Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 03, 1903, Image 5

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I 1 7 1 1 '
NOW IS THE TIHE to select your Christmas
Presents while our stock Is complete. We have the
largest and best selected stock ever brought to this
town. You will be able to get what you wish if you
call early.
The MONOGRAM Ahktrom Brothers.
HMMtionn! Xocnl
The bund dunce on TliankMnlvlnn
nlKht wit prunoiiiKvd it success.
Tin unmlc, furnlidied ly tin rutin'
Ixiixl, Iiiim Improved wonderfully ami
the dancers set in to enjoy It letter
every lanc(. The bund will Rive
their regular weekly dance next Kut
unlay night.
The November Issue of "Farm
Life" I the hhvIiiI Thanksgiving
Number. Among I tit features U a
striking and original (Inutile page
drawing, In colors, entitled "Which
One Shall Be Chosen." Drop Into
The Examiner otllee today and get a
free copy of the Thanksgiving nuin
Ikt and learn how you ran secure
"Farm Life" one year free.
Thanksgiving day wan an Ideal
In hU ti'.th year, death claim
another old resident of Lake county.
Aaron Verlln Smith died In Iakc
view Sunday morning from a com
plication of dlm-axci, resulting from
stomach troiitile, contracted dur
ltiK hi three years service in the civil
Mr. Smith wait born In Ohio, JSep
tembcr, IKt-l, moved to Kansas and
mine to Ignite County, Oregon, In
1S75. He has lived most of the time
at New I'lne Creek, until the lat 10
yearn, which wen? stient at Silver
Iike. He leaven two noun, J. A. and
It. A. Smith, and a brother, who
IIvch In Douglas county, this state.
The funeral wan held at New 1'ine
Creek Monday at noon. Her. 11.
Smith preached the funeral sermon.
The City Council Mceta.
The city council met In a regular
session TueMday night. The usual
one. the weather Indng clear and ,mlr t) wnt.HM WH followed, bill
warm In Lakevlew. The store nil allowed etc. Committee reported
cloned, and the day was generally Improvements of nldewalkn, lights,
obnerved In town. Iter. J. II. Stark iot4. The nmioliitmriit nf cltv mar-
pr'ached a very appropriate ncrmon L1(ll waH ja(1 ovcr Thl. elty'n In-
at the M. K. church In the morning,
and In the evening the Baptist church
wan crowded to llnten to a program
of exercise rendered montly by
school children.
Two all-around crookn were order
ed to leave town one day lant week,
and they got, without waiting to be
Invited again. Win. Nevlll, lietter
known an "Hilly the Kid," I said to
be a petty thief, has no visible means
of support, Ih drunk and dlnorderly
inont of the time, and buys whlnky
for the ludlann. The other tough
character was a recent arrival, but
In known to be a professional crook
from the eant. Such people are not
wanted tn Lakevlew.
l'eto flrob accompanied by his
wife started thin week for the great
desert of Lake county to upend the
winter not for their health, but to
be uoar the ever bleating lambs,' and
to watch the wool grow the
product that makes the wealth of
Lake county. Camping out on the
desert during the winter Is almost a
dream now-a-days, compared to
what It used to be. Sluco arks,
(small houses on wheels) have come
Into use, sheepmen need not suffer
any Inconvenience. Their little
house Is equipped with everything
modem, and housekeeping Is reduced
to a minimum.
dchtedncss was shown to lie about
$19,000 at the present time, not In
cluding accrued Interest. The pay.
ment of warrants In two yearn and
a month Ixlilnd. Some means will
be devlned if possible to reduce thin
Indebtedness at an early date an
possible. J. A. Anthony wan called
upon to make a proposition to the
town In regard to furnishing the
lights to the town from New Fine
Creek. He requested a day's time In
which to figure, which was granted.
The council then adjourned until
Wednesday night.
To the Public.
Wo desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the friends and neighbors
who so kindly assisted us after our
home was destroyed by Are. Such
acts of kndness will ever bo remem
bered by us,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Prose,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Branch.
rorter Brothers of Silver Lake
drove a bund of 400 head of beef
cattle through Lakevlew Tuesday
to New Flue Creek, where they will
be fed for the winter, They pur
chased hay from John Heed.
8. J. Studley was up from his
Coggswell Creek ranch last Friday,
Mr. H. says the recent rains wet the
ground way below plowing distance
and In a great thing for the country.
Farmers are nearly all busy plow
ing. Stock Notes.
(Silver I-k OrKonin.)
A. It. Schroder, assisted by N.
Waldo Taylor, took about 100 head
of cattle to Fine lake this week for
winter quarters.
Forter Bros, will drive about 400
head of cattle to IMnecreek thin
week where they will feed them for
the spring market.
C. C. Hoe, who has been herding
sheep for It. L. Sherlock for the past
seven months, left Tuesday for Lake
view where he will spend the winter.
Fred Flke of Paisley took his pluce
as herder.
Chester Avery and (1. H. Small
who are driving 'about 400 head of
beef cattle to Montague have pros
pective buyers and will no doubt
soon make a sale.
J. W. Howard started a bunch of
500 lieef cattle to market from Klam
ath Falls the first of the week. This
Is the second bunch that he has
started from there and several more
are to follow.
Wo are Informed that S. A. 1).
Porter, who drove his cattle to
Klamath Falls about two weeks
ago, could make no sale there and
drove them on to the railroad to lie
shipped to Kan Francisco where they
will lie butchered on commission.
He was assisted In the drive by Ed
Parks and E. G. Mobloy.
J. H. Horning, W. C. Bulck and
Win. Owsley returned last week
from Montague where they delivered
143 head of beef cattle which they
sold to Poly, Hellburne & Co., of San
Francisco, at b and 6. Mr. Horn
ing Informs us that he had oppor
tunities to contract beef steers for
January at 7. The cattle pros
pects are beginning to look better
as there are now more buyers than a
few weeks ago. . i
United State Land Offloe, Lakevlew, Ore
con, Oct 14, Notloe la heraby given that
In compliance with the provlaloua olthe act ot
Cougrvaa of Junes. 1177. entitled an "Act tor
the tale ol timber land in the State of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," a extended to all the Public lnd
Htatea by act of Augutt 4. 18W. William
Dalgleiih, ot A del, county ot Lake, elate of
Oregon, haa filed In lbla office hi aworn
talement No tl'J5. for the uurobaae of the 8W
h&U, N WW SHU NESWiJof Bee 80 in To 38
8: H2J E, W U. and will offer proof to abow
that the land sought la more valuable lor ita
timber or (lone than for agricultural purpose
aud toeatablUh hi claim to aaid land before
the KegWtvr and Receiver of thla offloe at Lake
view, Oregon on Tburaday, the 7th day of
January, 1V04. He name aa wilueaaea:
Joaeph Turpln, PM Curry, ill Manring aud
Adam Martjuart, of Lakevlew, Oregou.
Auy and all peraou claiming adversely the
above-described land are requested to Hie
their claim in thi offloe on or before said 7lh
day of January, luut
Out ti-ii E M Brattalu, RegMcr.
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
Ore. October 21 1003
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provimona of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitltd "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
htatea of California. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land (States by act of
August 4, 1892, Anna Burns, of Lakeview
county of Lake Stated Oregon, has filed
in this office her sworn statement No
2590 for the purchase of the K) NEW
SE NE NE SEJ of Sec 10 Tp 40S,
K 15 EW M, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is mora valu
able for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land before the Regis
ter and Receiver of this office at Lake
view Oregon on Wednesday, the 27 tb day
of January, 1904.
She names as witnesses : Jas. W. Sloat
of Portland Oregon Nannie C, Naylor,
of Bly, Oregon Charles W.Rorabeck and
Charles Mai ley, of Lakeview, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or
before said 27th day of January,
Oct. 29 43 E.M.BRATTA1N Register.
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
Oregon, October 26, 1903. Notice is
hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jane 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the
sale of timber .'ands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all
the Public Land States bv Act of Aug
ust 4, 1892. Fred L. Kent, of Corval
lis, county of Benton, State of Oregon,
has filed in this office bis sworn state
ment No. 26G2 for the pnrchase of the
SEJ, feWJ 6E, SE SW ot
of Section No. 26 in Township 38 8.,
Range No. 14 E W. M. and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes and to
establish his claim to said land before
Jas. H. Drirtcoll, County Clerk at Klam
ath Falls, Oregon on Saturday, the 6th
day of Eebrnary, 1904. He names as
witnesses, F. J. Bowne, of Klamath
Ealla, Oregon, J. O. Hamakar, of Bo
nanza, Oregon, E. L. Walter, of Bonan
za, Oregon, and O. T. McKendiee, of
Lorella, Oregon. Any and all persons
claiming adversely the above descrioed
lands are requested to file their claims
in this office on or before said 6th day
of February 1904.
Nov 5 44 E. M.Bb attain Register.
LEE BEAU., Proprietor
r5 We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, PerfumerieB, Toilet Articles, Fancy
jSj! Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
M Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
A Fcll and Complete Lini or
Heaters ,Box and Parlor Stoves
Stove Boards, Pipe, Dampers
Stnvo lininffc Par Ire
In faot anything in the Stove or Range
Line wantee, at prices to suit the times,
- )
tr. t