Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 03, 1903, Image 4

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Season at Ad el.
The morning of Thanksgiving Iny
was ushered In by a clour sky und
bright sunshine which continual al
most the entire tiny.
For this the people were truly i
thankful after thestortny weather of,
the two weeks proceeding. Appre-j
elating the change In the weather!
and the bountiful crops of the pant
su miner, the citizens determined to
celebrate In an appropriate manner.
Some hunted, some rented, some
cared for t hose who were nick and
distressed, and all feasted. The
largest feast spread was probably
the one at the residence of Mr. and!
Mrs. C. V. IVnt. Here were gather
ed friends and neighbors to the num
ber of nearly thirty, composed of
Mr. and Mrs. Imburger and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Wlble and family, Mr.
and Mr. Stauubaugh and family,
Mrs. Sites and sou Ben, of Did well,
Mr. Jhke Phillips of Bid well, "Uncle
Billy" Roanh, John Roosh, Tard
Brown, J ames Wakefield and "Peda
gogue" Hampton.
At 2:30 p. m. dinner was announc
ed, when all formality was dispens
ed with and a geueral social visiting
and feasting was the order of bus
iness. One secret was discovered daring
the progress of the feast aud that
was made by Mr. Lemburger, who
solved the question of the capacity
of "ye pedagogue" by noticing that
instead of the regulation "dinner
euit," "ye pedagogue" was a practi
cal republican, and wan dressed in
a neat white sweater, ready to prac
tice the doctrine of "expansion."
The sweater was no longer a se
cret. Toward the close of the day, the
gathering dispersed, voting that Mr.
and Mrs. Dent were fully qualified to
perform thedutieuof host and hostess
to so great a company.
On Friday night a Grand Ball was
given at the hall In Adel. The at
tendance was quite general from
both north and South Warner. Fif
ty tickets were sold. The music
was furnished by the Houston
Frakes orchestra.
Dancing began about 7:30 p. m.
and continued until day began
breaking in the east.
The ball supper was simply Im
mense aud all fared sumptuously.
On Saturday the Local Institute
was well attended. Six teachers
were present and also a number of
citizens and Eighth Grade pupils.
The teachers to whom duties had
been assigned, performed their du
ties well, and all were pleased with
the work of the Institute. At the
close of the exercises, on motion of
Mr. Hampton, a vote of thanks was
tendered Supt. Willits for ills assis
tance in the work of the Institute.
The Harney Connty
I.IV StOI'k AssOCla-
lion, of which I m
memter. payalT.Ml
reward for evident
lending to the con
viction of parties
stealing Mock be
lousing to ! mem
bers. In addition I
offer reward,
Horao brand hor
In bur on either
or both Jaws. Kn
corded lnnntl
Range, llarncv, Uke and t'rook Counties
llorw vented w hen sold II rca sold to paa
through this section lll be reported In this
paper. If not to reported, write or tele
I'lio no The Times lleralil, Mtln H-'4. Iturita. Ore
Koii W W Brown, Kile, or
Different Here.
In a leading editorial the day after
Thanksgiving the Oregonlan says:
"Perhaps the impulse of thankful
ness most prevalent among the peo
ple of Oregon yesterday was in con
nection with the Lewis and Clark
Centennial and the extremely encour
aging showing that Is being made
for it in Congress, where Senator
Mitchell's bill carrying 12,125,000 is
already pending."
While the people of Lake county
have a great many things to le
thankful for, probably a very few of
our residents gave one thought
toward that great enterprise that
should Interest every citizen of Ore
gon. There are reasons for this
which are well known to everyone
In Oregon. When the big fair comes
off, probably very little more will le
thought of It as now, unless some
thing happens toward building a
railroad to Lake county. This sub
ject has been talked on so much that
It Is getting to be a bugbear.
tleuien to manage business m lull county aud
adjoining territory for bouse of solid financial
lauding. I20.IIU atraigbt (alary aud expense
aid each Holiday direct from headquarter,
xpeuse money advanced: poaltlou perman
ent. Address, Manager, 6u5 Mouuu Building,
Chicago. M
Vn It ml Stales land erTlce, Lakcvlew, Oregon,
(VI III, 1908. Notice la hereby given that III
compliance w ith the provisions of tlie act of
rotmreof June 8. I.h7!. entitled "An actforthe
ale of timlH'r land in the statea of Oregon,
California, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory aa extended to all the I uldlo ljd
Mate by act of Annual 4. I"-', the following
HToti have filed lu Hi la cilice their worn
tateinetiia, to-w If :
liutlford t Wordcn, of Trouidale, county of
Multnomah, alale of Oregon Sworn atatcuiciit
No tM. for the purchase of the hK1. Se.i., N'l,
SKi4. SW i. N K, S.-C SA, T 89 S, K In K
Horace R l.ilucn.ld 7iV K Hurnaide St.,
Portland, rnnnlv of Miilluoniah, Hale of Ore
gon Sworn aiaienient No4l. for the purchase
ofther-r.1, NW',. S'.SIMS :IA and Nh4
SW i4 Sec !H. T. S9 .. K 16 K. W M .
That they will offer proof to how that the
land aoughl la more valuable for Ita timber or
stone than for agrtcoltural purposes and to
estshltsh their claim to said land before Jaa.
H. Drtseoll. iVuuty Clerk, at Klamath Kails,
Orcgnu on Tuikii)' the 7lb day of January,
Tbey name as witnesses: II R I.lttlcfleld. of
Portland. Oregon, Henry Clary, of Ashland,
Oregon. J O llamaker, J W W rage and O O
Worden of Bonanta, Oregon.
Any and all itersonst-laitriug adversely the
above-described lands are rcqinatot to rile
their claims In this office ur r before said 7th
dar of January lt4.
Oct 2S-42 K. M. HRA1T.MN, Register.
I'uited States Und Office Ukeview. Oregon,
Oct. 16th ltf. Notice is hereby giveu that
In compliance w tth ihe pvllons of the act ol
Congress of June S. 17, entitled "an act for the
sale of timber lands In the Mates of t'allfornta,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public land statea by art
of August 4, 192, Elsie Converse, of New Title
Creek, county of Lake Stale of Oregon, has Bled
in this office his sworn ststenu-nt Nn fii, for
the purchase of ihe SW'4 SK1,, Sect. In Tp N.i
41 8 R No SI E w M, and will offer pr.H.f to show
that the laud sought Is more ral liable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purpoara.
and to establish hla claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver yt Ukeview Oregon
on Monday, the ll'h day of January, l'.JI
He nanus as witness's: Albert I on verse,
Geo Vincent, A. M. Smith. Hurt Held, J. Dcvter,
all of New Pine Creek, Orcgnu.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to rile
their claims in this office on or before said Ulb
dar of Jan. lvw.
Oct. 2212 B V.BTTAI Keglster.
TinUKK I.Ail TI( K,
I'nited Statea Land Office.
Lakeview. Oregon, tep .'J. l'JWI.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
witb the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, laTS. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the State of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as
extended to all the Public 1-and states by the
act ol August 4. 192. Nolen K. Currcy, of Ijike
view, county of Lake State of Oregon, has fi led
in this office his sworn statement No. laM, for
the purchase of the NE A NE '4 of S-i'tion No.
Zl in Township No. 40 8. K. No. Is E. W. M. and
will offer proof to (bow that the land sought Is
more valuable for l.s timber or sione than for
agriculture purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
of tbis office at Lakeviow Oregon on Tuesday,
the 29th day of December, lata.
He names as witness: Thomas Hasting, L. A.
Carriker, R. W. Vernon. Harvey L. Norihrup,
and A. P. Koozer all of Lakeview.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in tbis office on or before aald 2vth
day of December, 1"S.
Oct. 22-42 E. M. BraTTAI.m. Register.
I'nited States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore
gon, Oct 17, laUI. Notice is hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, lV7s, entitled "An act
for the sale of tsmber lands In the elates of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land
Plates by act of August 4, Mi Robert McKec, of
Lakeview, county of l-ake, stain of Oregon, has
Sled in this office his sworn statemenr No ZM,
for the purchase of the w',ol NE'j ol Sec No
13 in Tp40S,R 0 E w M, and will offer proof to
show trial the land sought Is more valuable for
Its limber or slone than for agricultural pur
poses and to establish bis claim to said land
before the Register aud Receiver at l-akeview,
Oregon on Wednesday, the l'lth day of January
lyo-l. He names as witnesses: w J McKee,
Arthur Florence, V L Suelllng and L whet
stone all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aoove-descrlbed landsare ri nested to hie their
claims In thl-office on or before said lilt h day
of January, VX4.
Oct W-4J E. M. BBATTAIN, Register.
Timber Lana .ollrr.
United States Land Office Lakeview,
Oreiton, Oetoler 21, l'JU.'l. Notice i
hereby given that in compliance with
ti.a nrAvwlrina ni t Im Act tA .1 one . 1H7H.
. " - - - - - - -
entitled "An act for the sale of timljer
lands in the Mates o! ualuornia, Oregon,
Nevada and Waeiiinton Territory," ag
extended to all the Public Land Mated
by act of AutfUHt 4, 18'J2, the followinK
persona have filed in tbis ollice their
swore statements, to-wit:
Kelina Thompson, of Klamath Falls,
county of Klamath, state of Oregon.
Hworn statement No 2032, for the pur
chase of the NESw, NMC.Sw
NK riec 20 Tp 38 8., K 15 K.
Mamie Thompson, of Klamath Falls,
. c yr I . I. ....... f ,
couniv Ol rklHlimiii, niaie ui wrniuii.
r, . aj.. oit'i'i I.- l.
nworn maicuieub it mo ur
chase of the Kec 9, HSw,
i!.,iui,i Gu. 111 Tn :o; Hliv:
o 1
William hi Thomr.aon. lit If I a m u t Vi
FaHs, county of Klamath, state of Ore
Kon. Sworn statement No 2).'!4, for the
purchase of the N w bee lo Ip 6H ., H
14 E.
Charles It. Jackson, of 193 1st St.,
Portland, county of Multnomah, state
of Oregon. Sworn statement Ni 235,
for the purchase of the SEJNw, E)
Sw4, SSE, Sec 18 Tp 38 8., K
15 E.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought U more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to establish their claim to
said land before Jas. H. Driscoll krnnty
Clerk st Klamath Falls Ore., on Friday
the 6 day of February 1U04.
They name as witnesses: Selina
Thompson, Mamie Thompson and Wil
liam 8, Thompfeon, of Klamath Falls,
Oregon, Charles K. Jackson, of Port
land, Oregon, C. W. Emtwdy, John
Oilman aud John McDonald of Bly,
Oregon .
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 4 day of February
Oct 29 43 E. M. Bhattaiw, Register.
Our Store Policy
The Chief Study of This Store
Is to satisfy Its customers. Our stocks nre always Wv t coniilcte with
thoroughly n'llnlilt' merchandise, t'ourtes.v on the part of exery employe
Is Insisted ufiu. Our iiroKrvHhlve methods of mert handixliiK, loiipli'd with
the very jireat amount of business we transact, keep prices at the lowest
point consistent with the IiIrIi quality. We keep iM-rmaiifiit patronage lu
view, not Hunting trade, and aim to make this a store to w tilt h you will
turn, not simply when we annoum-c extraordinary bargains, hut as the
natural source from which to supply your wants. Our motto: Satisfac
tion always, or money chtvrfuuly refunded.
2 L- BAILEY . . . . 2
A ('nplrlr and llrantl-
L . mi line f Hamplra to f4- L
Irrt fraina. 7
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place in Town
.. AMI..
See that your ticket reads via the ILLINOIS ('EN
TICAL It. It. ThorotiKhly modern trains connect with
all transcontinental lines at St. I'liul and Omaha.
If vour friends are coining west let us know and we
will quote them direct the sst:lally low rates now in
effect from all eastern points.
Any information as to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully
II. H. TKUMHULL. Com. Art. 112. M st Portland Or
Limisky, T. K. Sc. P
112 Third Street,
Portland, Or.
A. P. It. Thompson. F. & I'. A.
Kooiu 1, Coleman lUdtf,
Seattle Wash.
TlmtM-r tJiod olrr.
United Slates Land Otlice, Lakeview,
Oregon October 21, 1903. Notice is
hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congrens of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the
wale of timlier lands in the Stales of
California, Orego'i, Nevada and Wash
ington Territory," as eitended to all
the public Land Stales by act of Augimt
4, 1892, (ieorge II. Jalley, of Klamath
Falls, county of Klamath, state of Ore
gon, has tiled in Ibis ollice his sworn
statement No 2015, for the purchase of
NfJ of Sec 34 Tp 38 8., K 14 E., w. M.
and will offer proof to show that the
luud sought is more valuable for its tim
!er or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establinh his claim to said
land before Jas. H. Driscoll, County
Clerk at Klamath Falls, Oregon on
Thursday, the 4th day of February,
lie names aa witnesses : J. G. Pierce,
J- w. llamaker, Emma Manning and J.
C. Smith, all of Klamath Fall, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above described lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on or
before said 4th day of February 1904.
Oct 29-43 K. M. liKATTAi.N, Register.
Unltod stales l-and office, Lakeview, orefron,
Oct. 14, 1UUK. Notlcela licrelijr given that In
uorniiliamwwltb the provisions of the act of
congress of June 8, W. entitled "An act for the
ale of timber lands 111 the statea of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
asex tended Wall the Puhllo l-and states by attt
of August 4. IHVS, the following persons have
Hied lu this office tbelr sworn statement,
to-wit: .
Kloyrl farmer, of Ukeview, county of Ike,
state of Oregon. Sworn statement No tlM, for
the purchase of the KJ-, See , Tp XI H, tt 1 K.
Fred M. Hlnkleraan, of Ukeview, county of
Uke, state ol Oregon. Bworo atatenient No
21M, for (be purchase ol the HWJBeo 10 Tp 37
H B 19 K -
Mom J ." Cornpo, of Ukevlevr, county of Lake,
state of Oregon. Dworn statement No 8114 for
the purchase of tbe SK'4 Bee 10, Tp 87 8, K 19 K.
That they will offer proof to show that tbs
land sought Is more valuable for ita timber or
Une than for agricultural purposes and to
establish their claim to aald land before Jaa.
H. lrlesoll county clerk at Klamath Palls
Oregon, on Tuesday tbe XVlb day ol December
I vim
Tliey name as witnesses: Floyd Farmer,
Fred M . iilukleinan, Mose J. fJoinpo, K. O.
Stark and K.I Welsh, all ol Ukeview, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are reuueaied to file
their claims in ibis ollice on or before said Mib
day ol December 9o. , ....
Oct tirit K. M. Krattaln, Iteglster.
TinilKK l.Wi OTI K.
I'nited Slates Ulld Ottlce Ukeview Oregon
OctoiHT Z7, lam.
Notice Is hereby given that In nun pi lance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress of
June 8. lXiM, entitled "Ail act fur Ihe sale of
Umber lands lu the Stales of l allfnrnla, Ore
gon. Nevada and Washington, Territory" as t-x-t
uded to all the I'll bile land Htatea by art
of august 4, IWl. the following yeraous have
filed In this office their sworn statements
Anna Fliaik, of I'ltish, county of Lake, statu
of Oregon sworn staiiiieut no 2?iVi, fur the
pantliase of the HK'4 hK'i S.-C :tU. Tp :IIS., It iVK.
.lami's T. Flook.of I'lnsli, coiiuly of Uke,
stale of Oregon sworn statement No 27IM, for
the purchase of the NH(t NVSli Sec U Tp M 8.,
It 2i K.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land aoiiKht Is more valuable for Us timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their claim to said land before the Iteg
lster and Receiver at Ukeview, Oregon, Oil
Wednesday the loth day ol Feb. 1IU.
They name as witnesses: A. W Mauring, Hay
Garrison, Steve Young, W. K. Hcammar, am!
W. II. Shirk, all of Lakeview. Oregon.
any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said luth
day ol February, 1IM.
Nov. S M K. M. Hkattain, Register.
United States Und Office, Ukeview, Oregon,
October 14, IWua. Notice Is hereby given that
In compliance with the provisions of the Act
of Jiine8, 1X7H, entitled "An actforthe sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended lo all the Public Und Htatea by act
of August 4, 1W, the following persons have
filed In this office their sworn statements,
t wit!
tleorge It. Phillips, of Warner Uke, County
of Uke, Slate ol Oregon sworn statement No.
2141 for the purchase of the Y. Hw, Nw Hw
!and UliHcc.81.Tp.8iS, KiaK.
James !. Hudson, of Adel, county of Uke,
state ol Oregon, sworn statement, No. I14x for
the purchase ol the SU HK't Kw HK Hw
'Nk''Soc1, Tp. 10, l K.
rinima Dodson, of Adel, county of Uke, stale
of Oregon, sworn statement No K14H for the
purchase of the HH BK, NwJ4 mi. "14 NU
BecTp.40B, R2Slt. m , . .
Ilyron F. Cooper, of Adel, county of Uke,
state ol Oregon, sworn statement No 2144 for
the purchase of the Lots 1 aud 8, Beet, Lots I
and 4 bee 6 Tp 40 B, it 12 X. .......
That they will offer proof to show that Ihe
land sought Is more valuable for lta timber or
sume tban for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish tbelr claims to aald laud before tbe
Register and Receiver at Ukeview, Oregon oil
Monday, Ihe tub day of January, 1004.
Tbey name as witnesses: Ueorge B. Phillips,
of warner Uke, Oregon, James C. Dodson, Kin
ma Dodson, Byron t. Cooper, and J. w. Uifftui
of Adel, Ore., U. B. Phillips, ol (Jedsrvllle, Cat.,
and w, B. Moss of Ukeview, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or belore said
4th day of January HM.
Nov. 6 44 K. M. BmattaIn, Heglster,
Tlmhrrl.and Notlr.
t'nlti-r Stales Laud Ollice l-akevlew, Oregon
October 17, I'SlH.
Notice Is hereby given that In romtitlanc
with the provisions of the Act of June H, 1TH.
entitled "An act for the sale of llinler lamls In
tbe stales of California, Oregon, Nevada alul
Washington Territory," as csteniled to sll the
Public Und States by act of August 4, I'-' the
following H-raoiia have filed In thisoflice their
sworn statemeiiis. tu-wlt : Claud C. Kmmertoii.
of lib'iidale, county of iNiuglas, stale of Oregon
sworn statement NoW-ift lor the purchase ol
the K HK'4 See I'J, Tp!l7S., It :iK. ami si, NW;
Hec 7 Tp a7rt.. K I4K W M. Abraham S, Koiius, of
(lendalo, county of Douglas, slate of Oregon
sworn statement No Blnr the purchasu ol
the N', rW W S HK' j see 7 Tp 87 H. It. UK,
'that tiny vvllf offer proof toibow that the
laud sought Is more valuable (or Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purMiaca and to ea
tabllNh their claim pi aald laud before C. II.
Willi row (J. H. tlomiiilssloner at Klamath Falls
Oregon Monday the lsth day ol January IS4
'I hey name as witnesses: g Mitchell, II. M.
Ackley ol illy Oregon, Oscar F, North of Troy
Idaho, Claud C. Kinmertoii and Abraham H.
Kouus of tileiidalu On-goii.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
alMive ileM:rliHu landsare requested to Nle Ihutr
claims In this office ou or before said lstli day
of January im4.
Oct. xtf-41 K. m. IIR Attain Roglster.
United Status UnOffluo at Ukeview Oregon
Oct, 14, luos.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with Ihe provisions of the act of Congress ol
June 8, 1S7M, entitled "an ai t for the sale ol
timber lands lu the States of California, Ore
gun, Nevada, and lu Washington Territory"
as extended to all Ihe Public Und Htatea by
act of August 4, 1HIM, Manuel J Hwarcl, of Uke
view, county Uke slate of Orcgou, has filed III
this office his sworn slHteuient No J1HI, for tbe
imrchase of theHWi HWi Hec 1 NW N VI Seo
No Win TpNo8s81t no IS K W ni, and will
oflnr proof to show that the land. sought is mora
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural nurnoae, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver at
Ukeview, Oregon ou Saturday, tbe 9th day ol
January, 1904.
11 e names as witnesses. W A wtlshlre, James
Young, Win Cleudeuiilng, aud tils worth Rue
sll, all of Ukeview Oregon.
Any end all psrsous claiming adversely th
above-described lands are requested to Die
tbelr claims In tbis offioe on or before said lottx
dayioUan-, 1904.
Oct fx-4'J . M.Biattaiii, Register.
final Vft
Und Office at Ukeview, Oregon, Nov. 4
1908. Notice Is hereby givefh that the following-named
settler bas filed notice of bis Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will lie made before th
Register aud Heuelverat Ukeview, Oregon, oa
ec. In, 1UUH, vis: Her I !. llaskins, H K 2499, for
the NK4 UVM Seo Is, NU NW14 Nw Seo
17, Tp 80 B, R 22 K w M , Oregon. II names th
following witnesses lo prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said land
vis: waiter Dent, Adel, Karly Hixme, Marvin.
Ilooue, liuslou Deiil, ol Plush, Oregon.
Novmp cv. M. RRATTAIN, Register.