Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1904, Image 3

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    UVIZNTS or
Important nnd Interesting; Maps
and MUhnp of the Week
hrlefly Written.
Short, Crisp, I'lthy Paragraph That
(live the Cream of the Week's
News In a lorm All llusy
Men Jem Appreciate.
Ill 1 !M I I he II II III I m- (if ll'dlctuldc nf
felines ct.lninlt led In Ireland WiimIMMHI,
I. lit III 11MIL they MM n k In N'-ll,
If .Villi IlllVt'll'l HII'll I III' llllllll'l llf
the patent null' nt t IiIm iilllcc, mil In
ft 1 1 1 Inspect I), If
I'llllll linirlillHT.V Mil ! Ill I ll'
planting unit gn ' lii'iinu f lust year's
Cl up III I III' I 'idled .Stales 7(HI,MMI,IXH.
Kentucky I'uvnrilK Whinky tn t lti-nt
mill Ix'Hl. I'll) Mclulia li'tcoiiiciid il.
r.t.i .v Km. tf.
Ah tin- result of I In- t ffnl lN of l.nli-
lull ill l'k Mini shipping I'lllllpUllll'H
VI, HI I ruts ii' killed In Hie port of
l,llin III I '.mi:'.
The limst i'olilii'ti Ji ill Mt ork off of
tin' lulll'ui'l U to Ih fi .lin-l lit The
FviiihIiht ollli'i'. First class work
lllll,s, lit ri'UHOIIIllilc plIri'M. tf.
The Wnlili'll of Tunis ItlViT, .V J ,
llll o funned a village Improvement
nssiiclal lull til Im-MIII If.V Ihi'illV, mill
have elected Mrs. i. V.. I '.it rr pres.
Cyril Niilili- Vliikv lln nM ihiini
in. hi Hinl kIiU chain pimi iif tlii'iu nil.
I 'him I III nil lift rill"" pluri'n. A"k lor
Cryim Noble chm g-ssls when you wniil
H ifixnl ilini nt Inline. il7 tf.
It Is est Imiled liy t he treasury do.
part inriit tlmt tin1 exports of tin
1'nlted Mates for tin- I'liiTi-iit year
will roach the great tollil of l ;iki.
)ut of t in :nu rawK of Miiiiiipox in
t'llll'ltgll HI'llt to tin' Isolation llOSpl-
tal this jmr Ml were iiiiviu-rliiat'i
children ninliT school up ami 1 1 of
tlll'SC llll'll.
When bilious try 1 1 1. hi' if ChainU'r
laiu's Mmiiit. Ii milt l.ivi-r Tablet and
ichIi7.i' lur mil i' how tpiickly h brut-class
up-to-date medicine Mill correct Ilia dis
order. For hIu liy lee 1 II.
Tin' "luiiiMi'HinltliH" nri tin ini1 Iron
workers who pill together tin1 steel
akclctou f rii iiii-h w lilcli art1 now iihi-iI
In tin count met Ion of all lnrgv
Mr Win. 8. Crime of Califn ruin, M.I.
miflrrt'il fur year from rlii'iiiiiiili-iii nml
llllllliHKU. Hi' HHH lillllll HilVIHl'il to try
1 ' 1 1 it iti t mtIii i ii 'h 1 'hi h I t;i 1 id . which l.i'
ilul nml it elicited n roiiiili'tL' cure.
For nail' by Fee Itcall.
A mail who ruiiN a grocery store
In Oregon Is about to start h news-papi-r
nml lia vi tin newsboys taki'
orders for KTm'rrli'K when they leave
till' plipi'l'H.
Ciilil.u inn furni fur hhI,' it I iiit bar
gain. lill acres fi'iiri'.l iiikI rroHH fi'iiri-il.
CiiNt in'M'iit n hit $10, Mm lull wi.l In'
Willi fill $IMM); I, ilnwn till. I lilllitnrci.ll
i'iihv pavim-nts. Impure t this of
fice. 47 If
Tlinv an' Iiiml wall arising from
tin Maine I'oiiMt. Tlie khmi'iiniciiI
Iimm i li't'li lei I that It Is lint ivspi uihI
lile for iTopM ilewt royt'il during the
ri'ci'iit army iniincuvcis aliout I'orl-
I'l.nt A Kinir me now receiving hig in
voices for their winter li.uli'. All tin
fini'Kl brands of liiiieniM and ciiruis me
kept llii'ii'. I '"ft .V King luriiii'li the
Inline unh ihe lii-Hl brands f.r ini'ilii'in-
II I llll IUM'M. l--t f
The rransHilii'l'liill riiilnia.l Iiiim I In
i-lii'ii pi'st rateH of all Inn. I in the
win hi, ami an emigrant can Imy a
ticket w hich will allow IiIm to travel
lilllMI mlli'H, which taken nearly Hiree
wcm'Km, for aliout
TrccH form n i'oiikIi kiiIiIc to the
1 1 tin t k of the conipUMH. The iiionm
liiviirliilily k',,wm thlcki'Ht on tlio
nort Ii Hhle, nml, wliero cxpimcil to
tin miiii, tlio IIiiiIih attain t he Inrp'Ht
iliineiiHloiiH on tin1 Hoiith hhle.
AVliorton A Nmith'H Palace continued
to lu the pnpuhir club room. If you ar
)ookin (or a miiii you will likely find
iiim at tlio l'alacti. (itioru hihI l'ent
alwayi treat their patrons well. I.iUchI
poriodicals. Private club room, 4S-lf
Timber l-end rillnce.
In t he IiiiiiiImt of tllilher Inlnl III
Iiirn hit trefoil iliirlnif tln piiMt year,
the ItonelilirK illHtllct i oIiick II Ml fol
Inwi'il liy I In' Lnkevlew illMtrlct.
I.iimI yeiir, iih In tin year, prccciN
llitf, there were more tlmlier I'litrlew
recot'ileil In the KoMcliuru; l.andOlllce
than I'lHcwhere In Oregon. In the
flMcnl year I'.hiJ, there were I'll tlmlier
i'ii t rh m In the lluHclitirn illHlrlct. em
liracltiu 7 1, -I'm Iicii'h. l-"roin thine
hiiIcn the tloveniinelit. iletlveil ?IV
nil. Imrliii; t In pnit yenr Itimeliiiru:
illMtrlct iipoiteil 1"(HI timlH'i' inlrli'M
i'inlirin lii ..''! ncrc, from which
wan ilerlved a total fund of fi .VI,S7i.
The l.akevlew dlHtiict Mt 41 ImIn next
to ItoMclmrtf In the Importance of ltn
tlmlier hind Imi-Iiichm. Where IhU
olllce In 1:hiJ ivp.-i led only Ml tlmlMT
cut rlei covet lux ll.l!7 ncri'M, It re
portH, for t he pa hi year. !.VI tlmlier
cut riex cinliraclnu 1 :i, ncnu. Km
receipt m on JH'i't ill H t of the llicreawd
tlmlier IhihIiii'mh hIiow an iidvniice
from $7 .!-' to :t.s.i;:tl.
In the Imporlnnce of Mm tlmlM-r
land eiil i Icm the I, a I i ramie I Ik t rl-1
rankM third. In Pi- there were only
IPI tlmlier I'lltrlen filed III that olllce
eliilil-'icliii; 1 1, l.'iii ncri'M. I.iihI year
there were sl.'i cut rli'M, covering P.M..
LM.i!l iicii'h. lii account of t IiIm Incrfane
III lillnlneHH there han lieeli ail ad
Vance In rccelm a t I .a (irande from
VI;.I II to j:iM,7.V).
The remainder of t he Mate of Or
I'k'nii eM'i'enceil Icmh activity hi tlm
iH'rhiud lni-1 ih'hm than wax i.iown
In I li thr lUtrlctN aliove mimed.
The ImlleH, Oregon t'lty and P.uriiH
illxlrlciH all evperleiiceil a reniark
alile Increaxe In tlmlier i-utrlfH lawt
year iih compared with t he year prc
vIoiih, lint nowhere were operatioiiH
iih exteiiHlve an In the dUtllctM here
tofore cited. In P.hl The Dalli-H dln
trlct reported II IIiiiImt enlrlcH em
liraclnn .",.7.i- iici'h nnd hint year I.Vi
eiil rli'H covering 7i,mmi acn-H. Itn re
rei'elptH IncrciiHcd from $1I,."1 to
A l'rlMMT In llrr II m.
Mr. W. II. I.hvIiii. of PH)1 Airnei
Avii., KmifHH City, Mo.. Iiuh lur iieviral
yi'Hm ln'1'ii troiil.lcd with wvere hoarm--ncn
mid at tiini'n a hard roiiith. which
hIic vii, "Would keep me in d.xirs fur
nr iIhvh. I wan pn-fcrilH'd for liy phy
niciatiM with no noticeiililo remiltn. A
friend iravi nm part of a Ixittle of t'linin
ln'rlin' t'oiiicli Kemedy with inlrue
tionM to cloHely follow the direclioim and
I mii-h to Htntu that after tin tirnt day I
ciiuki in. ttii- a decided change for the
Ih-Hit, and at thin tune after tihinu it
for two wcrkN, have no lieilation in
hHyiiiK I renlir.e that I am entirely
cured." Thin remedy in for ale hy Ia-v
t i
Announce, a ( luliliiiu; Arraiigemeiit With
TIk- liatirlsonic IIliistr;itcfl Magazine jiulilishc'l hy the
old reliable firm of Kami, McNally& Company, Chicago,
the largest judilishin house in the world. "Farm Life"
is the lead in; publication for the farm home. Printed in
colors and beautifully illustrated throughout. Iiach is
contains sjiecial articles relating to successful farming,
.also special departments for women, bovs and irls, and
the little folks.
The Lake County Kxamlner, onyear f'J.tHt
rarin Life, one year .. ..VI
P.oth papern. one year for
1 h jri-nrljr .rl:i' of Tin- Kxumini-r.
New subscriptions or renewals.
Subscribe or renew to-day and don't forget to mention
that you want both papers for only $2.00, the price of
The Lake Countv Iixaminer.
This offer is for only a limited time; take advantage of it while
-'"' ntiiititiiiiimiiii
A new ent nunc for limine Ilii'H han
Imm'Ii dlrtcovrn-d by a I-riinklin, X.
II., man Into wIiokc home the HIcm
had liei'ti coming In nplte nt well
Hcrei'iied doorn and wIiiiIowh. A
careful ltiMMKt ln In-oiight to light
the fact that the IIIch en me down t he
llieplnce chimney, a lire In the II re
place wanning them up ami start
lug them Into the living loom In
HwarniM. The dlncovcry led to a liy
Hcreell liellig I'laced over the top of
the chimney ami kIiicc then not a lly
Ini h I .cell seen in t he In .Use.
Mini From Ti'irllile lli'Mlli.
The f.iinilv of MrH. M. I.. Ituhl.ilt of
Piir'crlon, Tciiii., caw her dviui.' mid
ere powerlcKH lo wive. her. The uuihI
Nkillful .hvfii imiH mid every
iihciI. fuilcil, while i-i no-n I ti .1 i . n win
hIowIv hut surely tiikinu lo-r life. In
1 1 1 i m lerrilile hour I'r. Kinn's New I i
I'ovei y fur ( 'oiisiiiupi ion tiinu'd tU-f pair
into joy. The liift Imllle lirmiuht i tit -mediate
relief mid itrt ci.uliiiucd ll-c
completely cured her. It's the moxt
certain cure in the world lor nil throat
iiicll.ii.utri'"'. (iuuiHUtced P'.tllcH
MIc and 1 .00. Trial lloltlcrt Free lit
Iteall'H lnitf Store.
A line diamond wan found in a
meteorite which recently fell In
Arizona. It win deeply embedded
In a broken fragment of the shoot
ing star, and Ih now In the American
museum of natural history.
' iximralli' TrniilitfH.
It ia exceptional to find a family
where there are no domestic rupturca
occiiHionally, hut thene can he lennened
hy huviuvc Dr. Kluv'a New Life I'll In
around. Much trouble they nave by
thtir itreat work in Stomach ami Liver
troublcH. They not only relieve you,
but euro, 25c, at Iajo ItculTs Drug
(Rpcrlal CorrMpondenei.
"Official examiner of the wantebaa
ket" ucb la the title conferred on
two women at the treasury. Nor la
the title a vain one. The women are
ctaaaed a "expert," and their dutlea
are reckoned Important.
From 0 to 4 o'clock each day, except
Sunday, they may be found in the
fcnnemeut of the bin and dirty grtj
ttrown building; wherein Uncle Sam's
lncwB of commerce and war, peace
and pronpiTlty, are kept. Hour by
hour they carefully go through the big
plica of waate paper dumped out for
their critical Inspection from the ca
pncloua mnwa of the hundreds of bas
kets which nre supposed to catch the
litter of ofllcluls and clerks, from Sec
retary Shaw down. It, Is the word
"supposed" that gives these experts
employment. Too often a document or
paper of value slips Inadvertently Into
the baskets and were It not for the
watchful eyes of these women would
Pud Its way Into the titry furnace of
People have been wont to Joke about
the ridiculous titles that certain gov
ernment employees bear, and In a pop
ular farce of a few years ago there
was a character who styled himself
the olllclul cleaner of government cus
pidors, ltut there are. In fact, two of
ficial examiners of wastebaskets In the
treasury department.
Thr Annual Orrrlinallnar.
The Interior or the White House Is
to receive Its general annual overhaul
ing during the absence of the presi
dent and hb family from Washington.
Pome minor changes that are desired
by the president and Mrs. Koosevelt
w ill be effected.
In the president's ot'l.'es painters nre
already at work repainting doors and
Other woodw ork.
The new driveways In the front of
tbo White House grounds have about
been completed, little remaining to be
Inning the absence of tlio family
from tlio White House the main door
at the north portico will not bo closed
to visitors, as heretofore, nnd those
visiting the east room may enter that
way as well as by the new eastern en
trance, opposite the treasury depart
ment, Allen Labor Un Violated.
Systematic violation of the law pro
hibiting the admission of contract for
eign labor has started a uew and rigor
ous Investigation by treasury otllclals.
Specific violations of the contract labor
law are being Investigated nt New
York by order of Commissioner Oen-
rnf Knri?enr. one clurlntr example Is
that of a Hamburg-American steamer
arriving there May 20. which had 2.000
Immigrants on tsiard. mostly Hussians,
Roumanians, Greeks, (iullcians and
Hungarians. With few exceptions
these immigrants were under contract
and were sent to cattle ranches nnd
farms in the northwestern states.
! Another practice in violation of the
Immigration law Is the temporary ex
change of money betw een steerage pas
sengers, so that penniless Immigrants
are enabled to show up enough money
to permit of their admission.
Admiral Dewrr at Summer Hone.
The admiral of the navy and Mrs.
Dewey are now at their summer home
in Woodley lane, near Washington, and
propose remaining there nt least until
the middle of August nnd possibly
through the entire summer. The ad
miral drives to and frou his office in
Washington dally, while Mrs. Dewey,
to whom the seclusion of the country
is especially delightful In summer,
makes few excursions into towu, but
at all times extends a gracious wel
come to the friends that come to ber at
Will InveallKate Indian Complain!.
The president has ordered a thorough
Investigation of the affairs of the
Kiowa and Comanche Indian reserva
tion In Oklahoma and has appointed
Francis K. Leupp of this city to make
the Investigation. The Investigation
Is based on charges made by certain
Kiowa Indians, including Delos K.
Ixme Wolf, a Kiowa, living at Hobart.
that of the 2,7.11) allotments made to
persons purporting to belong to the
Kiowa. Comanche nnd Apache tribes,
under the act approved June tl. l'.iuo. a
number of the allotments were Illegal
and more allotments were made than
there were Indians.
l:eMillve Oltli'i-a 'Will lie 0cil.
The cM'cutive'ollices p.i Washington
will be open throughout the summer,
with Mr. Forster. the executive tl. tk.
in charge. The president will also
' maintain nn office at Oyster Pay. the
two offices being in direct communica
tion by telephone and telegraph. While
I the president expects to direct and
1 watch the post office Investigation, he
' desires to be as five as possible from
official can's during his period of rest
nnd recuperation, as the work of the
coming winter will severely tax his
Vacancies In Consular Service.
There nre two or three good va
cancies to be filled lu the consular serv
ice. The best of these Is the consulship
at Manchester, England, made vacant
by the resignation of Consul Grin net,
an old nud faithful employee of the
consular service. Another good place
la at Cartagena, Colombia, made va
cant by the recent death of John C. Io
gersoll. and the consulship at Guade
loupe, on the Island of that name in tb
French West Indies, will also be Ty
rant, it Is thought.
Will Live In Capital labirk.
Lieutenant Commander Robert H.
Peary, the noted explorer of the arctic
regions, has just purchased a hand
tome house in the suburb of Washing
ton called Cleveland Park, and be and
his family will remove to it im median.
ly. The little daughter who waa bom
la the far north is now a schoolgirl.
Happy at l-avat.
9L (IkiK
Simklns Mr. and Mrs. nickering are
very happy just now.
Timpklns- l.Hi'M'd! lioy or gill?
fcfimkins Neither. A divorce.
I'oolliall Ti-rma.
"Fulllug on the bawl." Chicago