0 I. A KG COUNTY EXAMINER, LAKLVIIiNV OREQON, 5EPT. 3, lU PuhtUlied Evt Thursday A. V. BEACH. Mumk Building TERMS: (One Year... $2.00 1 Six Months 1.00 (Three Months, 50 SPACE link ImoJmilnnl 1 yr on Inch.. It s fc st m Two lnohi'n Thir Inoht. . . . quarter t'olumn Malt Column One (lu inn 1 ooi 700 1 nv 2W IXI ltt IStV . Hk-Xljl.SM JSlV '! ID HI TlUW LAKEVIEW, OREOON, SEPT. J. I00J. Ono of the very Brut tiling niem lers of the medical profession learn Is how to tnnke a pntlent rough tip. Stillwater Prison Mirror. Georjty P.. Young, a St. 1'aul law yer, l reported to have received a f 100.0(H) fee for his part in fighting the merger for the Northern Secur ities company. A million irnllous ol whisky were destroyed ly fire in (Jlangow. For tunately the destruction of all this whisky was accomplished with the loas of only seven lives. The United States is uot making much progress towards building the Panama canal, but the salaries are going on all the time so that some leople are entirely satisfied. It is U-liered that Pope Pius X. will create a numU r of new prelates for the United States and will prol ably renominate all the American prelates created by Ix'o XIII. Anton Dvorak has written a new opera called "Armida. to be pro duced at the rrague National th"!i-.v VI The ! to like I vi rak. ':i,t!i it. n . In -.innitm ' .f ' : d er. U liv I r. Y r-h'icky. w ho. is ;i lilelllb. r of lii'- us .f lords. I'linui; i in' i - 1 1 t 'i"!; of I iron Se('k von Sternlierg to the president at Sagamore Hill, the ambassador and the president showed them selves to le evenly matched ns marks men. Once they tied. The president outscored the ambassador once, and then the ambassador In-at the president. i " - .....j.a.A'i'''Kmwrs It Is rather remarkable that In the long line of men who have lieen nnd will le at the head of the army, un til the retirement of Wood in ll'-M, noue since Scholleld has Uvn or will lie West Point men. Neither Miles, Young. Corbln, t'haffee, MacAuthur nor Wood Is a graduate of the fa mous military academy. All except Wood came over from the civil war. M. E. Ingalls. president of the Hig Four railroad. Is a Maine man, and whenever he visits his native state he always spends a portion of his time In Harrison, where lie Itegan the practice of law. On his last visit then' he dropped Into the vil lage store aud there met an old fellow whom he knew a long time ago. "They Hay. Ingalls," observed the old man, "that you get more u $10,000 a year. How Is that?" Mr. Ingalls admitted that the statement was true. "W ell," said the ancient acquaintance, "it does lent all how a man can fool Vin If he only has the gall." A Hoy- Wild Hide for Lift. With family srouiul expecting him to die, and it son riding for life, 18 miles to itet lr. King's New Piseeverv fur Consumption, Coughs and Colds. W. 11. Brows of Leesville. I ml., endured death sgoniefe from asthma; but this wonder ful medicine, gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like mar vel ma cures of Consumption, Pneumon ia, itronchitas, Coughn, Colds and Urip prove its matchless for all throat and lung troubles, tiuaranteed Unties. 50 cents and $1.00. Trial liottlea free at PeaM's lrug Store. THE.BEST SHOE IN THE MARKET ...IS Till:... HAMILTON-BROWN SHOE Women Si mjr i a i& I MADE AT NEwlf I gj suNLlGHT f Made at our new FACTORY Wiiat Docs a Few Dollars Mean? In tlu- shoe licit I it means The Best Possible in ... Style, Comfort and Wear If vou invest in one of 1 lie uliove make. Thev are the lit all over, wear like iron, swell-appearing shoes that yon (ra hear about hut have never seen for the price. We don't ask yon to take our word ask the shoe. lLakeview Mercantile Co. a W ill Be a Big Show. SeptemlsT 14 to -li inclusive will bo days long to be remembered In the history of Portland. I'tidcr the auspices of the Miiltmniiah Amateur Athletic Club the men hauls of Port land give their carnival on the above imii.Hmr Ileitis crrcteil. and a lari dates. The attractions offered will j ami handgun- sclioul buililing is W the U'st ever presented west of Hearing completion The m hool groiimis are ihwiiiuiui nu'i i'hhm- State Normal School. Tin. Sunt hi'i'ii On'irou State Nor mal School Is'glns this year s work j September Hit h. A lare working j library has lieen added; tin- physical and chemical labratory has U-eii fullv eiitiipped; a new gymiiafl ; 5. P. Ahlstrom 4 Mnnufacturcr of tin the Pocky mountains. I'. very day will be 11 special day, and this, to gether with the low rates by the railroads, insures a big attendance. esiiie. The health conditions are The departure of King Edward from constitutional usage in pardon ing an Irish jwasant at the instance of the queen has aroused consider able comment throughout England, especially among la wyers, who are looking up the "prerogative of par don" and the precedents involved in the king's case. In I'rol" f fhamlMrlaln" I'oltr, 4 holrra and Itiarrhorit ICr lurilj . "Allow me to give you 8 few word in j praiffof Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ( and Diarrhoea Remedy," favf. Mr. John llatnlett, of Kaule texa. "I , suffered on" week with bowel trouble and took mil kind of medicine without getting any relief, when my friend, Mr. C. Johnson, a merchant here, advised me to take thin remedy. ATter taking one dose I felt greatly relieved and when I had taken the third dose entirely cured. 1 thank you from the bottom of my heart for puttimt tbi great remedy in the hands of mankind." For sale by Lee IJeall. 1 f the liest; the noilal eli iroinnelU is pure and stimulating; t he course of Ktinly has Ist'ii st rengt heued and made more practical. Tin- faculty has been Increased In numbers ami the school is now equipped to do work of the highest order. This school belongs to Sunt hern Oregon. It desires and merits the patronage of the Jx-ople of this great section. For catalogue address. Pkn.ia.mink V. Mi i.ki:v. President. Ill s; Ashland, (regoti. C. H. Thomas, Secretary. Miss Caroline L. Cn isheim, a clerk in the civil service department at Washington, has had a unique duty cut out for her. She has been de tailed to make a tour of inspection of the postoflices of the country and interpret the civil service regulations. Mis Jreisheim does not exiect to have a warm reception, but this does not worry her she says. Women are forging their way everywhere as employes in banks and business offices, but there Is one office where not one is ever seen as iin employe, or ever will Is? probably so long as the head of the firm lives. That is J. Pierpont Morgan's office. I' right girls of splendid business ability have pulled all kinds of wires to get places in Mr. Morgan's office, but in vniu. Kingtuil monkeys, one of the most j valuable and exs-nsive of the small er animals, are caught in an inter esting way. A cocoaniit is split in two and a banana with a piece of wood running through it placed lengthwise through the nut, the two halves of which are drawn together by wire. Then a hole Is cut large enough for the monkey's paw to enter. The monkey spies the tempt ing nut from his trio. He hops down, looks It over, sees the hole and smells the banuna Inside. He is fond of bananas. Putting his paw In, he grasps it, but the wood pre vents It from coming out. Then the catchers appear ami the monkey runs for a tree. Uut he can not climb Is-cause of the cocoaniit on his paw, und he will not let go of that, ho he is captured, pawing wildly at the tree trunk. 0 6 I LAKEVIEW SADDLES Uccognlxed a 1 1 WoL'oti ami Mii-'''V II hits. Spurs,. (Quirts, Koscttrs, Klc -a-llepairinj: of all kinds, hy competent men. 3 LAKEVIEW Special kountl Trip Kates. 11. 1 ween .1 ni.e -It tt nd August L'Ulh The Illinois (Vnir.il ill sell round trip tiikets In. in Oieiion and Washington points, to Cliii iU'i, itiro. M . -1 1 1 1 1 1 h , und New Orleans hi lireutly Reduced Rates ficketH uoihI for three months. I io- i 1 y limit ten il.ivs I'.et 1011111 limit ten 'as fier stariint! wet. Mop over, pi l ileiics either way, west of the Mis-j nuiiri Iliver. .-ale dales an- arranged to he conven ient to 'eleL'ate-lo conveiillonM of Na tional Educational Assmiat ion 111 llos- ton; Elks at ll;.i! iinore ; Woodmen at I I iidianapolis ; Eaitles at New York; Shrincr at Miranda ; Ktiihls of J'vtli- ia at Louisville and Commercial Trav- ( ellers at I uilianapol is. You can take your choice of Hxteen Different Itoiite, Write us. We will cheerfully Vive any detailed informa tiou you want. H. li. Trumbull, Commercial Atfcnt, 19 142 Third St. Portland, Ore' n . PLANING Secretary itoot hits by a recent or der prohibited the docking of horses in the army and ims 1 hereby endear ed himself to thousands of advocates of the prevention of cruelty to ani mals. The mutilation of horses by this process of docking is not only senseless but cruel and the secretary's order to bar the practice from the army will have much to do with making it unpopular elsewhere. Hour Mtouiarh. When the-quantity of food taken is too l-,.r,o. or the finality too rich, -our stomach is likely to follow, and espec ially so if the digest ion Ioih been weak ened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily ditfeslcd food Ma-ti'alo the food thoroughly. I't five hours elapse between meals, and when vou feel a fullness and weight, in I the region of the Htomai h idler eiitinu', take Chamberlain's Mo'iiucn ami i.m-i Tablets ami the sour stomach may be avoided For sale by Ecu lieall. MILL Sash, Blinds, Moulding Window and Door Casings, IJcehivcs and Furniture of all kinds made to order. Write for estimates on contract work & material e HANDLEY & CLENDENEN Five hundred fanners around Ilockwell. la., formed a trust with .?jr,,00() capital for market ing their products. East year, at an expense of I4O00, they did a business of il'O, 000 without losing a dollar. Reduced Summer tixcuralon Kate. The Denver A Hio Grande, popularly known as the "Scenic Eine of the World," baa announced greatly reduced round-trio rated from Pacific Coast points for the benefit of teachers w ho will siM-rid their vacation in the East, anil of delegates to all the prom neiil 1 Conventions N. h. A., at ISoston ; A. O. U. W at M. Paul; B. P.O. E., at Baltimore', Woodmen ot America, Hi in diaiiaMilis; Eaules, at New York ; Mys tic Shrine at l-aratoa Sprint: ; K. of I, at Louisville, and T. I'. A. al Indianap olis. Ticket al the reduced rate will be based upon one f ire for the round trip, but will be soli! only 011 certain days. These ticket will carry slop-over privi leges on the yoi in trip, tmini; tcr an opportunity to visit (ilv. (ilea wood Miiings, Springs and Denver; and will lie k-'ood to return any ti me within ninety (111); lays. l'a-sent!!iH niuu via the Denver it Itio (iramle are siveu the privilege of reluriiini via a different route. For the rate to the point yon wish to lo, and for dates of sale and other par ticular. a well a for illustrated phamphlelH, write W. C. McHride, (Jeneral Aent, tf 121 Third St., Portlund, Ore. Tut your ad in The Examiner, it brings $ i;: Hereford Stock $ariy The Orcicon Weekly journal, a Demo cratic neWHiiuiier. Ill linK'-H, full of news- all of It! $1 a year to any address. Tlie 1 louinal, I. O. liox 121, Portland, Or. V j, . aJ -. - -'. .... . f Drows Valloy, Oregon. F. O. Dunting, Ownci largest herd of registered Herefords in Oregon , Young Cattle for Sale. 1AUD0R ALAMO head of herd