Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 08, 1903, Image 4

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(continued from first page)
chief the Instant delivery of the cap
tire girls, and It refused or further
delay wm sought, that he would
kill the chief then and there. That
to pay no attention to him as they
would all probably be killed any way.
Accordingly Ben Wright went to
the camp 75 yard away. He told
the chief he had come for the girl.
The chief wild In reply that he would
not deliver them and never intended
te do so. That he had men enough
to kill all the white men and would
3o It. Scarcely had the words es
caped the lips of the treacherous old
aavage than Hen Wright whipped a
revolver from beneath his blanket
and shot him dead. He then, with
revolver In each hand, fought his
way out aa best he could. The
Instant that the first shot rnng out,
the men In waiting opened with
their rlflles, and then charged revol
ver In hand. The sudden onslaught
terrified the savages, who, after two
or three Ineffective volleys of arrows,
fled in dismay. Many jumped Into
the river and attempted to hide
under the steep banks.
They were punched out with wil
low poles, and shot while strug
gling In the water. Others hid In
the sage brush and were hunted out
and shot as they ran. About 1V of
the savages were killed and most of
them scalped to prove to friends in
Yreka that they had done good
After the fight Wright and his
men returned to Yreku. Pen Wright
was afterwards assassinated by a
half breed while acting as agent on a
coast reservation. This Is the true,
unvarnished story of the lien
Wright massacre.
The two captive girls were never
released. One was killed at Hot
Creek by the chief to settle a quarrel
among the Indians. The writer and
Judge Bellinger made a search and
found a portion of her remains
scattered about in the rocks where
the body had lieen thrown. The
other girl probably met a similar
The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. K.
Heryford about two miles north of
Lakeview, was Wednesday evening,
October 7, the scene of a very pretty
wedding, when Mr. A. II. Hammersly
was united in marriage to Miss Olive
L. Heryford, W. B. Snider, the Lake
view City Kecorder, officiating.
The services were conducted in the
presence of the relatives of the bride
and a few intimate friends of both
bride and groom.
Miss Heryford was Is-autlfully at
tired in a white silk, trimmed In
white satin and silk applique nnd
carried a beautiful boquet of white
sweet peas and maiden hair ferns.
After the ceremony, the happy
couple departed for the Hammersly
residence in South Lakeview where
they will make their future home.
Mr. Hammersly hfis been a resi
dent of Lakeview or the past .'"years
and has a host of friends. He is at
present employed ly the firm of
Ay res & Whitworth now under as
signment. The bride is the eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Heryford, and
has always liecn one of the foremost
in the social circles of our city.
The Kxainlner Joins the many
friends of the bride and groom in
wishing them a long and happy wed
ded life.
J. Howard, of Drew Valley told
SO head of three-year-old steer to
Swanson, of 8;;cramento, last week.
The cattle were In excellent condition
and brought 27 ler head. They
will l delivered at the Howard
Ranch on Oct. 10 th.
I Clseel, of the firm of Clscel Bros,
of Harney county, drove one thou
sand head of cows through this sec
tion last Tuesday. The stoek are
being driven to (ilenn county, Cali
fornia, on account of the scarcity of
feed In Harney County this fall.
II. It. Punlnp, assisted by L. (irlf
tkh. and Louis Barneburg, with B.
Miller as cook of the outfit left tor
Crook county yesterday morning.
They expect to drive 150 heat! of
cattle, which Mr. Puulnp recently
purchased from Jas. (iardner, back
to Lake County, where they will lie
pastured for the winter.
W. D. Duke, buyer for Miller & Lux
of San Francisco passed through
town last Tuesday enroute to Ua
elle. Mr. Duke, bought the Ucf of
Whlltemore St Splcer nnd several
others at Steele Swamp, Modoc
county, amounting lu all to about
500 head. The price paid was six
cents for cows and seven cents for
steers, cattle to ls delivered and
weighed at Gaxelle.
J. W. Howard, the Ijike County
Cattle King, arrived In the city Mon
day and will probably remain here
the rest of the fall, says the Klamath
Falls Lxprvss. Mr. Howard will feed
from 'Xm to 25U0 head of cattle In the
Klamath Basin t his season. He al
ready has his herds started this way
and the first installment will reach
here in a short time. He has bought
all the Ankeny JcCantrall and Henley
hay, besides some small lots from
others' One can realize the Immense
expense of feeding a bunch of cuttle
this size when it is known that it will
take forty tons of hay a day. The
cattle will lie marketed by the last of
December. The tirst lot will lie driv
en out sometime in Novemlier. Mr.
Howard states that on account of
the exorbitant price of hay this year,
he liellcvcs there will Is- a much less
quantity of cattle raised another
year. He now has about il'iOO head
hut does riot Intend to handle over
luw next year.
Our Store Policy
The Chief Study of This Store
Is to satisfy Its customers. Our stocks are always kept complete with
thoroughly reliable merchandise. Courtesy on the part of every employe
Is Insisted upon. Our progressive methods of merchaitdlilug, coupled with
the very great amount of business we transact, keep prices at the lowest
point consistent with the high quality. We keep cruiaiieut patronage In
view, not floating trade, nnd aim to make this a store to which you will
turn, not simply when we announce extraordinary bargains, but as the
natural source from which to supply your wants. Our motto: Satisfac
tion always, or money chcerfuuly refunded.
L. BAILEY . . . . I
I 4 A C'omplrlr and llraall- j
I fa rullinraf Mamplrn to Mr- fm
7 lert from. 7
Practically all the grading for the
Intramural railway at the World's
Fair grounds have been finished.
The road will lie ready for operation
by January 1.
Mrs. Prudence Itasey, who died at j
her home In Salem on September 1 1, I
1!).'!, was burn lu Indiana on Feb
ruary 1, H':. Her maiden mime'
was Prudence Ay res. In l1-'!!' she
was married to J. J. Basey, who
was a son of Isaac Basye, a mcmlH-r
of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
The spelling of the name has been
changed In the present generation.
In 1S.VJ Mr. and Mrs. Basey crossed
the plains to Oregon, settling first lu
Yamhill County. They lived In that
county a year, ami another year in
Jackson County, and then removed
to Siskiyou, ''ul., where they resided
until lsfjfi, when they returned to
I Oregon. They made tln-jr home in
Spring Valley, I'olk County, until
171, when they removed' to Salem.
Here Mr. Basey died in 1MI4.
Mrs. Basey was a member of the
Baptist Church ami a devout 'hris
tian. During the years of her active
life she was a Un less worker in the
care of her home and t he rearing of
her family. In later years, when age
and sickness limited the power of her
willing hands, she was a patient and
cheerful companion. She left four
sons and one daughter W. W.
Basey, A. J. Basey and Mrs, M. B.
WDIard, of Salem; J. C. Basey, of
Lakeview and J. S. Basey of Port-laud.
Jeer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place in Town -t
. Fruit and Vegetable Stand .
J. I. DUCKWORTH. Proprietor.
Fresh Vegetables Arriving Dally.
Finest Fruits In the Market.
See Us Before Buying Your Winter Supply.
Our Prices are Always Right.
According to a report from the I'.
8. Patent Ofllce the first steam Are
engine was constructed In Egypt 150
B. C. A model of It may lie seen In
the government's exhibit ut the
World's Fair.
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear the
Signature of
I III I I II' llll Ill t lllllll I llll II -M,L-mnijanu "iiTmiiBBMMfl
We have now in stocr the Higgest and Best Stock of
Fall ami Winter Dress (oods that you have ever seen in
Lake County. Xo shelf worn goods we don't keep that
kind. We order new stoek for en eh change of season and
coscfucnt'y are always up-to-date.
If you want to purchase a good winter suit you ean
get a better article for your money right here than any
other place. Our line of waterproof garments and heavy
makinaw clothing for stockmen can't be beat.
TSomVa .clocks