Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 08, 1903, Image 3

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Xocnl Ibnppcntnoo SoID in pnraornpbo
ST V3 VaV ;Sa IWj
A. N. Frnke of Wnrru-r Valley wa
In town Friday of lout week,
L. (J. TIioiiio mine down from
l'alaley for n few dayn iutt Friday.
M. Strlplln wan a DavlM Creek
vlHltor on Friday, returning Hatur
day. K. L. Neidiitm ami W. If. Cooper,
both of Add, were In for a fw day
lout Wtfk.
J. N. Stlckel ami family of Warner
wen gucata at Hotel Iakevlew hint
If you haven't Keen tin model of
the patent gate at thin ofllee, call In
ami ltiMMH't It. tf
('lann- I'titlllpH ami family of
Cedarvlllo arc visiting with I'.. K.
Ithlnchnrt at tlx sawmill on Crooked
(Jco. Muupln lift for lilt homo In
Warner Valley on Friday morning
luter spending the greater part of
laMt week In town.
The nnmt complete Job stock off of
tin railroad Ih to ts fonml at Tin1
F.xnmlucr olflee. First-class work
always, at reasonable prices, tf.
Amly U'vIiik ami wife are visiting
Mrs. Iievlm-'s MlMtiTiit Seattle. They
exert to lie In l.nkevlcw Hoinetlme
near the hint of the month.
MImm Flla UiihhIII of Alturus who
hart Ixi'ii visiting for two weekM with
her sister, Mr. K. N. .Iiiulli, de
parteil for her home Frhlay.
I'rcf. A. A. ruham, our genial
haml ami orchestra lender, has Im-cii
engaged by the Alturan Fair com
mlttee to leail the haml at that place
during t he races.
C. Fisher ami hoii, of Fort Hldwcll
who were III town on Wednesday ami
ThurHilay making arrangements for
the purchase of a small hunch of
Hheep, have returneil hnme.
Miss Ituth NlekerMon'H piano class
Iiiim Increased Is-yond all cxectn
thins. She now has an eiirolliiieiit
of III puplln ami most of tlieiii are
showing markeil Improvement for
hii short a term of IiimI ruct i m.
Mrs. I). I". Moore, Mho has la-en
under n physician's care for several
week past, with a severe st roke of
paralysis, wan removed from her
home Friday to the home of her
daughter MrM. W. Moss, where she
will coiitllllie to reHi'le.
.1. T. Iteiiellel ami family, old rvsl
ileutH of Crooked Creek, left town
last ThurHilay morning for Santa
lturhara, Cal., by private convcy
auee. Mr. Iteiiellel Iiuh been under a
physician's Clin1 for Home time with
a Hevere at tuek of lung troiilile ami
ll change of climate Ih thought to be
hU only hope for recovery. Should
the climate of Simla Hnrhnru prove
belielicliil, they 111 reside t here per
manent ly.
Wild romm are found on every con
tlneutln the world excepting Aus
Tim Fill ted Stated hiut 7H.CKH) pout
olllcen; (Jermany In next, with i'ifi'l'A,
and Jn at llrltaln third, with Tl.m,
Kentucky Favorite Whinkjr mildest
nd txiHt. rliviluun reccoiuunu It
i'unt A King. tf.
Kilkenny cum tin In one of the ohlent
inhabited Iiouhch In the world, many
of the rootiiH Ix-lnx much an they
were WW yearn aifo.
if trouhled with week diirnntlou try
(.iulerlain'a Stomach anil Liver Tat
letn. They will do you Kood. For tale
y Iee Ik-all.
The fimt "bliukllnt of habitual
drunkard," puhllHhed In Lomlon
under the new Ik-enitlnK act ehowa
three tliuen an many women n men.
California farm fur nale at a bi bar
gain. 1 f tO acrea fenced and crona leiiceil.
Out ireeiit owner 10,WJU hut wi.l be
eold for VXIO ; .j down and balance on
ey ayiueiiUi. Inquire at llua ol
nee. 47U
AuHtralla Iiiim the I ardent duck
faruiH and the lareHt Incubator In
the world. The Incubator ho a
capacity of 11,400 ducke' ckkh ami
H.0S0 heiiM i-kkh.
Cyrua Noble Whicky the old chain
iiion and Mtill chaiuiiion of thetn all
1'neil in all timt-claii) pUce. Ack for
cry iin oiiio caw gxxJn wden you want
a uimhI drop at home. 37 if.
It Im cxt I united that the Iklmo
poiulatlon of Alaxka, lt'irador ami
(in-eiilaml Iiuh declined from ;to,000
to l.",(HN lu 10 yearn, owlnn to the
thliiuliiK out of Heal, lM-ar ami wal
niH. Several copie of the Northwestern
Stmk iJireclory, complied by Slona A
I.ikI tly, pi.ntera of Alturan, have teen
left al tiiia ollice for diHtribution. It ia
a valuable Ixxjk lor Block men and worth
the price. tf
The heavleht tralnload ever hauled
by one locomotive wim olio of M
loailed carM, wclhln; In the aKJfre
Kate I7n toim, which wan hauled a
dlHtauce of ti.l mlleH at the rate of
i:t mlh-M an hour.
Whorton A Smith's I'ulace rontinueN
to Im- llie popnlur club room, if you ar
liHiking for a limn you w ill likely find
Iiiim al the I'Hlaie. (ieorye and Ken I
hIhhvn treat their pHtrotiM well. I.alcHt
ImtkmIiciiIh. Private chili room, 42 tf
Thirty-nlx yearn a;o the mortality
from major Hurli'iil operations In
London hoHpltalri hh about 'X per
cent. 'I'IiIh Iuih Ihi'H reduced to II
percent by the application of I.IhIitV
anilhicptic prliiclpleH.
I'ohI iV. Kinit are now receiving bin ill
voiciH for their winter trude. All the
llncHt bramlH of lupieurfl and ci'Hra are
kept there. I'ohI A King furiiiKh the
home with the Ih-nI briimln for medicin
al purpoNcH. 42-tf
Coffee culture In Java in on the
wane, ami It Ih not ImpoHHlble that
In the courm- of time It may lie given
up entirely. The reaNonn for thin are
the exhaiiHtloii of the null and the
compct It Ion of llrazllian coffee.
ilist rletn !
I 'ei iple from I lie i nit l III
a re tniii;; ad vii u I uy
piiblie Hchooln this term ami all I he
m ailable Iiouhch in low n have been
oecuiled. Therein an IlicieaNinn' ile
1 1 m i litl for more mid II hci-iuh to iin
that H few neat eottaes built for
the line of the rent inn' public would
be a good proposition for Home one
who Iiuh Home money to Invent.
King Fdward'n proficiency an a
llugulHt wiih Htrlklngly llliiHtated
during hln recent vlnlt to I'arln. At
a private dinner given by M. I.oubet,
the Fn-iieh pn-nldent read a very
formal npeech. The king of F.ngluud
got up immediately after and deliv
ered without a note an admirable
Hjieech in French. ICverybody wan
HiirprlHed when the native ruler
Hpoko in hla own tongue with elabor
ate preparation and the Kngllh sov
ereign epoke lu the tongue of the
Frenchman Impromptu.
hiiiik lii i Hi'li Kihi' in iru I Inr llllllhl
ikIh iI cIim ii y.-HTN hikI u llh h Imtki' i Mplial, to
cnll i . 1 1 mi ri liHiiiH iiihI hiii iiIh lur Kiiri cKxIul
Mini .toll I ,t I ! ' llll.'. I I'llkiHI'llll'lll.
Un klv ciisli KHhiry nt ami nil I rn .-1 1 nr i'X
.. i;k. nn. I Ik, I I, Hi. it . I v a I lu chIi . hi li
. k. I rii iii f in. i i i m i M. nin. ii r.-f-ol
oiirei cleilt I i i. i i hihI fin inn.' . li nil.lri . il i n Hiiiv.
llll- NAlloNAl.. .in M., ilamii.i.
Is .'li
l'rohiblt ion is maklnggreat Htrlden
lu Kaunas. The number of retail
liiiior dealern In the ntate Is now
only L'llOO, and -N U the total of thone
who do a wholesale business, The
average In only about 'St to each
Cliaiuberliilira 4'tiuah Itcuieily.
No one who in acquainted wfth its
good ipialitieH cua be NurpriNed at the
great popularity of Chauiherlain's
Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds
and grip effectually and permanently,
hut prevents these dieaeii from result
ing in pneumonia. It in also a certain
cure for croup. Whooping cough is not
dangeroua when this remedy in given,
it containt no opium or other harmful
BiiliHtanco and may he given aa con
fidently to a buhy as to au adult. It is
alao pleasant to take. When all these
facta are taken into consideration it is
surprising that people in foreign lands,
as well as at home, esteem this remedy
very highly and very few are willing to
take any other after having once used it
For sale by Lee lieall.
$ 2.00 PER YEAR