l.AKB COl'NTY TXA ilNER, LaKEVILW, OREGON, OCT. 8, IVUI. Such Woman. A man will run m faat iu he cnn to crow a railroad track In front ot train. Ttwn lie will atch It until It goo out of sight. Then he will walk lltwuivLr away. He veeina to be all right and prolwibly In. That In man. A woman In a street car will open a natchel and take out a puree take out a dime and clone the puree clone the natchel and lock both end. Then he will give the dime to the conductor, who will give her a nlcklo back. Then ehe w 111 vn'i t he satchel and take out the pume, put In the nlckle, clone the puree, open the witch el aud put In the puree, clone the satchel and lock both endn. Then she will feel for the buckle at the iWlt of her bolt. Thin In lovely wouinu. Ex. Mavra T t"ra Ifrrath. 'Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis." writa Mrs. . K. riaviianu of Arnionk. N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we aved her life witli Dr. Kinii's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage' aioo used this wonderful medicine and to-dav she is perfectly well." lVs perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible !r Couahs and Colds. 50c and 11.00 lot ties cnaranteed bv Lee Beall. Trial bottles free. Does not Bite. The commonest houee fly, munca domentlca. breed In manure and door.vnrd tilth, and I found In nearly all part of the world. On account of the conformation of It mouth part the house fly can not bite, yet nolmprennion I strongerlnthemlnd of most jH'ople than thin lnect dtM'H occnnlonally bite. Thin Imprennlon I due to the frequent occurnnce in house of another fly (ntomosy calcitrant), which, while closely re sembllng the house fly, di'fer from It in the important particular that it mouth part are formed for piercing the skin. This npecie take refuse In house when It rain and give rise to the saying that flic bite only when it rain. ODfrHMionM of a Pi-lrat. Kev. Juo. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes, "For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I onH:ilted a number of Physicians and tried all sorts of med icines, but got no relief. Tiien I began the use of Electric Hitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years." If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or geneial debility, get Klectric Uitters. It's guaranteed by I-e Ileall. Only 50c. The Wiishington state fish commis sion report that fish can Ik? frozen solid and thawed back to life, if not expost-l to the sun or allowed to et more than 12 to 14 degrees below the freezing point. Salmon from the Pacific coast can lie frozen and trans ported to the Atlantic count and re suscitated to full life under proper condition. The result of this tet will lie that live salmon frozen in block of ice may lie shipped to the Atlantic coast market liefore long. More than one fourth of the In habitant of Newfoundland are en gaged In catching and curing flub, for a livelihood. Dr. John Gordon, president of Tabor college, ha received an offer the presidency of Howard university at Washington, D. V. (len. Simon Doll rar can doubtle lay claim to being the oldest man In Kentucky who will take an active part In a political campaign thin fall. Although now eighty years ot age he I engaged In trying to elect hln son In law, Colonel Morris II. Hclknap, the republican nominee, governor of Kentucky. The numlicr of crimen Increases necessarily a civilisation advance because new laws an made consti tuting new crime. While the mini tier ot violation ol law Increases, the numtier of atrocious crime dim inishes. The fact i that thelucreae lu the criminal statistics Is almost entirely In the newer and lighter of fense. Among the curious device to lie seen lu thel'tilted State patent office I one for exploding bomb high In the air to produce rain; another raise mid tip the hat when the wearer bow; another put tin over coat, and .another let down a key just lu time for the milkman and draw it up again after he ha put the milk inside the door. One of the most picturesque ierson- ulitic in Knland Is Captain Alfred Mutton, one of thechief exponents of the swordsman's art. lie is tH vear FAR AND WIPE. The Fame of Ellers Piano House Sale has Spread In all Directions, People all over the country secur lug linrgaln. Have you gotten one? It not, write at once tor lists and prices. We cannot give here full lints and prices, It would take too much space. Suffice It to nay very choice pianos both new and second hand nre going for t HIS, f KW, f 1.17, i;s, ll.'C, fair., 1158 and fits, etc., etc. Many of thene Instrument ought to lie selling for $450 and even an much as f Ii50, some for less, but not one that I not wo'th from 20 to 40 per cent more than we are now asking. They are a beautiful an assortment of choice instrument a were ever placed be fore particular buyer. Among them our regular make, a well a odd line of piano. In plain and fancy case of choicest mahogany, fancy Kugllsh mottled walnut, gen uine Uoscwood, San Domingo mahogany ami ltraillllan walnut, also some In handsome eH-clmcn of Old Knglish walnut. Payment down fit to $20, monthly Installments f 4 to f 10, according to the Instrument. OIKIANM TOO. Finest church and parlor organ, the very latest style ami brand new, 970 ami f 75 style for fl-S and 52; $Vi for $CA, elegant organ that buy er are ulnd to get for $1MI, now 975 and f Mi; 9125 style for 9'2 and ?'.M; 9150 styles for 91ml ami 9115. Payment down 91 to 910 ami monthly payments proportionately small. This sale has cout lulled much long er than we antlchiateiL iiy sneer ti kriit mi III at K.C, it Ailvrrllaln. A .imv Al atnl n M-tt'ltama' Kirriana. Han raiula.ii. lal whrciitraou lor ailvurileltig ran b mail Onbrlln to lha rmln.T who rnmit from nn Imialltv In aiiiuh.r. m i him ih'lr initio inc. aitclri'M hmilil ruini'tniK-r I "'P "'" rani ao ihKit ppr ran bv art. 'wti in me- riyni matomo PAHMA TOW (CLOT. Impnivnl ami tinlmptw-il aolil on ra)r III' tallllirnia. I .anil Tltlra Kiamlni'd, l-oana NVgotlatt'il, Tana IxHikU'l Aflxr, HrnH, Nnti-a, anil Ai'Hinnt nlli cli'it, Flri" lnauratiii, rtKAl. KSTATK ami iinitTal lliialui'na Agi-nle. BAVI.CV MAXWi.l.L. UUSINbSd LMLKPKI5Li Southern Oregon Marble Co. Ashland, Oregon Dealer Marti. Granite. Ira. fractal ft General I vow Marl CIWrttRV WORN OF All KINDS Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. iJio Connctlcut Avenue Washington, I). C. I.mn if It- i,,. i. nl, .fit i- I'.nt It villi old, but hi tall, spare and muscular ,,.. , ... u :,' i..,-,.,.,..,.,. figure I a actlvea ever. Hi white mustache and imperial, keen, dark eyes, and thin feature gave him rather the appearance of a modern Don Quixote. The actinic or "chemical" ray of the un are the blue, vloletaud ultra- iolet ray, and are the only ones ueil iu the cure of disease the other ray having no phylologlcnl action on animal life. The value of these ray in destroying the bacteria of disease was first show n by Flnson of Denmark, who applied them very successfully to the treat nient of lupus, tiiltcrculosis of the skin. It use ha not Is-en made effective iu cancer, iMH-ause the ray do not oenetrate eeply enough. will not hold out much longer, be side carH'uters and decorator will finish their work iu a short time, and price will then Is- restored. If you an- going to take nil vantage of this opportunity write u! once. ICiiipilrie ami orders by mall receive prompt and careful attention. Our written guarantee gM with every sale and money back where purchase prove unsatisfactory our Invariable rule. Kilcr Piano House, Washington street corner Park, No. ;I51, :t.rkj ami :t55. A l-ovr l-llrr Would not interest you it you're look ing for a guaranteed Salve for Soren, liuniH or Pile. Oilo DimIiI, ol I'oiider, Mo., u rites : "I Milli-rcl u it It an ugly nore for a year, hut a box of Hik klcu'tt Arnica Salve cued me. lt' ttie I test Salve on earth. 25c at KchIIV Drug Store. All pcraona who havt hrrclulor. mad I INAL I'KCMll In any klnj ol l and. Mln.ral or Tim ber I nlrlra, Skh haa hern atcrpWd by Ih. Hcglatrr or bttrlwr ol any II. 5. Land Offli., can hav. Ih laiuanc. ol Ihrlr I'. S. Patent lor aid Landa promptly attended lo by arndlnf ma Ihrlr Dwplkat. If rcclal. or Carlllkalra ol l:nlr. and an agreement lo poy ma $10 when ever aald I'atenla ahall lau. JOHN Ml I. LAN. Oregon, Calllornla and NataJa 5lala Agenl LOOKOUT 551 for n) on klltlnir ur trJ- PR0PU5SK)NAU a. a, L. rrKiNia, a. b. i. n. imm, m. , HMITII a MTFIKH rkstrlaa aael hargr.... I.akevlrw, Or, KUrK- HaJI'. Inig Nlnra. 1'alla an.w4 lieiinpily day or nlghk lK T V II A I.I. orrtcR-Nvw Hair huu.iii.g. IH. O. IIK.HOIIKMT lrMllal l.akrvlrw, itrvfn ornt'K Italy llullilliig. I., v. o Allornry el Law likrvleM. Orrgaa OKKII'K-Italy llull.ling. II lltl.HYMfl.K Altorttr) -i.Ijiw. Ikrvlew, Or. rril K Italy IliiiMliig W J MOOIIK Allaratr .al-liw . Iikrvlew, ar ofKK'K - Iwly llull.llug. II. v: TK Ailornrx-sl-l Ijim4 Mallrra Mperlalljr orril K- laly llulldliig. u w. rvrr.riiKvo I'h) .Irian tad Marvroa ottli kvliart lllilg. (. I I aknvlrw. c L WOODMEN Of IHf woRio.':;.r,rs:.:. Miriiim ihr til ami eift Wrtlnnailajr f rai'lt tit'intli In Maitilr Hall, al H i. in. i" i n it i niiein i iiititiianiii r. K. N. IajI iiiii, I ink. V' fV s y y s r t tr i I.AK KV IKW r i AMI'MKN T. No In. J I. O. O t hurt, tlir I.I . 5-1 llmra. P S lay rtrnlliKaol rai h liiiititli III Oil'l rrl. C v i H.ii . .. V. ii.ma nan, iKi'iirw. , . n mala, s ('. I'., '. J. Mtxtag. MrrllH-. N f fcx vcju jr.. i--j. .-r aw i -.tC All Many .Moth- rs or a Like Opinion. Mrs. I'ilmer, of (!ordova, Iowa, fays: "(Jne of my children wan Mil.ject to croup of a severe type, and the giving ol Chamberlain, Cough Remedy ptomptlv alwayH brought relief. Many motheri in this iieigtiborhoijil think the frame a I do about thin remedy and want no other kind lor their i Ij il lreii." 1-or taie bv J-e J;i a!l. A iniliti' ijial committee of ( ilasgow, Scothiml, nppointeil tt determine the efi'ect of alcoholic ilrinko on the marked increase of insanity, report that out ol 505 admissions to tlit; (ilasgow district asylum ami I'l-'l udmissioii to the pool-house jter cent were traceable to alcoholic 1 rink u a cause. In the I'nited State 10 to 12 per cent of insanity 1 from drink. i. mm mi W Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. liroke Into 111m House. 8. Le Quinn of Cavendinh, Vt., waH rouneu ot tug cuutomary health by in vaHion of Chronic CoiiHtipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his houne, his trouble was a r rented and now he's entirely cured. They're guar anteed to cure, 2'n: at Lee lieall'g Drug btore. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25 c. 60 ly 77 0 lattor," the say ing runs, and in a sense it is true. But even love cannot lighten labor or make it easy for the woman who is in constant suffering from inflamnia- tion, rxranng-down pains or other womanly dis eases. The one thing that can make work easy for women is sound health, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the thing that will ive sound health to aick women. Dr. Pierce has so much faith in his Prescription" th-t he offers to pay 5ff in le;;il money of the: I'nited St itcs tor nny ruse ot" I u corrii' a, p'emale Weakness, I'rola j.'.ic,, or I-aliiug; of Womb whn:h he cann ;t cure. All he asks is a fair and reasonable trial of his means of cure. "I hu.l' irfl from fiRte wnkti'-KH f-r five ttltuil' 'It." wiit Mi ll"llr Jl'."tiiik. iA Nyr i'lllr.ani C , W. a. 1 w.i tri-ul-d y a 'rA tiyit mil but lie ncvtrr M.-rineil to !o me any K'tA. I wrote to Ir. K. V. Iirrc-e fur uilvn e. whitt I rtccivcil, telling tne X InLe liiii F.ivir ite I'frHTiptioll ' ami "ti'ililrn Mi-dital liisi.ov. try.' When I hail ucl the meilii-iiira a iiioiitii. my health wan much ituprovril. It hafl contin ued to improve tiuttl now I can work at almoHt all kinda of huuaework. I had atarcely nny apfeiite, but it is all nvht now. Have Ruim-d aeveral p'ninda in weight. Itr. pierLe'a tnedi cinea have done wonderfully well here. I would advlae all who auffer from chronic dia eiuea to write lo lr. pierce." " Favorite prescription " makes weak women strong, sick women well. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. Dr. King's Jew Discovery VIU'NrTIOS frlr. OlOUMand (A,atisa UL1IH SBC !.! A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If It fails. Trial BotUes fraa. Klam aih - LaKe -Railroad 3 . . . TIAU' TAIJI.H . . . Ill F.ffcct .I'lne L'Slh, l!Mi:i. South Eastern Oregon live Stock Association $500 REWARD Will m given for the itrrit nl iuii I' tinn of any (f. oh ur jN'rii ti-ikliiirf fiy iiik k im Utuiu to iim hiIm r of thl Amu utlon. J. l. coudriLiN, J. n. INMiS, President. Secretary. tMMo, BO YEARS' ll- EXPERIENCE wi.r l'i . 1 N.. :i I'li-'-riyi-r .V J ii;lit S'ii IA-T , I No H. III. p. II) '.l : 1.1 ' !i-.'.t ; I : 1 ! ! 1j : 17 ; in::?? ! ':1il Hi:J7 I :'.::' In: 1:1 V':.d II :ah I IC.lfi p. tn. p. 111 1 I'dKli'.AM i ; :!! .1 11 in . 1 1 1 ' 1 1 .-1 1 1 1 1 1 k J 1 i;'u hil 111 111 It ' 1: :lli fppi-r hw'rli b'i'k Spur1 'i::t-'i lm i-r ' fi::il 1 ll.il Hj.rl iikx Slut ion J 'l-.'M ! fi:ll Kull-Cn-i-k Spur j .'i:ii.i hli'i-l MriilKii I 2:ii 4:l'i I i.Alltli 1:1.. I l:w "r TRADE MARKS Copyright Ac. Anrnnt nrltntf a pfcMrh and dtwrlptlnn may qiilcklf wK'ttrinin our iinniun f rt wfithr ail InvHtilton is prohatilf prtttnitntiln. Conununlra. tlim.wlrtctlf NHindntlnl. HwiifllKink nn I afi.:t tfMit frmk. t)il-t mumiu'f fur swurinir ualnii. rntnnu tUn fhrouvh Wuun A to. rcjlv tpfrUti noaC4, Without chwrifB, lU tti Scientific Jlmcricam A banrlanmAlf Uhiiitratevl wi'klr. I arirfwl rir mlfit.on of any p'Uft fl Joiirnal. 'Iitiih, f.i a yvnr; four niofiths. L Hctltibyitll mwniiitiil-r. MUNN&Co.""""-'-New York lirauuh (ilti.u. ii V Ht, Waelilnutuii. II. c. E 4 i : . ;. '' ' tHkeefT.it, Tiietnlay, Apr. 1. 1IK)2 N. I No. a t a. 111. I.v Hrtui At & i p. m v 47 a. in. I.v , miiiiiiiIi.. Ar i t'i p. in In -iA a. in. I.v i n ar Ar i. tn I" i a. in. Iv lrai.i t Ar i lu p. m ll :l a. in. I.v . . 1'iinly Ar a i p in II v. a. hi. I.v I'liitnaa Ar I l'i p. in l.'-iet p. in. I.v I li eat Ar '.'in p. in I'.' I" t- in. I v i ami-run . Ai 'I In p. in I.' :t ... in. I.v. . h.'il Hik k . . Ar I i; p. in I.' .1 p. in. I.v utKiiaiiila Ar I fi p. in 1 l'i P. in l. .ii I.- . . r I I.', p in l lii p. lu I.v I.Ii'Kkm Ar I.' i a. in i ' i p in. Iv A iii.-.l.-.. . Ar I j In, p in :l i p in Iv Aiiiidi.. . . . Ar II mi pin .1 .' p in I.v II, it i rliiK . r II l:t p in :t ; p. in. I.i Murray Ar I" 17 p. in 4:.li p. in. I.v Karlu . Ar pi '.hi p. m 'i: ;.i p. in. I.v . Il..ri- l.itk.- . A r v in p. in (. 41 p. in. I.v Uavi-rly .r V in p. m l::l" p In. I v I- rn-ii r K:'t.', p, m T I 'i it. in I.v lin i u ii mi, A r. : p. m 7 : 1" p ii.. ' r MhiI.-iim. v, 7 hi k. hi 'i.(i pin pin l hi pill 7 Al pin I I tl. IMKKIF. I.miiiI Oltlic Ht l.aki vii w, On-Kiiti. Hi ptfintiiT ft, l'.ie:. Niitliu la lierrby ifivi-n tliHt Ibi; Inl lowliii, iiHiiii il ii'ttlcr Iihm lllcil licilliii ol hla I ii I - ( 1 1 Ion In niHMt' II ii m I pnmf in anpport of liia cihIiii, aii'l tlmt hII iirimf will lm iniiilo bufuru Krt il I. 1'aliiii'r, I). H.l'iiiniiilnaliiiii r at .Ionian Vulli-y, Ori'Kon, on Oitulirr iinl, 1Ui:, viz. I.iilu fcliiipanii, l I. K. No. 47:1, for thtiWUor HWii.Hnr. H ami V.'t ol HK '4 of . J, Tp. 40 H. H. ii K. W. M. Hi) iihiiiiih tliu fn! low I UK wit-m-Mira to prove lit" continuum r!lii'ii: 1111011 ami cultivation 01 nam lann, vie: juiiii i or- mill i:iiiuibiiiiii in mi'i mi,.,. uiiiui mat, Kreil WllkiiiHoii, J11I111 Vttin.u Hiul (. Iiarli a liay. all nf Mailii ur 1 niiiity, On goii, I'. U. ail drenaua Mcliermott, Ni vmla. E. M. liKATTilM, Hi-Ki'ter. 5II UUA VAI.I.IiV kV 10 Via in, l. . I'l 11 111 aa A i.l. on pin 0 in an 1 1 Jimmil.v . . V'liiliiii Ar .1 l'i pin h iii'aio IJ.H'iani I.v. IP rku Ith.Arj.'. tiipii' 7 .'iAam I J V. 111 .v. lalrvlll.'Ar. I.4nptn 7 (l aoi I'ONNKCTION W ITH HTAtiK AT: TiTino.-fiir I akivli w, I'm I nlt-y am) I'limli, Uro . ami Kt. II ll w II . I aki- I lly, I vilarvlllf, A-lili Alluraaaiiil Mlrln-r, I'alK. lint MjrniK.- lor Hlainllnli anil Himaiivlll lalll. Iniyn. - for Mllloril, Jam-nvllli- ami II 11 tit 1 11 Villi-, ( Hill. VI11I1111 - (ur I j 1 v 1 1 1 ri . in iilrvllli, ami I alail lii ll a Hot Hprltiiii.. 1 nil! II, rk Willi, i,r . -1 1., ..- . laylurvilli- ami linen villi .Calif. 1 Inlrvlll... Mulinuk ami (Jnlin y, ( 11I1I. Kiiiii, riililn 1 Hub MIIIi (hi. Imt. in. (nr all p.. I11I1. hitHl .V i t : V, .V I II. It. for ail 1.1,1m. Hniiih. via.T Dll. JOHDAN 'tsUStuH e? ibbi liHi.Krt r, n I (y.i.M. aiiiku '3 OHfATf aCfliJTuMyf rasNCiio cai f l f A Th.lrtl Aaalamloai Vuaaaaa Is Iba W ur i. To Cure a Cold in One Day la TWO Days,' Take Laxati vc Bromo Quinine Tablets. Jn p atsven muuon pozea aoia in pass i monios. uiuivui i - . , aMraeliM Im thm Oil- a naWrA4i Jl l U Imr .IjII.m - . will ..KBaaAaaa. K. . . 'IV'J'I Mi ,rililel,..r.at,i 0 I ' A I I" oiaa-' Iwi.rt.il.t Wii u.a t tmt, w f r t rejiai yaajnaj iH. ftmmmr, Ma.a4 Tm all luavaaal. u..ii aliMtraaailoa-rhiaaB, SrMaaM,. m tlrlaavtlaa, .M. liai.iiuiLi r M "DAII-PRIVATI OIIEI '1 frel".ai ka a.a aui S U fiea Uia eavetj m faaikiai I l-PRIVATI OIIEUII 1441a eaMaaa aaueaaae In eaaeaeae rMnailte. . raa4 avraM.a aewer, ifaa 5hw ' ST'Vf i lelaf hi Ika4 IT ebl a.l . air aW4 baaaWkaM r.11.1. kul 1 1 1 j wea waiaa aMiw aaawa ta aa a la a l.r aa I uraean, ara-aaalaaai alaa ur. 1 aa alraatea W.I p mU ktaaw m "" r mrwwimm mmm aura a Kleiaed.Kv-Blaaaaaa avvaii.ia 1 . . j . la aValaat wleiaal aka lae ai TaiaeaaTr . tare Ut Baaiara, A salvfe as 4 r.alial , JBTBBtT MAM -rir'-r'-r 'H milt 1 tmr, kaM4 mmm al KSaBTalanTl. A 'e artel uaraMal a Oai(Y4 Am a V A e-f' v ee we aiefnnea f 4J5aRWarltli4a, vnAmmwf TMAT A BA BoydB IM Traaiaaaai Mnaaallr a kr leuae. li4aBUaB. If.iLaaraaav 1 a ralaal la 1 kaaklar aiaa.) Callae will Wrlli aaaftli M. J M. HlrOAK ft 0.. III! MarM It, . ft. wa'Ba'eaaaaav