LAKH COUNTY LXA.MINLW, LAKLVIUW OREGON, DEC. 10, IV0.1 Bieber's Cash Store Hotel Building A MESSAGE FROM OLD SAHTV ft CHILDREN LISTEN: After months of la bor in his far-off home way up near the rorth pole---Jolly old SANTA CLAUS is once more ready with the greatest lot of playthings you ever saw, and he has brought them all here to BIEBER'S CASH STORE, where all good little Boys and Girls may come and take a peep before you write your letters telling Old SANTA what you want him to bring you on CHRISTMAS EVE. Here we have an assortment of many styles of Dolls, Agate Dishes, all kinds of Animals, Dancing Dol 1 s , Doll Beds and Doll Furniture, Wash Sets, Pianos , Tabl es and Trunks, Games of all kinds and Book3 of funny Christmas stories, Magic Lanterns Soldiers, Swords, Sail lng Yachts and Iron Clad Boats, Printing Presses and all kinds of Blocks, Chimes and Chiming Tops , Drums and all kinds of Mechanical Toys that cut up all kinds of capers and make you glad that Christmas has come again. In fact, there are more things to see than we could tell you about if we take up this whole page in the news paper New things that Santa Claus never had before. So come and see them and bring your Mama and Papa too, that they may see; they'll enjoy it as well as you- Our stock suggests many useful gifts for the coming Holidays for Father, Moth er, Son or Daughter. Dont delay, but make your selections while the assort ment is complete. BIEI5ER'S CASM STOKE. I-. II. (Ilbbin lle. After ii wovoro nml llnuet'lutf IIIiionk U. II. tilbhln, the Now I'lno Creek merchant, tlimll.v hucoouh d to Hint dread disease, typhoid pneumonia. IVlltll, fcllllo Hot UIt'XpOVt'l, OHIIK' ii iv uluH'k to IiIm family ami friend Sunday mornlnu;. j Mr. (JllililiiH linn Uvn n resident of i Modoe county for many year, nml ' moved to Now l'lno Crook. Hovonil ; your njso nml wont lnt partnership j with Klw. llnrtioK In tlio iiuwui-l tlio IiusIiiokm, which wan liolii cur rloil on ut tlio tiiuo of lili death. I lo wiih 4."i yearn nml ton month ohl, j and louvcn n wife nml four children to mourn thvlr mul nml In lpnruhle ( ItlSM. Tho funeral took place lit Now I'lno Crook Momlny nml r tho auspices of tlio A. O. I'. W.. lot I no. of which society ho wiw n nu-inlM-r. ISev. Smith preached tho funeral, nml n liirjjo concourse followed the remains to tlio urn vo. I'roMh hniiiH, lurd nml bacon lit tlio Iakevlow mont mnrkot. !" tf 1'reo ono your for tlio intklnn "Farm Life," n bountiful muunilno for everybody. Hot mimple nt thin ollloo. Win. PiiIkIoUIi Im oor from Wnr nor. Tounistt r are cIwii-kIiih cenl por pound for freight. elm. ToiinliiKmn returned from his xhoop rump Momlny. Our iiiuIIm nn ootnlnn In on In-ttor, ciny Itumhonml Ifo onmo In from tlmo iikiiIu. Tlio Hoiit horn Ntnj;e Is Nort h Warner Tnesiluy. Klamath County Notes. It In roportoil that 1. H. Worth liiKton. foumlor of tho F.xpress, now publisher of tho Ik-loll (Win.) Dully Sown, w ill return to On-nonorloonto nomowhorv In California, nt noon n ho can dlsposo of liU pn-Mont Intort-MtH. W. J. Sweetluml. of iraiitn 1'nsn, hint purchased of I.ouIh ticrlier hi Hplomlhl rnoo horse Seventy. Tho horse linn won nlno ut of eleven starts nml Is at present In tluo condl tion. Hi now owner Iiiim mailo a matoh race ti U run on Now Ycar'n ilay with moiiio of tin Komio rlvor livers for $. a side. An Incendiary lire a few days hko dostroytd liou ton of hay on the Hurris ninth nt lower oml of Kittle Klamath lake and owned by .1 . Churchill of Yivka. This will mhl to i he burden of I.i riiii4 a l.irye mi tuber of cat I li" mi' I hi rsi hi that section w here tlic Ii v i M 1 pal running I'onchcM hIiico tho roailHhavo lit It'll up. County Survoyor Clian. K. Moon' ami wife Htartotl TuoHtluy inornliitf on u loiitf trip tt Malm, w hero they will visit tlurltiK: tho winter. HrliiK In your ohl luntlnn hIovom nml hnvo new IIiiIukm put In them unit mailt uooil ux new. .1. I'.. Her nanl Ac Son. i: tf None liut iIIhkuIhoiI pelHoliH will Ih allowotl tt ilauet iH'foro upH'r time at tlio ChrlMtmiiM inawk hall, ho net your MiiltH renily In tltno. lon't tlo lay. 4!i II. i:. I .alio wlni linx Imi'U worklux on tho . X ranch for nome tlmo. paftneil Ihroiiuli I.akovlcw Momlny on IiIm way to IiIh homo at lUxliee, Arlxona. I'reil I'IhIh t wiih In from tliclircwa Tiilloy 7 rnm h Satunluy. Stee (ialoril nml (loo. Driimm wore I'alMloy vIhIIoih Momlny, I', W. I.oiluo will eltrt olllciTH at their meeting tmiluht. Stovo Youiiif nml wife of Itock cltH-k iil't KUextH nt tho l,akeew. I'. I'. I.lht U lnillilii a new liarn on hlx lot In the Walter'n mhlllloii. I'oiir horHo MtiH'k ami coaehoM hivo U'n put on tho WoHtem ntnuo lino. Then Im no oml to tho variety of ChrlMtmuM hoihIm nt Hen Mm ruy; Store. 4! Alox I'ltrpatrlt k ami I.. II. Strlck Inml I'umo ilowu from tin ranch Momlny. City Keeoriler W. 1. Slihler Im mHII (!oo. L. A nlono ami MIhm ulllo ' at homo ami unalilo to nt tinl to lluffman won murrleil In Iikevlew j ollldal tlutlt-H. at tho lllrcli oottak'e near Slaxh J. S. l-'ullor, Chan. IliirriiM ami t Htro't IiimI Momlny. .Initio lal.v t'haH. Uuptoii won In from tin XI tletl the knot. ; ranch Sumlay. If you an In tloulit im to cholt f 1 Tho roaiU have nearly t oniiletely ChrlMtmiiM preHeutM, wlect ouo of ilrli'il nml Mtnootheil ilow n hIiii'h tho thorn-iM-aiitlfiil liainl palnteil calun- liln ruin utiirin. tltTM at lleall lniK Store. Nothlin," ,.t Stanley wi-nt to Cotlarvlllo more approprlto. I' at wo'k after a loml of Hour ami liet remly for t ho inaNiiueraile hall ret uriieil Tuenilay. ChiiHtmaM nlKht. The l.aii.l hnyn; u- sUUk inml a trip to lily are coiiitf to make thlx the ureatet Satur.lay ami n turiieil Motiila.v oil Mocl.ll t'Vtllt of t he Hi'llKon. tjetyoiir r,,,, lainl IiIImIiii'hm. MiitM in reailiiieM. ... . . . , ,, . ,,m. I In- M.'IMiilile I .inline of III lie V lilt lr. .1. S. Iii'wi-y ami wif" ilepartnl riciiit y punhawil a Pianola, a tie- E::berf3 Cash Store Hotel Building To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take I.-'Xatlv" hr-'ino ili r i tit- it-t.-. All' - .-:'nl:tl UK' ii.i.m-y if it fails tu our,-. K. W. linne'- h;u'iat tuit i. on ii 1 i.x. Ho c. ') !y 'I'll.' Kxamim-r lia- f"' Hale one i f the lii'.t stork rain'hi'ri in l.aki'i-niinty oil very rea-ioiiaM't t fin- 'Ion nnvs, nil feiici 'l, ami well wate;vil. This 1 h ;reat liarain ami will not remain a :je. .1,,!, inn.. I' i - i:.i I wo-;. i'a '. ii.- I ii i :i !,.. I. .- a 111 ie Pel- I.. 1 1 a was so! .!,.'! We'l-. a a-:.- I 1 Mi . I f. Ie it !. his i, t ',.1 f. I : i V : 1 1 a '. i 11' ii if. I.- . t ha a Ma, k Hail i 1 1-i 1 1,' II' I ilaiiy n- ' ,s;-i y.-a: ; t' l(' a rii-wsj .'i.' r. ..... loiiu: uusiiM. Wc also ha i-n ilozeii -' lh 'other ram-hes anl farm to tiispose . I , ,-! ; t I'J - )! s. i a , , , ;x m. 'i'N Jin.a.M I., "f. I f you have a n y la in I or ifoier-. H- l .1 !:i yiiia' s'ji;--! i I i.n. it with the 1 0 X 1 1 1 1 1 - WE OLD RELIABLE l.-.n:i.t our t- wr or in l t:i , , , .,.,.(,.,:,. ..... t'.ox I'o: t!,..,.) '-'"I" A'l'lr. s.-i TJ. Or. will sell it fi r you. :iMf r Creditors' Sale AYRES & VVHITWORTH STOCK ...GENERAL MERCHANDISE... All Goods must be turned into Honey as soon as possible. NO PROFIT CONSIDERED Tobacco, fliocerk-H, Hardware, I'uintfl, Oils, (Haws, Crockery, Tinware, A(?ateware, Clothing. FurnUhitiK (jooiIh, HatH, CapH, IJuots, SIiooh, Dry (iooiln, Fancy (ioodH, Ktc, Ktc. Kxtra Heavy Overall, f.'J.OO Pant, $.1-7) $15.00 Snitt, $s .Vi All wool Ma. l-iet-.". C .t', ifi ' i ) $1.50 MiirU 75i: $..50 HatH, $2.IM $2.50 Hat-, $1.5i $2 0(J Ham, $1.0 ) Threa'l, 5Hi: ! Tobacco, 45t: lh plu All F.vap'irateil Fruits, Slh $1.00 Pruned 12 lb $1" I', 'st l'.acon, 15: 11 list iiuanliau t:orn f ! a ohsd, 2 ih. Java ami Mo:hii Cliee, 2'lc lh Au'ato ami Tinware, half price $1.0 J Shoi-H, $2.75 to3 Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE I. i.:c a i l KmbraiiliTy half irit: S &. W C'tiiie- 1 0,j.j . at or Mtly ru l w-t 1 pricm. All othur adl.s t'o iiuuinrous to in Miti'Mi, will In: Hohl ifar'lle-in of cont . Store Fixtures for sale cheap, Safe, Reming ton Typewriter No. 0, New National Cash Register, Show Cases, Ivte. liuy novv and save money, don't wait. ; XV', ;m t:iiii!i;!j";ij!!l!li'HI!.; Sat uriliy for ( ' ille, I'.il , where tili'.V expert to rem. till Ill'l.'Onitel.V. The Im . . 1 1 t 11 ! ucrat i tl-iilal ! u - i -lle-s in I .1 ie V !' w . I III i-1 1:1 1 - 1 fa aii ai ii , . 1 l -i a ' a ie! hi v Ii 1 1 ii". .. 1 pelf 1: s a re hi. i'!.' v, here I !. !! -u . r - mm'. . I'!e-!i sii.;.l to aii-; .- 1 - .. . k at I '...lit".- I M II.'. ' ore. i t I )il . ill I I e" ea i 'I'll CI 1 . ie'. A tY' .' sal i;.e of 1 he lieaio aai No veiul 11 r l-stie a u a 1 1 h oil a I lie allliller olllie, Il is ivell free II whole your to inlvnuee i:umiiii-r sllbscrlliel'.. All IIielllliefM of l.ilkevlt'W le-beLjill l.oile lire reilleslei to be present 111 the regular moot 111:4' tomorrow I I'l l 1 lay I lily lit . I'.y oi'ler of t he N. I i. 1 i 1 . v l H St 11 1. vo 1.1 .. j .secret ii ry. 1 lien Ste.ielis ntnl I'.inl llirvey'H I freight teiiniH cuiiio in I'ri.l.iy from i Mflilelelie lomleil for tin .Mellll II t f Ie U o. Tliev Innl 11 Htoriny time llrnt part tif their trip. They left tuv the ruili'imtl iiKiiin .Momlny. Two hhIooiih won burneil in Al turiiH hint Fliiluy nlKht, one IioIouk Inv; lo O'llrlen ami tho other to Weaver. A lruj Htoro wiih iiImo ni'iirly conHtiinod. Wetllilnot leurn tho origin, nor the amount of Iohh. Tho I'oMtinuKtor nfc l'oki'Kiiina Iwih roeelvetl ifllclal notion from tho de partment at WiiHhlnifton that the oarrinKo of Jlw. iiiuIIh now koIiik by HtiiKii from AhIiIuiuI for Klamath county, will bo t raiiHftireil to the Klamath Lake It. K. January 11 next. Ice f. il- 1 1 1 i I y 1 1 1 t he pill IU 1. lilting In lli' ciihl free.llii; nUht-t far r-. lime h ul lo stop plowlm; oil a 1 roll lit of t lie fl I .ell e. roll ml. I ii !-.i i to I In la 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 In N I 111. is -i!j.x-r. ii.i-r I ioi ii. : 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 i t v, ill he s.,, at II iixe'n restaur a,. 1. - r 1 ;. . 1 I '. 'I'll raef, I he el si W tl Ie 1 .a l.e co'intv stiH'Kiaiu, was i-iiin lii I ,;il.ii iew iioiii .surpriie xale la-t W eek . 1 lit I I'.roa'lwell j .i I wife were pas-eimert mi the Western slime vestenlay niorniiivr fr.mi Ann rilbi . Texas, I'. I'. Nlil'e'rt store was closeil Snielay ami an inventory taken pre paratory to iiinMn a sale of t he entire Htoek. . SV hit w tut Ii was in town Mon thly loailinu up n It h supplies for his sheep camp. lie stal teil for th.' iles ert TucMilay. The Sisters of ICebekall Ullllollllfe that tiie.v will have lum h ami kiiiiiom w 111 Im playotl, nt their meeting to morrow nlnht. If you don't prepare for tin inan tpieraile ball on Christ inin you will IiiIhh tho iH'Ht tlmo of the year. A h well time Ih assured. 4!) Mrs. !).('. Stickle passed through Lakevlow yostenlay on her wiiy hoini! nt Paisley from a visit to rol a lives at Central I'olnt. (iot'ilou (iarretl and family liavo inovotl to town from their West hIiIo ranch, for the winter. They tire oc ciiyln the Henry I.oII'Iuh place. CP- I1' '"; ' - v,-.i- t . ', J.'vi vi... i ..... .... ito u.i-.'y.' --- 1 60 different Ramcs all new -r-one iu cutb package of Lion Coffee at your Qrocer't. . J ni 11. S. ADELSTIEN, Hanager.