Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 03, 1903, Image 3

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'. H. ruliiirrl.t' huh over from Dry
valley Frldny.
Jeff I'uHhIi wiim over from tln J. .1.
ranch Tliurliiy.
J. ('. Iliiw.v, wiim up from New
I'liu Ciivk Friday.
Owen McKendrve wiih ln-r from
IiIm Lorella rnucli Friday.
Mtm, T. M. Hundley wiim iilt lk
litxt wiM'k, Imt U reported linprovliiK
at HiIm writing.
Hold. Fanner ihhI .lxlr liunry,
arrived from Sacrament n on tin
Hoiiilicrn hIiik' Tlnirsidny nlulit.
We iiinlcrsitiilid t Imt K, S. Itayley
liixt week pun Iuim iI ulioiit 4ih head
ttfheofat likely for Nan I'raiiclwo
hutchcr. New lira.
Tin' iimimI complete Ji'li utock off f
( In riillroinl Im to l found lit The
Examiner olllee. Flrnt-laM work
uIwii.vm, nt ream. im I ilc prlieH. tf.
John Wendell, the hutchcr, Ihim
iitoveil from hi resildciice on Main
utrii-t, to II hew rcsddelice J net crect
eil houth oft'. K. SherliM'k'M.
J. M. IniieM, iiml Jack KelHtiy, dU
powil of I. "Ml head of U-ef cattle to
partli-M living In Helm Nevada. The
rattle were to le delivered tliU week
lit l.akevlew. I'aUley Pout.
Charley Howker illeil In t he comity
jail at A 1 1 ii ra on WcdncMihiy, Nov.
'.'-"th. A ilrtinken spice wiim too
much for him, ami he pawned away
In IiImccII without the knowledge of
an, one.
Mm Itayley, an old tliue.MmliM'ker,
Imt now of Nan Franclwo, wan a
vlMltor In Alt a rax thin wivk. Mr.
llayley Im looking for Int f cattle, ami
will Im- In tin County wveriil dayM.
Sayn the Ceilarvllle Heron : MIhm
Hay YiUcm (nee Llhty) ha retired,
from the Alturan New Era, for Home
time, having leaws her IntereKt In
the pajM-r to It. 1.. SIohh, who Im now,
'inonan h of all he eurveyM," In the
Km plant.
The puIiIIhIhtm of "Farm Llfe"jlve
away flll'.riO rarli month to the jkt
noiih Helet-tliiK tlt lMt Hdvertlm
inent In their rolumiiM. You ran
secure both Farm Life" ami The
Kxamlner one year for only f'J.HO.
Itetter MiiliMcrllM' or renew totJay.
OrcRon paMTM im1 mill reporting
that the Htory of lot'M wife turning
to Halt Im not Improbable, iMraiiMe
whenever a pretty kM pummcm now
the men turn to rttblMT. Thin wtory
wiim llrnt publlHheil UiMMt II. ('.
A man In the Willamette valley
hii.vm he Iiiim no desire to no to the
rlrciiM. "I'll Mtay at home," he bii.vm.
"My olileMt ilauuhter dcM the kan
garoo walk; my Heroml daughter
talkM like a parrot, my Hon IuukIim
like a hyena, wife watchcM me like aj
hawk, my rook Im iim cross iim a 1k-ji r
ami my niother-ln-law Hiiyn I'm mi
ohl gorilla. When I k anywhere
1 want a cI'iiuko."
Itro. SIohh of the New Kra, proin
Ihch to wild iim a photo of (lie 1JH)
(lurkH hu clalniH to have killed, with
a party of frlendM, ami nayM, "Pleiwe
Hhow It to tho boyH." Of rourMe wo
will, but we've already heard It
hinted that tho duck) are deroyH,
and hIiow JiiHt iui well In a ilcture
as real ducks. (Iiii'hm you'l have to
m-nd uh tho (lurkH Itro. NIohh If you
wImIi to prove your Htory.
A prartlral woman remarked the
other day, Hiiyn an exchange that
the moHt Intercut lntf things In the
newspapers are tho advertlHlnir
columnH. "Lontf ai?o," wild alie, "I
quit buying of thoae who do not
advertlHO. It always neeinn to me
that the merchant who advertises
Invites mo to trade with him, while
tho one who does not advertlHO lin
proHKeB me with the Idea that he
doesn't care enough for my trado to
ask for It. Theu, too I have found
that tho merchant who advertises
has fresher goods, for tho reason, 1
suppose, he sells more."
The iiiiiiiImt of lunatic under com
trol In In land In i;:i,(KM), an IncreoMe
of 1HH) In t wo yearM.
If you haven't seen I he model of
the patent pile at this oltlce, rail In
ami liiHpect It. tf
Kentucky FavarilM Whlxky inihlext
mill liext. 1'hyniciaiiii rcciuineiiil it.
I'oul Kmit. tf.
There are 17H-' lawyers In Chicago.
The IllrrciiMe In their tinilllxT illllllllf
the laot twelvemonth was .'L'O.
The I r 1 1 1 m 1 1 MedlcalJournalaMHertM
that many "patent inedlclneB are
dlMKiilHcd alcohol In the HtroiwMt
Cym Nulite Whikv tho old cIihiii
Inn ami mill rliHiiiiinu of them all.
I hciI ill nil lirel-elrt placcN. A"k f'T
Cryu Nnlilu chh k'hkU when yoti wtit
kmmI drop hi home. '17 t(.
A drop of blood which inlht hang
from the point of a needle contains
about 1,mmi,(kk n-d flattened cor-
Ieather want! Is no longer wasted.
MaiiufartureiM umo It In acompiVHMed
form, liiHtead of Iron, to make cog-win-el.
When you w nut s plenNHiit purifHtivf
try I'huntberlsiii ' Momsch ami Livr
Talilet. Tlic-y ure eauy to take ami
priMluie mniaiiHeii, Kripiiiu or liHH;ret
mIiIk i ffi-ct. Fur ubIo by IWall.
Twenty thousand young chlldnm,
daily and nluhtly, stand In the
HtreetM of London offering varloiiM
artlcleM for sale.
Some of the KugllHh meillcal pajs-rs
are adviM'iitlug the appointment of
trained iiurws af "itcwanlcHMes on
Twenty hcIioo11ioii'm In New York
have Ik-cii opened this fall as recrea
tion renters for the neighborhoods
In which they an situated.
Punt A KiiiK are now receiving bin in
voice for their winter trade. All the
uncut, brand of liqueur and ciitara are
kept tliere. l'oi A King furiiinh the
home with the bet brand for medicin
al purpcHiea. 42-U
Professor Dunbar of Hamburg
claims to have discovered the poison
In the pollen of flowers which causes
hay fever and also Its antidote.
Severs! copie of the Northwestern
Stock Directory, complied by Sloe A
LiKhtly. printer of Altar, have been
lull al tin ollice for ditribution. Il i
a valuhle book lor tockuien and worth
the price. tf
The Korean government has order
ed that all Kon-aiiM, without n'gard
to rank or class, hhoiiIiI not wear
clothes except of a blue or a dark
Whorton A Smith's Palace continue
to lie the populur club room. If you ard
looking for u man you w ill likely tind
him al the Pitlnce. (ieorgo and Kent
alwsy treat their pstron well, litenl
periodical. Private club room, 4J-tf
('lowland Ahlicy has junt had an
addition of two bells. According to
tradition It was at Crowland that,
the first tunable sal In the ltrltish
IhIcs was hung.
California farm for nsle at a big bar
liain. IliO acre fenced and cronu fenced.
Cost preHent owner $10, 5tK) but wi.l be
Hold for $.rKXK) ; ij down and balance on
eimy pavment. Impjire at this of
fice. ' 47-tf
The telephone system of I'gandu,
In darkest Africa, Is, with Its
branches, KKM miles lit extent, the
poles being llvlug trees. The charge
Is ii'2 cents for each conversation
over any distance.
Afthburnham, Ontario, Tetl(le to the flood
Qualltlc of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy.
Ahhhi'KSIiam Out., April 18, 1903. I
think it in only right that I should tell
you whnt a wonderful effect Chamber
lain' Cough Ketnedy hu produced.
The day before Faster I was so din tress
ed with a oold and cough that I did not
think to be able to take ny duties the
next day, a my voice was almost
choked by the cough. The same day 1
received an order from you fur a buttle
of your cough remedy, 1 at once pro
cured a sain pis bottle and took about
three dose of the medicine. " To my
great relief the cough and oold disap
peared and I wa able to preach three
time on Easter Pay. I know that this
rapid and effective cure was due to your
Cough Hemedy. I make this testimon
ial without solicitation, being thankful
to have found such a Uodseut remedy.
Kespectfully yours,
K. A. Lanokki.t, M. A.,
Hector of St. Luke' Church
To Chamberlain Medicine Co.
This remedy is lor sale by Lea Heall
Culled State Lurid Ofllce Lakeview,
Oregon, OclolM'r 1, lOO.'i. Not! e i
hereby given tlmt In compliance with
the provision of the A.:t of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the nl of timlwr
huni In the Hi ten of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Teriitory," an
extended to all the Public Lnnd htateo
by set of August 4, IH'.ri, the following
person have lilnd in this ollice their
worn ntniemenu, to wu:
John It. PmuI, of 1 10 14 h St., Txcom.
county of Pierce, tst of Washington,
Sworn stHteinent No 2IKX), f.r the pur
i-hsseof the S'i NW'i, WgNK Sec
i: To 37 S., It 13 K.
Jeliti O. SiimUtrum, of 1013 S. M. St.,
Tncoma, county of Pierce, stale of
Washingtou. Sworn stateumnt No
for the purcliHs. of the SK.'4' NF'f. WW
N F.'4'. N Lj4SK"i See 7 Ti ii7 S. K 14 K.
Oni ur A. Norilliind, of lbie Snmpiou
Tsciims, county of Pierce, slate of
Wellington, hworn statement No ltitr.
f..r the purchn-e of the SW'SW." hc ft
SK'K'I Kectlsn.l NKM.'i Sec 7,
N I4.N V J4 Stc 1 p 7 S, K 14 K.
ling-) F. Krick, of Whatcm, :rfunty
of Wbatcom, stnt of Washington.
Sworn statement No 2Ki3, for the inir-
chase of the W V.g Sec 20 Tp S7 H.,
K 14 K.
(ieorge Ilcrlx-rt (treenbank, of
Oly in pis, county of Thurston, state f
Washington. 7 worn statement No
2i04 for the purchase of the H'-g'SWJf.
W "tfSF.U Sw: 10 Tp 37 S., K 14 L.
A'ldison A. Linilley, of Koorn
Cham. Cuiiiiurrw, Portland, county of
Mmtnomab. state of Ore. Sworn state
ment No 'Ji'M for the purchase of the
W'i NK'4' SK'i NW'i SZ!i'Ji Sec
lTp37 h. It 14 K.
Allred Sundell. of 1013 S. M. St.,
Tacoma county of Pierce, state of Wash
ington. Sworn statemdnt No 2KKl, for
the purchase f the W'SF'i', Se" 6,
N W '4N K4', N K'4'N W N-c H, Tp 37 8.,
It 14 K.
Itertha II. Krick, of Whatcom, "onntT
of Whatcom, state of Washington.
Sworn statement No 2'Hi7 for the pur
chase of the F,'4' W,"i Sec20 Tp 37 S.,
It I I K.
Maude II. Trmblin, of Olymnia,
ooiinly of Thurston, state of Washing
ton. Sworn statement No ?X)H f-r the
purchase of the V.SF.'i Sec PJ, W4
SW4 Sec 20 Tp 37 h.. It 14 I'..
Thomas J. Kegley. of 30H 15th St Olym
pin co. of Thurston, state of Washing
ton. Sworn statement No 2M.f for the
piircba-e of the SWUNK' SiNW4'
N W."4SK"4 Sec 17 Tp 37 S., K 14 K.
Frank J. Csnipbell, of 1117 3rd Ave.,
Seattle, county of King, state of Wash
ington. Sworn statement No 2010 for
the purchase of the WUNK'. SK'4
NK4 Sec 32 and MVNW', Sec 33
Tp 37 S., K 14 K.
George A. Itice. of 1108 N. J. .St..
Tacoma.county of Pierce, stale of Wash
ington. Sworn Statement 2)111, for
the purchase of the WJSK E
NW J4 Sec XI Tp 37 8., It 14 E.
That they will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes and to establish their
claim to said land before C. II. Withrow
U. S. Commissioner at Klamath Falls
Oregon, on Wednesday the 3d day of
February IU04.
They name as witnesses: Addison A.
Lindsley, of Portland, Oregon, John B.
Paul, John O. Sundstrum, Oscar A.
Nordlund, Alfred Sundell and George A.
Itice of Tacoma, Washington, Berths
II. Krick and Hugo F. Krick of What
com, Washington, iteorge lieroeri
(treenbank, Mule II. Tamblin and
Ihos. J. Kegley of Olympia, washing
ton ar.d Frank J. Cam pbell of Seattle,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-decriled lands are re
quested to file their claim in this ollice
on or before said 3d day of February
Oct 29-43 E. M. Bbattaix, Register.
United State Land Ollice Lakeview
Ore. OctoU-r 20 P.W3.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Act
of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands 111 the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4,
18)2, the following persons have tiled in
this ollice their sworn statements
to w it :
Adelaide dreenbank, of Olvmpia
ciunty of Thurston, state of Washing
ton. Sworn statement No 2581, for the
purchase of the NE,1- Sec 30, Tp 37 8.,
H 14 ft.
Ssdie E. Sapp, of Olympia Lock Box
384, county of Thurston, stste of Wash
ington. Sworn statement No 2582, for
the purchase of the Lots h.
N W 4Sec 30 Tp 37 8., K 14 E.
tiicliard M. ilayes, of Olympia Lock
Box 433, county of Thurston, state of
Washington. Sworn statement No
2583 for the purchase of the Lots 3 &4 &
ESsSW Sec 30 Tp 37 8., H 14 E.
Grace Greenbank, of Olympia, county
of Thurston, ttate of Washington.
Sworn statement No 2584, fur the pur
chase of the 8Ei Sec 30 Tp 37 8., K
14 K.
Elen M. llerlan, of Olympia, county
of Thurston, state of Washington.
Sworn statement No 2585, for the pur
chase of the S8Wi Sec 20 N NVVJ
Sec 32 Tp 37 8.. R 14 E.
That they will offer proof to show
that- the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes and to establish their
claim to said land before Jaa. II. Dris
coll County Clerk at Klamath Falls,
Oregon on Monday the 1st day of Feb
ruary 1904.
They name as witnesses t Harris
Deans, of Bly, Oregon, Adelaide Green
bank, Grace GreeiilMuik, Sadie E. Sapp,
Richard M. Ilayes and Ellen Ml
llerlan of Olympia, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adverse-'
ly the above described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said 1st day of February
Oct 20 43 E.M. Brattain, Register.
Timber l4 Matlr.
United Slates Iind Office Lskevlew,
Oregon Oclolier 21 , 1M03. -Notice l here
by given that in compliance with the
provision of the Act of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An set for the sale of timber
lands in the State of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
a extended to all the Public Ijind
Slate by act of August 4. 181)2, the fol
lowing person have filed in this ollice
their sworn statements, to-wit:
George V.. I'.arls;r, of Everett, county
of Snohomish, slate of Washington.
Sworn statement No 2'18, for the pur
chsso of the hVM Sue 34 Tp 38 S., K
14 E.
ltob't John Itisnian, of Everett,
county of Snohomish; state of Wash
ington. Sworn statement No 2'1!', for
the purchase oflhs F.'s N V.H, Sw'i"N KJ4'
NK'iSK'i Sec3Tp 38 H., Il 14 E.
Wayne K. Itosman, of Everett, coun
ty of Snohomish, state of Washington.
Sworn statement No 2'"20, for tiie pur
hase of the Sw'i Sec 34 Tp 38 8., K
14 E.
That they will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for il tiuilx r or stone than for ariciil
tu ml purpose and to establish their
claim to said land before .la. II. Dris
coll County Clerk at Klamath Falls,
Oregon on Thursday the 4th day of
lebruary 1904.
They name a witnesses: Geo'ge E.
Barls-r, Itobt. John Itossmsn, wayue E.
Ito'Sinan, Cha. K. King and Ira M.
Stoope, all of Everett, Washington.
Any and all person claiming adverse
ly the above-described linds are re
quested to file their claims in thi office
on or before said 4th day of February
Oct 2JM3 E. M. Bbattaijc. Register.
United States I -and Office Lakeview,
Orcgun Ocbiber 17, 1003.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ot the Act of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the
sale of timber lands in the Statps' of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton," a extended to all the Public Land
State by act of August 4, 1K!2, the fol
lowing iersons have Med in this
ollice their sworn statements, to-wit:
William II. North of 1(41 Tacoma Ave.
Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon sworn statement No 2534 for the
purchase of the SEi SK'i Sec 10
SW4' N KHV'H Se 11 Tp 38 8.. It 14E.
George A. Cavaiiaugh of Portland county
of Multnomah state of Oregon sworn
statement No 2535 for the purchase of
the SE SK'4' ec 11 N,' NEJ4' SWf
NE!4 Sec 14 1 p 38 S., RUE. Clark E.
Det wilier of 116 9th St. Tacoma county
of I ierce state of Washington sworn
statement No 2530 for the purchase of
the E NE4' Sec 19 W X NWJ Sec 20
Tp37 8.. R 14 E.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes and to establish their t laim to
said land before Jaa. II. Driscoll County
Clerk at Klamath Falls Oregon Tues
day 2lh day of January 1904.
They name as witnesses : Jas. Haga
done, "Geo A. Cavanaugh, W. H. North
of Portland Oregon, E. Mitchell, Oscar
North of Bly Oregon and Clark E. De
twiler, Anra Wetherly, Flora J. Detwiler
Wm. IL Harlan, Chas. II. Price, all of
Tacoma Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the alto ve-descri bed lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or
before said 20th day of January 1904.
Oct. 29-43 E. M. BRATTAIN Register
United Mlt- 'nd omce. Lakeview, Oregon,
Oct. 2. ltktt. Notice, U berebr aiven that in
couiilini-e with the provlsious of the act o(
Junes, ii7, eniuiea "An act tor me taie 01
Umber 1ii1 In the Htatei of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," al
eneiiiiid to all Public Iud State by act of
Augunt 4, lx2. the following pertoni bare
filed lu this ollice their sworu statements,
John P. Ekitrum. of Minneapolii, county of
Hennepin, state of Minn. Hworn statement
No. Si7, for the purchase of the X1VJ. Sec 1 Tp
87 8 K 19 K.
l'eter W. Anderson, of Minneapolis, county
of Hennepin, slate of Minn. Kworu utatement
no ioM fnr the purchase ol the N'i SE'4, HVi'l
N K4, N E' SW l4 See 1, Tp 37 8 K ly E.
AllM-rt 1. Hrowu. of M i:ineaHilts, county of
Hennepin, Hate of Minn. Sworn statement
No '.UN for the purchase o( tho NE'4 Seu i, Tp
S7 8, R 19, E.
John 8. N. Bchmidl, of Minneapolis, county
ot Hennepin, stale of Minn. Sworn statement
Noiiwfor the purchase of the SWJi Sec 2, Tp
37 8. K 19 E.
Jsmes W. Beianson, of Minneatollt, county
of Hennepin, statu of Minn. Sworn statement
No ami, fur the purchase of the SE'i Sec t, Ip
37 H. K 19 E.
Carl ('. LatiRmo, of Minneapolis, couuty of
Hennepin, siateof Minn. Swum siatement No
W fur the purchase of the eV). Sec 3, Tp 37 8,
K 19 K.
Pavid Johnston, of Minneapolis, county of
Hennepin, siateof Minn. Sworn statemeut No
AnW. fur the purchase of the SEU Sec 3, Tp 37 8,
K 19 K.
That they will offer proof to show that the
laud soiiKht is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to
establlsli their claim to said laud betore t . H .
Withrow I'.S. rmnmissioner at Klamath Falls
Or on Tuesday the 29th day of Dcccuivcr 1903.
They name as wltnukses: John 1). Eka;rum,
PeturW. Andersuu, Aloert D. hrown, John 8.
N. Schmidt James W, Hesansnn.Carl C. Laiijimo
and David Johnston, all of Minueapolis, Minn.
Auy and all persons claiming adversely the
above-dewribvd lauds are requested to file
their claims in this oltieeon or before said 29th
day of December 19U3.
uct an: . oi nratiatu, Kegister.
IT nited Htales Ind Oltlce, I-akevlow, Oreiron,
Oct. 3. 1903. Notice is hereby iriven that in
compliance with the provisions of tneactof
June a, iin, euiiiien --an act lor me saie 01
timber lands in theStaUjsof I'alilornia, Oregon,
Nevada and Washingtou Territory." as extend
ed to all the Public. Laud States by ai t of Aug
ust , liwr, me mutivi lug person uave HUB nay
fl led I n t h ts office t heir ewora smteiueu ts,tn-w i t ;
t'hallet C. Heuntunau mm-Diih Ave. Houth,
Minneapolis, oouutv cl Heunepin, state of Min
nesota sworn state No. 21U0, for the purchase of
the NK 8ec. 8, Tp. 87 8, R. 19 K.
Reuben E. llenneuian IM7 Tacoma Ave. Taco
ma county of Pierce, state VVashiugton sworn
statement No. Slol.for the purchase of the N W
fteo. S, Tp. 87 a. R. 19 E,
That they will offer proof1 to show that the
laud sought Is more valuable for it timber or
stoue than for agricultural purposes and to ea-
tabiisn tneir claim to said laud belor J a.
H. Driscoll. Couuty Clerk at Klamth Falls. Or-
on Thursday, the 81st day of December, 903.
luey name as witnesses: 1 nanus . . itenne
mau. of Minneapolis, Minn., Reuben E. lienne
inan, Tacoma, washingtou, James beianson, of
11 lu lies (Hills, Mm u , John Sin I lb, A. D. Hrown,
David Johustou, Carl C. Laagmu, all of Miuce
apolis, Miuu,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lauds are reu nested to n le
their claims lu this oltlce ou or before said 31st
day ot December, I9n3.
mi. xj-ij c. M. brattain, Register
t'nltd () fnl Oflii lkrvlew, Oregon
ftul-r 17, li.
Notice ! hri-by rlr-n that tn enmpllanr
with the provision of the Act of Jane , l7lt,
enlllled "An art for tnf ssIh of timtw-r lands In
the Slates of lllornU, Oriroii, Nevada and
Vtaahlriglon," Ti-r. an xl inl-. to all the I'uMio
IjiikI Htale by si I of AnrnstA, mrl, the follow
ing person have flicl in this omen
Ihi-lr worn stau-tnents, to-wft: William Hr
lan,if Olympia, oouniy ot Ihurs'on, stale of
Wellington worn m t-nient No ('. ir th
pnrirliaw i,1 the V.H V.'i Hen 1, Tp X7 S. K
Fred J. Fletcher, Tacoma' eotitily of Plere,
Stat" i f ingtiiti tworn statement No etV7
for Ihe porr-hnne of the VU K'i S.-e I Tp -T7 S.,
K I t K. f'harie H. I'ri', Taenia, rounly of
fierce, stale of W ashington sworn aiatcinent
No i?.'i f r the pnr lia-e of the SY.4 nU SU
HWi He 1 and r.'i N H-f. It Tp 37 S., R KF.
W M. feter N. Holm, of Ta'-oma. rounly of
fierce, stale of Waahirigtsin sworn statement
tiorm lor the purchase of the Wj W ec U
Tfi fin. K I.IK. Ihomaa Berg, of Tacoma, county
of f l'-rcr tnle uf M sslilngtoii sworn siatement
Ho 2MI, for tht purchase of the W1 F.i H.-C It
tp7S , K UK. J'-tisf. lierg.ol Tacoma, county
of fierce, state of Mashinglon sworn siatement
NoJtol for the p.:r-hse ol the eE'i w 14
SwUSec 12 and Sh'i i' 4 H-e Is fp 87 8., a 13
V. Vt m Alien H. Johnson, of Tacoma, county of
fierce, state of Washington sworn statement
No UHl for the purchase of the r.', XK Sec 13
Township No XI H Range No 13 K
and W'-i NW' he WTpWK., R. 14 E W M,
Fn.derlek N. Uradlord of Tacoma. county of
fierce, slate of Washington swo'n sta enient
No IK'S for the purchase of the W 'U rVC
Tp m K, R U V.. Anl.-rs Sorensen of ! H. K.
Ht. Tacoma, county of fierce, state of Washing
ton sworn statement No 'to, for the purchase
of the r.'i Hw'i wlieK'i HccTp R7H., K ME.
ffani'-l J. o'Hriiaol I lev H. lAth Ht. Tacoma,
county of fierce, state of Wasblm ton sworn
staf-ment no iVA for the pnrrbaw: of t he i.
Nw'4 NK'i H.-C IH Tp 371.. R UK. James
Blair, of Hallard county of King, stale ot Wash
ington sworn statement No'JK for the purchase
of the H w t hee Ik Tp87H . R14K.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Ita timber or
stone than avrlciiltural purposes and to estab
lish tbcirnlaim to said land before C. H. ws throw
t'. H. Commissioner at Klamath Falls Or-icon
Tuesday the 19th day of January laoi.
They name as wiinesc willsim llerlan of
Olympia wasblngton Fred J. Fletcher. Chas. U.
frice Peter N. Holm, Tbos B-rg. Jens P. Kerg.
Allen H.Johnson and Frederick N. Bradford, all
of Tacoma w shington.
any and all persons claiming adversely the
bove-d escribed lands are rej nested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 19th day
of January 19U4.
Oct. 29-43 E. M. BKATTIAN' Register.
timber Land Notice.
United Htates Ind Office a! Lakeview, Ore.,
Oct. 14, 193. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 17, entitled "an act for
the sale of timber lands In the states of Califor
nia, Oregon Nevada and In Washington Ter
ritory" as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, Wfl, the following
persons have filed in this office their sworn
statements towlt:
U"orxe II. I.ynrh, of l.akevlew, eonnty of
I-ake, state of Oregon. Sworn statement No
2113, for t he purchase of the tEii See 17, Tp 87
8., R 19 V..
Mary E. Lynch, of Lakeview, county of Lake,
state of Oregon. SWorn statement No 1S.
for the purchase of tueNW'Ji Bee 17, Tp 37 8,
It 19E.
Annie P. Snyder, of Lakeview, county of
Lake, state of Oregon, sworn siatement No
21 i7, for the purchase of the NU S1, Sec 17, T
37 8. R19E,
Frederic H. Bnyder. of Lakeview, county
Lake, state of Oregon. Sworn statement No
Sl, for the purchase of the E4 BW, 8'.
SK, Sec 17, KEi Nki4 Sec 20, Tp 37 8, R 19 B
Lee Beall, of Lakeview, county of Lake,
state of Oregon. Sworn statement No 2171, lor
the Durcbase of the NE'i Bee 13, Tp 87 8, R 18 E.
Cornelia A. Knox, of Lakeview, county of
Lake, state of Oregon. Sworn statement No
2172, for the purchase of the SEU Sec 13 Tp 87 8
Alvin Y. Beach, of Lakeview, county ot
Lake, state of Oregon. Sworn statement No
2173 for the purchase of the V 'A Sec IB Tp
87 8, R19E. " n
Minnie K. Massingill, of Lakeview, county of
Lake, state' of Oregon. Sworn statement o
2202, for the purchase of the N W'i Sec 21 Tp 87
8, R 19 E.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Lake
view, Oregon on Monday, the inih day of
December 1SSJ3.
They name as witnesses: J. G. Barker and
J. B. Barker of Horn brook. California, Georpe
H. Lynch, Mary E. Lynch, Annie P. Snyder,
Frederic 11. Snyder, Lee Beall, Cornelia A.
Knox and Alvin V. Beach of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely th
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
2th dayof December. 19U3. E M BRATTAIN,
Oct M2 Register.
Till HER t.A! KOTI4 K
United States Land Office,
Lakeview, Oregon, Oct. 16, 19u3.
Notice is hereby gion that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 8, li. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1W2, the following persons have
til -d in this office their sworn statements,
Nellie E. llallam, of 435 8 E St, Tacoma, Co of
Pierce, stale ol Washingtou. Swo'n statenien
No SIM, for the purchase of the NEW Sec 21,
IpStiS, Kl"t.
Mary A. Cromwell, of Tacoma, county of
Pierce, slate of Vt ashington. Sworn statement
No 21S9, for the purchase of the X Sec 21 Tp
36 S. R 19 E.
Belle 8. Morse, of 416 N Tacoma Ave., Tacoma
County of fierce, state of Washington. Sworn
statement No 2190, for the purchase of the SE'i
Sec 21 Tp 36 S. R 19 E.
Frank O. Morse, of Tacoma, county of Pierce,
state of Washiugton Sworu statement No 2191,
for the purchase of the NEU Sec 29 Tp So. 8, R
19 E
AbbieSlark. of Buckley, county of Pierce,
state of Washiugton tworn statement No 2192
for :he purchase of the NwU Sec 29 Tp 36 S, R
19 E
George Bucko, of Wilkeson, county of Pierce,
state of Washingtou Sworn statement No
2196, for the purchase of the NE'4 boo V Tp Ht
8, R 19 E
Thomas Morgan Edwards Wilkeson, county
of Pierce, state of Washington Sworn state
ment No 21117, for the purchase of the NE'
Sec 10, Tp37 S, R 19 E
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their claim to said laud before. C U
Withrow I' 8 Commissioner at Klamath Fall
Oregon, on Wt-duesda) the 6th day of Jauuarr,
Tbey name as witnesses: Flovd Farmer and
Fred flickelman o! Lakeview, Oregon, Nellie E
Hallam, Mary A Cromwell, He lie 8 Morse and
Frank C Morse of Tacoma, Washington, Abbie
Stark of Huckley, wHsliingtou, George Buioko
and Thus Morgan of Wilkeson Washington
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lauds are requested to file
their claims lu this office on or before ssid tub,
da of January IM.
Oct 22-42 E M. Brattain. Register
TlyiHKKl...!) K.cTM'K.
Unl'ed States Laud Office, Lakeview, Oregon.
October 17, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 8, lh78, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all tne Public Land States by act of august
4, 181)2, Maria K. Tull, of Bly, couuty of Klamath
Slate of Oregon, has tiled lu this office his sworn
statement No 2338, for the purchase of the
NKI4 of Beo a !uTp3N8, a 15 E W H, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is mora
valuable for ita timber or stoue than for agri
cultural purposes, aud to establish bis claim to
said Isnd before the Register and Receiver ot
this office at Lakeview Orv-gou ou Thursday, th
14th day of Jauuary, 1904.
He names as witnesses: James H. Owen, L.
Wells, of Bly. Orugou rrank Howard, aud
Waller Howard of Lakeview. Ore
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ih
above-detcrided lands are requested In Hie
their claims in this office oil or before said 141U
day ol January, 194
Oct. 29-34 E. M. Uhattain, Register.