Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 26, 1903, Image 6

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    i AKV. COl Nl I XA 4.NLK. LaKUVILW, OKIiUON, NOV. 26, I QUI.
krn Grant W Kaallr MtUlf4.
One rainy nlglit In the autumn at
Mark Twain was louring a theater co
Broadway, Now York, ho hoard a voico
which was entirely atranjto to him ut
ter these angirostlve wonls, "Thoy aay
General Grant la polnir to write his
memoirs after all.
Mr. Clcmcna caw neither the man
nor his companion, but regarded the
Tolee as essentially providential. He
was at that time a partner In the ex
tremely successful firm of Charles L.
Webster Jt Co. and considered himself
In luck to have heard so early In th
transaction the new of General j
Grant's Intention to write the book.
Early the next morning he sent in his j
card at the general's residence and win
received by the latter In the library,
where he was evidently at work at that j
very time uion the story of his life.;
The house In which he lived was on
Sixty -sixth street, near Central park,)
and. being quite feeble at the time, h j
spent most of his days at home. )
"Well, general." Bi.d Mr. Clemens, "I
hear that you are writing your story
after all Y'
"Yes; I've written three chapters al
ready, and the editors seem to like
them very well. The fact Is," he added,
with a look that expressed a certain
timidity, "I'm glad to be able to earn a
little money In this way Just now."
"I hope you'll get well paid for them."
said Mr. Clemens.
I think I'm very well paid," he re
plied. "I get $."i00 apiece for them."
Mr. Clemens expressed great surprise.
"Why, general, you can't afford to let
that matter go at that rate. Five thou
sand dollars would be cheap for them."
The general remained unmoved. "I'm
getting more than Sherman got," he re
plied quietly, "and I'm satisfied
Hamlin Garland in Success.
. j
Da Chllla Coolness.
The late 1'aul du Challlu was a man
of Indomitable bntvery. Nothing per-,
turbeil him. In the most desiwate crl-,
ses his air was calm and somewhat hu-'
morous. j
One of the veteran conductors of the
1'ennsylvania railroad saiil of him on
the announcement of his death: "Mr.j
du Challlu was a man whom yo"
couldn't frighten. Danger seemed toi
enliven him. I'll never forget a ride he
once took with me. He sat in the last
car of the train, a parlor car, and we
came near having a rear end colllslftji. ;
"Mr. du Challlu from his seat could ,
see the other train approaching us i
could see that a collision was pretty
near Inevitable. He said to me as I
took my stand beside him:
" 'Conductor, have you got a piece of
" 'What on earth, sir, I asked, 'do you
want with a piece of chalk now?
"'Why, it looks,' he answered, 'as If
our legs and arms would be flying
about in a little while, and I think it
would be a good thing to mark them so
that we may Identify them later.' "
Kansas City Journal.
The Hem llnlment.
"Chamberlain's Paiu lialm is con
sidered the best liniment on the mar
ket," write Post & Blis, of Georgia,
Vt No other liniment w ill heal a cut
or bruise so promptly. No otherafiords
such quick relief from rheumatic pains.
No other is so valuable for deep seated
pains like lame back and pains in the
chest. Give this liniment a trial and
you will never with to be wfthout it.
Bold by Lee Beall.
Ml M
Tc",:o L&:stive Eromo Quinine Tablets.
R Seven hVZ'.on bores sold In pest 12 months. 1 Q13 SlgnaiUTO,
Red Is the color of danger
whether on the semaphore
or on the skin. Whin tlio
face is reddened by eruption:),
when boils break out on tlie
body, or the angry ml of
sores and ulcers is displayed
in the flesh, it is nature's
d.mger signal. The Mood is
o'osirm-tod and tainted bv
impurities, and there can lie
no safety until the blood is
made pure.
lr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery purines the blood,
and removes the effete matter wlii.-h
clogs and corrupts it. It cures pim
ples, boils, eczema, scroful.i, sores,
ulcers and other consequences of
impure blood.
"I feci errntly thankful for rmir
medwine n-.ij lor mr." wnte Si--.
Chat. Hood, of K.itk:i-.ka. Mich " t Mif.
fcrrtt with .-nfiiln of the for twelve
vmrs. Tried every kind of medicine thul
I heard of but fotiml no cure, liwrv one
that looked lit my head -wid thtv iuvcr
saw anttlitug like it. The lat doctor I
doctored with Ixfore nppl 1115 to von I 714
wore every d-M- V;w . misernMe that
I wat tumble t do any work at alt. A.'.or
taking two or three Kettle of yotir TluMcn
Medicrd licvrry ' and uing the I. a--!
treatment you prriorilicd f r me. I win
ctirrd and my head wn entirety free from
Accept no sulstitute for JDoctor
rierce's Golden Meiical Discovery.
There is no other medicine which is
" just as good " for diseases of the
blood and the eruptions which are
caused by the blood s impurity.
FREE. Dr. IMerce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mailing
only. Send twentv-oiie one-cent statiis
for the IkxjU in paper covers, or thirty
one stamps for the cloth - hound vol
ume. Adtlress Dr. R. V. Iierce, Buf
falo. N.Y.
A huge turpi. 11 Ieupt-d from the
water in Tinibulirr buy, I.oiiisiiimi,
U'wide the en Hoc III which Alls-rt
lA.lh.rt was sl..vlv drifting, mid ho
violently whacked him in the breast
with ltn tail that he was knocked
sens-eh-Mi. nn,j m.j, (I overboard. He
was so Injured he wan forced to take
to hi bed.
. m
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Brnmo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. E. W. Urue' togna
tare is on each box. 25 c. W) ly
The Oregon Daily Journal nnl the
I-jike County Examiner both one
year for $0. The Weekly Journal
and Examiner fnie year for ?2.".".
The Semi-Weekly Journal and Ex
aminer one year for $3. tf
Chant berUin'M ough Itemedy In
Fl (Kant to Take.
The finest finality of granulated loaf
sugar is need in the manufacture of
Chamberlain's Couyh Remedy, and the
roots ucej in its preparation give it a
flavor tirnilar to maple tyrut, makingit
quite pleacant to take. Mr. . l.
I Koketick. of I'nolesville, Md., in Ptieak-
! ing of this remedy, says: "'I have used I
I Chanilierlaiu's (-'oiiuh Remedy with my
Inldren fur several yarn ami can
' truthfully ay it i the bent preparation
i of the kind I know of. The children
like to take it and it has io injurioiiH
after effect. For i-ale ly Lee lleall.
. it. .a :
XMotning nas ever equaucu ii.
Nothing caa ever surpass it.
Or. King's
AOarMPTION priea
UL.:.f.i.?,M- Se 411.00
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If It fails. Trial Bottles free.
g Klam aih - Lake -Railroad j
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In Effect June 28th, WM.
wekt Dally RAHT
No. 1 No. S Passenger St Freight No. 4 No
s. m.
p. m
p. m.
p. in.
Juociion Hiding
Upper aw'cb b'ck Hpur
Lower "
Hot Spring! station
Kali-Creek Hpur I
Hieel rlridgu
To Cure a Cold in One Day
TUIP DIOCD la kepi nil file at K.C. lui'.
InlO rRrCn Advertl-dug Agent 4 nndfto
Merc tiauia' Kx.'lianae, San fmm lwii, CaL,
where contract for advrrtlalng ran he mad
for It.
Siihacrtbora tit 1 h Kiainlnet who remova
. fro tti one locality to another, ur 1 liana
their imalotnee addfeaa li.mld remcinher in
drop thla ntttce a card mi their paper cat Ih ad
droaacd to the right ptiainfflco.
TOW N LOTS. Improved and
unimproved wild nil raay In
lallmeni. I.nud Tillea Kxamlncd.
tiann Noanttalcd,
Ta.ea Linked Alter,
Rciita, Niiloa. and
M-coitnm Collected,
Pin Inauraiico,
KP.Al. KS1 A I K ami
licncral Huaiiieaa Agcnta.
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Ashland, M Oregon
Ortlrrt kt Marble, GrtiHtr. Iroa
.. 1
Land Notice,
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
i3io Connrtlcut Avenue
Washington, I). C.
All pertona who have heretofore made I INAL
PK(M)F in any kind l Land, Mineral or Tim.
ber Entriea, which ha been accepted by the
Reglater or Keeclver of any V. A. Land Ollkc.
can have the laauanccof their li. S. Patent lur
laid Lsnda promptly attended to by aendlng
me their Pupllcate Irecclat. or Certllkatea ol
Entry, and an agreement to pay me $10 when
ever said Patents shall lue.
Oregon, California
and Nevada
State Agent
For an) one killing or teal
lug atoca belonging to the
South Eastern Oregon
live Stock Association
W ill he given for the arrert and c-onrMlon of any wr
on or pennna (teallng any atnek U lorn;ln
to aiemlH;ra of thU Aiwociatlon.
J, n. INNHS, President.
vlMirf. 60 YEARS'
Trade Markh
Copvrichts Ac.
Anmiifl Bpnillnir a aketeh and rtcn-tltl'ri mnr
nnU'klr Hft-rittin mir oihiikiii free whether an
Invoi.lMin m prohnhly pfitenfMhtH. f 'omimililrit
lion Hlnctlyeotitldimtlid. HamllKifik fin -.ittn.'.
tent frim. (Ili1i!t BL-Hix r f" liocurllig patent a.
l'ntimia taken throuvh Munn St Co. rueel'e
tpriiU tvitice, without charge, la the
Scientific JUnerican.
A bandaomely lllnntrated weekl. I.arirmt elr
culatlxn of anr m ientldn )iurnal. Twim. II a
rnr; ftmr mnntba, L Bold brail newadealttra.
MUNN fSCo.3816-"' New York
Branch OIBoo. C2S F Ht, WaablUtftou. V. C
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
on every H
! fimt vf "''Hi iihui 1 .iniaiiMii
1 W
milllVM AM idTICK.
I'nltrd Hiaica Land Oltlt'i' Jl.nki-vltiw Ort'iinti,
Oct S, IMUi. Notion la ln r. ny ilvi'il that W
nmpllaiii'i with tin- prm l.lnnn of Ilia ai l of
.lillli' H, IH7M, rlilltli l "An art for tin- aaln of
llnilM-r land In tlio Siau a of l allfortiia, Orv
atoii. N'wada. and Waliliifoii IVrrltorv," a.
i xt.'iidrd t.i all tlin I'lililli' l and HIkI.h I act
of AnaiOil 4. I"l.'. I ho lull. . log pcraolia liavn
filed In Una tifftiv Hi. ir anortt alali'inoiita,
towit :
JolinJ l'rl"i, nf Tai-nina. i-oiinl of I'tfri-n,
'.aloof N anliliiflon Swnrn alali'tnrnt No Vlo;
for Hie iiiiri'lia ol thi Nk'.i'M Tn ,m s. II
J nil n II t'luinwi'll, of larmiia. enmity nf
I'lon-i' Klnti'iil nlilnxt.iti Km urn latnni'iil
No vlnS. fur lln' hiiri'liMn' ol I It HMfi. Soo a" 'l'i
, K 19
I. J ILitiNHl. Jr of llui'kli'y, i-iitini nf Plrri-o.
malt ol W anlilnalon fw urn tiaO-nii'til No -?lul
lor I lio iniri iiaao ol III.' . s,t X Tii ;U', M, It
19 K
Klinor K l-liau I. ol Sinlli Tralrlo, county of
Cli rcc, Halo nl W r-orn atal'iin-tit
No iloA lor Hi,, pun liax- ol llir hW1. hco :t I n
i . u m i:
ll. rtM fi ; i. rccn of Kontli I'ralrlo, coiinty of
rO'tt-c, maio of waohlnalon Hmini utatctin'itl
No vital, (or I lin linri'lm-K ol tin' .SK' Sec III,
1 1. tt . K I'l K
Jainca I! lioiitflo rtr. ol Month I'ralrlc, enmity
ol I'li-rii', mail' nf alilnaloit Miorn .talc
nu n' NoJIn: for Ihc piin lia' of llm hK't icc
M I n .HI S, l( I'l K.
John K II. tli v. i. ( kontli I'ratrlo, routitv of
I'lcrci'. atalr nl wa.lili.Kloti funTtt alati tin-ttt
No '.'loN. lor Hie piiri'liaac of II..' SM. k.c Ml,
I'P .m S, It lv K
Jainca A splif liiiyt-r, of Taconia, comity .f
I'lcrco, atatc of M aaliliiKlon Snorn ut. no iil
So Vlo.1. lor the nnrcliaai' nf I ho V. Hoc .'I,
Tt. Sti H. II 19 K
AXilllain J Ainli-raon. of Moiilli I'ralrto, comily
of I'lcrco. atato ol Wa-tili irtoti HMnrn atato.
iiii'iil No .'I II. for tlio nirchaao of tlio hM. Sot'
X. Tp :n H, It ! h
Mil in y ll.i.l l.r, uf Sotilli I'ralrlo, oonnty nf
I'trrc. alatu of W oahl tiKtoii Mtnrn aialomoiil
No '.'I In. for I ho i.nrt'ha v of Iho .NV. Xi'C .1.5
Tn tt.s. It lu K
1 hat lin y Mill offer proof 10 ahow thai Iho
land aoniihl la tiniro valualilo for Ha lliiilior or
atotio than for aartcnllnral pnriiia.'a and to ca
lahllah Ihi'lr claim lo aal.l ImikI hotnr.' I'. II,
Wnhrow. t' H. I i n.l r at Klamath Kalla
'In-Koti, on Salnrda) Iho '.'nd day nl January,
l it 4.
I hi i jiiamo aa llnoaa. a: John J I'l. n o.
lohu ft ( roiiincll, Jaim-a A ft'la-'dmy'-r ol
Tai-oma, W aahitluloti. I. J HattiMal, Jr. of
llnckloy, tt aahiiiKiati, Klmor K hhawl, II. rl i rl
C lirooii, Jaino H IhiiikIioiiv. John K ll. ll.-y,
li 1 1 k in J Andcr-MUi and hiiln.-) Ilo.l.l-r ol
South I'ratrio, aahtnxtoti.
Any and all noraoiia claiinlnc advor-ly th.i'.iloM'rtlM'd latida arc roiti.'aicl to Slo their
claltna III thta nrlii'i. on ur iN-lorv aanl 'J.I day
nl January I '.'(.
tii'l li r.. M. UKrri, i(itat. r.
I'l. It.-. I Mali a I ami iifn o, jkov low , ir a.ui.
ti t 14. I ''l. Notice a l. r. I.) Kit en thai III
coinpllaiieo with iho proi, Uiotia of tin act ol
I'miaroa of June :l. liT". cnttll' d " Mi art for
the aale ol lllilher lalida III thoMntraof l allf
ortiia, iri'Koii, Ne a.a. an.) W aliltn-t"li l.r
rltory." aa catond.-d to all ttie I'unlio l,and
"taiea l.y act ol Aukuo 4. la1'.'. I to- (..lloninv
ernii tiave tiled In 1 1 I a oitl o tin ir ..mi
tat. no lit . tow 11 :
John ii storey, of 1.1'J S J. M. laenina,
county of rt -r.-c, lalo of tt aaliliii'ton -worn
tale no tit .i HI I', l.r I to- pmihaac ol the N W t
Si c l.l I II S, K HI r.
i 'liar lea Mall jr. of l.ake I. , count y of l.ako.
atat- o I Ori-K-oii Sworn .litem. -lit No jHrt, t.,r
Iho piirchaae ol the W i, W i, S. c lj Tp 41 S. It
in K
t 'harlca tt' Korali-ck, of jike lew , county of
Lake, atato ol iireann Sworn ataioinent No
VJ..7. tor Hie i.urchaae of lin-si, N W i . and N1,
Stt , S e '.'I Tp In S. K l.'i K
ttllliam K'.ru. -lie. of jikoe only of
Ijlke, atali' ill HreKntl Sworn ataleiuelil ?.i
riJ-'w. for the piirohaae of the si, NK1., N'w'.
Nh'4. Nw'4 sh', sec n , ,i h. If i K
Aiiana t I ainpln-ll, of lelilno. county of
Thnrali.n atato of tt aahliiKlnii Sworn atntc
incut No . for the pnrchaao cf the NK'4
Sim- A, N '4 Sec 4. Tp 411 S, It l.'i K
Nannie I' Naylor, of illy, comity of Klatnaili,
alattf of Oregon swnrn atatcment No 'i.tfl. tor
the purchaai- of the si , aw ' Nw'. H'., Hw'.
NW. Hoc II Tplii s, ( 1:, K.
M r ay Nilla, of Vancouver, county nf I'lark.
atale of w aahliiKtou sworn alateiuotit N'n
lor the iiiirchaav of the . K'j See 12 Tp 4 S,
K 16 K
Jaa wHIoat.of I'orllalid, county of Mullma
mall, alalo of lir.Kon sworn ataioinent No
Zffl, fur tho inircha'M- nf the SK'4 N'4, .NK'4
s'4. NKV Sic II lp40S, It l?i K
That they will offer prioil to allot that the
land aniiKht la iiioro valualilo for lla tltuhcr or
atone than for aKriciiltiiral i.uriniaca and In ca
lahllah their claim to aal.l lamia In-loro the
Hoiflalor and K.e. lv. r ol ihla otll.i- at Lake
view, Orcifon, on ttedneaday the i.lh day of
January, l'a4
They lla aa u Itneaaca: John tl Hliin-y, of
Tacoina. waahtiiKtou, I liarlin Mallcy, t'harlca
A Itoraliock and William K l.r.i.ll.-. ol I ake
vl.w.ur , Annua l l aiuplicll, ol Teiiluu, tt aah
luKlou, N'aniiio t' Naylor, ol Illy. Ore, M Kay
Milla, of Vancouver, tt aahlni'tnii, Jaa tt' SI. ml,
of Portland, nr. -non
Any ntid all poraoiia elalinhiK advcrm-ly the
ahovo. dccrihcil lalida are retii.-ated lo tile
their etaltna lu thla nlll.-e on or U-lore aaldilth
lay of January l'fl.
Oct 2a 4-' K. M. ItKATTAIN', lteklaler
I' ii lie. I state. La no 1 1 ill ii , I nkci n tv. i .r.'trou
Oct. 2. I''-I. Noli.-.' la In ret. y nlveii Hint lu
compliance ttlth Hi.- protiloita ol Ihc act
of t'oniiroas I June it, 1h7. entitled "An act
for the aale of itmher Intnl. In the Stale, ol
nr. K. hi. i Hlllornla, N. tH.lii. and tt'aahiiu.-iou
T.-rritnrv," a. cxtenilcl In all the I'uhllc
Ijllr' Stnlea l.y al l of Alllillkt 4. . Ihc lol
lottlmr per-oita hat'c hh-.l ill Ihla olhce
I heir hworii at nte no-n I a In-w It :
I-'.-llx K. Johiiaon, ol I on land, county ol
.i nit uiiiiiah. ainle of nreiroii. Swor.i aim.
111.-II I No '.Vi, lor the pureli aao il I lie ll'j.S tt 't
S'j Stt'4 s. c. :i. Tp II S, It in K.
I'-rry II. Ilicka, ol lortla,u.l, couiity ol
Multnomah, atmc of Ori'Kou. sworn .'tat.--in.
-lit No ;trti7, lor the pure!: me of Iho I-1 a SK' 4,
sK', N K'4, i-h-i: I and ritt '4 tt 1 , H. : i. Ti 41 n,
it Hi K, tt M.
ieorio Vcrtio lllcka. of I'ortlinid, county of
MulluinnHh, alalo ol (ir.nli sworn atnl.
ineiit No Mm, lor Iho piirchaae of the S' j N W '4
S'.j S K . Hot: 4, Tp II H. II lu t.
M a M. Hern, of Port laud, coiiiily of Multno
mah, atntit of On-Koii SHiiro kialcini-iit No
a'.!.!, for Iho piirchaae of (ho SK'4 NW4, Stt'i;
NK'4,N vt ',4 HKi4,NKt4 Htt i4. Sec4.Tp 41 S, l( III K
That lin y w Ml offer proof 10 allow ihat the
laiuiaoiiKht l more vuliiahlo for it h iIiiiImt or
atone than for HKrlrulluml uurpoaea and lo ca
tahllah their claim to auld laud h. lon. J. II.
Drlacoll, I'oiiiily I.Tcrk nf Klauiulli I- til I m, lire,
on ttedneaday, the .'kith day of licci-mhcr, ltm:i.
They name aa wllueaHi-a; Kdlx K. Juhtiaou,
I'erryll. lllcka, (ieurifii Verne Ilicka, Nlla M.
Hern, and K. tt'. McrrTtt all of I'orl.aud (ir. iion.
Any and all pcraona claliuliiK advoraoly the
ahovi) ileacrllied landa are reiiicaied lo file
their claim, in thla oltlce oil or Ijclore aald :f.lh
day of l. lllo;i.
Oct 22-42 K. M. Hit attain, Kcitlatfr.
t'nltud Stnlea Lund Ollicc, Lakevlow, Oregon,
Oct. n, 190H. Noticu ia lierchy irlven that in
compllani-u with t lie provlalona of thu act ol
June , Itffa. entitled "An act for thn aa.e of
tltnher ianda In the Hlatoa of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and ttaahlngton Terrltury," aa
extended lo all the Kuhllo Land Hlatoa by act
of AtiKuat 4. 1B92, the followitiK pcraona have
filed lu thla office their aworn alalcinitita
Charlie B Rowley, of I.akcvlew, count y of
Lake, atate of Oregon Hworn atatctnent NO
2 Kill, foi the purubrae of the Hw'i Hcc 9 Tp 41 H,
John J Nowlan, of Ilozeman, county of (IhI
latin, atate of Montana Hworn alaleinetit No
2137, for the purchase of the N!j See 9, Tp 41
That they will offer t.roof to ahow Ihat the
land aoiight ia more valuable for ila tluiher or
atone than for ak-rlculttiral puriHiaea and to ca
tahliah their claltna to anid laud liefore the
Keglater and Receiver of thla oltlce at Lakcvlcw
On gon, on Haturday, the 2d day of January,
They name ai wltnemci: K W Merrltt and
K J Merrill of Portland, Oregnn, Charite 11
Rowley, of Lakcvlcw, Oregon, Charlie Aiwlcr
aun, John J Nowlan and H i Klvalainl of
llozeman, Molilalia
Any and all pcraona claiming advcra. ly thu
aliove-.l.-acrlM-d lamia arn r".Ui-Ntci to file
their claim In thla office on or hcloru aald
2nd day of January, Itml.
Oct 22-42' . M. UstTTAIN, KcfUter.
S, K. I.. aTXINaS, M, II,
I'hi ah'hiaa aail nurtraua
l.okrvlew, 4lr.
I'KUt K lleaH'a I ; N..r t all, aiiawatttl
pnuiiftly day or iila-iit.
I'hj alclmi ntiil Niir(i n
nlHI K New I'aly llulldliitf.
lilt O ' llt.'IOItl.tT
Inkrtlrw, 4lrraa
OKI U K I'aly Hull. II. ik.
I.. U
Allnrnr) nl l.nvt
Lahrtlrn, rraa
HKI U K- latl) liuildiua-.
4'. ii 111-iivmi'i.ic
.alloi nr) .nl-Lnvt m , 4r.
Hi Hl 'K - I'al) lilll.llli.
.llornr).nl-l M .
ltkrtlrM , r
I'KI ICK I'al) lhiil.lli.a-,
t.i. k roic
Allarnrj-nf -ltn
Ijtttrf Matters MprrUII
OKrit K Paly llulldliiK.
U W. NT I'll .
I'b)alrlan and Mui. iiu
(i III co llcharl HI. Ik. Oppti llot.l I ak.-tlew.
uinnnarM nr rut avnrtin i-ak.-ti.w
nuuumcn ur int nuniu t ..pN... i
each nr. nth In Maaotilc Hall, at a . in. s H Ail V. I ( on. maud. r.
r.. i.vii i"u. i I. r.
'';r-s'f ft t j't'Q'
V I. tl. tl. K no . t the l.l and -1 lli nr a.
S day ot eiihiK. of oai h tin. i. Ill In n. Id K. I- '
low.' Hall. iJiket low. W, S. Ill a I at. S;
S C.I'.. tt . J. Si rll.o. Jl
...;, j. . y.V s.s s f . S't
To lake effi'tt, Tueaday, Apr. 1, 1102
No. t No. 3
9:00 a. in. l.r .. Koiio ...Ar 5::i p. in
9.47 a. in. Lv... St'iumlt Ar 4 'ai p, in
lu:ii.'i a. in. Lv . . c ar Ar 4: p. in
10 :i a. in. I.i Krancla .... Ar 4 lo p. m
11:1'. a. in. Lv .. I'urdy Ar .1 . p. in
11 V, a. in. I t I'liimaa Ar .' I.', p. m
I.MM p. in. Lv . I hat Ar 1 la p. in
I2:l o. lu. Lv. .. I ameroii . Ai 1 In p. nt
l.'::i ,i. iii. Lv . Ke.lll.k ...Ar 1 : 17 p. In
I2:.M p. in. Lv . Coiiaiaiilla .. Ar I :M5 p. in
l.l'i n. in. Lv... Iintlo Ar I l'i p. in
l:4n p. m. Lv . . I.leitaii Ar 12 M a. to
J .11 l in. Lv , . Ami-dec Ar I.' Iui p in
'l:uo i p.m. Lv Am. .lee Ar II nilp iii
H :.'.' p. in. Lv . . Hot sprlnga..Ar II I I p. lit
H:.'i7 p. in. Lv . Murray Ar n:47 p. in
4 :.'!'. ji. in. I v . Karlo ..Ar In Jo j.. in
5 :.'.' .. m. Lv. . . Ilorae Lake. . A r 9 lu p. in
f:'ai p. m. Lv . ttaterly ,r 9;Hi p. in
I. : j.. in. Lv .. I "line tr a j.. m
M' t. in. Lv . . , lln ei. roiiu-iAr. 7 : '' p. lit
7:lu p ii.. i tr 'ii .- I v 7:;ui a. lu
Ml kA VAI.I.IiV kV
.'..( i pm lln .', Lv . I'l u in a a A. i .l.i.i j,m 'm am
It I. pit. Ill 21111111. v.. Vinton Ar l.l a In am
H :to piujl.'. 'i'i a in Lt .11. ckw nh.Ar!.! ;o ,u 7 Mam
7.2n pin i I2..vaiu l.v.i luirt I lie A rl I. I"piu 7 on am
Termo, lor Lakcvl. w, PhUI. )' iind I lush, tiro,
and It. Ill.luell, Lake city, ledaittlic, A. III!
Alluraa and III. In r, Cat II .
Hot - l.r 1 1 ik . - lur Stan. ILIi and SuaniivUlv
Ik iv e - for Mllford, laucavlllc and lluiilln
vlllc, calif.
Vim. hi for Liiyallon, Ihiw nlcvllle and Caiud
hell'a llnl Sprluga, l alll, with, lor iiciicacu, Taylor villi) and (irccii
vllli , Calif.
Clalrvlllc,- Mohawk and lulticy, Calif,
Reno,-conneellng with So. I'ac. Co. for all
point. Kaat At ttcat : V. T. R. It. for all IHiiuta
Hon Hi.
vi. it DR. JORDAN'S oataT
1061 MARKIT ST., SAN MANCH0 . 041.
fkatvan Uatkaa aWnataj Q
TbalartaaiAaaMBloal Vama
la Iba tt ur i
ry aOi Milan a 0M Olfav A
14'4.ata,Btaaa4a ar Maalaatat4
ad dUaaaa.BMlti! ar4kr I
tba olilaat W4allMaa lb faaiaa 1
uoaat, itaiaaaaaaa at
a; mmm am4 aa4a)l I
arauWaa mm aauaaaaa Im
a. 1(ar.Hian4lak7aaaKlaa4llr,tam
iMmt Mathi4Uaal ItaajT
uaJ MaoaraaaiaaaftvkaM. rr.iii
i aaooi
, a.aartkaia, Im4, yr.aiai
f V rlatatllatar, M. a aataalalaiaaa M
rMadta,avtra4aralT fw;,th Uaaar
M artmaf 4 kat traalaulit Ikai ft will a
aai aanra intaaaaiaif aaiiar aot - .
I awra. TM Dummt 4aa aal alalaa la aaraaaa
' atlraataa, kat la aM kataa la aa a bar a4
. Mitara rhratuMta aaa araan, MMalatal
I la Bk)aaalaJt
r aaiaaajaaa avaaa. i
irktlUk afcaraaahlT aaaalaai
aaaraagltty aaa4laala4 fraaa
I Uta aranaa wilkaul Ikawaii Mawa
Mil wa waa a jaavaatr.
Stud kr aa Eaaart Mavaitai
a air a
r Baptair. A ulr ana
Ptlaa, ft-laaaira aad rialatlaaskf
a-aaa'a aaaatal aahalaaa atatkuita.
aioa tt
tt. Jartfaa
r MAM anplflnf la aa will in Hvt
lalaianof klaeAnialalitt,
kuarmnt- fVtltUVM OWMM at
aar aonaat
irk alii
atMtrar caa haifartnaa
C'.n.iiiuttloa jKlCH a"41 trtefly vonraAa,
S"mmmm rmmw muahvimulm
Traauataut aaraMally ar ay latiar.
Writ. .r Noak. rmiatararr
Vf AfAMI AlkK. MaiLaaFaaa, (A tal
wa tumm.1 vauvrwrita v
OH J0H0AN CO.. 1011 MarkatSl.S.i f