LAkH COUNTY EXAJIINCR, LAKEVIBW, ORCUON. AUOUST 27, IWJ. mMtlonal local Mm. I). (!. Kill tu I nek and Mr. L. KlliH-l of ftumtncr Lake, ncroinpan. led by Mth. llnlil.nnl of formula, went to Kiiniincr Lake Monday on n vlnlt to Mr. ami Mr. Jan. I'lmtcr, purcntH of Mm. Nclitiilnrk ami Mm. Kllppcl. Tin Mrijum. Coffin, who have been repairing the tclcicrapli line from hero to l,akcvlcw arrived here Sat urday iiIr-M, and the lino Ih In flmU clan condition to Lakevlcw. They will repair the Hm from here I Altura t III week. Ccdarvllle Rec ord. .loliii Nnydcr'H thrcidilnn; machine uml crew threshed their llrnt crop tliiN year on the Henry lleryfonl ram-h two iiiIIch north of town Mon day. The machine wan moved to the A. H. Iotvn place moiiIIi of town ami were to thrcNh Tni-mlny, lnt the rain prevented. Dr. 1. W. KlepheiiHon, formerly of Lakcvlcw, lint for Home time pant liM-ated at Klamath I'iiIIh, will In In l.akevlew on NcpteiiilM-r ImI to mt manently locate, lie will Itc Kind to meet all oh! frlemlN. .'(I J. I.. Morrow, of Warner, heir at law of .Ichhc IS. Morrow dcceiiHcd, oftereij proof liefi ire tin1 lnnd olllcc Moii. lay on 1 1. S. .Wv The follow Iny; Warner eoile were here an wit ItcMwx 111 the rune: S. I'. Sloan, I Mike Uennett. 1'. It. HotiMton, I. D. Irakis ami T. It. Wakelleht. Mm. r. .. Knox returned Friday from South Wani.-r, wliere Hhe tMik Hiiluc csccllclit vIcwh nf the ranches of the Warner valley net Hem, now under eont rovemy. The pictures wen taken to kIiow (inventor ( hiiMilx'iialn the formation of the country at the present time. 'I he Ktate I epart meiit at Wash ington linn received a ealil.'Krani from Minister llcuiipre at Jtoota, the capital of the l ulled State of ( 'olomlila, stating that on the lTlh the .Nt-natc unanimously reJiTted the Panama Canal treaty that wiih Im'Iiih ni'Kotlated with the I'tilted States. The Telephone Co. will make Home (ImiiKi'H on the town plant, and Monday, Aug. .'ilnt no service will Im rendered. The toll line iM'tween here ami Silver Lake ill not be af fected thereby. :t A subscript Ion lint Ih now bclnn circulated to raise money for u race Meet liii; on the Lake County Agricul tural AHMiH-lat Ion t rack for three or four dayH race Im'kIuiiIiivc Nov. I'd. It Is expected that 7M) will Im rais ed, ami the Association will Klve an equal amount and take Hie Kate nvclpts. The Harlow I Iron, tent nhow and another acroliatle nhow combined and tfnve two very credltalile enter talnnientH in I.akevlew hint Friday and Saturday nights. The Harlow band ami orchestra cxccIIm any of theliamlH that travel through thin country. Their nhow Ih In keeping with all Hut tent shown that have been here. The WHteriiielon season ill l.uke vlew Ih now on, which Ih a never falling nlgii that cooler weather would prevail, and that rain or hiiow couhl lie epected. The rain came Monday nigh I, hut. the water melon habit had heen formed long hefore 1 1 1 1 t-t count r.v wan (Uncovered, and people would eat (hem If we were having north pole weather. N. Fitzgerald and hoii Mark, pann ed through Lnkcvlcw hint week on their way from lleppner, Hie Ill fated (own recently devaHtcd ly a tlood. Mr. Fitzgerald and family were only prevented from lielng In lleppner at the time of Hie Hood liy the heavy ruin which prevailed prevlotiH to Hie Hood, wncu they were only a few mllcH from (lie (own on their way home. Judge Bellinger' Conclulon. An reported In our lant Ikhiic, Judgn Itelllnm-r, In the United Hcatc" 1)1. trlct Court, knocked out tin verdict for 22,WM1 awarded liy the Jury re cently In tint McCurty-IIerjfonl hreacli of promlHO milt and ordered a new trial of tho caw. Tim Judi' nald: "My coiicIumIoii Ih that HiIh verdict Ih ho groHMly excessive hm to Imply that the Jury acted under the Influ ence of passion or prejudice, and that It Mhould be net unlde. The motion to net anlde the verdict for a new t rial Ih allowed." Tin11 iIccIhIou kocn Into tin fuetH brought out at the trial quite cxtcn nlvely, ami (IcaIm with the Ihhuch rained by a motion argued a Hhort time ago for a new trial on the ground that the court had erred dur ing the hearing, and, further, that the verdict wan exccHHlvc to a degree that then? wan reiiHoti to liellevo t hat the Jury, In awarding It, had been guided by motlvcH baned on prejudice and paHnlon. In panning on the award, Judge lielllnger nayn: "A verdict for no large a hiiiii In umiHiial ami I Is-llevt It to ln unpre cedented. Among t he canen cited In plaliitlff'n brief then- In but one cane when the verdict wan no large an thin. That In la the caw; of Campbell vn. Arbiickle, where the verdict wan for .l.'i,(HMI." The decision UHnitmen the position that It would havelieeii to the Ix-st Interests of MIhh Itlr.lle N. McCarty and all concerned. If she had taken advantage of t he neeoml offer of mar rliiKe made by lleryfonl, after he hail been nerved wit h a copy of her complaint In the action agaliiHt him for damagcH. Thin neeoml propor tion, the court holdn, wan an good an the original offer and that nhe would have been liet ter off to have accepted It, rather than continue the nult. In thin offer, which wan made by a letter written SeptemlH-r !." of hint year, lleryfonl ex peenned nun'rlne at theactonof hln former nweetheart in Htilng him. He told her that xhe knew t hat he alwayn liked her, and reminded her that nhe had alwayn profcHHcd to love It I in for IiIh own worth. Hln noli, Archie, had lieen nick for a long time, had hint the night of hln even, and wan nufferlng from Hie ellectn of thin atllctlou. He nald nhe could not have expected him to leave hln noli on Jiin deathbed and go to her home In Wayne, Mich., junt to be married, and appealed to her womanly iiinliticHto umlcrntaml Hie nature of hln feeling In the mat ter. He wiih then ready to marry her, he nald, if nlie would come an far Went an Ueno, Nevada. He would go to meet Imm, ami they would Ik married then. It alno appcam that Minn McCarty had told Hereford that nhe could live at hln home at l.akevlew only a little while at a time, ami that nhe ilenlred to npend at leant liuJf of her time In Michigan. To thU Hiecattle mau never fully annented and It wan argued at the time of the trial that thin wan one of t he reanoiiH why he denlred to break off the engagement. THE OLD RELIABLE Absolute! Pure THE M IS NO SUBSTITUTE ATBEB WfflfWORTI RETIRING 5ALE BEGINNING JULY 27, 1903 Having Decided to Retire from the General Merchandise Business, we offer Our Entire Stock Below Cost for Cash. MASON FRUIT JARS 1-2 Gallon, $1.50 per Dozen Quarts, $1.00 per Dozen Pints, 95 per Dozen. Jar Rubbers 5c. per Dozen Jar Caps 25 cts per Dozen. ALL OTHER LINES IN PROPORTION AYKEB ife WHIfWOETH In panning on thin feature of tin cane, Judge lielllnger, In hln decln lou, nayn: "It Ih not at all nurprlHlng that the feellngH of thin man, then 47 yearn old, with hln then hoielcHMly blind boy requiring conntant care, nliould change In n'nin'ot to mar riage and that he nhould conclude not to marry a woman who could not In1 content to live where he wan couiM'lled to maintain IiIh home on ly a little while at a time. There wiih no hoM' for lil m In nucli a mar riage, of the companionnhi) that 1h loiign to the married ntate and It neeuiH doubtful from her ntatementH to the defendant and from her tentl- inony, If there wan cxjicetation or1 denlre for It on her part. Thcne con- ' ditionn do not Juntify hln breach, but tlie.v relieve hln conduct of the Impu tation of bad faith. The letter con- tainlug his Hubneucnt offer In cn'd- itable to both jiartlen. It hIiowh a; high n-gard for plaintiff, and a de-j termination on the defendant'n part to 1h a good hunbaml to her. There Ih no redn-HH that a court of law can : give to a woman In her nit nation, thatcqualti what wuh here offered. It hcciiih Incredible that nhe nhould have preferred to make iiR'rcliaiidine of her good name, hitherto unsullied by proclaiming her imchanity in order to Increano the hiiiii of money nhe exjiccUxl at the liandH of the Jury." 300 RAMS 300 Full-blooded Year ling and Two-year-old Rambouillet and Delaine . . RAHS . . will be offered In Lake County for the seasons trade by . . , ALLEN & LAFOLLETT P RINEVILLE, ORE. Ah there are hundred of our sheep in Lake county but little needs to le nnlij a to their quality for they t)eakfor themselves. ft & .Black Leg. AMONQ CATTLE in now pivvalent In nearly all HcclioiiH. It can 1k prevented by vaccination, and Cutter's Black Leg Vaccine in the lowent priced, ("anient used ami most Huccensful vac cine made. Write for ULACK 1AM book lei containing full Information concerning the disease and the proccHH of vaccination. Cutter Analytic Laboratory Fresh supplies of our product are for sale by '4 r,UK UlC.UX, Lakeview, Or. m i 1 BEALL'S DRUG STORE BB LEE BEALL, Proprietor LAKEVIEW, OREGON. We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded m 1 m m 3 I -11 If you intend buying a Vehicle of any kind, remember the Best is Always the Cheapest. .. The STUDEBAKER Beats Them All in Every Way. J. 0. BERNARD & SON'S is the Place to Buy Them. Wabash Tourist Car Lines J.v. ( hiciiiio MoiidHyi, 11:00 A M Ar. Ronton Tuegitayi 5-20 t M l.v. l'liU'HKiTliiiriiilayll:OUA M Ar. hostou Fridays 6 20pm l.oavo KuiihUk Oily Krldayn ;S p M Arrive 8t. haul anj Miu ui'apolia Saturday 7:A ra, For particulars consult your aont or Address C. S. CRANK, ROSS C. CLINE O. i . Aut., M. 1.0UH, Mo. p. c. f, Agt., Lou Anir lei N 5 VA