LAKE COUNTY fiXAMINLK, LAKUVlliW ORGOON, NOV. 26 , 1903 Bieber's Cash Store Hotel Building ...Scfoocl motco... TUKcvicw Ibiol) School KaU Xdoot'cock, CM!r Hnfc a Xtttlc of tbc rcoetno Bieber'5 Cash Store will Furnish you the Dressing. We are prepared for the occas ion. What you get here you may depend upon, and we save you money on every Dollar you spend here. QROCERY SPECIALS Warrens Pine Apple, Tlum Tuddings, 20 c ea. 3 cans Asparagus Fancj' Tips, special can Cranberry Sauce, 35 c ea. 3 cans Queen Olives, choice selection, bottle Sweet Pickles, (pi,ne3r) special bottle Shrimps, large selected can Clams, (little neck) choice can Fresh Crab or Lobsters can Sugar Peas, select 3 cans Farrens String Ueans choice 3 cans Duffs Molasses full quarts Erie Peas - - Stringless Beans Fancy Sugar Corn The Best In the Market, per can 25 cents. 3 ib. Jar Choice Mince While we are Saving you Money on your Grocery Bill we will save you Money on Every thing else ou buy here. Premium Crockery Coupon Free Bieber's Cash Store Bring In your old heating stoves and have new linings put in them and made good as new. J. E. Ber nard & Son. 42 tf I am prepared to do sewing at my residence at reasonable prices. 45-2 Mits. M. A. Stkh' Fresh hams, lard and bacon at the Lakeview meat market. 45-tf Creditors' Sale AYRES & WHIT WORTH STOCK ...GENERAL MERCHANDISE... All Goods must be turned into Honey as soon as possible. NO PROFIT CONSIDERED Tobacco, Gioceries, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Crockery, Tinware, Agateware, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. Extra Heavy Overalls, 05c $3.00 Pants, $150 $15.00 Suits, $3.50 All wool Mackinaw Coats, $2.00 $1.50 Hhirts 75c f $.50 Hats, $2.00 $2.50 Hats, $1.50 $2.00 Hats, $1.00 Thread, 50c doz 8 & W Canned Goods at greatly numerous to mention, will be sold regardless of cost. Store Fixtures for sale cheap, Safe, Reming ton Typewriter No. G, New National Cash Register, Show Cases, Etc. Buy now and save FOR THANKSQIVINQ 35 c ea. 3 cans $1.00 .50 .30 1.00 .30 .20 .20 .30 .50 .50 .40 Meat for 75 cents with each 25c Cash Purchuse Hotel Building The Examiner has for sale one of the best stock ranches in Lukecounty on very reasonable terms 000 acres, all fenced, and well Watered. This is a great bargain and will not remain long unsold. We also have a dozen other ranches and farms to dispose of. If you have any land or projter erty to sell, list It with the Exam iner. Send In description and we will sell it for you. 3tf fctar Tobacco, 45c lb plug All Evaporated Fruits, 81b $1.00 Prunes 12 lbs $1.00 Best Bacon, 15c lb Best Guardian corn $3 a case, 2 don Java and Mocha Coffee, 20c lb Agate and Tinware, half price $4.00 Shoes, $2.75 Lace and Embroidery half price reduced prices. All other goods too money, don't wait. H. S. ADELSTIEN Hanager. The Professor has recovered from the shock of correcting examination pacr and now goes 'ut hit duties an usual, only In a more de- clnlve way. Two days vacation thin week. The boxing contests an Isromlng very Interesting lu the 1 1 IrIi School thin winter. We are all puckering up onr mouths for Thanksgiving. George I toss nml Professor had a twisting match hint wwl. 1'rofeiwor read im nonie very Inter esting nhort stories Tuesday after noon. Itcssle Wine, Maud Koss, Clarence Snider and Kay Emerson are absent from nchool thin week. The president of the High School Llteraary Society appointed three girls to Helect colorn for the noclcty they used very good tante by bring ing an nnnortnient of lcnutlful col on for the Sock-ty to decide upon. The girls formed a monopofy among themselves and tried to run thlugn their way, but the boys showing their better judgement nelected two benutlful colorn and consequently "red and green" waves over the High School Literary Sclety. Moody Acquitted. Ex-Congressman Moody, who wan being tried on an Indictment return ed by the Federal tirand Jury, charg ing him with wrongfully securing and withholding a letter nddrensed to Mm. Marguret Conroy, which wan alleged to have contained a receipt from the Controller of the Treasury for a final dividend from the defunct Dalles National Bauk. of which Moody wan president, wanacqultted on the ISth. Judge Bellinger Interrupted the argument of District Attorney Wood with the statement that the pros ecution wan proceeding on grounds too far fetched to warrant a verdict against the defendant. The Court Instructed one of Moody's attorneys ! to write out the order of dismissal. and after the document had Is-en signed by the foreman of the Jury the defendant left the court room. Statements that political motives were the foundation of the indict ments against Mr. Moody were dis pelled during the trial of the caw. He took the stand lu his own behalf and went into detail regarding the affairs of The Dalles National bauk, of his dealings with Mrs. Conroy, the prosecuting witness, ami of the commercial strife that has existed Itetwteu the Moodys and the French family of The Dalles since IMil. Small Beef Trust. If the cattle-raisers In the Interior of Oregon can get better prices for their stock through a small beef trust, it is part of their business to organize and hold their stock over. Woolmen have been lsjneflted by pooling their wool and cattlemen will reap the same blessing from the same practice. The fact Is there Is not half enough co-operation among producers. The producer stands alone and the buyers, packers, commission-houses and railroads do all the cooperating and reap all the profits. The low prioo of cattle on foot this Winter has not affected the price of meet to the consumer In the cities. No matter whether live beef Is up or down the worklngman must 1 pay all he has left for meat, so the cattlemen's trust will certainly help the memlMjrs and will not materially Injure thecommunity. East Oregon Ian. Oregon Dully Journul, a Pemocratlo dally newtipuper, eight to 20 pugei, M a your; fi for nix month. The Journal la a newHpaper. Hend In your subscription, tntereut your neighbor In The Journal. Addreaa The Journal, Cox 121, Portland Or. riillllp Barry In over from Flush. Only four weckn until Christmas. Phillip Lynch In In from Warner. Mm. Dr. Ht el iter has Invn quite III for the pant week. Geo. 11. Stevens wan In from the XL ranch thin week. K. M. Brattafn ami W. K. Harry visited Plush Monday. Eat your turkey dinner at Hotel lakcvlcw today. Winter caps, scarfs and gloves at Ahlntrom llros.' Monogram. 47 Our lino of air tight heatem are warm ones. Ahlntrom llros. 47 Mm. Dr. E. II. Smith ban Is-eii dangerously III for the pant few dayn. Iridic and chlldren'n leggings all klndn at the Monogram. Ahlntrom llros. 47 Cashier F. M. Miller returned Fri day from a visit to his family at Oakland. Paul J. Brattaln was down from his Chewaucan ranch several days thin week. County Clerk Maiirlng has been sojourning on bin Warner ranch the pant week. (Sentn, for a fine suit of clothes for Xmancallat the Monogram. Ahl ntrom Bros. 47 C. II. Keleh of Lovchnk. New, wan lit I.avevlew Saturday, a guest at the lakevlew. It. A. Bradley of Adel, wan lu Iikevlew Monday making proof on tils homestead. I The Cuban reciprocity treaty pann ed the House on the lDth by a rising vote of :CL1 to 21. Mr. and Mm. Ilosn Anderson have gone to housekeeping lu the F. M. Miller residence. A boy won born to the wife of S. . D. Porter of Silver Lake, In I Jike- vlew, Saturday. Duck and goose hunters were lu their glory last week, during the rainy jH-rlod and game was plentiful. City llccorder Warner Snider has ls-eu confined to his room for the past week by an attack of rheuma tism. Stanley Mclaughlin came up from New PincCrcek Monday. Hereports considerable sickness In his neighbor hood. Geo. I. Lovcgrove and L. II. Strlcklln were In Lakeview several days the past week from the X ranch in Chewaucan. W. T. York has been recommended by the Oregon delegation at Wash ington for postmaster at Med ford, to succeed Geo. T. Meriimau. Hew J. B. Stark will hold servk-es at the Union schoolliouse on Sunday, Nor. 29, both morning and evening; morning 11 a. in., evening, 7 p. m. A Thanksgiving sermon will be preached today at the M. E. church by Iter. J. B. Stark, at the hour of,pmr of on.K(m, wm Vjt Grant IOiUO. The public In cordially in vlted. A. B. Schroder returned Tuesduy from Lakeview where ho had been after a bunch of thoroughbred bucks, says the Silver Lake Oregonlan. Gus reports having been In all of the recent storm and still thinks the sheep business the best there Is. ht Levi Strauss 6 Cos Copper riveted The Iwtkevlew School will observe? Thanksgiving today nn a National holiday. Tomorrow will 1st vaca tion also. Walter lVnt wan over from hi Adel ranch Monday, lie report a deluge of water III Warner, and that mep Creek In booming. Mm. M. P. Dodsou wan a passen ger out lie Western stage Saturday from Sumpter, Oregon. She comes on a visit to Is-r daughter M rn. A. Y. Beach. J. T. Metxker was over from his Camas Prairie sawmill Monday. Jim says he has Jnsl completed planing lumls'r for this year, ami ban closed the mill down. I. N. Convcme and wife of New Pine Creek were trading u I.akevlew Tuesday. Mr. C. says If the good weather rontluuess, many (loom Inke fanners will commence plow ing. Chan. Tonnlngnrn and family have moved out to the A. II. Hammemley plow across the slash. Mr. and Mm. C. II. Duulap will occupy the Toiintugscu residence during the winter. Abundance of rail In reported front all parts of the country, and every body seems to In happy, unless, possibly the poor atage driver. Hountlful crops of all kinds an as sured for next year. Mm. Anna Hums, who went from Iwtkevlew to Portland some weeks ago to rent a loiigiug House, re turned to Drews valley last Satur day, having failed to meet with success lu the busy metropolis. Pert Snider Is lit town this week from the desert. The recent snow and rain Itcrt says was a Godsend to the sheepmen. The ground In well soaked and there Is water every where. The grans In growing and the sheep are doing their part. F. M. Taylor and Win Hough re turned Saturday from Prlnevllle where they had went for their win ter supply of Hour. They report plenty of snow along the lieschutcs and that the roads are lu a heavy condition. Silver Lake Orcgonlnn. S. J. Vernon, who In now a resi dent of Surprise valley, was lu Lake view on business Saturday. He re ports a very hea vy and unpreceden ted rain storm over then last week. The big lake which ban Is-cn dry for several yearn, Is now filling np with water. W. . Moss drove .Vi head of fine blooded mares from the Chewaucan to W. A. Wheeler's place south of Lakeview where they will lie fed. The mares will average 1.100 pounds, ami Bill will drive and ship them to San Francisco In carload lots as soon an the weather will jn-rmlt. Eminent Grand Commander Geo. II. Hill and other officers of the Grand' Commandery, Knights Tem- Pass, Nov. 30th aud December lst to deliver to the newly organised Mellta Commandery of that city Its charter, and the occasion will be one of considerable note In Masonic circles. The Knights of Malta Com mandery of Ashland aud their ladles have Ist'ii Invited to be In attendance.