Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 26, 1903, Image 2

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gait Count u ffxa-.utnrr
Publish Every Thursday
A. Y. BrACH.
Masonic Building
(One Year, $2.00
TERMS: Six Month. 1.00
(Three Montns, 50
On Inch..
Two Inches
Three Im'h
Quarter Column....
Half Column
One Column
II vkil moH m mi1
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The Inventor of the Bnfety bicycle,
Jcorgp Sherjrold, In tlcml la mi
English poorhniixo.
llovlmn Mngopitin, n Htmlent In
the Uulvernity of Wisconsin, Is an
Armenian who ban suffered greatly
lecause of the cruelty of the Turks,
lie has translate J Tenuysou'H "In
Memorian" into Armenian.
Margaret E. SangHtvr has been
selected by the American committee
the third representative at the
Canadian natlounl convention of the
World's Women's Christian associa
tion, which will meet In Toronto on
October 20.
At the Urania theater, Huda-Pestli,
a play, "Berlin Life," Is U'iiig pro
duced that deals mostly with the
home life of the German enitoror.
liis secoud sou, Prince Eitel Fritz,
appears under the name of Archduke
Miss Anne Hobson, sister of Cap
tain II. P. Hobson, has written a
number of negro dialect stories
which are published under the title
of "In old Alabama." Miss Hobson
Is a southern woman who has given
considerable study to the negro dia
lect and reproduces It creditably.
Bishop Phelan of Pittsburg owns
n remarkable set of church vestments.
They were brought into this coun
try from the Philippine islands at
the time of the Tenth Pennsylvania
regiment's return. They are sup
posed to 1h the work of native
I'ilippiiKj sisters, and apparently are
Ml years old.
Governor James II. Peabody of
Colorado, who Is charged with abuse
of power in connection with the re
cent miners' strike, is a native of
Vermont, where he was born in Kr2.
For a time he was clerk in a Boston
dry goods house, but went to Den
ver, where for a time he acted as a
fireman, ami then to Canyon ( it.v,
where, favored by fortune, he lie. j
came a banker. The Governor al
ways has been active in politics.
James M. Barrie, the novelist, has
no patience with reporters who try
to pry Into his private affairs. On
one occasion he was asked to pen a
short autobiography. At first he
refused and then, when the reporter
Iwgan to coax him, he stopped him,
took up his pen and wrote as fol
lows: "On arrival In London It was
Mr. Barrle's first object to make a
collection of choice cigars. Though
the author of 'My Lady Nicotine'
does not himself smoke, his grocer's
message boy does. Mr. Barrie's pet
animal Is the whale. lie feeds It on
Governor Mickey of Nebraska visit
ed the state asylum at Lincoln re
cently and fell Into conversation
with a gang of men who were thresh
ing wheat. Some one dared him to
take a hand in the work, and the
governor promptly took up the
challenge. Donning overalls and
tossing aside his coat and waistcoat
he pitched in. tabling the wheat
while two fn-ders supplied the mach
ine. Ho fast did he work that lit no
time did the two men have to pause
on his occouut. After a half hour's
stunt the governor resigned his position.
In telephoning Ut ween Pari and
London during a storm conversa
tion In Kti jaud Is Impossible, but
French Is easily un lerstood, In-eanse
It has not so in my sibilant sounds
and unequally accented syllables.
Itoraa'l Keaprrt Vltl At.
It's shameful when youth fails to
how proper respect for old te, but
just the contrary in the case of lr.
King's New Life Pills. They cut off
maladies no matter how severe and
irrespective of old are. Iyspepnia,
J on ml iff, Fever. Constipation all yield
to this perfect Pill. 25o, at I.e IWall'a
Drug Store.
A collection of paintings valued at
more than ."0,(MH) and a collection of
trinkets and souvenirs gathered dur
ing n two years' sojourn In the far
east, were destroyed recently by a
fire in the studio of J. Ambrose
Prlchard, an artist of Boston.
Kuaaway Blrjrle,
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
ley of J. It. Orner, Franklin Urove, Hi.
li'developcd a stubborn nicer nnyield
inif to doctors and remedies for four
years. Then Kucklen's Arnica Salve
cured. It's just as good for Burns,
Scalds, Skin Lruptions and piles, 25c,
at Lee Beail's Drug Store.
Mr. Kuuz, Tiffany's diamond ex
lert, recently during a lecture lu
New York city showed radium glow
ing through a glass tube, a rubber
tube, a piece of lead pipe, a piece of
iron pipe, three copper cylinders, and
a Jar of water, the wonderful sub
stance apparently shining as clearly
through all of these substances at
once as It did through any one of
New Way of lalng Chamberlain's)
Conch Kroird) .
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, South Afrika, says:
"As a proof that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is a cure suitable for old and
young, I pen you the following: A
neighbor of mine had a child just over
two months old. It had a very had
cough and the parents did not know
what to give it. I suggested that if they
would get a bottle of Chamberlains
Cough Ke med y and put some upon the
dummy teat the baby was sucking it
would no doubt cure the chilJ. This
they did and brought about a quick re
lief and cured the baby." This remedy
is for sale bv Lee Ileal I.
According to observers In the
Adirondack woods, at least three
moose have been seen, recently,
working their way north into
Canada, and It is Inferred that the
attempt to stock the north woods
witli them will fail, anil that moose
placed there will take the same trail
to Canada that was taken by their
ancestors 7.1 years ago.
Special Round Trip Kates.
Cftween June 4th and Auguxt 2th
The Illinois Central will sell round trip
tickets from Oregon and Washington
points, to Chicatf'i, Cairo, Memphis, and
New Orleans at Greatly Bedimed Bates.
Tickets good for three moiitliH. Go
ing limit ten days. Ke turning limit ten
days lifter starting wect. Mop over
privileges either way, west of the Mis
souri Liver.
Sale dates are arranged to be conven
ient to rielegatet to conventions of Na
tional Kducatioual Association at Bos
ton ; Klks at Baltimore; Woodmen at
Indianapolis; Eagles at New York;
Shriners at Saratoga ; Knights of Pyth
ias at Louisville and Commercial Trav
ellers at Indianapolis.
You can take your choice of Sixteen
Different Boutes, Write us. We will
cheerfully give any detailed informa
tion you want.
B. II. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
19 142 Third St. Portland, Oregcn.
A rare honor for one of his age has
been conferred on Stanley M. Cox the
12 year old son of Arthur M. Cox of
Brooklyn, by the Humane society of
Massachusetts In awarding him a
bronze medal for bravery In saving
life. Stanley saved the life of Frank
Deveau, a boy of H, at East Glou
cester on August 13 last. Both boys
became unconscious when they were
taken from the waU-r. Cox soon re
covered, but the Deveau lad was be
lieved to be dead, and was not re
vived for an hour.
ot A Mirk Jny Mure.
"I was taken severely sick with
kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved me.
One day I saw an ad. of your Electric
Bitters and determined to try that.
After taking a few doses I felt relieved,
and soon thereafter was entirely cured,
and have not seen a sick day since
NeignUirs of mine have been cured of i
BheiiniatiHin, Neuralgia, Liver and
Kidney troubles and General Debility,"
This is what B. F. Bpss, of Fremount,
N.C. writes. Only 60c, at Lee BeaU's,
Tiir nrnToiinrn
v intutoi Muu
... IS THE . . .
Made at
our new
r a
They are the fit all over, wear like iron, swell- appeai-nitf shoes that you 3
hear about but have never seen for the price. We don't ask you to take our
word ask the shoe.
Lakeview Mercantile Co.!
o(l- I 4'rrdltara.
Ktate of J. Q. Attaint d.-erawd.
Not lee 1 bTi'b)r Klvin, liy the lltidemlgtifil
Kxei'Ulor of the laal W ill ami TVntaim-nl ol J.
y. Ailami Uwcaaril , to I hp crt-ditora of, ami all
jktiii having claim, aualiml ll) nal'l dif aa
el, to rxhibit tlirtn with ihe nvc-mtary vouch
tra. wltt.fn alx (A) month, from here
of, to the at! KxMtitor at tin- office of i'liarlra
I inkai h, In the town nf Lakeview, Oregon, the
aine being- the place fur the iranaactloii of the
liuihii'M of Kaiil Kutate. A. I.. llowKI L
Kxecutor of the laat will and Te.lameot of
J. l. Ad.'nn. ileceai.-il.
I 'an d October XM IUU1.
United States Itnd O I lice, Lakeview,
Oieiton, October :t0th. liUJ.'J. A sufficient
contest allidavit having been tiled in
this olfice by John BolH-rts, contestant,
against Homestead Kntry No. lH!Hi,
made August 4th. 1K!I4. for the W'.j of
NW-4 Ixits 1 and 2 Section .'Hi, Town.
ship:S, Kanue 24 K. W. M.. bv .Mi
chiel Lynch, (.'ontestee, in which it is
alleged that said Kntryman aliandoiied
raid Lands almt OctoU-r IhI, 1 H'.iii, and
thereafter on Decemlx-r lilh, 1S!I." died,
leaving its an heir at law, his hither,
James Lynch, residing in the County
of Cork, in Ireland: said parties are
herehy notified to appear, respond and
offer evidence touchiiitf said allegation
at 10 o'clock a. in. on January 1", l'.MH,
In-fcre the Bettister and Receiver at tiie
United State-) Land Ollice in Lakeview,
The stid contestant, having, in a
proper allidavit, filed March l'.hh, 1 '.)!):!,
set forth facts which sliow that alter
due diligence personal service of this
notice can not Is made it is herehy order
ed n-d directed that such nnti-e be
t'ivn by due and proiier pultlicaiion.
Novl2 4'i K. M. HitArrAiN, Begister.
I'nited Mates Land Ollice, Lakeview,
Oregon, October 30, 1!)).'S. A sullicient
contest allidavit ha' ing Ix'en tiled ill this
ollice by Bohert McKee of Lakeview, Or,
contestant, against Timber culture entry
No. 1 1 M.j , made August 2flu. lX'.H), for
NK'i of NK' Section 14 Township 40 S,
B. 20 K, W.Sl., by Amanda K. Boyd de
ceased, Contestee, in w liich it is alleged
that : said Tract was not cultivated ac
cording to the Laws of Timber Culture
Entries, that the said Kntrywoman is
dead, and that the heirs have aban
doned said Lands. That the heirs of
said Kntrywoman, decease J, are as fol
lows. Alice Moore, daughter over the
age of 21 years, residing at lakeview,
Oregon, Arrilla Vernon, daughter, over
the age of 21 years, residing in Califor
nia, Lela Boyd, a grand daughter, now
residing in California, Raymond Boyd,
Royal A. Boyd and Coy A. Boyd, grand
sons residing in California ; said parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond
and offer evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. in. on January lllih,
1904, before tiie Begister and Receiver
at the United Stales I .and Ollice in
Lakeview, Oregon.
The said contestant having in a prop
er allidavit. filed November 27, 1U01, set
forth facts which show that after due
diligence, personal service of this notice
can not be made on all the heirs of said
contestee, it is hereby ordered and di
rectcd that such notice be given by due
and Proper publication, and that per
sonal service of notice of contest be
made on Alice Moore, daughter, at
Lakeview, Oregon.
Nov. 12 45 K. M. IShattai.m,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear the
Signature of
iiitiip ninir-r
imnt MAHnti
Wxiat Docs a
In the shoe field it means
The Best Possible in . .
Style, Comfort and Wear
If you invest in one of the above make
I S. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
Recognized as the
Wagon and Huy Harness. Whips, Robes, Reatas, 4
ST Hits, Sjiurs,';Quirts,
Rojiairing of all kinds,
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Put your ad in The
:::J: W:W0
..r W
wffffl is
Few Dollars Mean? j
Beat Vaquero 5addle
Rosettes, Kte. -o- -6- -o- 5l
by competent men. -6- -o- J
Examiner, it brings $
Stock 3? arm
DroW8 Va,,oy' reo"-
-1 Largest herd of regisjered
Herefords in Oregon
Young Cattle for Sale.
- - - . . -i n .
1AID0R ALAMO bead of herd