0 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL VOL. XXIV. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1903. NO. 51. f -ft me Jmntineiit WEALTH OF Taxpayers Who Pay on One Thou and Dollar or More as Given to The County Assessor. For tl' reader of Tin Kxnmlncr wo have copied from tlx ISMKI tux roll nil taxpayer In I In-county w ho pay tae on $l,ooo or over. All tin amount uii JiimI n they were given tO tll' llSSesmir, UII1 till! board of 'jiiullxit(loii will probably not inn ki any iinit-rliil rtimiKCH In the amounts. This In t lie tax roll that wan to In- jut' a law to tlmt effect. NAMK AMI PltKt I.NC T. A.MOI.NT. SII.VKU I.AKK. Awry, Chester 7tiH) llrown. W V ".'.-"J Conley, M :wik Comegy. C W U-M 4'uriim, N (J F.st. 4100 4 'krlstium, 1'" III W)7H Vnn, J : MV Human, a w & r i) ios7 iMirund & Co. --." Kgll, H.-iiry loo Kgll. Mr. L lustj Felt. X 1lo.V( lloarl, J W l.VMio Hayes,.! M WHi' Hayes, Jolm Hough, Anna Henderson, i: K Kit t ridge, Walter ha i if, V A Ii in, Mix A V I .a iu A V I.ailgdoii, ( 'ha I .III., 1 '.I liter I Met 'a II. V II ::yti) Martin. J M VU McKutie, C K m Owsley, W It K10 Occidental Land & I nip. Co. VXKU 1'orter. .In men C I'-.'IM I'orter, .laiin-H C & .Ionia li v.too Porter. Jolm C 1110 I'orter. K A l 11.17 Shear, J II l.VM Small, J M ;.!l.7) Small, (I II 7.J7H Slaven. J A 'JiM) HIM MICK I.AKK. , Ahldrldge, H 1-1''- Currlcr. W A 177." Foster, I'' W Is-'O Foster, J A III-' Foster, .lame I.Vmi Foster. It C l.Hi7 Harris, I'CJi T M -loll Foster, F V L'OlM) Kllppel, L P KM 10 O'Farrell, Kd F.st. L'140 I'rader, John ll.Vi I'artln, John .lr. WW.) Reddln.J II l.Viu .Sheiioek, Will .1 .VMS Sherlock, T It 905 Suit, M ;nu Wlukli'innn. (ieo (t'S0 I'AIHI.KV. "llratlaln, T J 7SI7 Itrattiiln, T J & II A loillt Jtrattnlu, T .1, I" J & IIJA :ts."0 Ill-attain, II A llrattaln, Paul .1 1115 llanlstcr, .lames K 174." Rogue, (ieo II 111)15 Itenellel, C S 'SMti Ilryan. A W 177 Campbell, C I) 1120 Cannon, II F U705 Cun-ler & Coole.y 2:150 Conn, (leo (1525 Conrad & William 1700 Chcwauc.nn Kami & Cattle Co. Ml.'HIO Conn, Virgil 32007 Dobklns, Win 2020 Farm, J 1 2.'M2 i Farrow, Mr. M J low ; Hampton, J ( :I70 Hampton, A .1 Klvt ' Hampton, .1 L :i",'X Harvey Win JIW20 I Heplmrn 6l Iiiim-h 2.VM7 InneM, C M W,: Jolii'N, (ieo M IV! I" Kelly, John I w Liturltzeu, M l!(7o Mi Hoiial.l, K M 2702 McCormnck, W K .M.'O Muhm, Annie 27o5 jMoss, N F 117W) j Parker, C It 4kso ; U.-el, W F 1057 Runncy, (ieo !KMl 'Saddler, Minnie C loss TlionniM, I. (1 4105 Wit hern, C W & C I. S04 Withers, Mrs. J A (I2M) Wltham, A A 12!N) ( ItooKKII I IIKKK. Ilranrh, J S 040 ItlNhop, Wm 2M0 Ilarnum, : C & Hon 17V (eoiitlnued on nnv 7.) Kimi.iifl m mi'rrjr Engl.od whro, Olil riirlaiin.a brxiiKlii iila .ixirli fln. 'Twu ( lirlmm broaclird lb. :iilh Ileal !; r ( lirliin luld ilm tnerrlt-.i tale. A '! rJi in iiainUil oil would elifer A HHir luan'a ln-arl ilirouch half Die jtrar. -Hlr Wu rB uU. Many Lakevlew merchantM RESOLUTION OFFERRED At a Special fleeting of The City Council Last Week Lighting Hatters Were Discussed. Mayor Ileryford i-alled a Mpeciul niiftliiK ' the city council Wt.lneM- ilay niht lit wek to hear t re port of the committee i-ompow'd of Couuciluieii Italley and KeynildM, who were appointed to arrange the detalU In a contract with J. A. Anthony to furnlHli electric current over IiIm line from Xew I'lne Cm-lc to llRht Iakevlew. The committee re ported ly producing n reHolutlon and con t nu t which wax read and explained hy their legal advUor J.A. IJokh. One dollar and twenty-five cent H-r month for all tdectrlc current tiwd In all lltflit lairned In llKhtlin? the Odd FellowM Hall. Two dollarH and fifty cents per month for all ele-trlc current lined. In all IIkIkh hurued in ll;htln Harry'H Hall. All miicIi electric current to U nwi within the corporate IlmlU of Maid Town of Lakevlew, and for lighting SAOEHEN niNES AGAIN Captain Johnson Makes Examin ation for a Wealthy lining Firm Who Mean Business purpoMeH only. JJenolved: That the Mayor and Following Im the renolutlon: "Vherean, Jamen A. Anthony of Modoc County, State of California, ha proponed to The Town oL.Lake view, that he will furulMli and tmpply the Maid town and ItM Inhah.'antM, forajM-rliMl of ten yearn from and after the ImI day of February, 1!K)4, with a Kood, Mtitliclent and contlnu otiM electric current for IllitH within the Maid town, both for public and private line, during the bourn when art i 1 1 1, t nr.. iiiuiiuu ii . ih nti.l t. I ...r.r.fc, ..... ...... t. v...,-; . . i " 1 "'"- Mlderat ion of the following riiten tier I L.li..a I. .11.. I . . I. - 1 1 11 .HI 1 ' ,UI,,1U' l"wT. and the folio lnK Hat I'larn. The beautiful large calendiirH ni,.H , to-wlt: -;tl.ey aieM. .li.Kout will ! a Miirei Tlim. ,.,., lt.r ,.(in(1l. powpr for , s0 ; Wl"""r f"r 11 w,,nk' ,,ar IW tiu'y w, each candle power uned In -all night iH'iiiiiu.v rcmiiiiier in i ne purcmiMer H(.1(H." JIHHI Iimk) K 1 y VU"1 i Two ltl,, w-lnlf cent per -udlo rm' S,1 l " ",,WH,"IM'r- l'" ''"'" """power for each candle power uwd In about the H.MtMouree of advertlKlng. .,rtH i,llrll,.(1 ()l J(ltl.r t,.n ihi"i! S" A' ," " ,,,,rt,'r returned oVIink p. m. I. If .... ' . "I-.- iiiiiii .MouwiKiif, wuerej tine ami one-iiarter cent er they had taken 150 head of U-ef cat t le . candle power for each candle power to Hell. They report the roadx ln-1 uned In lights burned in kitchens and tween Klamath Falls and the rail-! bedrooms. road to lie Momethlng awful, and J Fifty cents per month for all elec hay as Hcarce as the proverbial hen's j trie current used In all lights burned teeth. They succeeded in disposing j in lighting any church, of their cattle at fair prices, securing Two dollars ier month for all for steers and for cows. Silver electric current used in all lights Lake Oregoiilnn. i burned In lighting the Masonic Hull. r . - 1v - . 1 Iteconler of the Town of Lakevlew Is? and are hereby authorized and directed, for ami on tehalf of the said Town of Lakevlew, to enter Into an agreement, In duplicate, with the Bald James A. Anthony, In accordance with the foregoing prop osition; said agreement Khali be In the following form and read bm fol lows, to-lt:" Here follows the agreement In full. "And lie It further Resolved, that the said agreement be not delivered by the said Mayor and Recorder to the Maid James A. Anthony until the itald Anthony shall furnish to the said Town of Lakevlew a good and sufficient bond, executed by the said Anthony and at least two sureties, and accepted by the common council of the said Town of Lakevlew; I which said bond shall conditioned that the said Anthony shall pay all monies, and shall nell and truly keep and Mrforni any and all the terms and conditions, as stated In said agreement to lie by him kept and ieiformed; and further condi tioned that in case the said Anthony fail, neglect or refuse to make any such payment, or keep or M'rforni any of such terms or conditions, as stated in said agreement to be by him kept and performed, then and that cane the said bondsmen, individ ually or collectively, shull pay to the said Town of Lakevlew the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, or so much thereof as may 1 necessary to cover any and all such defaulted payment? and to reimburse said Town of Lakevlew for any and all damages resulting to the said Town of Lake view as a result of such failure, neg lect or refusal of the said Anthony to Uecp or perform any of the terms or conditions slated In said agree ment to be kept and ierformed by i the said Anthony." . A resolution was also read which is to lease the city dynamo to Mr. Anthony for a term of one year at the rate of $10 per month rental. Roth resolutions were laid on the table until the next regular meeting, Jan. 5th, when they will bo brought up and voted on. Xo business was transacted during ie meeting of the council. Much Interest Is lelug manifest in the prospect of a deal with Mr. Anthony, as It Is realized that a big saving for the town will bo made. The Sngehen mines, located 15 miles east of Lakevlew, which have caused several excitements upon the report that gold had been discovered there In endless quantities, then again prove to be worthless, are again to know their fate. Captain J. Sub Johnson, K. M.f Metallurgist and assayerof Vlsalla, Cal., representing some California millionaire mining men, arrived here Saturday to investigate the Sagehen mines. Messrs. Hughes and Welsner last summer located eight claims In that vicinity and took some ppecS mens which looked good to the big mining men, and the assay that they made went about 7.85 in gold and sliver. They at once bonded the claims and sent their expert to view the ground and make a report. Mr- Johnson assayed one piece of rock before he went to the mlnss that he found in town which did not give a trace of gold. Mr. Johnson went over Monday aud will make a thorough examina tion of that section and may go to Paisley to examine the mines there before he returns home. Should his report substantiate that of Hughes and Welsner, the company will put up a large smelter on Iep Creek, liven should the rock only go as . high ns $3.50 the company would feci Justified in putting in the smelter. At this writing Mr. Johnson had not returned from Sagehen, but lie was expected last night. His report will be awaited with much anxiety by the people of this county, as the discovery of gold so near Lakevlew means much toward the develop ment of the county. Latek Capt. Johnson returned yesterday, having gone over the entire field and secured forty sam ples of rock from the surface and many prospect holes, averaging in depth from a few feet to 35 feet. He says that should the mines prove us represented to him, theie Is a claim there for every man in Lakeview, nud that there Is no choise. He will assay the rock when he returns home. I aing (be Llrtli w born tonight, The author both ol life and light. Theiifel to did found It, And like the ravished shepherds said, Who saw the light and were afraid. Yet searched and true they found it. Ben Johnson. CONGRESSMAN HEMENWAY, WHO WILL BE THE NEW "WATCHDOG OF THE TREASURY." Representative Jmnes A. Ileinemvay of Indlnna, who will succeed Hon. Joseph (. Cnnnon hs clinlrman of the house appropriations committee, U mulve of Indiana, Is forty-threo years of age and began bla business carMr lu n lol iicco factory nt 75 cents a day. Hail, blessed Christmas morn! When 1'hrist, a child, was born Of Mary, holy mnid, 111 heavenly grace arrayed. Amen Halleluiah I Harriet Heecher Stowe. written nt the ago of eighty-two. Ashland does Dry Again. At the annual election held In Ash land on Dec. 15th, a majority of 24 voters delared for a "dry town" the voto being L'SJ for license and UOC against. H. S. Lvaus, Citizens' nominee for Mayor was elected by 59 majority over R. 1. Nell, the Auti-Saloon League candidate, with 1). A. Apple gate, the Republican nominee, third in the race. Joe Shirk a Benedick. Mr. Joseph L. Shirk, of Ouano Val ley, this county, and Miss Kittle Wells, of Modoc County, were mar ried at Loyalton, Cal., Tuesday, lec. l.'ith, at the home of Mrs. Mor ris tl luster, sister of the bride. The groom lieing a well-known resldeut of this county, has a host of friends w ho will wish him the best of success In tills new venture, and hope his life partner will make him happy and prosperous. Card of Thanks. Wo wish to express our most sin cere thanks to the many friends and ueighbors who ho kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our lieloved husband and father, also to the A. O. U. W. members whoso kindly rendered their assistance during the burial. Mrs. K. II. Glbblus and family.