Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 03, 1903, Image 8

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Bieber's Cash Store Hotel Building
CHILDREN LISTEN: After months of la
bor in hie far-off home way up near the
north pole Jolly old SANTA CLAUS is
once more ready with the greatest lot of
playthings you ever saw, and he has
brought them all here to B1EBER' S CASH
STORE, where all good little Boys and
Girls may come and take a peep before you
write your letters telling Old SANTA what
you want him to bring you on CHRISTMAS
Here we have an assortment of many
styles of Dolls, Agate Dishes, all kinds
of Anilnals, Dancing Dolls, Doll Beds and
Doll Furniture, Wash Sets, Pianos , Tabl es
and Trunks, Games of all kinds and Books
of funny Christmas stories, Magic Lanterns
Soldiers, Swords, Sailing Yachts and Iron
Clad Boats, Printing Presses and all
kinds of Blocks, Chimes and Chiming Tops ,
Drums and all kinds of Mechanical Toys
that cut up all kinds of capers and make
you glad that Christmas has come again.
In fact, there are more things to see
than we could tell you about if we take
up this whole page in the news paper.
New things that Santa Claus never had
before. So come and see them and bring
your Mama and Papa too, that they may see;
they'll enjoy it as well as you.
Our stock suggests many useful gifts
for the coming Holidays for Father, Moth
er, Son or Daughter. Dont delay, but
make your selections while the assort
ment is complete.
Bieber's Cash Store Hotel Building
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to care. . W. Grove's dena
ture ia oo each box. 25 c. 50 ly
Oregon Dally Journal, a Democratic
daily newspaper, eight to -0 pages, 4 a
year; 12 for six months. The Journal U
a newspaper. Send In your subscription.
Interest your neighbor in The Journal.
Address The Journal, Box I'll, Portland
Tin Examiner twtn for sale one of
the Itent ntock ranchen In Itkeeounty
on very reasonable terms IUX) wivh,
all fenced, and well watered. Thin Ih
a great bargain and will not remain
long unnold. We alno have a dozen
other rancheH and furmn to ilinpone
of. If you have any land or proper
erty to well, lint It with the Exam
iner. Send In deHiriptlon and we
will nell It for you. 3tf
Creditors' Sale
All Goods must be turned into Honey as soon as possible.
Tobacco, Gioceries, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Crockery, Tinware,
Agateware, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc.
Extra Heavy Overalls, 65c
13.00 I'ants, $.150
f 15.00 Suits, H.50
All wool Mackinaw Coats, 2.00
$1.50 Shirts 75".
$3.50 Hats, $2.00
$2.50 Hats, $1.50
$2.00 Hats, $1.00
Thread, 50c doz
Star Tobacco, 45c lb plug
All Evaporated Fruits, 81b $1.00
Prunes 12 lbs $1.00
Best Bacon, 15c lb
Bebt Guardian corn $3 a cane, 2 doz
Java and Mocha Coffee, 20c lb
Agate and Tinware, half price
$4.00 Shoes, $2.75
Lace ami Embroidery half price
8 & W (.'aimed Goods at greatly reduced prices. All other goods too
numerous to mention, will be sold regardless of cost.
Store Fixtures for sale cheap, Safe, Reming
ton Typewriter No. 0, New National Cash
Register, Show Cases, lite.
Buy now and save money, don't wait.
Again we are culled upon tochron
Iclo t ho deatU of an early anil re
octed wttler. Jnnu'M A. William
died at the hot nprlng ranch two
mile Month of Lakevlew, at 1 o'clock
a. m., Natunl&y, Nov. !!Mh, HHM.
I'liclo Jim had levn liedfant for
evernl wceka with kidney and
bladder trouble. Several surgical
ojx'ratlon were performed upon him
but hi disease wa too deepneated
to prove ucccHful. ' When It wa
announced to I'ncle Jim that he wa
noon to die, hi Jocular dlnponltlon
wa not abashed In (he leant, ami
hi happy frame of mind wa only
stilled when death came.
James William wn horn In Pike
county, Missouri, Sept. lMt, KU,
and crossed the plain to California
In lSott,Pettltug In Sacramento county
where til family have ever nlnce re
Hided. He came to lake county la
17S, and located the Dunn's Cove
ranch on the went Hide of (loom
Lake. Thl place was afterward
old and he took up another In that
vicinity, which he owned at hi
HI wife, who mirvlve him, I TO
year of age. HI only on, Frank
L. WUHaniM, arrived Junt I1 hour
too luto too sec hi father alive.
Two step daughter are ahto sur
vivor. I'ncle Jim made a will several
day U-forv he died, iM'qucathlng all
hi property to hi xon. John lllalr
wa appointed ciiHtodlan of the
entate without bond, to pay all bill,
and turn over the babance to hi
un. The funeral wa held Sunday
afternoon under the nuHplce of the
Ancient Order of I'ulted Workmen,
of which order he wiim a ocial mem
Iht. The funeral wa preached by
Hev. J. It. Stark, at the M. E.,
church. A large proccHnlou followed
the remain to the grave.
I'ncle Jim wa one of the pioneer
men who shed their intlucnro over
the rough life of early day, lie
leave a multitude of friend who
will ever rememU'r him a one who
al way tried to do what wa right
and houcHt, and carried tliU pro
gram out during hi life. May he
rent in jieacc.
Wanted, Stock to Teed.
I am prepared to fvd any inmilier
of borne and cattle for the winter
at my ranch south of New Pine
Creek. (iood panture thrown In.
Enquire at the ExamiiK-r oHlcc.
4v2t. W. P.i itoi .N.
Absolutely Pure
Jack Harry I over from Warner.
N. Fine I a vlHltor from Warner.
Thim. Andcrmin I over from PIiihIi.
J. E. Dunnavln Inhere from Warner.
Joe Jone I over from the 7T
Ml France Avlrnguuto I quite
nick with fever.
W. It. Miller and Mlchiel I wine are
over from Plunh.
John Peacock I running a burlier
nluip at Uonanxa.
Harry UolnTt. foreman of the 7T
ranch, I In town.
Willi Scnmmon, the PIiihIi mer
chant, I In town.
A. Hogncr of Alturn wa a Lake,
view vlnltor Sunday.
Horn Fuller ha Hold out hi bur
net htiHlucH at Honnntn.
Owen McKendree wa hero from
Klamath County Monday.
Mrn. W. M. Harvey him Itecn quite
III during the pant week.
Andy Morrl' little girl at Adel 1
quite Hick with pneumonia.
Fresh bam, lard and bacon at
the Lake view meat market. 4Mf
Wm. Harvey came down from hi
Summer Lake ranch Sunday.
Mr. (1. Schlugel returned Monday
from a vllt to Modoc county.
C. (). Vincent of Willow Hunch wa
a Lakevlew vlnltor Saturday.
T. A. Crump and wife of Adel,
were trading In Iikevlew Tuenday.
I nne ItroH. have Hold 4uo head
of beef cat tie to Geo. W. MaH nt
Pete Morrl and Tom Alford went
to Iine county thl week for the
Mr. and Mr. W. JI. llarr were v ha
lting In Iwikevlow lat Friday from
Willow Itanch.
John Clark returned hint week
from Pnlnley where he ha lxen do
ing Home pulnl lug.
Wm. P.urguii wa a visitor In Lake
view Tuenday from hi ranch l
low New Pine Creek.
Jeff Parlnh, fori'inan of the J J
ranch, at PIiihIi, ha been Hojoiiruliig
In the city for a few day.
Exeter Glhhln the New Pino Creek
merchant ha liven critically 111 at
hi home for the pant week.
Sec t he dlnpluy of Hollilay (iood
at Wilcox variety ntore. t'lirlwl iii;im
novcltlcH of every dem rlptlou. Is
W. II. Coomt ante over from Adel
Sunday to meet J. L. Morrow, who
wa returning home from Salem.
Frank Cannon, who ha hi Hheep
on the dfHcrt.cnmclu hint wwk after
Home more Hiippllc for the winter.
Free one year for the linking
"Farm Life," a beautiful magazine
for everybody. Get Miiuiplo at thl
T. W. JohiiHon wa In Lakevlew
Monday from hi ranch near Palnley.
He took home a loud of winter up
plle. A. L. Howell Htarted for Iteddlng
TueHday morning, where he goe to
upend a few month, on a vlnlt to
J. A. Anthony, the New Pine Creek
electrician, wa In town TueHday
and WcdncMday, interviewing the
city authorltle In regard to funilnli
lng power and light for tho town.
C. C. Illinium, t ho nprvent old man
In Luke county, wa vUltlng In
Itkevlew from hi Clover Flat ranch
W, It. Ileryford lat week nold hi
IntereHt In the He'yford Live Stock
Company to F, M. (lnen, one of the
Itrlug In your old heating utovc
and have new lining put In them
and made good a new, J. L Her
nard 8t Son. 4i tf
W. S. Fleming wn up from Willow
Itiulch Saturday ami took home
with him a plow, which he exect
to nne thl full,
G. Schlngel I building an addi
tion to til building occupied by l).
F. Cheney' harue nhop. The mihI
lie will In enlarged.
A big lot of the XL cattle wero
moved bint week from the Go oho
Iiike ranch to the Alx-rt Iwikn ranch
to l Uh thl winter.
Jim Turpln after taking hU nhei p
out to JunlH'r mountain on tho
demTt, returned Friday after frtnh
mipplle for the winter.
Manuel Sander came In from the
demTt lnt week and n-tiirnivl Tuen
day with a new Ark made by Arim r
Uro. and Spangetiburg.
A. N. Iiphuiu wa In town hint
wwk from llurue Valley, preparing
to vUlt Yreka where he eiMit to
remain during the winter.
C. W. Lmbody, MIh Thomn, Jo
Harrl, M. ClnrkHou and J. II. Mc
I linen. wen all here tlrnt of the wek
from Hly on laud IiuhIucmm.
IMntrlct Attorney L. F. Conn, ha,
on motion of t'lilted State IMntrlct
Attorney John II. Hall, Ihn ii admit
ted to practice In the federal court.
Dlntrlct Attorney Conn, accompan
ied by Mrn. Conn, returned homo
hint Friday. Mr. Conn ha been
vlnltlug with her parent at DuIIuh.
Joneph L. Shirk, wa here Hcvcrnl
day luMt week from the Shirk ranch
In Guano valley. It I nald that Jim
had an experience with a goat while
Mrn. II. It. Ilazlelou wa apaHHeu
geronthe Southern ntage Wednes
day morning returning to her lion
at AlturaH after a vIhH hereof nevernl
weekH among old friend.
Supt. .1. 2. Wllllt returned from
Adel Sunday, where on Saturday ho
held a very HiicceHnful 1huI liiHtltnte.
He report an abundance of water
In Warner valley.
Tho. II. Cloud ha cloned hi
Hoda work for tho winter, and
Htarted Tuenday accompanied by
hi wife for Sacramento, where they
will HM-nd the winter.
Frank Koggcrn came In from the
Windy Hollow Hill Saturday after
MiippllcH for hi nheep camp. Frank
Hay Windy Hollow I an Ideal npot
JiiHt now nlnce tho big Htorm.
Tho ThuukHglvIng dinner at Hotel
Lakevlew wa a spread worthy of
tho occasion and many Lakevlew
rcnldent enjoyed the npreud on tl
duy wo all gave thank.
Hid you ever read "Farm Life?"
A free Hample of the beautiful No
vember Innue await you at The Kx
amluer olllce, It I given free a
whole year to advance I!xa miner
Levi Strauss 6 Cols
6o different games all new
one in each package of
Lion Goffee
at your Grocer'.
II. S. ADELSTIEN, Hanager.