LAKE COUNTY BXAfllNCR, LAKEVIOW, ORCUON, OCT. 8, I9ttl. floMtlonnl locnl C53 Owing to threatening weather and tbelnntdlltjr of aereral of thehnebill nine t( attend the bnnebnll tourna ment nt Kbinmth Fall), It wm deem ed advUahlo to atny At homo, rather t hlll to fill the VACAIK'U'B with llM't- jierlcnced player. Wanted Htock to pasture or winter, In largo or uniull Imiik Iicm. OoimI 1000 acre pimturn partly hunch ed liny. Ntoek ran Im taken ly October 10th. I'.niilre at thin office. :wnt Two more bridge near the went end of the nbwdi road have In-en re moved and the ojitnlngM filled with icravel. llefore very long all the tin-itiH-eMMiiry bridge will l done away and the road will Im much morn Mat iMfactory to the traveling public. The Warner Valley Ktvextock Com pany have tuild all their uteri from yearling up, to Nally Willy, of Heno, Nevada. Urd rent, net, to le weigh ed and delivered at Madeline. They eijiect to deliver about twothouMiind bead, the II rut drive of which In now on the road. (J. -o. II. I'MlllpM of I ted Bluff, who ho tnniiniered IiIh Nheep on the Luke county rung" for neveril yearn pant, accompanied hy J. N. Parrock of Ulllvllle, arrived Monday. Mr. I'hllllpH will otart IiIh idieep for ICed Bluff In alioiit a month for the winter. A number of Indlanx w n- In town from Sprague river Monday with Hevcral loaiU of line Halmon. The nay that the run of the Huh In Sprague river although late, In unUMimlly large, ami the (InIi are In much better condition than they have been for hevcral kchhou. ICalph and MlldriHl, the little moii and daughter of Wm. Heryford have lieen very III for the pant two week with a very neve re fever, much re MMubllng typhoid. They are much Improved at prem-nt and their phy sician exMS'tH to have them free from danger In a few day. Wm. Holder, proprietor of the I'll I m Icy I'oHt andSllver Lake I'.ulletlu wan a vlrtltor In Lakevlew Friday mid Saturday, Wm. Holder linn leawd the rrluevllle Itevlew and ex lied to move IiIh family to TaMey In the Hpriug, making that town hM headiuarterM for the future. The I'.xauilui'r Iwih for Hale one of the hod Htock raucheH In Lakerounty on very reaMiuiahltt t'rm S00 acre, all fenced, and well watered. Till In a great bargain and will not remain long uiiHold. Wo alMo have a doxen other rancheM and faruiH to dlxpone of. If you have any land or procr erty to nell, lint It with the Exam iner. Send In dcHcriptlou mid we will hi II It for you. HMf M. I'. Kiillln, accompanied by IiIh daughter, t'lara, arrived In town Sunday evening wit h a load of choice grape, Including tin' Mllneatel, l'la tiling ToUey, and lilnck Morroeo vai'letlcH. Mr. Itullla, left a wimple of the fruit at The Examiner olllce which. It In needle to Htate, wan. greatly appreciated by the olllce force. lie expect to return In a few week and w ill have Hiilllcieiit fruit to Hiipply the demand. (ieorgo Small and daughter MIhh Lorn, 'Mr. Frank Tayne and Win. j Lnno left Monday for Eugene, via the McKenzIo route, nayn tho On trail Oregonlan of Oct. lt. Mr. 1'aynoJ and Small will go on to Portland, where the. latter will take up a con tho of HtudleH at tho l'ortland IbiHlneHH College. Tho former will vlHlt with friend a month or two until Frank can leave hi duties at tho storo to bring her homo. Messrs. Small and Lano took down about head of horses which they expect to dlspoHo of. High School Correspondence. A Literary Society wm organised In Miss Sands room. The following officer were elected: Oeorgo Chandler, President; George Itoss, Vice I'rwddent; Josle Wood ccck,Kecrtary; JameJudge, Treas urer; Ole Hull, Kargeant At Arms; Miss Sands, Critic; Program Com mittee, Emily Clark, Maud Uarne burg and Sadie Heryford. A few of the pupils In the eighth grade made a great mistake In the location of t ho North 1'ole. Miss Sands has one new pupil Clarence Mettker. MIns Itlough has two new pupils Nora Harry and Elous LofTtu. Miss Calahan his five new pupils Bewdc, Ilertha and Vale Lofftu, Floyd Smith and Mary Harry. Miss Hall has three new pupils Jamie Harry, Bertha and Johnle Metiker. Prof. Vallandlgham has four new pupils Kalph Tatro, Itay Emerson, Nellie and Katey Harry. Mr. Tatro has moved his family in town for the purpose of sending his children to school this winter. The Correspondence Committee. Alturas Race Notes. Tho Fourth Annua! Fair of Modoc county opened nt Alturason Monday Oct. 5, with a large crowd of sight wrm and although the weather was Htormy and the track heavy, the at tendance at the cotire w as all that could Ih expected. Monday's riwes were an follows: kikht it.oi:. Four furlougM Entries, Grace Iloiian.a by J. W. Sjx-aks, and Fred M. by 11. Mann. Fred M. won; time seconds. HK('OM) HACK. yt mile dash, free for all Entries, Torincnto by Kennedy, Iady Ncvlne by Stewart, Bed St4i'l by O. A. Martin, Phil Crawley by Geo. Mucks, 1-ndy Nevlue won, Tormento, wcond; time, ', purse 100. Owing to the weather being un favorable tor work at the cemetery last Friday, It was decided by the cemetery commltN'c to allow the weather to set t le before ilolng any thing further In the way of Improv ing the grounds. The committee had Imvii working zealously fur sev eral days in getting an excellent din ner prepared for ( host- Intending to help with the improvements and not wihlilng to disappoint any of thorn.' who had taken time to prcpure the couutlcHs iiumlter of fried and baked chickens, cakes, pies, loaves of bread, etc. etc, decided to have a dinner and charge cent kt plate. On Thurs day afternoon posters were distribut ed announcing that the dinner would lie served In the banquet room of the Masonic Hall from 11:00 a. m. to 2:IW p. m. and about t lint time on Friday, our citizens with their wives and families liegau to put In thelrappear ance. About 110 people were present enriching the cemetery fund to the amount of $:!.". oil. Tlio Oregon Kcml-Weekly Journnl, a Pcinocmtle ticWHiiier, ever fulr and al unyn flee; l(i4 enpleH In our year for only fl.GH to nny ndilioN. Thu Journal, 1'. O. Kox K'l. I'oiilanil, Or. THE OLD RELIABLE mm AbsolutelPure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE . . CREDITORS' SALE ...STOCK OF... AYBEI & WHIfWOEfl Sale Now Going On - - - Call Early and Get Your Choice. Everything: Will Be Sold Off At Cut Prices. The Business Must Be Closed in the Interest of the Creditors. ii G000S WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST ii Races! Races! The Lake County Auricul tural Association will give Four Day. Racing on their track in I-akeview, com mencing on November 4th and ending on November 7th, 1003. The aura of $1400 will be distributed in purtes aa follows: FIRST PAY, NOV. 4th. 1st Race, i mile and repeat 2d Ra-e, mile dash SECOND DAY, NOV. 5th. 1st Race, a mile dash, 2d Race, 1 mile dash, THIRD DAY, NOV. Gth. 1st Race, mile and repeat 2d Race, 7g mile dash FOURTH DAY. NOV. 7th. lt Rnrs. mile and reteat A I 1 I . 1 .i:.nA .- '"J id itace, anniuni aim uiriutc Ihj named at the track Nov. 6th. j t 4 300 RAMS 300 Full-blooded Year ling and Two-year-old Rambouillet and Delaine . . RAHS . . Now In Prader'a Pastu re at Sum mer Lake and are for sale by ALLEN & LAFOLLETT PRINEVILLE. ORE. As tlwre are hundreds of our sheeu In Lake county but little needs to le said as to their quality for they speakjfor themselves. 150 !i3 P -v'r tl50 l 175 1200 175 8$ I -M 5 y-'& I BEALL'S DRUG STORE M LEE BEALL, Proprietor LAKEVIEW. OREGON. i COSniTIONS. All of the a hove race are free for all, four to enter and three to start but the Association reserves the right to hold a less number than four by reducing the purse in proportion to the number of horses entered. F.ntriea to close the evening before the race. The Pari fie Coast Wood horse Association rules to govern all running races. Entrance foe ten per cent o' purse. Monev to lie divided as follows ; 70 per cent to the first horse and 80 per cent to the second horse. lV4 V'e have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded 2$S 55 change any of the above races, in the event of not fillini!, or to clmnno tho date ol the hint day's event to the fol lowing day in case any other amuse ment is announced for that date. No money paid without a contest. Hoard of Directors: John McF.lhihney, V. V. Heryford. V. V. I.iht, W. A. Wilshire, K.'M. Miller, J. lnnes, V. L. knelling and B. Daly. 4 The AssiM'iation reserves the ritfht to A A A Arv WE ARE NOW PREPARED V. L. SINELLINQ, Secretary. B. DALY, President. The llnrney County Live HKM'k Aawxila- l.n n( U'liil.h I Km 'wl!n l'f V. reward (or evidence I f 7vi l . loimliiif to Hi mem- offer reward, ilorae brand tiorae- shoe bar on ellher or both awi. Re corded inHoountiea Kange, Harnev, Lake and Crook I'ouuiien. liorw'a vented wheu sold, lloraeasold to pau through this amnion will be reported in thin paper. II not so reported, pleaite write or tele phone The Timi'i Ili'raM, Main XM, Burin. Ore. W, W. BKOVV N , Kite, Oregon. ,3i 7 .'I "vv fllil To Do All Kinds of . TIN WORK 1NG, etc, We can also furnish Gun Furnishings, make estimates on Galvanized Tanks or anything else in the lines above. We have a first-class workman in con nection with our store and will guarantee satisfaction on any work brought us. J. E. BERNARD & SON V A ii Wabash Tourist Car Lines I.T Lv Chlcaio Mondays, 11:00 M Cliii'ago Tuurwlay 11 :00 a M 0 Ar. Boston Tueadayt 5:20 p M Ar. Boston Friday 6:)rM Leave Kaunas Oil Fridays :20ri( Arrive Bt. Paul and Mln- neaiK)U8turdy T:i0 m. For particulars consult your axent or Address C. K. CRANE, ROSS 0. CLINE . P. Agt., St. Louis, Mo P. C. P. AfU, Los Aneoies