Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 05, 1903, Image 2

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falu umtu Ea utncr
Pahllihml Every Thareday
A. Y. Bl. ACM.
Maaonlc Butidinf
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TERMS: J SU Mon?h.;.V;.V. V. "iffi !
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it. if Column WvlMXl W l
On? Column iSOOO i 00 4.MW A
Tin hack tax case against the es
tate of Senator John Sherman linn
(Ken nettled at Manstied, Ohio, for
$2,(HX). The amount sued for wns
more than $2rt0.0tM).
William Uanisauer Is probably the
moat cool headed of all American
"steeple jacks." Recently he clitnlieil
ta the top of a flagstaff In Cincinnati,
:JT feet above street, and stood on
hU head on the ball above the tint;.
He remained on the top of the staff
mi hour.
George G. Vest, formerly United
Siates senator from Missouri, has
taoved from Sweet Springs to St.
Louis, where he intends to pass the
winter. Mr. Vest, though quite
Treble, stood the Journey very well.
He wait accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Ueorge 1'. It. Jackson, his sou iu
taw and daughter.
A recent letter from Abyssiua des
crtU's King Menelck as a man about
i'A years of age, dark In complexion,
bin face marked with smallpox and
hlM chin covered with a slight gray !
b?anl. He has a keen, t hough t f ul face,
brilliant dark eyes and through an
interpreter converses intelligently
with his guests.
Siir Francis I'lunkett. now British
embassador at Vienna, who will
probably succeed the late Sir .Michael
H erls-Tt as ambassador to the Tutted
States, is married to an American,
woman, the daughter of C. V. Mor
gan of l'hiladelphia. Sir Francis is IW
years old and has been in the diplo-1
oiatic service of his country over 40
yea rs.
Itev. Father Joseph Maszotas. who
. . i i . i t ,, !
""V "" .
rectorship of the Lit htiniali Catholic 1
church of East St. Louis, but who!
had refused to obey the mandate of
the bishop, has finally capitulated
nd will depart for Cleveland, Ohio,
here he formerly had charge of a
flourishing parish and lias many
Frederick M. Iliibbt-ll of D n Moines,
Iowa, who lias planned tentatively
the founding of a great college at the
Iowa capital, Is one of the wealthiest
men In the state. There is a special
provision for the payment to Mr. and
Mra Hubliell during their lives of
stated HuniB.and there Is allmitation
ilso covering the lives of other mem
bers of the family.
A'iHiain C. Hartridge, the lawyer
who wan sent to the Caroline Islands
by the widow of the famous David
!. O'Keefe, king of Yap, to look up
theestateof her remarkable husband,
has returned with the information
that he found O'Keefe's will on file
at Hong Koug. Theestate is valued
at f 1,500,000, most of which Is left to
the widow and daughter, who live
In Savannah, (in.
Mins Nora Jlolt house, deputy re
corder for Wayne county, Indiana,
has announced her enndhhicy fur the
office of county recorder. She is the
first, woman candidate for public
oflice which Waynecoiiuty ban. Miss
Ifolthoiise has been connected with
the recorder's oflice for ten year-'.
She entered the oflice while le-r father
wa.s recorder and has acted as de
puty ever Five other candi
dates for the office, Including the in
cu inbuilt, have been announced.
Till' COriVCt WU.V to prOlloUIHV till'
unfce of Maeterlinck, the author una
tannatlst. Ik ns though It were sfiell
otl "Mnhterllnk," not Mnyterlluk, or
! Meterllnk as It Is variously called.
Tlio I'lvni h pronounce It Mnytcrllnk
tho houi.,1 of no In Kronen In
h" but In Height n l'lench the ae
-1 pronounced "nil." Maeterlinck I 11
Hclglau, having Iki'ii born nt (ihent
In IsiU. Ili htit Ihvii styled "The
Hclgain SliakesMare." It was In
IS'.K) that lio tlrst liecnnte fatuous up
on tlit production In Pari of his
play, "Ia l'rlneesse Malolne."
There in more Catarrh in thi Pivtimi
of the country tliau nil other dipeaxca
put together, and until the laxt few
i year tea it pooped to he incurable.
ror a Kri't many year dm tors pro
nounced it a local iliaeuse and nrerrrib-
ed lH-al remedies, and by constantly
lailiiiir to cure with local treatment,
pronoun, ed it incurable. Science hae
proven catarrh to Ik' a ronxtitutional
! disease ami therefore requires conotitu-
tional treatment. Hall 11 t atarrh I ore,
manufactured by K. .1. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, ia the only i onftitotional
cure nn the market. It in taken in
ternally in done from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and iuuchuh surfaces of the
tem. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and tehtimonals.
Addrecs F. J. I'll KN EY & Co., Toledo
Sold by Drut.'Kii't "5e
Mall' Kaiuily Pill!) are the best.
The poisons of some of the common
and also of some of the most loath
some diseases are frequently contain
ed iu tht mouth. In such cases any
thing that is moistened by the saliva
of the infected ersoii may, if It
I touches the lips of another, convey
disease. The more direct thecontact,
the greater the danger. It IshHIcvcd
that much can In? done to prevent
contagion by teaching habits of
New Yy ot I'ltinK Chamberlain'
Cou2h Krmrd) .
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban. Natal, Ninth Alrika, hh:
' Ai a proof that Clutniberlaiu'n Couli
Uemedy ir. a curt) Mlllable for old and
yoinitr, I pen you tht IoIIdwhik: A)
neigh bor of mine had a child jtixt over
two months old. It mid a very bud
con:)) und the parent did not know
w hat to Kive it. 1 -iit'i-xted that if they
would ui'l u bt'tlle of l .hiimbf rhtuiK
I Colit!h Heincilv and put home iipm the
.1 i... i... i ...... i. ;. ...
dllIUIIiy ,eat ,,.,i,v waH Hn.uinu j,
' cure tl.e . lh
uiey uiu uihi nrouiu atui a ipiii'K re
net ami ce re' I the hatiy.
is fur tale hv l. e l'.eull.
This remedy
Special Round Trip Kates.
li-tween Jnhe 4 1 ti mid AiiyUft 2'ith !
The Iilinom Centrd will t-ell roun l Inn
tickets from llrwm and WashiiiKton
points, to Chicago, ( 'airo. .Memphis, and
New Orleanf at lireatly Hedm-ed IUIch. ;
Tickets koi id for three uiotitliH. lio
i r H limit ten day. Ueturiiiu limit tun I
days after martin west. Mop over
privileges either way, west of the MiH
souri Liver.
r-ale dateo are arranged to be conven
ient to .'elevate-to conventions of Na
tional Association at Porf
ton ; Like at J'.altiiiiore; Woodmen at
IndianapoliH ; Kayles at New York ;
Shriners at !arat"gH ; K n igfi t s of l'vth-
ias at Uiui-viilc und Commercial Trav-1
clli-rs at Indianapolis.
Vou can take your choice of Sixteen
Different LouteH, Write tin. We will
cheerfully nive any detailed iuforma
Hon you want.
1$. H.Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
19 142 Third St. Portland, Oregcn.
ot A Mick Itny Mlnre.
"I was taken severely nick with
kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of winch relieved me.
One day I mw an ad. of your Electric
Hitters and determined to try that.
After taking a few doses I felt relieved,
and soon thereafter was entirely cured,
and have not seen a sick day since
Nei((nbor8 of mine have been cured of
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and
Kidney troubles and General Debility."
This is what II. F. Hpbs, of Fremount,
N. C. writes. Only fiOc, at Lee iieall's,
Several times a year the lobsters
shed their shells, and each time the
shell is shed the lobster increases In
sl.e. During the shedding season
they go into the coves with soft
muddy bottom ainl conceal them
selves iu flie mud. A new shell of
sufficient t hiclvtiexs to protect their
bodies is grown in about a. inont h or
six weeks.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
1 -1
lis Line
83 Ma
Thev are the fit all
iff I
hear about but have never seen for the priee. We
W 1 .. .1. A i t
word ask the shoe.
1 Lakeview Mercantile Co.
now old is ann ? $."no VS. $'!ls.
Ann may boas old as Mary, and
she may not. It is a complicated
proposit ion, or seems to lie. Hut It
is as simple as a-b-c to find the dif
ference Itctwcen TA)) ami :1V If a
man hud to walk .'dN) miles and had
already walked :!ls, how many miles
would he have to go before he reach
ed t lie end of his journey'.'
If a lady wishes a beautiful piano,
possessing a tone t ha t will be a de
light to her as long as she lives, and
beautiful eiioiixh to ornament her
Inline, no matter how ha iidsoniely
it is furnished, if she ni II secure such
piano and still save the difference
between .."! Ml and $'', how milch is
she going to have to spend for
gowns and hats, or pleasure trips,
theatre tickets, or a musical educa
tion? Exactly SIM', Is it not?
Tills is a practical consideration.
Everybody is anxious to get the
most they possibly can for their out
lay, in order that they may have all
the greater surplus for pleasurers.
Filers I'iano House, at all times
enables purchasers to save material
ly on t heir , purchases. The piano
we are now offering, however, for
!1H Is by far the best bargain that
purchasers have ever had the oppor
tunity of securing. Printer's ink
cannot convey an Idea of the worth
of these pianos, neither can a pic
ture adequately portray the Itcauty
of their design and finish. They
must Is- heard in order to under
stand the exquisite quality of their
tone, seen and examined to learn the
excellence of the workinenshlp and
care bestowed upon every detail of
their construction.
Made especially for Filers I'iano
House according to specifications
they meet the requirements of West
ern climatic conditions as no other
piano now does. We are anxious to
have them become thoroughly known
throughout the entire Northwest.
When they are, buyers will not hesi
tate to pay their full price $.100.
That Is why we have reduced the
price nearly half, and are selling
these splendid pianos for :!1H. The
offer is only for the first three pianos
sol 1 in every county In our terri
tory. Easy payments may be arranged
by those who do hot wish to pay
cash. Every piano Is fully guaran
teed by us ami money will be cheer
fully refunded if ItiHt ru moil t fails to
prove exact ly as we have represent
ed it. Write us for full descriptions
of these pianos, and also of good
pianos in less elaborate cases, which
we are selling for li:, 1.10 mid .'1M,
payable at the rub! of $0 a month.
Filers I'iano House, Washington
street corner 1'ark, Portland, Ore.
hi. ....iii 1 w vi
Wnat Docs a
In tlio shoe lii-ltl it minus
The Best Possible in ... .
Style, Comfort and Wear
If vou invest in one of the above make.
over, wear like iron,
J S. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
Recognized as the
& 5
J Wagon ami Huy Harness. Whips, Kobes, Itcutus,
Hits, Spurs, ;Quirts, Kosi-ltcs, life, -a- -o- -q-
Repairing of all kinds, 1 y competent men. -o- J
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
i Put vour ad in The
. if. . v. .'
Few Dollars Mean? g
swell-anpearini' shoes that you 4
don't ask yon to take our ft!
Heat Vaquero Saddle
r v. '.'' -J .
Examiner, it brinas S m
. m
Stock Iarm
Drews Va,loy' reeon.
Largest herd cf registered
Herefords in Oregon
Young Cattle for Sale.
IAUD0R ALAMO bead of herd