lowest
point consistent will, the hkh .pialHy. Wo keep permanent palr.-naue In
view, not lloallnw trade, and aim to make this a store to wide!, you will
turn, not simply when we announce extraordinary bargains, but as the
natural source from which lo supply your wants. Our motto: SalUfae.
(Ion always, or money .heel fiiuly refunded.
JAILIEY & MASSING ILL tho bill in tho field it : , (,r,,(., localise w o are uettin tired C'
of staudiue: up. j
i$z s h
(!) Jr?WxI' k
il Vl
have,-ra.lually advancing step by j j VvnuWm white and ISI11.
step and finally brine.ins up the rear
with tin? best and richest section of
the state.
The Salem Statesman does much
credit to the capltol city in its New
Year edition, a hundred paes of
Illustrated matter concerninj; Salem
and Western Oregon, all printed 011
book puper In magazine, form. The
Statesman Is coining to the front
since Ex-iovernor (Jeer has taken
hold of the helm.
My I '.est tiirl
l',elle of the City
Pride of the Itnll
Fiddler's Wife
Sleigh IJells
Pine Creek l'.ooster
Oliver lierry, I'eal Mulkey, O. Hain
mersly, I'at Oallagher, Clarence
Snhler, Will lloyd, K. Down, Ode
Pratt and W. Nyse.waner, base ball
j Mabel Franklin
Annie Franklin
Lillie Converse
Annie Pollard
Mrs. Stanley
Hau Funk
AC. I- I'UlNTS hMt I II.
See that your ticket reads via the ILLINOIS CEN
TP L K K Thoroughly modern trains conned, with
all transcontinental lines at. St, Paul and Oma ha
If vour friends are coming west, lei us know an.l we
will quote then, direct the specially low rates now ill
effect from ail eastern points. 1.i11.,.,.n,iie
Any informal Ion as to rates, routes, etc.. hcoituli.
given on application.
I!. H. Til I'M lil'LL, Com. Agt. 1 1-, 1 st Portland Or
1 c I ivnsi- v T F. & 1'. A. I'. U. Thompson, F. & I'. A.
'' ' VlJ Third St ro'et lloon, 1. Coleman Wdg,
Portland, Or. Seattk( Wash.
. ,r- .
L. BAILI:V . . . .
A 4 oiiiil'le nml ll.-iuill-I11I
line ill 4it ' lo '
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place In Town