7, 1 W If 4 4 VOL. XXIV. HILK HAIDS CONVENTION Local Talent Fntcrtalns the Pnb lie lor the llencfit of the!"!. 12. Church Parsonage. The cluiniiliitf milk maids i n i 1 ix itii lii-i lilt In tlii'ir entertainment "I'm I j i night. 'I'lic program of vih'hI iiml IiihI i iniii'iiliil music wum pronounced Hrnt-vliiMH. Mrs. Steele's recitation wllli iiiiii nccoiupanl nnnt was excellent. Tin milk maids In their drill, dressed In short red dresses nml white aprons mnl carry ing a milk stool, were very Nwcct. Madame Omiir was a drawing card In fori n lit' telling. 'The candy, lee cream and coffin booths, served the rowd with plenty of good thlnn". and ttio receipts vvcrt' good. In all, fl)i wo taken In, $U'J of which wo received at tho door. The exjs'nses were about The balance Im to go toward fixing up tho M. K. Par nonage. Aik To Open Reserve. The Oregon Senators In Washing ton liavt united In a letter to tin General Innd Office recommending the Immediate restoration to the public tlomatn of townships 0 mnl 17 hoiiI h, raiiRi' 4 east, In Lane on nty, which were temporarily withdrawn several months ago with ix view to enlarging tin' Cascade forest rwn-nri'. With tlu-lr ri'iju.'Ht the Senator forwarded n M't it ion sent In b.v the 4 'ommcrcljil Club of Kukciic. ami point out that one of tin' mont pros pcroiiM mining camps In Oregon Is hltuatcil In this proponed cxtciiMloii. cmploylm; moi-c t tin ii K) iiu-ii. They m;i.v that In tk'' stamp diIIIh arc iM'ing MiicccNhfully operated, and inorc arc now under coiihtni.tloii on these 1,'iiiiIh and within a Hlmrt time tlie iniiii'H ami their cniploycH will i)e mai.d all the productn that can ! ihImimI in tlie viclnty. Tin -hc town nhipH are being rapidly nettled, and tin' Sena torn ntate that to withdraw H-rmaueutly the landn would par alyze the numi'roiiH liidiiHtrleH cntali lUlu'd and Hprluglng up and greatly retard and ilt'Htroy the future de velopment of flint Hcctloii of Lane 4 'ouuty. Furthermore, they liiHlxt then In no ueecHHlty for adding thene towilHlilpn to the rewrve. Important Land Decision. The tleclHlon of United Stateo Judge llanford at Niokane, In hol.l Ing that it homcHteud claimant, In taking an oath preMcrlhed, not by ntatute, but by regulation of the Interior Department, Ih uot guilty of IM'iJury If he swears falwly, Is likely t(i have a moHt Hweeplng effect upon the efforts of the Interior Depart ment to prevent fraud In timber land cancH. I TIm department ban preHcrllied a great number of iueHtloiiH which the timber appllcaulH niiiHt atiHwer Ih' j fore patentH can be IhhiuhI to them. V The Ntatute iIoi-h uot require that any of the ijueHtloiiH Nhall beaiiHwer f ed, ami It Ih the opinion of local land olllclulx that if .1 udge lltiiiford's opinion lioldn good It will operate I McrlotiHly nguliiHt the depart men t 'n efforts to prevent fraud. The (U'cIhIoii hih'iiih to let the barn ' ilowu for crooked liomt'HteaderH. JuRHinuch an the opinion wan rcniler- ed lii a criminal cane discharging a ilefeinlaut, It . will lie Homo what : Inconvenient for the tlovermne'it to ) appeal the case. LAKE VIEW, LAKE FALL RACE HEETING. First Day's Races Yesterday Af ternoonRainy Weather Pre vents l-arjte Attendance. Tin fall race meeting of the Lake 'ouuty Agricultural Association bc gau yesterday. Theatteinlance wan not. no largo as cxM'ctei or would have liccu had tin weaMicr permit ted. It Im hoped that tin' weather the nut of the week will be better. The first race wan a mile and ri'M'ut for a purse of filuo. The en tries were "Dig Dutch," entered ty Darker, "Lady Ivlgiio" hy Coffy, "Toriuento," by Kennedy. The second race was mile dash for a purse of f l.V). The en tries were "Wntch Charm," entered by Itusslll, "Red Steel," by Bennett. "Victor K." by Martin, "The Wikxt," by Haber. First race won by lady Jjevlgne, ImI heat, :M. 2d heat. 'M. Second race won by Rod Steel In 1:21. Hallowe'en Pranks. An the celebration of thin old time event count around each year, 'o- pie Is-gln to fear for what might happen when the Jeuvcnlle breakH Ioohi', but Hay nothing thinking t- hap that the event may pas tin uoltlccd. Hut It wan not no In lake view, and the report coiiich of many prank ls'lng played on unuss'ctliig cltlxeuH. The I'xamlner wan con- gratulatlng ItHi lfon llndln Sunday liioruluu a pile of cord wood Marked up nKuliint the front door, but It' wan noon claimed by Landlord i Muht of Hotel I.akev iew. Fun Ih ! iiuiKin. imii o i . ..I t - . . . at... di-Ht ruction of Khould Ih' callc proK'rty, a 1. It Ih said halt that I icrotiH gntcn were torn badly broken. I'Iiuh. L'nihnch found one if IiIh gaten Htowed away under the hi hoid hoiiHe, part of tlie foiimla- j tiou having lieeii removed and re placed. W. K. I'.arry found one of IiIh bugKlcN on a high pile of wood at the brewery, and another antrlde of a hlicd roof near bin barn. 1 1 Ih understood that proHccution has Im-cii threateneil lit one or two ciihch, but nothing han come of It no far. Congressman Indicted. I'OHTLAND, Oregon, Oct. US. The Federal Grand Jury today ren dered an Indictment agnlUNt Mal colm A. Moody, former nieinlter of CongrcHH from this Htate, charging him with withholding from the er son to whom It was addressed a let ter alleged to have come Into his pOHht'SHloll. Mr. Moody has been prominent In politics of this State for many years. Mr. Moody was In the I'ulted States District Court this morning with his counsel when the indict ment was rendered and Immediately waived arraignment and time to plead and at once entered a plea of not guilty, lie iiHked to have tho casts set for trial at the llrst day of the trial term. Tho court released Mr. Moody on his own recognizance without ball. When- swn Mr. Moody staled: "It in an outrage. I am shocked aud mortified beyond expression that such a charge against mu could possibly have been made by a grand Jury. It Is false and malicious, which 1 will fully show without de lay. Tho charge Is truuipod up for political purposes." COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1903. Li n V' 'I H ' V a ' ' - - X.. Jt' i f . 'V-' , BRIGADIER GENERAL Large Irrigation Pumping Plant. (Kt.m.lb Eiriu.) The machinery, welhln 22,0tH) pouiulH, for pumping wnter for Irri gation purpoHcri on the ranch of F. J. Howue, Kouanza, U on the ground and the work of putting It together will Ih comuienced tw noon an the HervlceM of an engineer aud Htone niaMou ciii lo had. r lie ma- clilnery Ih the Inrifcnt ever brouulit , nt(, , v ,(,u.r u capacity of 70 hoie power and weigliH K.-JiH) potiudH. Tlie pump (centrifugal) weiglm li.iXN) pouiulH with a capacity of 4..VN) gallon or Mill l,. ,.f ...i..- ,.- ,.,,., The I engine Ih a ltxU Automatic Allan, j Mr. llowne'n ranch extendn wet ! ward from Donaur.a nix iuIIch along Lout river and midway three nillcu from Itouanxa ban Imh-ii dug a canal 1MK) feet long, -1- feet wide and N feet deep, leading from tht river to the point of a hill where will lie placed the pumping plant. On the hill at an elevation of 'Vi feet will be con structed two ditches, one leading to the east and the other to tho west. Nine miles of ditch will lie required to convey water to all parts of Mr. llowne b ranch, comprising some thing like 2.400 acres. Laterals will lie run to the town of Bonanza for Irrigation purposes and that town, now high and dry, will in tho sum mer time be made beautiful by shade tree, lawn aud flower, and the re claimed adjacent lands will add wealth to the place. Mr. Bow no Is confident of the success of his enter prise, aud probably as early as next season will install nuother pump which will increase the water supply for his ranch to 1000 Inches. Much Interest In the undertaking Is manifest by holders of dry lands throughout the county. Its success means the putting In of other pumping systems hero where Irrigation is possible In no other way. Cannot Visit Warner Valley. A dispatch received at Salem from Governor Chambeiiaiu says that tho Governor left Natches Oct. 2S for St. Louis. Ho had planned to stop In Southern Oregon and visit the Warner Valley settlers, lu whose laud coutcst he lias taken an Interest but ho Muds that his tluio will uot permit him to go so far out of his way. r . ' ' ' , 'J i Xstk-v XI - I- l t l - t If 1 1 i u LEONARD WOOD. rjrize for the Best Essay. Office of Oregon Society Sons of the American Involution. Fort land, Oregon, October 1, 1903. KniTon F.xaminkk: The Oregon Sisrlety of Sons of the American Revolution has several times in the past offered prizes to the school children of the Htate for eMyN im wbect connected with Itevolutlonnry History. The results In the past have encouraged the Society to renew the offer at this time. Frizes ol $i", $"!. and fill, respect filly, will therefore le award ed for the three Is'st essays in the order of merit, written by students In the public schools of Oregon, tin any of the following subjects: The Arousing of 1'ubllc Opinion; the Work of Samuel Adams, Thomas l'nlne, John Dickinson and Patrick Henry. Lexington and Concord. The battle of King's Mountain. Virginia's Fart In the American Revolution. Essays are limited in length to 3,000 words; must lie written on one side of the pajier In the student's own handwriting and must be ac companied by the certificate of the principal of the school attended by the author, to tho effect that the author Is a bona fide student in the school and has been in attendance therein not less than four weeks during the school year of 1003-04. In awarding the prizes the commit tee will be governed by these three considerations: Historical accuracy. Manner of treatment. Orthography, grammar, syntax and punctuation. Any additional information which may be desired will lie cheerfully furnished by any member of the com mittee. The essay which Is awarded the first prize will be published In full, with the name of the author, in the public press. John K. Koi.i.cm k, Thos. G. Ghkknk, Wai.i.ack MK'amant, Committee. There will bo at least two or three ball games during tho races. Com mencelng tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, tho first game will lie be tween Alturos and Lakevlow, and if no other nines come, tho same nines will play again Saturday morning. It each team wins a game, they will play the deciding game Sunday afternoon for a purse of f -"00. NO. 44, HERYFORD FOR HAYOR Election Tuesday fol City Officers Passed off Quietly Two Tick ets Were in the Field. Tlie election for city officers Tues day, was not such a tame affair as had Is'en exHt'ted, yet there was no excitement, and the day passed off quietly with two tickets In the field, Instead of one, as had been expected. It was uot expected that more than 50 votes would lie cast with the one ticket in the field, but when the other ticket came out, more interest was manifest aud the vote was run up to 136. The ticket as published last meek was elected. The other ticket contained the names of 8. B. Chandler and S. F. Ablstrom in place of the names of Harry Bailey and A. Y. Beach. The vote stood as fol lows. Mayor: W. P, Heryford 133. Counellmen: V. L. Snelilng 134 Harry Bailey 100 B. Reynolds 131 A. Y. Beach 88 S. B. Chandler 49 8. F. Ahlstrom 39. Recorder: Treasurer: It Is not W B. Snider 136. A.BIeberl35. well known why the other ticket was pnt op at so late a date, as all four of the councllmen elect did not want to run could o other candidates have been found,. and would more than gladly have stepiied down and out had It been known sooner, or lefore the tickits were printed. Cattle Buyer At Pelican Bay. A well accredited story comes from Pelican Bay that an old man past SO years of age apiearedln that locality a few weeks ago, ostensibly from the Prlneville country, and for the pur pose of buying cattle. He engaged Hansen's cattle, a bunch of about 150 head, and hired Jesse Coxto drive them to Grass Valley where he pro posed to winter them. Hansen decid ed he could make a good thing and he bought some cattle of Brown, so as to speculate a little In the trade with the old cattle buyer. The latter let it be understood that he had a ranch at the head of the McKenzio River, one near Prlneville and anoth er In Grass Valley. A few days ago, his business requir ed that he should go to Klamath Falls at once. He desired a tempor ary loan for his Immediate accommo dation. Hansen gave him 50, Cox gave him another $ 20 and It is said he was generously supplied with some money by others. Cox was to meet him In Klamath Falls; he was there at the appointed time, but the old man was not there and nothing has been heard as to his whereabouts since, though Cox has been in eager search of him, the promised job, and the $20 he loaued, since. He went to a sheep much near Keno. He was told the old man had a bag of gold coin and a big check book. Hansen has his cattle on his bauds on which the old man paid nothiug aud ho has also tho GO head ho got of Browu to feed through tho wlute. They are mystified as to the disap pearance of the old man. It Is explained that he learned in Klamath Falls ho could buy cattle cheaper near Trluevlllo than there. Ashlaud Tribune. V 3