A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL IlMiitlonnl local I'', (. Alilnl I'ntii Tmi'hiIii.v moved from tlicSfiiit rcnlilciirt' in (In Alex Fit .put rick pluce. I., II, llnlilllMitll Will occupy Hit' N'-olt I ilnfi'. I'. O. Hunt Ititf Iiiim Imm ii appointed a (lili-uiiti- In I In' Niitl'iniil lil Stock ni'-H ln it) I'nrl IiiihI. I'riuik Will li'livc IH'lt Wri'k In llllliul" Willi the I.Mhi ili'li-KiitrH (mm nil over the r. s. Tlifiv wri' i'illi' a iiiiimImt of j M-ii I ni- home Christ imiih tn i H, which Ih tin' riixlimi nf 1 1 in 1 1 ' faiiillli'M In; Lnkevliw. T. V.. Iti rnanl mnile a Lriinil Simla al a In him li at W. A. ! .MikiihIIIm' n-xlili lice. Tin' H'K'in lnlt,v .Iniirniil ninl the l.aki County Examiner Imlli one year fur The Weekly Journal ninl I'.vainliiir inn' .war fnr .'-'. Tin' Semi-Weekly Jiiiirnal ami Ex aminer iiiu1 year fur if Mr. ami Mih. liray nf Nan r'raii cIhco iirrlveil In l.akrvli-w TncNilay. coinlnu via Warm r ami Surprint valley. Mrs. liray wan f iraifily MImh l lla llnyil nf HiIh place, mid married la Oakland inl hii m im-r. Tliry went In Illy yesterday, ami will return In l.nkovlcw 's-fun- n t tiriiln;; liniin1. Tin Cram- Cin-k limit " I 1 1 wvrc mil i inaxw IiikI Sa I unlay, ami I In llnillliiK Hpiirl nf riiiuilnit ilnwn coy ich wan tin-order of the ilay. Tin ctnirw lay filollU I In- east nidi' nf t ln lake, and every I Inn a coyote wim JiiniH-i up II wan all day xv It li lilm. Three nf them- hliiip kllliiH were nibbled ami captured after an cxclt Inn I'liaw. M r. II. S. Aili-Uti hi arrlvi'il nn tin' Western Statfi' Mniiilay frnin San Francisco. Mr. M. ViihIitImmik1. 'i brother In-law, accompanied Imt. Mth. Adclntclii rami' up to w her liiiHliamt, who hart been tlintfcroiiMly Ml k, but U now Improving ami there Ih i-vi'ry priMH-ct tlmt lit will tfet wi'll In a nliort tluii'. lii'n. .latntni'rllial returned hint wi'i'U from a vln.lt to Sail FrunclHco ami other town, ami n-purtH having liail a Roml tlini'. On IiIh way back lu Mopped at tin IniHlllnji town of Ki'tin, and thought ho favorably of thi ftituri' nf that rlty, tliat he purrliawd hkiiu! ri'al eHtnte there. Kvi-ry nni' that coiiich through Reno nay h It Iiiim a great f u t it l i-. ('apt. .InhiiHiin the incinlurg;lHt of VlMalla, Oil., after vIhIHii tin' Snge lien inlni'H 1iht week, returned to IiIh lioiut', where hi' will make 11 thorough ti'Ht of llu- riK'k from tln'n, which will nettle for all time any dnubt iih to tin' I'xlHlanci' nf gold or nllvcr In that vicinity. Hi' nlno look a nuin bcr of mck Hiuuplcn from the I'lilnlcy inlni'H. Tin' renult of both will In awaited with Interest. At tin ii'iHi'Ht of the Oregon Scpa-tot-H, I'rcHlih'iit Kounevclt will take up and personally review the cum- of Ana It. ThoiupHou ami ). II. I'mnth, iCHpectlvely of the Lit liramle and Rimclmrg Lund Olllcen. Tlie Sena torn IiihIhI on the rclnnlutcincnt. nf Hie former ami the reappointment nf the hitter. The ma t ter Ih temporar ily out of the hamlH of Secretary Hitchcock. The parade on Chrlntmiis day by the bund wan unlipie, ami brought out the whole town. The Imyn were ilri'HHed In inaHipierade cimf union, and before playing Hcattcred all over town, making all HnrtH of iioIhch ami nntlcH. "Happy' Hooligan" wan thcrt', an well uh "liloomy (Inn" ami tho "KatsslnJainini'i'kldH." "My Dear Oantoti and AlphoiiHo" wcro much In ovldi'tice, and "I'on" dhl IiIh wharo of tho funnmklnjj;. "Undo Hlney" ami tho "Cullod Lady" look ml well. Many other chanu-torB were ri'preHenteil. Tho boys played better than they looked, but they "looked good" to tho children. I'Ol.l.AWD-.DOWN. Mr. Hmuer I'ollird ami MIhm Aiuii. Hown were iniirrleil Miinday at llu Down ranch three mlleM mi nth nf Lakevlew In Ihe preHemi' nf a few relallveH. ICev. J. ILHtarkaltlclatliiK. The cereiimuy wan perfnriiied at J o'clix k, and Immeillalely afterward j they all mm t down In a weildlu; dinner. MImm Down Im the ynilliKeMt ilaiiuh ter nf Mr. and Mm. A. H. lown. lm ire old and ri'Mpecti'd ri'MldeiilM nf thlM valley. Tin- bride Ih very pretty ami Ih greatly admired by nil 'who know her. Mr. I'lillard Iiim imt lmi; been a ; ri'Hldi'iil nf the county, havlny; came I here hint Mpt'llitf With Mnnle'M Cnlil mediaiiH. The cmiple Mill likely take up t heir fi'Hlilelice Hear Hall June, Cal., I he old home of Mr. I'lillnrd. The I'-xamlner JoIiih III Ihe t limns; nf i niml lit ninl Ioi.m. I'ctitlon lor a (luardlnn. A pet II Ion wiih tiled with the Coilil ly Clerk Mi, inlay, fliied by Hatili l ami II. I., ( handler ami Mih. Mary KlniHi-y, pray ins; that S. II. ( handler be appointed iih jru jt r I ift 11 of the pel'Moli ami entate of their father, II. S. ( haiuller. They alleste In the petition that he Ih ntally Incoliipetelit In have care nf hU en tale, which cmiltH nf real and per Hnlial praperly In Ihe value nf Sl.VMI. A 1 llatlmi Iwih Inch inuei Hettius; Saliirday, .Ian !lh al 10 n'clnck at I he cwiirt mm a iih I lie I hue and place fnr liearlni; tin petition. linvi-runr ( 'hamU'rlalu Iiiim an nounced IiIh appointment nf the bnard nf n-nentM nf the Slate Agri cultural CoHeue to nerve fnr a term of nine yearn. The board Ih now cmupiiMcil of the follnwlns;: J. 1. (l wcll. of (Vnlral i'olnt, Win. Church, of La (i ramie, ami W. W. Cotton, of Portland. The only c tin up.' made In the board Im the appointment of W. W. Cnttnu, who MUeccedrt Henton Kllleii, of I'ortlaml. MenMrM. Olwell and French hiiccociI theniKelvi'M. The Crnnk cminty Journal, the county olllclal paper publlMhed at rrlnevllle, entered upon vnluine VIII with Hm lant iHMiie. The Journal Ih one of the iM'Mt Interior publication InOrcKon, ami Im Improving every year. Crnnk enmity, like Lake, Ih almost exclusively a HtiK-k country ami the Journal Im the champion of the Htock ImliiHlry of that county. The Fxamluer wImIich the Journal contluned proHperlly and a long llle. Henry Newell and daughter Kthcl. came In from Hrewn Valley TucKiIay. Mr. Newell came after a cream Hep eratnr, and will hereafter make creamery butler. Quito a number of Ihe farinerM and ranchei-H near Lalte vlew are now equipped with hand HcperatnrM and are now receiving belter prlci'M for their butter. In a few yearn, everyone that han only nne cow will have a hand Heperntor. It Ih claimed by theme who have them that -.'."1 per cent Increase Ih s;a 1 1 led In t he amount of butter, bo uillon belli;;' of a much belter ijualily. Judge II. L. Ilenson, who has been holding court In Henton ami Lincoln count leH for the part six weeks, re turned home Saturday evening, nays the Republican. Jmlgo Hennou'H ability In rccogub.etl by thopi-ofoHHlon and ho in one of tho most popular Judges In tho state. F.vory decision of Judge Ilenson during the past two yearn which has gone before tho supremo court lias boon Bustulned by that court, which Is a record held by very few circuit Judges throughout tho state. Judge Ilenson will with out doubt bo returned at tho next election as ho has the support of every prominent republican In the district. New Pine Creek i Ltivui nvno ft.at Now I'lne ( reck, Or. Dec. w, v.m. ;y V.. II. Ki ller, Win. Ijcmon mid John Held have K"iie to AlturaM mi land IuimIiicmm, The New I'lne "rcck mcIiooIh havi cliiHi'il fnr the linllihi.VK ami MIhh lola I'liwiMiiiitM. the 1e;icher nf I he Ml. View Schnnl Iiiim K"lic toAlluniH In cpfinl vncatlmi with her mother. Mim. I Itixi Miilkcy nf IVilnrvllle : pnMHcd thrniiKli New I'lne f'reek IiikI week mi her way In I.akevlew to. Mpoml I he ImlldayH with her pa relit m, Mr. and Mrn. Jnhti Ijenrtri'. Mr. Mnlkey Im principal of Ihe ( -4.11a rvlllt ! mcIiooIh. I A number of I he yoiins; itooplt of; (IiIh coniniiinltv have s;mie to Havln ( reek In attend the luai-ipirade ball. as;alu al their home la New I'lne Creek. Mr. Charlton InHoiuelniprov ed In dealt h. It neemi'd for Hniiii; time that Ninas at New I'lne Cn-ek was golns; In Im a very ipilet affair, uiilll nniue very eiiersxel It- people took In Ihe situation, and took affairs into their own liiimlH. ami lor a ween our, otherwise ijlllet little tnxvn was t he j scene of iiiucli bustle and excitement. ! At llrst a Mnclal wasulven in order j to obtain money for ilecnratlniiH etc. This lulus; gotten up very quickly wan imt generally known but llnt-vlt hstmidilig that a Kreat many were present. The amusenieilts nf the evening cniislstcd nf felling Ihe sliadnwM of the yniiug ladles present to Ihe high-, I est bidder who had the pleasure of ! dining with her afterwards. 1 The sali.' wan very amusing an well I as exciting an two widows were present and there wan no way of distinguishing them from the girls. One ynung man thinking ho was buying hU nweetheart, purchased one of tho widows and wan aftcr wortlrt heard offering her for sale eoiiMlderably In-low par. t As widows are not Im-Iow par with everyone lie noon succeeded but, lo and liehold! when he came to dine he found that she and his lant partner had brought their luncheon together. Tho other widow seemed to have lM-tter success for when she was ween standing with one arm akimbo a certain young farmer Immediately offered such an extraordinary price for her that no nne else could reach it. A short entertainment wan given previous to the Xtnas tree which did credit to tho ones who furnished It. Tho gifts were so bountiful that the tree wouldn't hold them all, so a great number were piled upon tho floor back of It. Dk.nnim. Notice I), of II. Members of Lakeshoro Lodge Nn. 77 Pegreenf Honor are requested to be present at a special meeting to be held to night December :11st, P.MCl. ltusincsn of Importance to come lie fore tho Lodge. M.vnv V.. SMiu:it, C. nf H. Attest, M.w: SxiiHMt, Recorder. THE OLD RELIABLE . Absolutely Pure. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE - rsmxr mm BEALUS DRUG STORE fm, Jfy 1 m m U.tl ltRAI.1., Proprietor m W We havi; coPHlantly on liiirul a F"ine and Complete Stock of Drug", C.ieniic.'ilfl, rerfuinerii';?, Toilet Articlf-H, Fancy NotioiiH, (.'isarti, Ktc, Ktc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded wfj; ! A. A Ki'i.i. am Comi'I.ktb Link 'a Healers ,8ox and Parlor Stoves Stove Boards, Pipe, Dampers Stove Linings & Backs In fa-'t tiny tiling in the Move or Range Line uitntee, at prices lo fiiit the times. J. E. EBRNARD & SON A 1 A A A 1 v The Leading Paper of the Pacific Coast, The San Francisco Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle The very best weekly News paper published in the entire West. $1.50 a Year. larladlnf poatag 4 toy part ( tb (Jaltc4 htU, C'iMd id4 Mnl). It is best because, besides printing all the news of the world each week in an inter esting way and fully illustrat ing many articles, it has spe cial departments devoted to Agriculture Live Stock Mining and Sports. -These are presided over by editors having a thorough knowledge of their specialties. The pages devoted to Agri culture, Horticulture, Poultry and Live Stock are well illus trated and filled with matter of the greatest interest to all engaged in these indus tries, every line being written by those who are in close touch with conditions prevail ing on this Coast SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. It will be sent free. Do you want the Chronicle Reversib'e Map? . Showing the United States. Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico ON ONE SIDE, Map of the World ON THE OTHER SIDE. Send $j and pret the Map and "Weekly Chronicle" for one year, postage prepaid on Map and Paper. The Daily, lly Mall, I'cxtM raid. Only $7.80 a Year. Address M. H. de YOUNG, lnpr!i'tnr. "Ran Kraucliicu t'hrouJoaa." Sau Francisco, Cal. ClRCTUkTION DEPARTMENT. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean tho Signature of Is, 1 LAKEVIEW, OKEOON. m A.4'2 m I TI MKKIt I.AMI .VOTKT. ! United Staten Lend Office, l.akeview, Oregon, Octolier :, 1903. Notice is j hereby iven that in compliance with the provisions of t'e act of Congress of j June 3, PCX, entitled "An act lor the . cale of linitwr lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash I ingtnn Territory," aa extended to all j the Public Land' States bv Act of Aug ;ust4, IW2. Fred L. Kent, of Corval- lis, county of Benton, .tate 01 Oregon, has filed 111 this office his sworn state ment No. 2M2 for the purchase of the E SFA4, ZV'M, SE'i HWX of of beclion No. 2t in Township 38 S.f Range No. 14 E Y. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before Jas. II. Driscoll, County Clerk at Klam ath Falls, Oregon on Saturday, the 6th day of February, 1904. He names as witnet-seti, F. J. Bowne, of Klamath Eal.'e, Oregon, J. O. Hnmakar, of Bo nanza, Oregon, E. L. Walter, o Bonan za, Oregon, and O T. McKendiee, of Lorella, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above descrioed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before snid oth day of February 1904. Nov 6 44 E. M. Brattain Register. TIHBEH 14 Ml SOTICE. United States Iand Office, Lakeview, Ore. Octoljer 21 19(13 Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the proviniotig of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entiiltd "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Mates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 192, Anna Burns, of Lakeview county of Lake Stated Oregon, has filed in this office her sworn statement No 259rt for the purchase oftheNi NEJtf SEJ NE'a N E SEof Sec 10 Tp 40S. R 15 EW Al, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for, its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this ollice at Lake view Oregon on wednesdav. tho 27th dav I uf January, 1904. . She names as ilneses : Jas. W. Sloat of Portland Oregon Nanni C, Naylor, of Bly, Oregon Charles W. Rorabeck and Charles Maliey, of Lakeview, Ore gon. Any 11ml all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims in this ollice on or before said 2"th dav of January, 1904. Oct.2H4! F M. BRATTAIN Register. Till II Kit l.Al OTUK. Vnili'ii siutt'K laml nffirv, lukevtou-, ori'finn, Oct. U, l'.HKi. Noiiii'is hereby niven tliutln eoiuiliHiH e with the iroviiniii nt the aet of culiKrt'xsof June .1, 1K7K. eiililleit "All act lor the Bale ol limber lnnils in Ihe -( n t s of 1 iililornia, ort'iciui, Nevmla mut WHhiniiiii Territory," Bsextemleil inall the l'ublie i.miil states by net of Annuel 4, l.SH'-', the I'ollou iiiK ) rsnns nave lileil in Ih ia ortiee their tworii stutuiiH'iHs. to-wit: Kloyil farmer, of Lakeview, county of Lake, Hate of Oregon. voi 11 Maleluelit Nn idi, lor the iiirvliHM' of the HK', ec 11, Tp S7 H, K lit K. Fred M. lliukleinan, of Lakeview, county of Lake, (tale ol Oregon. Sworn aiMtument No 2liM, for the purchase of the eW; Hue lu Tp 37 8, K 19 E. Moe J . t'onipo, nf Lakeview, county of Lake, etatn of OreKoii. Hworn ataieuient No 2lni for the purchase of the fK'.4 Sev 10, Tp 87 8, K ID K. Tliat they will offer proof to show that tho laud aoiiKht ia more va.uable for ita Umber or stone than for aurienliural purpose ami to establish I heir claim to said laud before Jas. It. liriseoll county clerk at Klamath Kalis Orcon, ou Tuesday the iUlh day ol Keeember Ituw. They name aa witnesses; Floyd Farmer, Fred M. Ilinkleiuan. Mose J. (ompo, K. U. 8tark and Kd Welsh, all of Lakeview, Oregon. Auy ami all persons claiiuiiiK adversely the above-deseriU'd lands are reu nested to fl le their ulaiuia In this ottioe on or before said 2111 u day ol iKHeintH-r ij3. Oct vi U . M. Brattain, Register. ' i fm 'i',-'" rnrr'1 ' ' n ' m 7 T ma 2$&& A