LAKH COUNTY FXA INHR, L.KllVIBW, ORHOON, OCT. 21. IWU. A Crocodile's Digestion. On the linnka of the Telnet, river. In Oitch, there recently killed n crocodile, mill tl following Inven tory vim nmdo of the contcnta of the linite'aMoniiu h: A hnlf indented little cnlf. a lniinnn skull, a nllvor lmn;le, aonie li-ana ornmiicntn. a lit t tin box containing tobacco, a Uino caw, a nutcracker, a railway ticket, a liorn case eontnlnintMclve annas, nix pun In copMr anil a hoiI.i water Itottle- containing Home mustard oil. The Klnc. KavrnTa 'rm Ikeath. "Our little ?a lighter hml nn altnont fatal attack of litpinc eon it h ami bronchitis." write? Mr. V. K. Uavitmid, of Annotik. N. Y., "but, when nil other remedies failed, e caved lier life with lr. Kints' New licovery. Our niece, who had liniimptln in an advanced staye' Hio uftl this wonderful nieou ltie anl to day die is perfectly we'I." IV perale throat ami Itintc diM'ae yield to Ir. Kiiiit'o New Pisce-very a lo 110 other ine.licine on earth. Infallible f.r Conuhs and Iold. 50e ami fl 00 hot tie guaranteed by Lee IV 11. Trial bottles free. Women Cattle Kaisers. A woman operntesone of the most 8ticctful stock ranclics in ArUona. eleven miiea from Prescott. Her father moved there from Illinois In ISiHi. for hi-- health. He liel two years later, leaving a mortgage of fl.'i.triK) on the ranch. 11 is oldest chihl. Annette, took up the work, ami since then the herd has multiplied threefold, she has added .V acre to the range, lias paid off her mortgage, and is making money, having sold as much as $14,000 worth of steer in two months, lier younger sister Is her partnerand the twogirls wear men's clot lies when attending to litisiness. Thirty or forty miles a day in the saddle is not nsusual with them. ontrHloun of a I'rlrttt. Kev. Juo. s. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes, "Kor 12 years I suffered irom Yellow Jaundice. I onsilled a number of Physicians and tried all sorts of med icines, but got no relief. Then 1 beiian the use oi Klectric liitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years." 11 yon want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or?eneial debility, gel Klectric Hitters. It's guaranteed by Lee Beall . Only 50c. Old Ferris Wheel. The famous Ferris Wheel which w&h exhibited at the World's Fair at Chicago, and later was sold for old Iron has continued to lay un touched in a junk pile in the north end of Chicago for several years. Negotiations are now in progress for the removul of the wheel for the Ex position at St. Louis and it is thought to Ik? only a matter of a! short time when the removal will take place. Man)' Molh- rs or a Like Opinion. Mrs. I'll iner, of Cordova, Iowa, hayn : "One of my children was subject to croup of a M;vere type, and the (giving of Chamberlain, h (,'uiitih Remedy piomplly alwayH brought relief. Many UiolberH in ttn.s neir.'hborlioiMl think I lie fame an 1 do about thin remeily and want no other kind for their children." For fcale by I-ee iieail. 'Squire Wettin." The biggest and most successful stock raisi-r in Knglaud is "'Squire Wettin," is a great lover of pure bred stock and has some of the Ix-st in the world, as is evidenced by the fact that lie takes about all the prizes at t be Itoyal shows. The ""squire" -ilf.:r.iiwii.!il. 11, .Hwi.t.t.l!.ti to his herds, but would give more it ! it were not for another steady Job 1 he has on Ins hands. 1 his occupa tlon is t hat. of relnniiie; over (reut Jiritain, for "'Sijuire Wettin" Is none other than Kln IMward VII. Iliw ro.vnl hihiiesH Is a splendid Jude of cuttle and there Is nothing in his private affairn hecurcH more for than his live stock. Ilroke lulo II i llouxe. H. 1a) Quinn of Cavendinli, Vt., was robbed of his ciiHtoinary health by in vanion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King's New Life I'll 1 h broke into Mb boune, his trouble wan arreHted and now he's entirely cured. They're puar hi teed to cure, !i5: at licall's J'ruy rjtore. To Cure a Cold in Une Day. Take Laxative Ilrorno (juiniue Tab letH. A II dnitrgintn refund the money if it failH to cure. K. W. (iruve'H Hiia tute in on each box. i'O c. .'ill ly World's Fair Notes. Among the Interesting exhibits shown liy ArUona at the World's Fair will lie an ostrich farm. The Louisiana Purchase Imposi tion covers two sijuare tulles; lilt) acres. It Is larger than the Chicago. Omaha. ItufTalo and l'arls imposi tions combiner A model of the tlrst harvesting machine, made KiO 11. C, nceordlng to reports from the I'. S. Patent Olliec, w ill be sho n at the World's Fair. One ti nn of horse breeders at Co lumbus. O.. ill exhibit at the W orld's Fair a stable of t7 IVrchcron horses valued nt f i'.t.tHMi. Abraham I Incoln's genius ni an Inventor will Ik exploited nt the World's Fair. Ills famous device for lifting steamboats off the shoals w 111 W shown In the transportation de partment. Ohio's building on the World' Fair grounds Is enclosed and under roof. The architect Inspected It re cently and was pleased with the work, lie said the building would lie ready foroccupnncy by January 1. The American Federal ion of Labor Is prcparlngan exhibit for the World's Fair. It will consist of records, his tories, const I tut Ions, otllclal Journals, j group photographs of otliclals, trade I emblems, union labels. This exhibit! will lie the tirst of the kind ever seen j In America. 1 The architecture of Iowa's building ; nt the World's Fair Is a Mending of! the lines of t he old state capitol nt j Iowa City with the present state house. The cupola of t he old build-1 ing is reproduced and the columns' nnd facades of the new. Papier inache mushrooms and toadstools will form an Interesting nnd Instuctive exhibit prepared for the World's Fair by the .Massachu setts Agricultural College. The dif ference N't ween theedlble and poison ous mushrooms w 111 lie made clear. The Fnlted States Stii'l corporation will make an exhibit at World's Fair that will cover two acn-s of floor space In the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy. It will lie the tlrst ex hibit of so wide ascope everattempt ed and will coverevery branch of the Industry. 08i)g Costs Too Much ! When the price paid is the mother'i health and happincaa. The father doesn't realize as he romps with the j child what veara of wifely suffering ; must be set against the baby's laughter. . Chronic invalidism is a hih pnee to i pay for the painful joy of maternity, yet ! it is at such a cost that many a woman : becomes a mother. Such a price is too much ijecause , it 19 more than , nature asks. 1 By the use ol Is-tor Pierce's Favorite I're- I scription i. m'ade ternity ISSFiSi a 1 lick convalcs- 1 painless, oui erne is assured in almost ev- 1 ery case. j "I am lra4 : moiiy anil wih I ! cMil.l find w.n'li atrfitii( -ihmikIi iniluce othr Mif- j frrrr lo I'r. . I'irfcp'a Fuvoiite lTrairiiilion." writra Mm Wfalry Guy, of Kcni;lvillr. Ont., h'ix i. " I'or fiitlit ye:ir aftrr my littlr Ixjv w 'rn Mffcrnl with' fcmalt amknm, also a..! ncai, in ovuriea, eajnally on my riK'it " pain in lrk. Wan o mi-ralilf lonirtunra ilnl not know wnai i waa koiiik ioiio i riro dixtora but drrivnl no hrni-fit Until I l-(?:ill usinx lr. Hercr'e Favorite I'reac ripiion. lia.l only iiaed four Ixitllea. alayi aoine of lir. I'ii-n t'f Auliarotic and Hralinir !uttxjaitorlra. when 1 frll lik anolhrr iK-rat.n. 1 recoinnn-nd Ir. Firrcea nirtlirinra to all my frirnda. If any out wialic lo write me I will gladly anawer." Ir. Kerce's Favorite Prescription con- . . .it i .1 i tains no alcohol and is entirely free from Opium, cocaine and all Other narcotics. rai. neuter avlifi iinpn 1 auliallluLe I or "Favorite Prescription" does so to pain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your loss; therefore, accept no sub stitute. Dr. Pierce ' Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowel. Tcke Laxative Bromo Quinine i Tablets, Seven Million boxes so!4 in pait 12 months. TH dgnotljrO, A $500 PIANO TOR $3l8;MEWJLi. Send Postal Card to Liters riano House, Portland, tor particulars. This line piano U made stveclnlly for us according to spicl lien lions to meet the requirements of Western climatic condltlotM. It Is nt once the finest toned, the most durnbli .1 and the most perfectly llnlshed piano obtainable. To bring our piano prominently liefore the best people of the W esi, we will, for a limited time, make the most exceptional concession In the 1 way of price and terms. We will deliver one of these choice pianos (nothing better could ! had j even If you were willing to pay fiiOj or more), freight paid to any station I in the State, for 4:il. elt her cash or 011 paynienis of down and fit r month, deferred pay incuts to bear s ier cent jut auuiiui. Other stvlcs not so elaborately finished, but ofgood quality, forflvt, fl.Mi. and J1n. payable at the rate of 11 a niontli. Write us to-day. as this offer Is limited strictly to the (list three Instruments sold In every count v. Mention this paer. F.IUrs Piano House. Washington st rcct corner Park, Portland. Oregon. Other large stores San Francisco,! Cal., Spokane, Wash., and Sacra-1 mento, Cal. I Mr. Itolker, In Met lun-'s, robs us of : some misconceptions as to snakes. J When a snake Is decapitated It Is dead. The tail will remain sensitive for some hours wit hoiit reference to sundown. The rattlesnake docs not suicide ly biting Itself. No snake is susceptible to the poison of 1m own kind. That the blacksiiake will swallow Its young In time of danger Is true true they an then digested.; making the mother a cannibal of the ; worsti'.irt. ! At the International congress of! wireless telegraphy, which recently met In Berlin, the term "radiograms" was used lor messages sent by the new method. The term has the ail vantage of Isdng descriptive. A lvr lllrr WouM not intereat you il you're look in.? for a ciiaranteed Salve for Sorea, Burns or Tiles. Otto Iodd, of I'oii.ler, Mo., writes: "I auflered with an only sore for a vear. but a laix of Huiklen'a Arnica Salve rnred me. It'a llm beet Salve on earth. S-V: at I-e Beall'a llruu Store. Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery OWSrMPTION rct Uinllan4 CavatiaS at A Perfect For All Throat ami Cure : I'ng Troubles. Money back If It fails. Trial Bottles frao. Mfftm ffff TTf WW ff f f W f f f f f f f g Klam aih - lake -Railroad , time- TAiii v ... . . . IIITiu lanil- Ill Effect June 2Hth, PHI.i. WKMT I'ally KT No. I No. 3 I'atm iiKiT ft. Kn lk'lil So. I No a., in. p. in ' asm i ::m ! :.',! in:l:i ' 10:17 ! III:-.'' 10 :W fX ! lo ; III 2. i 11 :;-:.n; p. in. .. I'OKKii.WIA I li in. Il:.'i; H:ai fi-.ll'l ;.::i'i f.::i .'.:l I A: i 'I 4:li 4 :00 Juill'lloll SI.IIIIK Hll 111 111 It t'pl-r aw'rli li'ck Hpnr llWIT " " " I Hot Hirlii( SlHllon 2::,.t FalM'ri-i-k Spur I hli-i-l liri'luu I ':iki I. A Mill 1:1 'i f'l A I. flCIHIF. I I.mti.I (itllce at l.aki'v l. w, Oregon. Hep!. inne r j . Notice la hi-n-dy ifiven thai Hie loi- 1 lowiiiif-naiiii'd aiHtlifr haa lllfil not i:e of hla Jtenu...? lo ma." "final proof In .rt of ; cmlin, and lliataald proof will In; nm. In l.eforu : rri-n j. i-aiuifr, v. n. Kri.l 1. Calmer, U. H.CoiiiiiiiMHloiii.r at Jordan Valli'y, Oregon, on Octol;. r 'ird, !. vie l.nlii Himpaon, l L K. No. 47.1, for IIibWUoI HW'.'.tM-i 'sand K'of HK !4 of Hen. 1, Tp. 411 . K.iiK.W. M. He iiainua the followliir wit-ii-aai'H lo prove bla continuous realdmiue upon and i iiltlvalloiiof aald land, viz: John Cor nell, Kn d Wilkinaon, Jolin Vain.e. and ( harli a liay, all of Mallieur County, Ori'Koii, 1'. O. ad ilniaaus Mi:leriiiott, Nevada. K. M. liKATTAIN, Hcgioler. To Cure a Cold in One Day mfWWVr W WJafl ki'l.t nn fll at K.l'. lUll'i ilverllaliig A Belief III nn,! AA Kai'lmni. Suit rm two, Cel., whrrn coutrai'la lor ediirilalng run li mail lor U. 1 I I liliM.trllM.ra Ij, llm If a am tli wvllfl runiltve i' from nun loralny to annlhir, ir i-liaugr Ihelr H,a,ift!rr addri'aa ah,, old rt'lncinlicr n limp Ihla i.rtlr a rant an lln Ir paper i''l ad llreaavd In lliv rlitlll Hialiitllrt. Tt t M N 1 .0 tS. I in prm ml 11. 1 11 11 1 in r. i.i'il a... ,.n may In I and I nli a Keinliti"t. I.,. ana NiKiiimti'il, Tana I ...... . I AltiT, li. n'. Nolra, mnl 1, omnia Iril, l'lr' tnanranre, KKO. rsl'A l and li.n.tal llualnraa Agents IIAVt I V A MAXWI t I.. UUSIMiS LINILKPKLSI.S 1 .. ; O.-fhorn HrPnnn OUU llltl II Ul VlUII Marble Co. 1 Ashland, vreQOII Oflff kl Mrl. Of twit . IrM f rtilat 4 brttti Sua Wi ! CIMtttBT MURK Of All MHOS Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. 1J10 Connetlcut Avenue Wa-thlngton, I). C. Alt pcraona ha hat hrrclulura made I IN Al. I'KlHil' In ant kind ul land. Mlnral or 1 Im hr I nirlra, hkh haa hern auriitcU by lha Ur(lalcr or bcrrltrr ol an I'. I anil Ollli. can hat Ihr laauant ol Ihrlr I . S I'alrnl for aid Ijinda promplly allandrd lo by arndlng ma Ihdr lluplUala Ktclal, or Carllllialra ol I nlrv. and an agrnmrnl lo pay ant SlO hn ctcr aald I'alanla ahall lau. JOHN Ml I LAN. Urfon, Calllornla and NataJa Mala A(nt LOOKOUT 53 Tor an) on killing or ateaj. Ihk al a licloii.'lni to l' a South Eastern Oregon Live Stock Association $500 REWARD H ill I (tvn fnr t K rrmt itl wfitl. tino ol nv mt mu or yrrmuin bUIiik mUk Ihr longing Co ninnlhrr of iht AawociAthxt. J. I). COUC1MMN, J, fl. INNHS, President. Secretury. kklAAIal BO YEARS' .. 'EXPERIENCE V KsJLIIJAREl J& Trok Marko rHl Coor.Ac. Anrnna anr1ln( ft nkMrh nr rioarrliitttin mmf quli -kf ttn' tTtiiin (itir I'l'ii'Miii frmt wliihr nti hivtiitiMii ta (irormhly ftKtciitnhln. I inmtiuttlr. ti'iin aii nrt lyronnilfiiiUJ. llwiitltMMik on I it ,.: til trtm. oiili'Hi mttuitry for Miiritiif tni), 'niitl tnhMi Wuii n u.rMil tyffUUivilic, without chwrua, in tlm Scientific American. A hanHaomiilf lllnalralixl wwlilr. I.anraat rtr filiation of any a.-H'iiUllc J. .uriinl. Ti-riiia. :t a y',r : four nn.itiua, nom ii an Ti.'wam.iiira. ! MUNN & Co.39IB"d""New)Qrk Branch atlj. 108 K Ht, Z. 8KBaaMtejX Cure Crip la Two Days. oi every rJv 5 ,l"V'"T iiaawniawiiai i miinn PKOIIISIONAL a. a. l. utrimhr. a. u. a n "ami, a. . MM IT II Jk WTI'll-.ll fkisirlaaa ias.n.a l.akrvlrit. r. nrKK'K- lli-all'a l'rn I alia MiawaraS irmiiflly ila iht nighi. Illl T V II I I.I. -harla Bad Mararaa OKKK K Ni'W I'aly Ihillitltil. it ii o r iioniHiaT llrallal l.altrvlrw, rraa OKI'll K. I'aljf Mull. II. i. I.. .Allornr) al law takrora, Orrgaa Hi I II K lal; llull.llhit I II 11 I. Ill fll'l.r-. Allot H ) I Jlta lkrlrw , Or. on iri. ihi ii. ,( u j Moiiiii: .lllarar .al-1 . jkr Ir a , Or Oi l U K H,I II. III. Ilnr I. I T, KV (TO K Allornr) -nl-l.n n Ijinil Hnllrra Mpa-rlalljr orrn t. I'alx liullitini. la STt rilHaOX lh)alrln and Haigraa Of1li- Id-liart til ,1 at . 0,M1 II. ml I akrvlrw. r OODIHOI 1HII0RID Mirlami llir Id and 4th i of rai h tie. lllh In Max. III.' Hall, al a . ni ,ias Mm y. i miaul t oimiiaii'l. r. ., S. law. lau, I I. i a L ft s t 1 1 ft tttttrttttt'y. l.lkHIHI I.M .UirMKM, No la. V V l.o. it Y iiiri ii On- l! and 'id Ihi.ra. Q ilay v rnltiK "I rarh Inoiilh III t nld Kl- V low.' Mall. !.. !.. W. h Pitta. M C. IV. M.J M.H.aa. MrrllK-. w t,t ft t. S t.S S. SS t.t.t.t f.tjt fj d.D I i MsieiihC T" lake efWt, Tuesday, Apr. 1, 1W3 No. I No. 1 a. ni. I. Rrno .. ..Af f, m 47 a. in. I. .. Hnmnilt... Ar 4 'i . m l:o.'i a. in. I.v i n . ... Ar 4 .'fi p. tu iu :j a. ui. I f Kran. la Ar 4 10 p. m II l i a. in. I.... I'r.rdy Ar in II f.s a. in. I'luiiiaa .. Ar Ml p. nt l.' ia i, iii. l.v Chat Ar M" p. m li la u. in. l.v ... Cauii-roii . Al J III i. an I.' .i ft. in. l.v . H. il Ilia k . . Ar 1 i: ). m l.' .'wl p. in. l.v .. Coiiatantle .Ar I C, p. in I !.' i. in l.v . Imvlo .Ar 11 p. m I 4ii p ni. l.v I l.-aan ...Ar W .') a. in J .11 I pin. I.V Atnedce . Ar IJ l.K p m n on ( p in l.v . Anu-dev Ar llailpm .1 ." p in. l i Mot K.rlii(a .Ar II 1:1 p. ui .hl p. in. l.v . Murray Ar lo 47 p. m -il p. in. l.v Karlo Ar ID Jn p. m ! t: p. in. l.v... Ilorar l.aki'..Ar V p. m fe.'ai p. iii. I v Maveriv Ar l nip. m f. :.ui , in. l.v l.rmn r a L p. m 7 l i a. in l.v lln i k man. Ar 7 Vi p. m 7 I" p. ii.. I Ar Ma. I. li" l.i i a. m 511 A VAI.I.IiV MV i a 1 1 , n i 1 1 1 x'.ain.l.v . I'lu in aa Ai.l ii pin V :m am .' I'ipu. II '.iiaKijl v In... n All l.l'i pin " III alo il Kipm l."i'iaui li ll.i k Ii h. A r'.' n. n 7 .'Aarn 7 .1) p. nl I J .V.ain l.v i lain lili.A n 1 lupin 7 ) aiu CONM.I 1 1ON Mllll M AliK AT: l.-rm.i, lor I ak. i . . I'alali ) and I'l.iah, Oru. anil It. III. In. II. laki' I II), I i ilal vlllc, A. III! Alluraa and III. I.. I, l ain Hot i,rliiia. lor !-tn.idli.h Hiiaaut illo alll. I lo v i' lor Mlllur I, J.inr.i III.' and lluiillii villi-. I ahf Viuloii l..r I, I inn ii 111.- andaim. I ll'a Hot i-prinua. alll It.'i'k unit, lor . ,1'iii'M'i. 'I al lor it Hi' and i.ri-eti- VI I la . Calif. i lain I in-. Mnli ii u k and ).'nl my. I'alll. Hi-no, roniii rliliu illlh '-o. I'rti. . o. (or all I 1 1 1 1 Knal .V W i-ai : V. X I It. 11. for all poiina ho.) Ill visit DR. JORDAN'S aasarl nusEun of ahatquy1 I0SI MARMtT If , SAN fSANCISO OAt. (kMaaia SUIkaaa t.'aalk J jfy Tkalarajaat AaauaihMl Vuaaaita la Uia Wf . Vraayaal aNraaMia aH CihL A aa a a a aaal aay Ofiafcf aal aa Ulaaaa, aiaraa ky a Tiw i a aiaaaa apan. iai uu ana I aaiaa lf"l uaaai, lataouaaaa aa yaara, . Y I M. afOUOAH MIVATI BltEAtll Ttum Ua'aalala a3 yVaKl''a4a I wtmwmmm w aaiawa, in aaaaaiwar yaae. aTarroua aa rkaloai ta.lkliiar , laaa- kaiMai.. BlaaiBiaiaal LaaU iMaaasaft. tailaiiaj avraaaa)vr aiaaai. rraaaaitr- I. aaaf DrkaiaktlaiaL .iav ar a aaaaMaaUaai St FMieaia)e,ea:fraaeewT aearar, uja aaaaar 1 aa aa ariVaaa aia lra,laaf kl kai ff wall aal , I . - I aailr aTa4 liaaaallala mial, km aaiaaaiianl t art, Tba) D nar Saaal aa4 ajlalaa a aai,aa , aaaraataa. Wau la wait kaaaa la H I I.W aaa) . aaaio niraMaa aaa aareaaj, ara aaalaaat I la) an aaaoiiu-iaaaaaaa ( aaaai. VrailM taaraaahly nll.u4 f taa aaaam akkaM aha lata W Hartari Ti Maaaa flltoa kf aa Kaaari. Ma. all Hal 1 va tmr Baiyaaira). A aala aaa r ai i al Ktlw rf. riaawr aa4 rtatailaa, ky Jaraaa'a tpttimi .aaalaaa aaalknda. ITSBT MAN aralylnt u pa WU1 marva 9)nr AawaH a a In I an oi awacaniylajiti Wk aMii bumrmni a tDlUVtVM OWMM r t 1 aWfry Ma .Mil 4 ii a ' Vnarniati'ia jhtn anS alrlelly aHvaH. qua tana I TreaiaMiitMi 11 ar ky lauar. NltlSUSi. Ifali.M Faaa la. Tall auua lar aiaa.) lihii arm DH. jeaOSN 4 CO , ttll Market M.,t. P. 'UQaI