Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 03, 1903, Image 2

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fioUe ffumtu (Ex a. til iter
PuMlahnl Every Thurtday
Masonic Building
(One Year, $2.00
TERMS: 1 Six Month 1.00
(Three Months 30
SPACE 11 wkil tno'Sms m 1 yr
Dot Inrh $1 W $ s A Hi w
rwolnrhf 1 0e 600 1W1UM IS 00
Three Inohea. I ' 10 00 1AOii a. 08
quarter Column I sH tiWlAwi
Half Column 'id 15 10 2ft (V 000 70 00
Una Column iWOO ttUO 4500 6A 0eJ 1JU BO
Thecxnr of ItuxxU l the lurgvst
iiulivldual laml owner. The area of
hid ponnestwions In greater than that
of the republic of France.
Clara Vleblg Is the imwt widely
read of Uermany'i? women novelists.
She Is a pitiless realist, and a certain
portion of the press affect to decry
Kler llardie Is the nearest ap
proach to a republican In the present
house of commons since Mr. Cham
berlain has abandoned his political
Alexander Blaekley, the pastel
artist, whose death Is announced at
the age of 8S, was the first artist
whose work was reproduced in color
in an illustrated newspaper.
Dario Canipana, a young Italian
of Leghorn, has tried successfully a
new system of wireless telegraphy
in which the earth is used for the
transmission of waves.
Monsignor O'hea of Australia,
now nearly 90 years of age, is know n
on the Island as "the sporting pre
late." Lucky land speculations
many years ago made him one of
the richest men in Victoria. He Is
popular with other denominations
besides his own.
Theodore Medad Pomeroy, living :
in Auburn, N. Y., at the age of 7!) .
years, and a rich banker, was elected
speaker of the house to succeed
Schuyler Colfax, who resigned the
office after his election as vice pres
ident. .Mr. j'omerov served as
HjH-aker five minutes.
Emperor William buys all his hats, '
boots, shoes, ties and sticks in Pots- :
. ... .. Si i
dam. His uniforms, ordinary suits,:
and other wear are made in Ilerlin, :
and his measure is taken once a year, i
The clothes have to fit when sent. 1
s the kaiser, like the kaiserin, is
never "tried on."
Miss Alberta 'jallatin, who is a
daughter of the confederate general
Albert Gallatin, has ljeen denied
honorary memlership in the Virginia
Daughters of the Confederacy be
cause she is acting in the play
"Ghosts," which the Virginia daugh
ters condemn on moral grounds.
King Edward, when prince of
Wales, was asked, according to a
late London club story, what he
would do should he meet with a
sudden reverse of fortune, or If the
monarchy were overthrown. The
reply credited to the prince is: "Well
I think I might support my wife and
family by lecturing in the , United
States on how it feels to be prince of
Alphaltetically considering the fol
lowing list of "eligJbles" in the mat
rimonial line are in the senatorial
1 ant T it ti 'l'I!lCIt-ll lliiiiro, fill 17 UD. 3 nil
circle: Allisonof Iowa, lieveii.lgeof,die4;rfuly ny dotai,od illforml4
Indiauu, Clark of .Montana, Cock-.
rell of Missouri, Dietrich of Nebraska,
Dillingham of Vermont, Frye of
Maine, Millard of Nebraska, Mitchell
of Oregon, Patterson of Colorado,
Pettus of Alabama, Warren of Wy
oming. The foregoing are widowers.
The bachelors are Keau of Sew
Jersey, Penrose of Pennsylvania and
Klttridge of South Dakota.
Shall Vage Earners 'Secure Choke
Pianos By Mean Of liller I'lano
House Easy Payment System?
kboot T.-hr. Railway and Dry Oooda
Ctorka. 5UKraphr. lrM nk.r.
nillliwr. Mechanic and Farmer lak
Advantage el It.
To any one unfamiliar with our
low p'lce, easy payment policy, it
would be n matter of no little sur
prise to llnd on examining our books
tl num. of scores ami scores of
tNHiple working on comparatively
small salaries, who are buying choice
pianos instruments whose names
linve heretofore always stood for
such high prices that the Impression
very generally prevails they are with
in the reach only of people of very
considerable means. This, thanks to
our small protlt, easy payment pol
icy is no longer the caw.
The great moss of the people of
the Northwest are accustomed to
good music. Nowhere Is choice mu
sic so highly appreciated. Our ieo-
ple readily recognise the quality of a
piano, and are content with nothing
but the best. The piano Is therefore,
frequently by far the most costly and
most highly prized article In the
home. And rightly so. Nothing Is
n better index of culture and refine
ment In a family than a good piano,
That a great proportion of the
homes of the Northwest are supplied
with the very lest pianos is largely
due to the fact that for years there
have been placed lefore buyers by us
the very choicest, at price and on
terms that anyone can afford. Prices
that have enabled them to possess
such regal instruments as the great
western make, the Kimball of Chica
go, the Welter of New York and the
Chickerlng of Iioston; the Vose, also
jot lloston, the llobart M. (able,
Hush & Uerts, Doll, Haddorff, etc.,
The pianos, and they are the finest
and most reliable made, are the fav
orites of the people of the Northwest
Thev are universally found In our
schools and colleges, our lodges and
theatres, and In the studios of our
leading musicians.
A man makes his purchase, paying
all the wuy from $:." to $7.10 or
more. lie I hen has a piano that
will be a source of satisfaction to
. .- .. it .,'..... I j 1.1...
, . . i
self and his family t lie best social and
, lliilV1 lt .....n ... Hv.
ing to his children opportunity
the vi-rv finest musical education.
while our system of easy payments
'enables him to meet his monthly
payments without any inconven
ience whatever.
I Young ladies who arc self support-
ing purchase their pianos in the
same manner securing choice and
,,al,lt.v i"tr..ments. and while they
are making their payments, they are
, ' . ...... ....
able also, to study music with the
rf.Ht teachers.
In case of sickness or misfortune.
ail necessary extension of time Is
cheerfully granted by us.
we are more man giau io nave
anyone, whether it is with an object
of purchasing or not, examine our
entire stuck, and lenru our prices
and terms. C atalogs giving all de
tails cheerfully supplied for the ask
ing. Send a postal card. Ellen
Piano House, the leading, most pop
ular and reliable piano concern on
the coast. Pig, busy stores Wash
ington street, corner Park, Portland,
Oregon; and also at San Francisco,
Cal., Spokane, Wash., and Sacramen
to, Cal.
Special Round Trip Rates.
Between June 4th od August 2th
The Illinois Central will sell round trip
tickets from Oregon and Washington
points, to Chicago, Cairo, Memphis, and
New Orleans at Greatly Reduced Kates.
T'ckets good for three mouths. Go
ing limit ten days. Returning limit ten
days after starting west. (Stop over
privileges either way, west of the Mis
souri River.
Sale dates are arranged to be conven
ient to delegates to conventions of Na
tional Educational Association at Ron
ton ; Elks at Baltimore; Woodmen at
Indianapolis; Eagles at New York;
Khriners at Saratoga ; Knights of Pyth
ias at Ixiuisville and Commercial Trav
ellers at Indianapolis.
You can take your choice of Sixteen
Different Routes, Write us. We will
tion you want
.Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third St. Portland, Oregcn,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
...IS THE...
Made at
our new
They are the fit all
hear nhout but have never seen for the price. We
word ask the shoe.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.!
United StateB Land Otlire, I-akeview,
Oregon, October 30th. IiKKt. A aulhYiviil
contest affidavit having been tiled in
this olllce by John KolertH. cdntctiuit,
aicainst Homestead Kntry No. lS'.Nl,
made AncUHt 4th, 1S.4, for the W'l, of
NV4 IxjU 1 ami 2 Section Town
shipa.5 S, Kate 24 E. W. M., bv Mi
chiel Lynch, OMitectce, ill which it in
alleged that paid Kiitrytnaii aliandnned
aid Lands alniut Octob-r 1st, lH'io, and
thereafter on leceinler tith, 1SW5 died,
leaving bh an heir at law, hia lather,
James Lynch, 'repidimt in the County
of tlork, in Ireliind: raid partiea are
hereby notified to upear, respond and
offer evidence toiiciiimt Haid alleKation
al 10 o'clixtk a. m. on January 1, 1!1,
hefcre the llcyinter and Receiver at the
United States Land Ollice in Lakeview,
The p:iid c in ten hi lit. linviny, in a
proper affidavit, tiled March I'.lth, r."i:i,
set f rth (nets which tthow that after
due diligence ptTMonal pervice of this
notice can not Is- made it ii. hereby order
ed a'-d directed that Mich noli he
t'iven by due and proocr puhlii alion.
Novl2 4" E. M. I'h ATT a i , Kek'ister.
United Mates Laud Ollice, Lakeview,
Oregon, Octolwr 3U, H'i. A sullicieiit
context affidavit ha' iim Is-en tiled in this
ollice by IColiert McKee of Lulo view, (Ir,
contestant, against Tiinherciilture entry
No. MS.'!, made August U'llh, JS!H), f.,r
NE-4 of NK'4 Section 14 Towiiship 40 S,
K. U E, W.M., by Amanda E. lloyd de
ceased, ConleHtee, in win. Ii it is alleged
that: paid Tract was not cultivated ac
cording to the LavH of Timber Culture
Entries, that the said Entry woman is
dead, and that the heirs have aban
doned paid Lands. That the heirs of
said Entry woman, deceased, are as fol
lows. Alice Miore, daughter over the
age of 21 years, residing at lakeview,
Oregon, Arrilla Vernon, daughter, over
the age of 21 years, residing in Califor
nia, I-la Boyd, a grand daughter, now
residing in California, Raymond lioyd,
Hoyal A. Boyd and Coy A. Boyd, grand
sons residing in California ; said parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond
and offer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. rn.on January KUi,
1904, before the Register and Receiver
at the United States Land Office in
Lakeview, Oregon. i
The said contestant having in a prop
er affidavit, hied November 27, 1101, set
forth facts which show that after due
diligence, personal service of this notice
can not le made on all the heir of aid
contestee, it is hereby ordered and di
rected that such notice be given by due
and proper publication, and that per
sonal service of notice of contest lie
made on Alice Moore, daughter, at
Lakeview, Oregon.
Nov. 12 45 K. M. Bkattais,
l?Mftl Htan-M Ianii (flii:o, Lakeview, Ori-xon,
Oct. 1 HUM. Notion Is hereby Klven thai In
co ii.llnrc with the provisions of thu act ol
CoiiKrfHNof JnneS, IS7s, mtitlwl "An si t for
thu null; ol limber lamU In tins HchIc.moI Csllfor
ins, Or.-Kon, Nevxla ami in WanhliiKlon Terri
tory aa 1.-ii.(.1 to all thu I'lilillii Ijiii'I Htales,
l.y act of Auuust 4th IS'ri.Hterlinit I'. Vernon, of
l.akevlew, county of I.Hk Klutii ol Oregon, Iihh
llleil In thin oHI"i III" worn statement No. 22l'i
for thu imrcliHae of thu Uits I hikI it of Section
No.:i iiiToHiiHhip 40 H., li. No.71 K. W M, ami
will offT proof to show that the lnlnl r,iilit is
morn valiiHlihi for its timber or sl.nm than for
agricultural imrposes, ami toeNluhlixh IiIhcIuIiii
to sniil IhiiiI beforu tho KeKlsler ami HciHvcr
at l.uki'vli-w, Oregon on Wisiliiekilay, lliu ,'ilith
day of I'ee.c'inhur, VMI.
Hi; naiiii'H hk wltni'sses: T. H. Vernon, K. M.
liiikn, J.H, rivlU, aniKi.H. Down aliol l.akuvlcw,
Any and all pcrnoiu claiming advursuly tho
ahovu di'hciibed lands am ri.'iiesled to file
their claliim In (tils ollliio on or beforu said nh
day of Itect'iubur, lvoa,
Oct ti U K, M. BaATTAlN, Regltcr.
Wiiat Docs a Few Dollars Mean? gjj
In the shoe field it menus
The Best Possible in ... .
Style, Comfort and Wear
If vou invest in one of the above make
over, wear like iron,
g 5. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
Recognized at the
Wagon and Huggy Harness. Whips, Holiof-i, Hoatas, J
IJits, Spurs, .(nirls,
3 Rojiairing of all kinds, ly
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
w Put vniir art in The
; . . . IA . a. . , .
MADE AT NEW iy I pj.
Sm -w
swell-appearing shoes that vou
don't ask you to take our jL
Beat Vaquero 5addl
llosctlos, Klc. -o-
coinpctcnt intMi.
. i 1 M. i I I
Fxaminer. it brlnos S
Stock Farm
Drews Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
Largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
Young Cattle for Sale.
IAID0R ALAMO bead of herd