Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 03, 1903, Image 5

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HbMtjonal Xocal
"Heading" In nearly all dona In
In tlx lioitMO liikn valley. Hurley
Ami wheat are a Hplcndld crop.
Jood price have I Hiii given for
moiiii of It. Threshing In going on
now and tlu grain I turning nut
An effort In Is lng made to orgati
Uo a Medical Annoi-laMon ly tin
physicians of Modoc ami Lake coun
ty Oregon. The medical fraternity
will no iloiilit Ih iM-ncflted by Mlicli
an ItiMtltutlon, way the Cedarvllle
Max Wlilttlewy returned Hntur
day from a two week fishing trip
mi Nprnguc lllvcr. Max nay lie
caught- Home of tlione very large
oneM, hut I lieu every boily known
Hint Max U handy about telling
InrRe iilli'x, (IUIi stories) too.
S. N. tiiillllaiiiM, accompanied ty
IiIh daughters, llau'l (lutlllaniN ami
Mrn. ItiH'tie ami family, Inteml leav
ing Monday for Monmouth, via Sil
ver l-nke. Lottie ami Phillip IJoche
ami MIhm 1 1 (i ril I i u 1 11 In him will atteml
school tin re this coming whiter.
Chan. I.ovi leHM ami family tarU-l
for Ashland Momlay morning.
'I'liey wen accompanied by I rank
and l'liil Loveless who go to Mt.
Angels to atteml Hchool. Mr. and
Mm. l.oveh'HH ex ni t to reinaln In
the Itogtie Hh'er Valley for about
a in m I h.
I'n-'l lAuerH tin- ioiular ami
gent Icitnlily representative of the
Crown IHNtlllery Company of San
I'ram'lmo, sient Mevcral days In
Uikevlew this ami hint week. Ill
Ihe menu Mine : Wbnri" -ri
u I I'm p... . t . . I i i
r-ii: I.'.
1 Wfa.i
.-. all
. i 1 'i twi tv
At tlio regular meetlngof tlm town
council hehl Tlieitday nlRtit llttlo bun
IneMN wan tlono otherthan the report
of Mr. J. A. Ant hony that IiIh Klec
trlc Light plant will 1 ready for In
nHTtlon by the 10th of tlitH month.
If tin plant Ih In a natlHfm tory con
dition, the nyxtcin will 1h adopted
by the con mil lien Mr. Anthony'
bond an itccepted.
I. I. Ouptr.n, tlni borne trainer,
who ha been breaking horse on the
70 ranch In Chewaucan, met with
a very painful accident butt wank,
that will Incapacitate hlui from
work for Moiue time. While handling
a very heavy horse the animal Htcp
peil on bin foot, Mild iniiMl.ed It
terribly, Cup Ih now hobbling
around on crtitche.
Ir. tl. V. StepheiiHou, frnierly of
Lakevlew, but who bus lxeii liH-ated
at Klamath I-'iiIIm for oiue time, re
turned to Lakevltw butt Thursday,
and Intends to make thin hU home,
lie has an olllce In the ftehart build
ing opposite Hotel Lakevlew. 1 1 Ih
family will arrive In a Hhort time,
ami they will occupy the II. Kchiulnck
proMTty on water street.
Last week MUh Klla KummIII dls
poneil of her rcoldi'iue property, In
the Hotith cud of town, to Mr. Iacy.
Mrs. Itusslll i-xpectM to move to
I jikevlew, here she will reside per
manently, mii.vh the Cedarvllle Kec
ord. Mr. KiihhIU Ih Mr. K. X.
JiuiuUhe'H nioiher, and she has pur
chased a lot near her daughters, and
will build a bonne this fall.
Mr. Itay Sanford and MIhh iKlla
KoIiIuhoii were married at San
.lone, California, on August '.Dtli at
thi home of the brlden pnrentH Mr.
and Mr II .1. ICoIiIiihoii. They re
!k ? ! . -i week and expect to make
l.!i'' v i ielr future home, itoth
p.iiili-r; (,! -cllaiid favorably known
here :, ,: , ir Kxamluer JoIuh with
tli: lr r.u.iiv trlemlH In wIhIiIiik them
lien rt
lant 1'r
.iiM'iit writing
much iH'tter.
We learn from a valuable hi nin e
that a promliieiit f ) rt n in Lakevlew
hw offered ceiitH H r pound for
Home of the new wheat that Ih now
In-liit; threHhed. Thin will be j;ool
UewH to liooHe Lake fal'lilerH, an hint
year'a price wan only 1 i-entn.
What'n fjood for the farmei'H Ih ood
for everybody.
Harry Vomit, who hint lieen driv
ing on the" WcHtern Stajje Line for
Home time pant, Ih now holding
down a Ih'iicIi In Clieney'H IlarneHH
Shop- AUIioukIi he Ih but an ama
tuer he taken readily to the work,
ami Im-Iiik naturally hoImt audiudiiH
troiiH, will hooii Im' able to do Home
piml work.
Mr. .1. A. IhiKheH Ih here from
Cleeluiii, a lively little mining town,
of about l.VMl luhatiltantH, about 1M)
iiiIIch eant of Seattle, WiihIi. Mr.
1 1 UKen will visit bin uncle Mr. J. W.
Mlkel for about two wtvkn, when ho
will return to Cleeliiui, where he Ih
employed an engineer by one of the
large mining coinpnnlcn of that city.
Mr. T. M. Miller ami family, Mm.
T. W. Garrett and the MIhhoh Kdna
lleryford Lulu Garrett ami .lonlo
Harvey left for Madeline on Momlay
Mr. Miller will return the latter part
of the week, the remainder of the
party proceeding: to Ilerkerly, t'al.,
where they will remain for the win
ter. Tin) young ladicn will attend
Hi'hool there.
Mr. William I'acard and Fred
Ilcnklcimm left yeHterday morning
by private conveyance for Klamath
I'allH where they go to prove up on
their timber clalmn. They will re
turn In about ten da.vH, when Mr.
I'acard will rcHinnc IiIh dutlen in
Andy Hevine'H barber nhop and Mr.
I lenkleinan w ill go to work on the
X ranch.
A i.i:i,(.;;.g party COUHlHtlllg of
M . i.; .nor Itoyd and Kate
i i..,, i.,;,. ! r I-:. J. Itoyd. L. 11.
Yadlll and J. L. Condon left Wedlien
day morning for a week'n outing on
Spragne river near Illy, nayn the
Hi'pulillcan. It U to lie hoH that
thellHhlug will be good, otherwlne
theboyn will Im- disappointed an t hey
went well Hiipplied with bait. The
party may take a trip to Lakevlew
before their return.
II. K. Tole, who with bin family In
on bin way from Morrow to Jacknoii
County camped at the upper end of
Klamath Mamli Thumday night,
hu.vh the Republican. After HiipHT
while attending to bin homen, hln
little 7 year old girl who wan with
111 in approached too near one of the
aiilinalrt ami wan kicked In the head
over the left eye, crushing the nkull
and leaving the brain expomd. A
mcHHcngcr wan nent to the Falln ami
returned with Ir. Manton, who
found the nkull ho badly crushed
that pieces of honcH had to be re
moved. The child wan still alive
Monday but no Iiom'h of her recov
ery are entertained.
Absolutely Pure
Having Decided to Retire from the General Merchandise
Business, we offer Our Entire Stock Below Cost for Cash,
1-2 Gallon, $1.50 per Dozen Quarts, $1.00 per Dozen
Pints, 95 per Dozen. Jar Rubbers 5c. per Dozen
Jar Caps 25 : per Dozen.
J. X. Watson returniHl from a vlnlt
to San FrnuclHco Saturday. He
went down osieiisllily to Imj prcHcut
at the (2. A. K. encampment, and
had a royal good time. He met
many old comrmln from hln state
Illinois ami many old retnerlncen
were retold. The bay city treated
the old Holdlem like Kings, and the
keyn were turned over to them dur
ing their ntay. Mr. Watson nayn all
the railroads made them Rpectnl
rates but the X. C, O.
J. T. Olllcld, after spending a
couple of weekn looking over Lake
County cattle returned to bin home
at Merrill Sunday. While here he
purchased for Swanson & Gerlier
I. 'hh) head of cattle from lleryford
limn. He alno purchased at Hlg
Valley :HI head from Frank Smith, 17
head from Kiifun Ward, 5 head from
II. A. Miller, imuI IH) head from Jim
Hudson. The cattle from Uig Valley
were delivered at Tat ro'n place on
Cottonwood ami the lleryford cat
tle at llarnen Valley.
i. i. -'I't "'- , .
i ' .
300 RAMS
V y v
300 Full-blooded Year
ling and Two-year-old
will be oiitred In jjikc Coucj
lor the caAon trale by . .
ji't-'in in
Ah there are hundreds of ourKheep In La'c n-tintv but liti
le nald an to their quality for they speakfor thi'iii-:v-.
We are informed that Mr. N. A.
King and daughter Anna, accompan
ied by Mm. J. W. Tucker, met with
nn accident ufter leaving Klamath
Falls on their way home to Port
land. The Htnge wan upset and
Mm. Tucker ami Misn King who
were on the outside sent buckled In,
were thrown to the ground. Miss
King falling on Mm Tucker, who
wan bruised about the arms and
body. Fortunately no serious in
jury wan received by either of the
ladles, ami our friend Dick, who was
on the IiihIiIo of the coach, being
uninjured, wan able to aHHist.sothat
travel could be remaned In a very
Hhort time.
LEE BEALL, Proprietor
We have constantly on hand a Fine andComplete Stock
of Druge, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
A Missouri editor Ih said to have
gotten off the following: "We live
In a land of high mountains and
high taxen, low valleys and low
wages; big crooked livom and crook
ed statements; big laken, big strikes,
big drunks, big pumpkins and big
men with pumpkin heads; silver
streams that gambol in the moun
tains, and pious politicians that
gamble In the night; roaring cat
apultn and roaring orators; fast
young men and girls faster, fastest;
Hharp la wycm aiid sharp tinanclers;
noisy children and fertile plains that
lie like sheets of water, and thousands
of newspapers that lie like thunder."
If you intend buying a Vehicle of
any kind, remember the Best
is Always the Cheapest.
Beats Them All in Every rVay.
the Place to Buy Them.
1 1 Wabash Tourist Car Lines
I.v. Chli KKO Uondityi, 11:00 4 M Ar. Ronton Tuetilayt 5:20 p u
l.v. CliH Kii TliurHility 11:00 A H Ar. Boston KrMnyn 6:20 ru
iA'ave Kmiiias ouy Kriilayn : A) r M Arrive St. i'ul auj Mlu
ncaiiolUKaturaiiy 7:20 r M.
Fur particulars commit your aicuut or Address
C. K. Vll A N E, R0S8 0. CLINE
G. 1'. Ajft., 81. Loui8, Mo. P. II. P. At., Lo Alift-Ui