Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 03, 1903, Image 8

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hi i
Four Suit will be extra good
if we make it. When fin
ished it will fit. You get full
worth of the Cash you pay
for the clothes you order
here. Fall and Winter suit
ings arc now selling. More
than 1000 choice samples to
select from.
Made to your measure
from $12.50 a Suit.
. . Live Stock . .
Shorthorn, Hereford and Jersey Cattle
Cotswold, Lincoln, Shropshire Sheep
Poland China and Chester White Hogs
and Standard Bred Trotting Horses
Sept. J7-J8-J9, J903.
Consigned by such noted
W, O. Minor, John Sparks, Hazlewood Farm, Alex.
Chalmers, W. J. Townley, J. H. Stump, J. Matty, I). II.
Looney, Charles Cleveland, P. A. Frakes, C. B. Wade, II.
West, J. M. Atkinson, R. Scott, A.J. Splawn.Geo. Chand
ler, S. Origsby, J. M. Flaherty, Thos. II. Brunk. For in
formation itnu pariicuiars write
M. D. Wisdom, Secretary, Portland, Oregon.
Col. R. h. IIarriman, Auctioneer, Bunceton, Mo.
Black Leg-.
in now prevalent in nearly all
iectioiift. It can be prevented
by vaccination, and
Black Leg Vaccine
is the " lowent priced, eaiient
t:;-ied and inont HueccHKful vac
tint; made.
Write for HLACK AM book-
4 -
let containing full Information
concerning the ilim-ane and the
proccnH of vaccination.
Cutter Analytic Laboratory
1'renh Huppllt-H of our product
are for alo by
I,kk Ukai.l, - Lakevlew, Or.
Cloves tor Wear
of alt kinds, made of
gotxl material, well
atltched.and at a price
that will make you
wonder. For a Rood
dmwy glove or a glove
for driving or a glovo
for working, It will
pay you to boo thin
Ntock. We have nev
oral different manufac
ture goods In thin
line, and every one of
the in Ikvith the maker's
Htam p.
Prices rnnge from
75 eeut a pair upward
breeders as Charles E. Ladd, ,
United States Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregnn
July W, l'U. Notice Is hereby given Miat
George P. Wise of I'luah, Oregon, haa Died no
tice of hi intention to make dual proof on hi
desert-claim No. V. for the nnaurveyed UK 'i
of BKU Hue I, K of &t HWU of Nfc'i Bee. 10
Tp 85 J K K. W. M., before Keglrter and Ke
Ceiver at Lakevlew, Oregon ou Friday, the 4th
day of September, lliSI. He name the follow
ing witnewtea to prove the complete irrigation
and reclamation of said land: T. II. Alklre,
Jam en lianibljr, J. I.. Hblrk and John Deboy all
of Cedarvtlle, Cal.
July -n-M K. H. Bkattaim, Kegimer.
United Htates l.and Ofliiie, Lakevlew, Oregon,
July ti, IBO't. Noiiee I hereby glvn that Ty
lor H. Alklre of (N-darville. California, 1'. O..
lias filed notiee of Intention to make proof on
IiIh dewrt-land claim No. for the St of
HWhi Hr.'i of KW4 : H4. Tp : Sit 2X K W M .
NK? ol Aw'i WU of SKU W'-C of HK'i H c 3 Ti.
9Hll h. Vt . M., ti-fore Kegmter Hlel (fee- Iver '
at Lukeview, Or gon. on Krldiiy, tin: till ily of
tieptuinoer, He name the following
witiK'M- to prove the com pie te irrlintiou ami ,
reclamation of hid land: tieorge I' W ise ol
I'liiHh . Oregon. John Ijeltoy, J. I. Shirk aim ;
JauieH llamble of Cedarville, California. I
iuy M-M K M, Ukattsin, Kegister.
Wm W. Brown
brands liorce
accompa nvintc
Range nenr
my place, Fife
Crook Co., Or.
rather of Hie Country Wanted to Bo
Its Loading Agriculturist.
In hid mature life Wanhington'a
one eiprced ambition was to be
the leading fanner of America, and
he worked diligently to earn that
title bj introducing new methods of
husbandry. He eren inrented a
plow. In hit progreeiveneea he con
ducted what might be not inappro
priately termed the firt practical
experimental agricultural station on
the continent. All the latest ma
chinery he learned about he prompt
ly imported. He tried many kinds
of tobacco and wheat, experiment
ed with various kinds of fertilizers
and developed tho breeding of thor
oughbred horses, cattle ana sheep.
There were many industries on
Washington's farms. He maintain
ed a blacksmith shoo, which, in ad
dition to the work of tho plantation,
ahod horses and repaired imple
ments and wagons for the neigh
bors. He had alo a force of car
penters whom at times ho hired
out to construct dwelling houses in
Alexandria and the national capital.
Washington conducted a flour mill
at Mount Vernon and established
an enviable and protitablo reputa
tion for the extra brand of tlour
froduced. He often bought wheat
rom other farms in Virginia and
I i : n e - - .1... ... -I.
rjunu 11 mio tiour ur wit mm m i.
cooperage was another of his in
dustries, and even tho schooners
that carried his barrels to market
belonged to him.
It would be hard to imagine a
more complete establishment than
that which he conducted. Shoe
makers at Mount Vernon turned out
all the shoes worn on the estate.
Weavers in his employ produced the
linen, the woolens, the linsev and
the cotton cloth needed. There
was also a distillery, the revenue
from which sometimes exceeded
$1, ."('() annually. His fisheries along
the Potomac were aNo resources of
considerable profit. Leslie's Month-
Wanted a Rebate.
A southern clergyman had mar
ried a pair of negroes. After the
oeremony the groom asked, "How
much vo' t hahge fo' dis ?"
"Well," said the minister, "I usu
ally leave that to the groom. Some
times I am paid $., sometimes $10,
sometimes less."
"Hat's a lot oh tnoncv, pahson.
Tell yo what Ah'll do. ' Ah'11 gib
yo' two dollahs, an' den ef I fin' I
ain't cheated I'll gib yo' mo' in a
A month later the groom re
turned. "Ah's yere lak Ah promised, pah
ton. "Yes," said the minister expect
antly. "Ah tol' you' dat ef it was all
right, Ah'd gib yo' mo' money,
didn't Ah ?"
"You did."
"Well, pahson, a9 dis yere am a
sort ob Bpec'lation Ah reckon yo'
owe me about a dollah an' eighty
five cents, an' Ah come ter git it."
Philadelphia Telegraph.
He Did the Correct Thing.
Any one could have told from the
fearless glint of his blue eyes and
the rakish tilt of his cap that he
was of the class of messenger boys
known to their fellowa as "wise."
He knew a few things. After he fin
ished his fifteen cent meal at the
lunch counter he went up to the nix
foot waiter, who made him look like
a dwarf by comparison.
"Oimme rny check," he demanded
The waiter meekly scribbled the
amount on a slip and handed it to
the diminutive customer.
"Here, go buy yerself an automo
bile," said his lordship the messen
ger, dropping a nickel into the big
waiter's nand. New York Press.
The Foreigner.
Every one has heard of the wom
an visiting Prance for the first time
who expressed her surpriso that
"even the young children spoke
French so fluently." She was much
like the Englishman described in a
book of travel.
He was very fond of traveling and
took great delight in lionizing dif
ferent cities which we visited, but
In one respect he was a stanch John
Ziull. No power on earth could per
suade him that when he resided in
Florence, for example, he could pos
sibly be called a foreigner.
"No, ma'am," he used to say; "the
Italians are foreigners, but I am an
Englishman I"
David Yoiiiik wan In from Warner
hint Monday.
(Jeo. I. Ilolbrook wnn In from hU
camp ThiirNtlay.
N. T. f'olvln wiin In from Crooked
Creek Tucmlay.
Wallace Taylor wiih down from
the Z. TiicMday.
Jim Tut pin came In from IiIm hecp
camp mi Monday.
(low WUe and family moved I'l
from I'liish on Tucmhiy.
Alex ritzpatrlc k wan down from
the .X ranch Tuenday.
(J. A. Calilcrwood of Candy, Cal..
piiMMcd ihrotiKh town Sunday .
eiicnter Wither, of PaUlcy wan
In town on diiidncNM yeMcrday.
Itev. .1. It. Stark of I'alnley watt In
town the fore part of the wevk.
Ir. II. J. WluterH of Oakland In
doliitf IiiihIiichh In town thlM week.
.1 it hum odxon and hum of Hl
Valley H(ent Sunday and Monday In
II. I.. Itradley, a tlmln i locator of
I'.ly, niiH In on land btiMincN thU
Cev. .1. I'.l.ick of IlieldlptUt t liilf. li
will preach nt l.nkcvlew on Sunday
September il ll.
C. ,M. Siujlhc h tip friitii New Pine
( reek and will remain In l.itkeview
mi line time on IiIIhIiichm.
Kind 1 b'inrli h of Sni raineiito rep.
rexent iny; t he I'.iiff.ilu Itrewdn Com
pany, a in town Saturday.
Mix I'raiH ew .Iiiiicm of PaUley in
vlfitliin with her hmt her, ieo. .lohn-
Hon the fore part of the week.
Mr. and Mtm. W. I-, shirk w ho J
have been Hpcudiny; several wiiin lit
Crater Lake returned home Satur
day. . MImm .IcKxIf Sandx, of AHtorla, re
turned to Lakevlew today to reMUiuc
herdutleHaM teacher in our public
Mr. ieo. Nlckernoii left 'rhiirMilay
on a Hiirvcylnt; trip of about two
weekH. He witM nccoinpanletl by
Prof. A. A. raliaiii.
I'. II. Cloud went to Altunm laxt
ThiiTHday with a I a rue waon load
of SodawatT, which he manufactur
ed for the Modoc trade.
Mark MiiMurave and family neiit
laMt week (IhIiIiih; on Honey Cf-ek.
Mark reportH the lUhlui; ilh belnic
lietter than ever before.
Olllc Howard of Quart Valley
wiih In town thin week on IiiihIiichh.
He reportH a very littht crop of hay
thin year in Ouartz Valley.
Mrn. Itettltr KrlckHon arrived on
tint wcHtern HtaKc from Klamath
I-'allH on TliurHilay morning to at
tend to Home laud bunineHH.
M. H. llarthaa Hold bin reHldence
proierty In I akeport, Cal., and pur
cdaHed property In Point Itlchmond,
where IiIh family exM-ct to n-nlde.
The Iteiiubllcau nay, Mth. Win.
(iunther and Hon CaHon, left for
Portland Friday where Calton will
receive treatment for heart trouble.
K. It. Patch who m-cntly pur
dinned the Frankl proMTtyonSlaMh,
Ht., laHt week Kavu hlH rt-Hhlence two
coatH of white ialnt, which with a
thorough papering find furniHhliiK
liiHlde jjIvch tht! dwellli.n a very
neat appearance.
ItumorM art current of wveral
Important real entatt traiiNaellonn
In the valley, which will Im kIvimi tt
our readcrn later.
W. N. Carpenter, travelliix wale"
man for the Palrhunk Soap Co., of
Sail FrauclMco, wan around Inter
view Iik our inettdiantH IhhI Satur-
Mr. t. P. iMinn and w lf arrived
on the wcHtern mIjikc Sumbty inorn
Intf. Mr. Ihiun will have t linrne of
the droit Htor during the aliHenct of
Mr. Iteall.
Mth. 10. It. JackHon, of Ix-oii, Iowa,
arrived In Ijtkevlew on Monday.
She expertM to remain for the winter
vUltlui; with her ilaiiKhler Mih. I'..
K. Patch.
'I'lte new principal ot HtdmolN, Mr.
Van l.andlnuhaiu, of Pendleton, In
exMfted hen- thin wt-k. He Iiiih tel
eurapheil t lie win ml board that he
In on the way.
Schhiip'l. 1 1 and ley and Hantlu:
returned front their (IhIiIiiu t r 1 j on
peep i'rerk, cotilitiMt via Ft. Ilhlwell.
On their nxiy they found a fair pron
M't t of copH-r ore.
l ent Smith and family and Mm.
Sinith'H little brother, fra Prior,
returned home from F.nnlex Ille on
Tueda.V. Ora expet In to Hlai l to
hi ho i here on t he '.'Ih( .
All.-n l.afolli t are dipping their
baud of about ,'MMI Mne bili kx, willed
thi'V luteiid driving to Lake eoiinly
in I lie next few, wlier t hey
will Muld rook Co. .Ion run I.
Ir. It. .1 Wlntem. Iradiiate i ipl Ic
lan of Oakland. Oregon will Ih at
Hotel Lakevlew . Ilootu ."Kl. from S-p-tetuber
lnt to Hill. Thow that ne d
KlaHw-n Hhould not fail to nee him. Xi
lloiuer Pollard eutnu In lr..iit tliuu,,
.1.1 ranch Monday where he I nut Ihnmi
employed mIiicc leaving The Moore
Company here In July. Mr. Pollard
extn-ctn to remain In Lakevlew thin
w Inter.
Prank Keid and family, accom
panied by ieo. Iteld n'tiirued home
TucHilay after three week'M vlnlt to
CratiT Lake and Wllllauinoii Itlver.
They report excellent IImIiIiih and a
pleanaut time.
fieo. p.atchtdder haa Hold IiIh Inter
Ht In the baud of nheep formerly
owned by drob & llatchelder to
W. I'. !rob. ieore lntelidn to tlln
pone of all of din property here and
w ill renlde In Orovllle. Cal.
T. O. Fewell and wife, who have
been ill town for the pant three
wcekn, left Saturday for their homo
In Lon AiiKeleH. Mr. I'ewell ban Imm-ii
taklnjt onhrn for the American
Woolen Hoiihc, of Chicago.
j F. I'.. Pitch ami hoii ol Illy went
'in town yi-Htcrdiiy vUHIiik friend,
j Mr. Fitch In havliiK all the trade ho
lean poHHlbly bundle In Hie hotel
bunineHH and he nayn, ho far, It Iiiim
exceetjed all of hta exMctat Ioiih.
j Paul HcLaney In the Oregon Jour
! mil for Thurnday eveuiiiK, AiiKUHt
: 17th, Iiiih a Iook deHcrlptloii of the
j topography, reHourcen, noil, pro
IductH, etc. ot Central and FiiHtern
I OrcRon. Caul DcLnney Iiiih traveled
j through thltt neck-o'-t he-w oodn and
j known l lii country well, lie lian
i not exaggerated n the HllKlitcnt par
ticular. Ah a matter of fact he hart
been very inodcHt In IiIh Ioiih.
- :ed.