Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 07, 1904, Image 1

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    i. .
f' D
NO. 1.
Senator Tulton Attacks National ;
Land Policy and Shows Why j
It' Detrimental toOrejfon j
Senator Fulton had it second hear
ing IflMt U irl before I In Public l.llltil ,
I tiinriilMMliiiM-r i in I iIIhimimhi-iI ill hiiiiii'
JciiKth I In firiMir,v pulley f tliciov-.
i riiiniMii , mrt Iciilarly as II tll - tu
Oregon. Tin Slimier slated Unit,
t ho present int'thiiil n( iiiliiiliiUirrltitf i
I hi 1 1 in I M-r alM I Hlniii' act 14 nnjiixtlll
ulili iiinl I in i tjt' t li-ii 1 llonbJiitd
lo tin H'l ( questions Hint 1m laid
before every culryiiian, mid cm
barniMMcs many .. ho are seckiiiK to
acquire lands In kiiihI fallli. 1 1 j i r -
(Thiol till OllVt'MIIIII-Ilt has no I'IkIiI
in tin ii lit nf mi cut ry iiiiiii mIii'IIm'I'
In will ever sell IiIm quarter section of
I IiiiIht, If In let n chance tu iln mii at j
it profit, and also objected to many ,
oilier ((iii'MtluiiM tliat an now in
iutiiili'il. Senator Fulton tulil tlx commis
sion that a ureal ileal nf sciimcIi-mm
Hitrry hail Ix-cn rniMctl nualiixt ul-1
lot Uxn larc liinllfM uf timber tit in Im 1
In fall Intci tin IiiiiiiIm uf IiiIiiIm-i- or
Immlim coiiqe nles. I li mIh iMril thai
It m only tin large 'iiinialiii'M that
rim rut ami rcmo tin timber ami
I t" 1 1 1 It into traili' i ! I commerce.'
lb-Maid no Mi'itliT owning a Mingle
itiarti'f miti im m ! I infold In erect
ii hj i w 1 1 1 i 1 1 , nf undertake tu log that
imli tract. It I only the,
la rue ci.niiaiili'M imiI lulliu ; large
IractM uf tlmlii't' l.i iil that c in afful'il
I i ipi'ia I lililU ul' lugging camp.
Hi- furl lii'iniurc 1 n 1-1 1 that the
ntlll.atluii uf Oregon's iIhiIht iih
necessary tu the development of tho
Mtate, t hat tliulicr is nut wanted nr.
lut-ded In any great extent fur the'
Inline market, lint fur i-.iirtatlmi to I
foreign markets, j
I.NJI MTU I-: I'llKsKNT I'ul.H'V.
Yet. he said, iimler the present
met Inn In uf administering t he tliiiluT :
ami Mtmie act thcMe lands must is)
iarcelleil mit In iiiarter-Hectloii
tract to liuli vhliial ownet'M who can
not affot'il to develop their property,
but imiMt liohl ll Imletlnltel.v In the
virgin Mtate. He iiHHiireil the com
iiiIkkIuii that then wotihl lie no out
cry In Oregon against allowing It h
timber lands to come Into the pos
m'hmIuii uf corporal Inns, fur corpora
tion IiuhIm arc being taxed, ami the
iiiIIIm are pay lug In reveliili that Im
aiding In the develoMiiont of the
rcMpert Ive count leu of t he Mtate.
In thin connection. Senator Fulton
eiitereil a linn prott'Ht against the
general plastering of the Mtate with
forest reserves, which he said would
remove Just ho much land from tax
ation, and ho retard development,
not to mention the handicap that
would result from withdrawing
tin (Me areas from net (lenient, Holms
no objection lo reserves to Include
lands In high altitudes and on the
sources of mI roams, but Ik decidedly
oppoHed lo reserving permanently
th more valuable timber in the low
He especially protested against tho
creation of a forest reserve hi tho
Hokui' Ulvcr country of SotitliweHt
et'ti Oregon. Ill cuiicIiimIiiii, he nald
he in Ik I ' t fnvor 11 bill, offered iih n.
Ntilmtltutc for tlu timber and Htouu
iu-t, which would allow the tlovern
mcnt to retain tltlo to timber laudu,
but would uuthorlxo the hrJo of tim
ber In UinltlcHH traetH, either at pub
lic auction or tinder a Healed-bld
A . Resolution Passed Accepting
Proposition of J. A. Anthony
for Lighting Lake view
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The city council met In regular
wmkIuii Tuenday nlht, imd the flr"t
Important act done m um to pan a
rcMolution ralMln the prtnent rate of
taxation from one mill to three
inilln. ThiM wat done to help meet
the payment of the lridcbteIneK.
The resolution offen-d at a special
iiiwtin two wee kn hjco, bargHlnin
with Juh. A. Anthony to furnish
electric current to the town of Lake
view for u KTlod of ten years, anil
leasing the town's dyuamo to him
for one year, was again read, and
upon the roll lieing called was unan
ImoiiHly adopted by the Councllnien
present V. L. Snelllng Is'Ing absent.
According to the contract Mr.
Anthony is to begin furnlHhlnglights
on February Int. A good and suf
ficient boHd muHt le furnished by
j him o iKTform his part of the con
tract. .No further business came
Is'f ore the council except the grant
ing of licenses and allowing bills.
ItfT. Ir. Newell liwlRht IIIIIIh. who recently criticised I'rophef Dowle In
ii New York newnpiiper. Hppiirently rouwil 11 HleepliiK lion, for Howie any: "If
Ir. llllll think he'a uoliijc to escape he'd tnlNtukeii. I'll spank him properly. 1
did It once before In I'lileaKO. nnd that's what mnke him smart. He'll find It
difficult to nit down under It." Ir. 111111m m-cuples the pulpit In Plymouth
church, Itrooklyn. from which Henry Wind Heechcr preuched for many years.
j From statements which his re
j marks brought out Sena for Fulton
! says he Is inure firmly convinced
jthan ever before that the forestry
policy and the Hinder land policy of
the AiliiiliiUt rat lun Is based alto
gether on theory, and practicability
has Imh-ii thrown to the winds. He
so advised the commission.
Last Saturday afternoon I'erry A.
Stanley received a telegram from
Anderson, (al., stating that his
j father I). L. Stanley, was danger
ously 111. and that same evening
another 0110 canu conveying the sad
news that ho had JtiHt tiled from
heart failure. Terry started at once
for Anderson by private conveyance,
via the Western route. Ho will re
turn with the body to Lakevlew for
burial by the Odd Fellows.
(). L. Stanley was about 07 years
tif age, a"nd"tor nearly forty years lias
been u resident of Lake county. 1 lo
first came to this county in t ho fall
of 1S73 from Ulg Valley, (ul., with
S. T, Colvln. They drove tlielrcattlo
up hero to tuko tylvnutago of the
unlimited grass grow lug every place
at that 1 line. Ho served as county
assessor for one term ou tho demo
cratic ticket. Afterwards ho wns
proprietor of the old Lakevlew
House. For several years past his
health has not been good, and was
spending the winter In California on
that account.
Itoshlos his wife he leaves two sons
and two daughters:. I'erry, of Lake
view, and Hub, an Invalid; Mrs. F.
W. IVach, of Mendocino, and Mrs.
Reynolds of New 1'lne Creek. He
has four brothers, Newt, of Lake
view, and J. 1L, L. 11., and C. C. of
California, and one Bister, Mrs. T.
W. Col v 1 11 of Lincoln, Oil.
It Is with deep regret that we are
called upon to announce tho death
tif our pioneer friend and to his
family we extend tho hand 'of sym
pathy. May ho rent In peace.
J 'The Transplanting of a Lily" is u
j charming story In the January issue
of Farm Life. "Some Mississippi
' Frogs" Is a quaint story tif Southern
! life on the farm In the New Year's
numlier that will interest both the
old and young. The Examiner has
made arrangements whereby both
Farm Life and The Examiner can Is?
secured one year for f 2, our regular
yearly subscription price. Send In
your subscription to-day.
Court Fluewood No. S."i.'10, A. t). F.,
Installed Its olllcers at the regular
meeting Monday night. After which
games were played and nupior was
served at Harvey's restaurant. Fol
lowing were the otllcois Installed:
X. Arisnor, Jr. 1'. C. K., F. E. Harris,
C. It., E. M. Hrown. S. C. It., T. E.
Uernard, Treas., F. O. Ahlstrom,
F. Sec, II. S. Colvln, It. Sec, F. II.
Snyder, S. W Joo Arnner J. W., It.
E. L. Stciner, physician.
The I'alsley Post ndvocatcB tho
organization of republican clubs
"representing republican principles'
In every precinct In Lake county,
"each lnemlier to pledge himself to
support republican principles and
not factional differences." This is
good advice nnd The Examiner
would like to set the clubs organized
before tho campaign opens, llar
inony should prevail in tho republi
can councils If a majority Is to be
rolled In Juno and NovemlsT.
Forest Reserve Script for Sale.
Wo will sell forest script In lots from
40 to WHH) acres. Special rates ou
large lots. Price ou application.
1 & Maxwki.l.
Is it Data you Want?
Mr. Ureen and party who are here
looking for reservoir sites for the
liovernment, informs the Alturas
1'laindealer that the greatest draw
back to be encountered Is a lack of
data of rain and snow fall in Modoc
ct unity. This Is very e'ntiil in
making out his report to the de
partment headquarter. To build
reservoirs the (Jovernment must
know that there will Is water to
fill them, for without water, re
straining dams would be useless and
a waste of money. Of course ieople
living here know that the precipita
tion of moisture is amply sufficient
to till any reservoirs that may be
constructed, but we have uo means
tif proving the fact to the Govern
ment. Another thing that milltatta
against us at this tlne is the light v
fall of snow on the Warner range of
tnouutains. We have lived In Modoc,
twenty year, says the Flalndealer
and during that time have never
witnessed so little snow in the moun
tains at this time of the year. Most
of the precipitation has been in the
form of rain and this has' all been
absorbed by the dry ground, very
little having passed off in t lie streams.
Mr. (ireen will only remain a short
time, but we understand a couple of
his assistants will remain until
spring. By that time we feel sure
that it will lie demonstrated that
the precipitation will lie ample tor
all purposes.
There is no lack of records of the
rain and snowfall In Lake County.
For the past tweuty years the U. S.
Department of Agriculture has had
a weather bureau station lu Lake
view, which has been conducted by
The Examiner. The records were
burned In l'.HK), but are 011 tile iu
Portland and Washington. Sluce
that time the records are ou file in
this otllce. Come up to Lake county
gentlemen and you can flud half a
dozen reservoir sites within 15 miles
of Lakevlew.
In the prize tight last week nt San
Francisco between llaulon, of Cali
fornia, and "Young Corbett" of Den
ver, tho decision was given to Cor
liett in the 17th round. Hanlon's
friends yelled repeatedly to the ref
eree to Btop the tjght, as Hanlon re
fused to lie knocked out despite his
punishment nnd Oraiuey finally
compiled, llaulon had to be carried
from the ring. "