Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1904, Image 2

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fialtf Count C?.va nlncr
Publish! Every ThurtiUy
.Masonic Building
One Year $2.00
(Three Months...
TERMS: ' Six Months, 1.00
o Inch
Two lnehi
Thr Inclnw. . . .
JnrtiT Col u ma
lifttf Column
One Column . . . .
' stones mid rings.
.vm lie mirts with these Articles, on
TitW: .1. I... f.,i. nf..v in th
Avcrjg Trust tn Tlltmn,
Amulets and Charms.
Tlio nvrrno thief born ami lri5
in tln slums is nhvay superstitious
ami r-ownrdh. lie "believe in tli
power oi witches, omens and lh
protecting properties of amulet,
talismans niul charms, ami when
Pcnrclied nt the police station thcr
50 re usually found in his pocket or
1 concealed about his person hits !
Uwkil mo Smalm! 1 yr : i -.. horseshoe nails. luckT
In m turn saiw st 112 W toal. rUM norsisiun. nun., luv-ivj
' 1 l TIV1I Ml
,i aim w 10 w isivj
s iml im isiw.vrti
. 16-v'lftiV iM 40 im
- jlour of poni, vltu t no greatest wi
! luctanee and stipulates wun uu'j
1 turnkey to have them returned ci-1
. , " . . " . ther to'liimself or friends.
lien mini h les U pulled, it isu t . i,ur,,larv p-entot enemy in j
hi leg: that Rvts lonirer It'n hi j nocturnal wanderings is a dog,;
t-itv. : whose presence he even dreads more
i ! than the policeman or detective. To
Matilda Scn.o. the noted Italian ! protect and guard himself against;
! canine attacks on ins person nc car-1
i ries ahout with him a sprig of the j
i crav iuneworl. which when used as
lier experiences. an auiuht is an absolute preventive;
. . ' against the bite of dogs. This plant j
when used internally is said, on tlte
'1 CHiins nrs,
novelist, has Ikvii traveling in Pales
tine niul has writ ten a book aliout
Owinji to the Illness of Jiidis Cnr
Kuter and Tarrant of Milwaukee,
the county will Ih? compelled to call
upon some jurist in a neighboring
.tistriet to hold court iu the ('renin
A temieranee advocate in Maine
m in the habit of having bottled
beer sent to his hotel packed in boxes
lUeled crackers. The expressman
accidentally let a box fall one day
aud the truth "leaked" out.
DoH?!s0LiNAE Pn
Women V
Made at J7&2&
OUR NEW fj&j J
ffov ji
am I IV J I T 1
arv n rvi
4S ) P
1 T-1
Wnat Docs a Few Dollars Mean?
In the shoo licit I it humus
The Best Possible in ... .
Style. Comfort and Wear
If vou invest, in one of the ahove make
It is understood among the elect of
New York society that this season
there will be qualified revival of
the Ion- abandoned custom of keep
ing open house on New Year's day.
The qualification w ill be In the hours
devoted to recti ving.
They are the lit all over, wear like iron, swell-ajipearin shoes that yon
hear ahout hut have never seen for the priee. We don't ask you to take our
word ask the shoe.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.!
King Christian of IVuniarlc was
handed his appointment as general
in the (iermnuy army by the kaiser's
.ude de camp. Major General Von
Moltke, a nephew of the great strat
egist. The Moltkes were born suti-j-ts
of Denmark.
authority of liaeon, to remove hy
drophobia. There is also a curious supersti
tion common among all classes of
the renin lawbreaker regarding the
power of a candle made from the i
bodv of a vounsr woman. 1 he Deiiei
is that such a candle not only ren
ders the perpetrators of robberies
invisible, but that it throws the vic
tim or victims into a state of deep
pomnolency. Within recent years
four ignorant Russian peasants mur
dered a girl and made candles out o
her body. Before the murderers
were executed they confessed thai
they committed the crime to make
themselves invisible while perpet rat
ing a robbery they had planned.
In the Scotch criminal code of i
the eighteenth century there are ex
press penalties against this hideous j
candle (superstition. The thief has i
implicit reliance in the loreknowi-j 5CVPn Million boxe sold in pest 12 months.
edge claimed by pypsies and oilier
neonle. and he' has been known to
i;ts1,Uof '"ii" l-b'uf Trr 4X j -vi CV
threatened hi:n with all manner oil A
J'CI U. .1 linn niv ,
Put your Ad in The Examiner. It brings $
chum is set down as "uneiidly ' ana j
is carefully avoided and shunned as'
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, rp
C,, Mllinn knP itntd in lunt 12 months. Thi RlCn.ltlTrP. V-'
- -- "-o -
Cures Crip
In Two Days.
on every
yrTrtr box. 25c.
Th' Kev. 'l'hompson I,. Smith of
Denver, now 80 years of age, is n -1
lated on his mother's side to Wash- j
ingtoii. and on his father's to Chief !
Justice Marshall. Mr. Smith was a!
noted chaplain in the confederate!
army. j
if he were sniTcrim: from some con-tn-'ious
di.-ea-e. It is these ostra-
i.ed thieves in the conmionwcalth
oi crivr.t that are uiifized by detec-
fives in their explorations
1 r'
U011 1
S. F. Ahlstrom
When Mrs. Totter Palmer
Old Enough to Break.
i It was in the hall of antique caRts
in the Brooklyn Institute museum.
I A ''little mother" of seven or eight
was i , , i
was leauillg uooul u nut pisii-i iu
I.resident of the board of lady mar- j eacj, jmnJ evidently doing the hon
iiijers at the Chic.iu-o w orld's fair I ors of what she was convinced must
one of her colleagues pulled her hair be a place of entertainment.
tot, evidently aisap-
and made her cry, ami now there is
.-i wrap on Itetween the lady board
of managers at the St. Iewis fair
and several of the ladies threaten to
resign. The fair wouldn't sustain
loss if all the ladies resigned iu a
bunch, as they were appointed for
ilw same reason that buttons are
sewed on the tail of acoat forshow
One little
pointed in her expectations, said,
But they're all broken!"
"Thoy" can't help that," replied
the littfe champion. "They've been
here ye-ars and ve-ars!" Brooklyn
life. '
Several c(,,u-u of the Northwestern
Stock iJirecloiy. complied by SIo-h A
IJtflitly, r liters of Alturas. have been
left al "t his ollice for distribution. It iH
a valuable book lor stockmen and worth
the price. tf
Manufacturer of the
c2a.-st yj-JL v? '
conti:t Noricn.
1'nileil vt-il.,u I tilnl I llliee I !llfe.'ieu
()rei'oii, Orlober :tnih. l'i(. A sn llii ietit j
contest ;i in , la v 1 1 liuviiik! been tiled in I
t. !. I.v Ii.Iiii l!,,l,.,rtu eniili,t:llit !
iiL'aiii-t Homestead I'.ntry No. IS'.m-.. $
mieie Auiiiiotih. I S'. 1 4 , for the W '.. of
NW'4 bil" 1 ami 2 Section Mil. Towti
sliip:;". S, Kantte 1!4 K. W. M., bv Mi
cliiel Lynch, Couteslee, in which it in
alleeeii that said Lntryiiian aiiandolied
said Lands about October 1st, ls'i5, and
thereaftf r on 1 lecein b-r tith, lH'.l'i died,
leaving as an lieir al law, his father,
James Lynch, residing iu the ('aunty
of Cork.' in Ireland: said partieH are
hereby notified to pear, respond and
offer evidence toiiclnni! said allegation
at 10 o'clock a. in. on January 1", l'.KIl,
U-(i re the lletrister and Receiver nt the
t'lnled States Lund OH'ne in Lakeview,
( Irejinn.
The said contestant, having, iu a
proper allidavit, tiled March 111 li. i'.Mi:!,
set fTI li facts wliicli show that after
.1.... .l;i;... .1 ... .;.... ..f tl.iu:
notice can not he made it is herehy order- i2&6A&AAA&&&AA&A&A&A&&&&A
ed a''d directed thai such noll e lie i
Ijiveti by due and proper publication. j ,
NovlM.) r.. JI. liKArr.tts, itegiHier.
Mecotcnied as the liest Vnquero 5addle
Wao-on and Htijry Harness. Whips, Holies, Keatas,
Hits, Spurs, , Quirts, Ilosctles, Mlc. -o- -A- tf-
Ilepairino; of all kinds, ly coinjK'terit men. -a- -o-
'There Is trou'.Ie ahead for the
young duchess of Itoxburghe, former-! Tuberculosis was a rare disease
ly Miss Ooelet It is understood i among the slaves of the southern
that she will endeavor to assume her j "tales, yet, after a little more than a
portion as premiere of the Scottish 'garter of a century, it causes more
duchesses, and scotild she do so she dentin among the emancipated
will arouse the antipathy of the
, powerful duchess of liueclciigh,
whose dislike of all Americans is well
known. It is thought in Kugland
that the new duchess will aftiliate
with tlie king's t, which is regard
ed as inferior by the J'.ilcclough faction.
,,..,r,M.u Ii.iii iill tin. nflii c infectious
1 J 1 K 1 ' " 1 1 t 1 . 1 . I . ...... . . " " -
diseases. The negro death rate
from tuberculosiM is more than three
times that of the whites from the
same disease.
In'. Louis Din an declares in a
magazine article that in thiseountry
technical educatii u is too technical.
"There is too much Instruction," lie
says. "We shoi Id not attempt to
make mental storehouses of men,
lait mental factories. The ability of
a man to work
J Special Round Trip Kates.
' Otween June 4th mid August 2'ith
I The Illinois Central will sell round trip
: tickets from Oregon and Washington
, points, to Chicaio, Cairo. Memphis, and
; New OrleaMt at dreatly iieduced iiates.
, Tickets iood for three niontlis. (io
! inji limit ten days, lletiirniiivf limit ten
I days after starting west. Stop over
ptivileiren either way, west of the Mis
' soiiri I'.iver.
Sale dates are arranged to be conven
ient to rtelt'tratHi to conventions of Na
i tional Kducational Association at. I'oh
ton: Klks at i'.altiinore ; Woo.lmen at
i.t any specific prob- Indianapolis; KagleH at New ork;
, . it ,. , Sliriners at Saratoga; KtiigntH oi ivui-
lein depends upon his being able to ; al ....viu,, ail)1 Commercial Trav-
inake a mental pl t of the jiivjbleia t ellersat Jiidianapolis.
loti can take your cnoiee oi rixieen
Different Koines, Write us. We will
cheerfully V!ive any detailed infonna-
Hon vou want.
juid keep it constantly before him.
Tiiis requires an Imagination that
bus been developed and not sup-lirenscd."
J. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
VJ U2 Third Ht. Tortlaud, Oregcn .
i'niteil Slates Land Oflic.e, Lakeview,
Oregon, October SO, PKl.'b A nnllii:ient ,
contest allnlavil lia' nig neen men in una
oflice by Hubert McKee of Lakeview , Or,
contestant, against Timber culture entry
No. I 1h:5, made August 2th. 1K1KJ, for
NKU of NK.'4 Section HTow iiHhip 40 S,
It. '3) K, W.Sl., by Amanda K. Boyd de
ceased, Contestee, in which it iH alleged
that ; said Tract wan not cultivated ac
cording to the Laws of Timber Culture
Entries, that the said Kritry woman iu
dead, and that the heirs have aban
doned said Lands. That the heirfi of
naid l'.ntrvwoinan, deceased, are as fol
lows. Alice .Misjre, daughter over the
age of 21 years, residing at Lakeview,
Oregon, Arrilla Vernon, daughter, over
the age ot 21 ) ears, residing in Cantor
nia, Lela liovd, a grand daughter, now
residing in California, Raymond lioyd,
Itoyal A. I'.oyd and Coy A. iioyd, grand ,
sotis residing in California; said parties;
are hereby not died to
and offer i- idence tone
don at 10 o'clock a. in
l!)l)4, before the Register bihI Receiver
at the l iiiled StaleH Land Olliee in
Lakeview, Oregon.
The said contestant having in a prop
er allidavit. tiled November 27, i'.KJI, set
forth facts which show that after dun
diligence, personal service of this notice
can not hi: made on all the heirs of said
contestee, it is hereby ordered and di
reeled that such notice he given by duo
and proper publication, and that per
sonal service of notice of contest lie
made on Alice Moure, daughter, at
Lakeview, Oregon.
Nov. 12-45 K. M. Hkattaiv,
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Drews Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
Young Cattle for Sale
IAUD0R ALAMO head of herd