Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 26, 1903, Image 7

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    L.AkE C0L1NTY nXAfllMltt, LAKCVICW, CHUdON, NOV. 26 ctOJ,
Habitations Hollowed In tha
Hllltldea of Normandy.
Wo Itnvc often lienrd of the cliff
dweller imtl lire iieouatoined to
think of them na n irehintorie. raro
the remain of wWo few arallered lidlea'
TIi htitliemn eliiirch ratikn Drat
nun UK I'ruleMliiiit ilcttoiiiliKitluiiN In
the t'nlle1 Ntnt4M, luivliitf roil-
KI'l'U'ltlollH mill IV liielllliiTflllp lit
J,wm,(HMI; IS t lii'nlojrlciil (liilniirlcM,
1.1 rulli'Ki-H, .V) iwiiiti-inli'N, 10 yoiilijf
Heiiiliuirli'M, 'i'l IiohiiHiiIn, f.2
dwelling r ft mutter of mrioaity orphuri iiayliiiua, i! liniw for the,
to tourintii and a prize to antiqua- UK,.,i H,,, H dwteoiieaa lion..
riana. Few jieoplo know thai nt tho ,
jireaent lay there arc w hole commit-, nmiy Make iui Matter ar.
tiitiea in ' ranee whoae only luiliita-' ivrliapa you have never tlioutfht oflt
tinna nro hollowed in tho rocky hill- Inn Um fact miiaiim apparent u every
aide ami whoH entire Luainra. life rSTiS: S5lS SJrf
i earned on in cavea. d'a.ile. cathartic like, the oll .aahhined
We had aeeti in Normandy iaolnt- uu only tnakia a il matter worse,
ed inatuneea of people living in hah- Uiaiiilwrlaiii'a Htomadi ami Liver Tab
i i i "... ' i t.t .... I..i an. mui li more mll'l ami ifi-title in
un uona nun ..... l(
but they were in far nwuy towna and , l(k,n ((tjr m.M , , ,mluril u,
village, ond only the very pooreat ()n can hardly realize It la the efT:l -f
li livi'd iii tin-in. Our a mmlitiiio. Trv a i!i eent bottle ol
first real eave city eanie a a ureut For aalu by Leu Itoall.
mirnriun frr Ui hml (lint li'ft TllllM.
one of th- moat hii-hlv civilized tit-' A C..lll..vllle (foiin.) i.ihii. who la
iea in France. We were riding on Hoini'ivlwit of an chftrlrliin. trleil the
the rond to Vouvray when auiMvnly novel exiH-rlmciit of clectrociitliiK
at n turn mar ltocl.ccorbon Una ,.,,,.,, Tw wln.M werenttmh.'d
irat town or urn uweiura num . . . . t. ,
io I to the trap, innl the eiirrent wan
"'Tl'ijjh above ua towered a huge turne.l on. Probably the theory
inaaa of overhanging roek, strata vna nil right, but tin? t nip wuan't.
upon idrata, bearing upon ita autn- 'rtie iiirrvnt burned nut mont of the
mil a most p.-cuiiar inner, fu,.,...- wn.Mm t,H. ,,,,, u, the tuke e-
IO nave im-h n lllUIT III nn1"
gone by. Ita foiindationa hung over llM,,
tho rock urioti w hich they were ;
built, and it seemed aa though tt
would crush down at any moment
upon the village beneath. ! making human wreck ot nufWr from
Scattered over tho luce of tne Throat, ami l.umr troub!ia. Nut aince
r-li(T doora and w indow, narrow i the a.lvnt ot Dr. Kimi'a Nw lJi-overy
Mairwaya and little belvedcrea could ZiA ZJT
le aeen, imuiiauoii upon iiiiuiiuu..i. himU,nn re-ii;nation ia no longer necca
In moat picturesque dinorder. WulU Kry. Mra. Lia Cragg of DorchesUjr,
along the highroad hid the immcdi- ! llin,, ia one of many whoe life wm
ate foreground, and we looked in by ,Vr' tT.ri
, i i; t ... s 1 hii-great WMinlyla guaranmetl lor all
vain for an opening by which T,r,mi and Lung iliawa by Le Iteall
Careleamiena ia rfnixincible for many a
I railway w reia ami me iub num c
I -v i I
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought and which has been
In uae for over 30, has borne the slgnatnre of
and has been made under his per
sonal Bupervialon since its Infancy
Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and Juat-aaujfood" are but;
Kxnerlments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agalnxt Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Caatorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric. Irops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverbthncss. It cures Diarrboia and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Uowela, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
count nave a nearer view oi in is
Grange community. At lut we
found an open gate and, jieeping
through, were greeted by a deur lit
tle old woman whone w rinkled, smil
ing face wua surmounted by t
anowy white cap. Her doorway waa
a bower of llowcrH, hollyhocks, bh
tcrn, mihturtiuina and deep Juno
roses. Hy ita side wua un old well
and a little outhouse for her wood
and gardening loola. Her cheery
"Hon jour" wua an invitation to en
ter, and wo gladly accepted her cor
diality. We followed her ncrs tho
little yard and were soon seated in
licr oiie and onlv room. Scrilmer's.
Druggint. Trice Wc rnd
bottlea iree.
00. Trial
An KiiKliHh-irlHli Myndlciito hua
Imvii formed for the purpoae of re
moving one of the worat evils with
which ItIhIi iiidiiHtry development
was atllleted, vlx., lear coal. The
IndtiHtrlal illtlletiltleH due to the alt-tM-nce
of coal In Ireland are to be re
moved by the tiae of turf. In which
the Maud abounds. Tlila la to ltu
cut, ilrlftl and pn-amsl Into bricks.
Rival Odora.
There ia a atory ultuching to one
of JSifiiiiirck's cigura. The lirst
lrd Amnthill called upon the
'chancellor, and while he waited out
taiiie Count Harry Arnim fanning
liininelf with hia handkerchief and
looking oh if he were about to choke.
"Well," he huid, "I cannot under
tand how Himiiarck can hear that
nuoking the atrongeat llavunas in u
htutTy little room. 1 hud to beg him
to open the window." When tho
Kngliahmaii entered the apartment
lie found llismurek, apparently
gawping for breath, ut the open win
dow. "What tit ran go taates some
people have I" he tsuid. "Arnim hurt
jiiKt been with me, and ho wua bo
overpoweringly perfumed thnt I
could aland it no longer and hud to
open tho window." St. Junius Ga
te! te.
Back to First Principles.
An amiable young woman whoso
trtiatic ability enabled her to drawr
fairly recognizable cat was wont
to amuae a three-year-old boy by de
lineations of this domestic creature.
Unfortunately in his picture book
explorations the child encountered a
peccary, and one day he asked her
to draw him one of thoso. Diffi
dently, but sustained by the thought
that the youngster was no more fa
miliar with this interesting beast
than, herself, she essayed its por
traiture. After a moment of silent
and somewhat oggrieved considera
tion of tho result he handed it back.
"Draw a catl" he said curtly.
It Is expected that during the com
ing session In Washington tho (Jer
iiian embassy will be a scene of much
social Interest, as ISaroness von
Hterubnrg, wife of the mnlmmndoi',
Is a most charming hostess. Tho
embassy, under his direction, has
Imvii emlielllshed In mluilrahlo fash
ion, much of the decoration having
Iteeu done under tho Immediate
Niipei'vlsioii of Miss Violet Iwtng ham,
winter of the baroness and an artist
f ability, A younger sister, Miss
ivy LaiiRhani, will probably be a
member of tho ambassador's family
during the whiter.
J 1 1 1 , 1 I Hoblc, the veteran horseman
went to a country church not long
ago and says that tin1 parson gave
h'.m a lietter Idea of eternity than he
had ever had previously. "Ktcrnlty"
aalil the preacher, "Is forever and
forever, and live or six everlastings
on top of that. Why, brothers und
alnters, after millions and billions of
centuries had rolled away In eternity
It would still 1k a hundred thousand
years to breakfast time."
OreKoii Dally Journal, a Democratic
ilally ii-Niiaii'r. iIkIiI to 20 uk'. 14 a
year; fi for nix imnithH. The Journal 4
a iii.wsinpT. Hcnd In your HUbucrlptlon.
Inli'it-Mt your neluhbor In Tho Journal.
Adilrt'NM Th Journal, Hoc 121, I'ortlunrt
MI don't think wa eoold km
houat without Thodford'. Black
Drauithl.. We ba ud it lu tha
fnnl for over two year with th
beet ut rniultt. I ! not bad a
doctor Id the bonee for that lonfth
of tuna. It U a doctor in Itself and
alway ready to make a penon wU
Because this great medicine
relievei itomach naina, froei the
constipated bowel and invigor
ate tb torpid liver and weak
aned kidney
o Doctor
ia nwetsary in the home where
IVdford'a lilack-Draugkt la
kept. Families living in the
country, mile from any physi
cian, have been kept in health
for year with thia modicine as
their only doctor. Thedfora'a
liluck - Draught cure bilious
ness, dyHpepsia, colds, chill and
fever, had blood, headaches,
diarrtioua, constipation, colio
and almost every other ailment
because the stomach, bowela
liver and kidney so nearly con
trol the heulth.
He Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc acmua . w winuf aracrr. am
The Scenic Line
To The Efcst And South
Through fialt lhe Citr, Leadville, Pue
blo, Colorado'HpHn(r and IVnver.
Offera the choice of Threw R tutea thro
the famoua lUs-ky Mmntain 8nery,
and Fiva I)itinct
Mouth of Denver.
Koute East and
3 Past tra in5d ai 3
Between Off'en and Denver, carrying
all Classea of Modem Equipment.
Perfect Dining Car fMsrvice and Peraoe
aly Conducted Tourist Eicursiona to all
Points F.aet.
For all information and illustrated liter
ature, call on or addreaa
General Agent,
124 Third St. Portland, Or
Northern Stage Line.
Full and complete stock of
Everything: in the line of
jusSllTedI.Ae: Snider Bui'ding on Water St.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. m every day but
Pasaeiifera' ar. ti- Roaa tfla I r
OFFICE- HnrnoMi A Winvfleld'a Lakerlav
8. L. McNacohto!, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
I t' 1 T rn..; rr..lar. WaA
riao , cavern Lmcvicw u.. mj t , .
I nesdays and Fridaya at 6 a. m., arrive
at Pluab at 9 p. m. Leave Flush Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
Paiisenger fare f.3 one way or o lor
round trip. Freight ratea from May
let to Nov. 1st 1.75 per hundred ; from
Nov. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per hundred,
Fnr cnnnnpciAL
i i i r - - l Tfarr a
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. YADIN, Proprietor.
Office In Linkvillc Hotel
Klamath Falls.
Dailv from Asrer to Klamath Hot
Sprinva, Keno, Kiamath Falls, Dairy,
Bonanra, Bly and Lakeview.
Dailv from Lakeview to Bly, Bonanza.
Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, Klamath
Hot Springs and Ager.
Makes connection with au trains at
A..oF Alan rnnnpots at Klamatn rails
with the stage for Ashland.
Good Stock .v. Easy Coaches
WS&mw LIQHT & HARROW, Proprietors
SrC 1 Al m4-
ssal Door North of Hotel Lakeview
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc.
J. WENDELL, - Proprietor.
The Only Flrat Clasa Restaurant in Lakeview. Turkeys,
Chickens and Suckling Pis baked to order, ureaa ana pas
try always on hand. ExeellentService- Prices Reasonable.
Final I'rour.
Laud Offloo at Lakevluw, Orison, OotoUr bth
l(Ki. Niitleo In liurcby jflvou llial U follow.
Iiik-iikiiuhI Kutllor flUol notlou ol lila liiton
Hull to niHko Hnal proof In support of Itis
Hiilm, ami lliat iJ proof will be untile utforu
htlwln J. fallow, V. a. f ouniiUslouer at
lii-iilo, llHruty I'ounty, OreKon, ou Novi'inliiT
Kt!i, llKia via: Tlionim Knoll It. 1. Kuiry No.
SI7M, lor the H Jul BK.HK'iol SWfi Bio. li,
NK'4 of NK'i Hio. U. To 41 8. K. 8tf K. W. M.
llo iiini' the fnllowliiK witiieKao to prove
liU conllii u ona roBliliiiit'u upon ami culilvaiiou
of "xl'l laiul, vli: Albi-rt LuwU, tiua Moainlin'h,
Koburt Wilklu.ou ami James Miuor, of Mo
Kerinllt, Nevada. ' , , .
U-Oul E. M. Brattatu. RegUter.
aiil. PKOOK,
T,.rl nli. at Lakuvlow. Oregon, Out 19,
1UU KollreU heroby given that ine i""""-
Inir-naiiieil iltlor n men noun.
tiou Ui make anal i.riM.i in upiKri o.
. ... .. ...i.i ...... Y in i... i.wl.i before KeKU'
f ' .. . ,i .i..... A. i .Itui.Imiv. Ortiroll. an
li r lira . new.r '.v.:;,,-- ,1 N
NOV XI. IWVI! Ji'Klllni "'","' , u.r.. ,
21-Hfor the BKi NW'i, N'i BWtf auit 8W
HW'i sou it, l p a o k a c
lowing- wttueiioo- to prove lili ooiiuuiioui. rv.j-
..nifiirii.tii of .alii land. vis: w
l.lll'BHWH"vu...... . .
K Harry, of 1' uh, un-Kon, t r nrr,
(Veguii, w V Woodcock, auit R E Lee Btelner ol
Lakeview. ''"
M-Ovta B.ster.
H. K. BAaasa, PropT.
Office In Bleber's Store
Stage leavee Lakeview daily, ex-,
cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arnvea
at Alturas at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at
6 o'clock a. m., or oo the arrival
of the atage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview ia 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - Olven
Strict - Attention
first - Class - Accomodations.
lrnioe RarfH Brnrts with BwaUoa-Tork In
JaliieS DallJ right ear fur awes; rr versa
for wethers. 8ome ewes Bquara Crop and Bill
In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Kauge, Crana
Lake. Postoffloa address. Lakeview, Oregon
7 UUuinrth Brands with Crop off left
Z3C Vl nilWOrin ear, Half Cnderorop off
right for ewes : reverse lor wethers Tar Brand
W. Bangs, FUh Creek. PotoOoa addrena
Lakeview. Oregon