V LAKE COUNTY CXAfilNCR, LAKEVIEW, OREGON, AUQUST 20, loOJ. rJ Xccnl Dappcninoo Colo In parnorapbo Zj J ( vv" m 'JimZ:'JvzM 9 New - Good& ''i A young man ivmIiIIiik In Krt lic, KIhmciI IiU NWiH llii'iirl Im IiIihI h lur-Rii urni'iti. III lltlt'l)' MO tlllll'll IHllMt Hi wan lifiiril ly miimii' ImiImi, Vh Informi'il tin kIiTh h, whlrh WUH lllll'IH. It. A. IIiiwIiIiim wmh In frniii tin CrixiUfil crii'k miiwiiiIII In Ht wii k. Iltlki llillllitt ami Stun Sluilll wriv kvit frniii WnriHT valley limt Tliiirmlu.v mi ImihIiii-mm. Tim following nMlii'iiln of Illy win In Lnkevlcw liut TliurHiluy miiMni; iiriinf mi tlii-lr llmlier IiiikIh: I. T., li- V. ami T. Ainli iMuii ami r. V. I.iiihI.v. I). '. Mlrki'l Iium Ihvii inoiilillng tirlck fur about u week and liefore very long will li rewly to Iium. Id will liiirn a kiln f u limit Io.h.mi thin Unit'. PnUlry I'oM. Tin government liiKiMi-tnrH of ImrwM win at I In rorporntlon ranrh al I.lkel.V Inat Sal unlay reeel v Itig luirwn ninliT tin rutitrart if fieo. II. Itu.vley. Out i.f llfly Ih'ihI they only nnvitiil almiil flfti-en. New F.ni. I finil iinllilnif lietter fur liver iIitriii'i. infill Hint riinoliinitiiiii tlinn ( IihiiiImt Iiiiiih S'niiiiirli nml I.I vcr lalilcla.- I., r. A mhii h, I Muiiii'i, luwn. For Kali l.v I..-.I Ill-all. Tin' liiki-I'liunly Ti-ncliiTM' IiimII-lad- will la In-Ill In l.aki-vli-w )rli-U-r 1, 2 anil .'I. Stall- Nuerlnteiil int .1. II. Acki-rinan Iiiih wrl(l-n (-iilltity Nuperlllteliilelit .1. (J. W'IIIIIh lliat In- will In- here I" eomluet the IllHlllllll-. AlluniM iniw Iium another million, milking tin total iiiiiiiImt of ti-n In that town. TIiIm lemlri the New Kra to remark. "If a m-WMiai-r wan im wi'll Miiiiorti-il iim Im t In- million, we woulil liavi- no enune to owi- any oiii- a ri-nl." O. I'. Apilegiite, SniiTlnti-iiiIi-lit of tin Klainatli Imlian Iti-wr. alloll Iium irlnt-il iroioHaln out nuking for IiIiIm. w lilrli were cIohi-iI liiHt Satnr- lap, for :I7mhi ponmlH of lieef ami l!7.- j .I mi poiimlx of Hour for tin n-M-rva-' t Ion and Hidn n iIh. I t Ciilifuriiiii fiirm fur hali lit n bin bar gain imi iicri-M Irnri-il mid itiihb lelireil. CuHt pri-Hcnt (iw iii-r $10, .' Imi wi.l In cold fm f .'ilMK); 3 iluun nml buliuui "li euv pKVini-iilH. Inquire Ht lhi of fice. 47 tf Alnle. tin- llllli- ilniighter of Mr. ami Mm. It. W. Miller, ban biioine ho badly n'Mlt teil nguln with St. Vllan I'nnie. that Mrs. Miller wan toin-pt-lli-il to Htart thU wii k for Appli gnte, Or., where It In exieetetl the cllniatt will benefit lu-r. MImm foril Siu-lllliK, of HimI lllnff, ilaiiKlit-r of V. Sni llhiK, wiim inar-rli-il In Oakland on AiiuuhI ltd to Trd Shaw, tin wi'll known loiimu-rilal travi'li r for Shu w, Ingram & ltuti h-i-r, of Sm raini-nto. M Ihh SiicIIIiik Ih a nli'ii of V. h. Sni-llliiK of liiiki'vlcw. I'iihoIiI lamlH In tin- I t. Klainatli aliandoni-il nillilary n-Hi-rvatlon, uiaoiint Iiik to Ml .acri'H, an advi-r-tlhcd to In- Hold at tin I.aki-vli-w land ollln- to the IiIuIm'kI lilddrr on Oi lolu r h. Tin-land Iw ili-wrlln'il a follows: V'V sw,, Si-r. T :n s. it. 7'i i:. W inn Ion 4i Suiilh'H I'aliicn I'liiitinucH to In' tin1 ii i n lr cliili mi hi i. If yon it r looking for a imiii you will liki-ly t it 1 1 1 liiiu hi I la l'liliu't'. tiiMirnii nml I-'ftit alwn.VH Iri'iit tlii'ir putroiiH wi-ll, l.atcHt jK'rio'ilii iilH. l'rivalo ilub room, 11' If ('. S. Iti'ticllcl wan In town Tih'h ilay from tin bawtulll. lit ti'llw iih that IiIh brut Iht, .loliu lli'iicllcl, who up to Hi'Vt'i'al inontliH provlourt wiim nHNochitid with him In tho Hawmlll biiHlncHH, but h'ft hi-rt on account of fiillliiK health, Ih now locatcil at Myrllo Cnt-k where bin health Iihh rapidly Improved, and he Ih iIoIuk; u Kooil blackHiiilthliiK; IiuhIiichh. 1'alH ey I'oHt. Ann year old jclrl riinn a n-Mtau rant In 1 ii vc-r. ICryMlpehiM Ih now cIihhciI iih a coii- tiiKi'oiiM iIIwimc. A (Willi woman iM-ijinat lied her property to a cat. TiiImtcuIomIh ciiuwh hoiiii i.'MMJ ileallm annually In I'arln. CiiKlaml wan IIihI illvldeil Into uhlri'H ilurliiK the M'venth century, A. I. Ki-ntiiiky Kavuritii Vhinky inildi-tit nml Ih-nI. riiymriuim reciinneinl II. 1'iwl fi KiliK. tf. Kcmlor will have a world'H fair an mooii iih the iuay aqull railroad Ih IIiiIhIh-iI. The ralllold bridge wlilchcolilii-4'tH Vetilee with the tualiilaml Ih fii-l bum '""I Ii'h L''.'J archi-M. A jicrHou iiMiially Im-kIiih to lone helKhlh at the iik of ."n, ami at the imi' of !mi Iwih loht at leaxt one ami a half Inclii-H. Several copn-i of the North nedtern S'.iM-k l)iu-rlory, coinplieil by Mora A l.iKhtly, pr ntiTH of A I in ran, hav U-en left al linn ollice (or iliHlriliulloa. It in a valuable Uxik lor atia kmeii and worth the price. tl 'Che record yield of tlinU-r from one tri-e Ih mi.ihhi fii-t.frouiaredwood 111 feet In dlaiueter, cut laHt year In California. Ki-IIm are never lined III Mohaiu iiiedaii inoHiiieH. The .MohIciii race deii-HtH bi'lU under the iIcIuhIoii that they cauxe the anreuiblaK:e of evil Hpll'ltH. Iiih IiiTm IleiuoreHt ami Andell left for Portland Anoint UK li. to Ih Kolie until SepteiillM-r lnt or .Mil. The iim tniH will work a few dayn In Klainatli County on their way over. 32-2 j Kuiiniu a leaky naxoline auto mobile will Ih- made a mlndc mcaiior In San I'ranciHco, an It now Ih In lietrolt. (iiiHollne llhintci;ratcH HHphalt pavemelitH. We hlionld think of hIiooIIiik Htarn an riolld kIhiI about the hI.c of a cherry or cherry Ml one, each of them II., Iiui Willi IM) tlmeH the ripeed of a bullet iih far iih the orbit of I'ranuH and returning to the earth'n diritauce friiiatlier.ua three tlmeH In a cen tury, uiiIchh It xtrlkcH our atinoH phere and in burned up in a tlanh, hiivh the American Inventor. t'yriiH Nobltv Whirkv the old cham pion and Mill champion of tliem all. reed in nil lirHl-cla-H plaivn. Auk (or CryiiH Noble CHHe (t mmIh w hen you want a uood drop at home. tf. A Molecule of alcohol Ih compimed of two atouiH of carbon, h of hy drogen and one of oxygon; ho nyn thetlcal alcohol Ih obtained by unit ing thene atouiH accordiuKly. For a lonn time it Iiiih been known that by direct combination of carbon and hydrogen In the electric art acetylene can be obtained. Stilliclrnt hydro Hen niUHt be added to the acetyjene to produce ethylene, a coiiHtltuent of ilhiininatliiy: K"H- In combining water with the ethylene alcohol Ih obtained. TIiiih alcohol Ih produced in France wit limit the employment of vegetable matter. I'ohI Si Kiuir are now receiving hi in. voiciH for i heir winter trade. All the linen! 1'iuihln of liipieurK h ml ciam are kept tlicie. I'ort A: Kin (uini-li tlie Iioiih- Willi I he bcNl IuuiicIh for uieilicin- III lUllpOHCrt. 4J-t( WiiHte paper from tin combined I'.ii:1Ih.Ii Koveruiui'iit orllccH a im hi ii t h each day to no Ichh than llfteen tunn. The paper Ih taken off to a depart ment olllclally known an the waste paper ollice, and nrterwarilH Hent to a mill, when it Ih reduced to pulp ami made Into paper aain. All the paper ribbon from the u'ovc ruincnt telegraph depart taeutH comcH to the wnnto paper ollice alno. The ribbon often contahiH matter of a most coii lldential nature, but an It Ih nnually In code, the ordinary pernon diK'H not uudeiHtand It. t . Arriving: . . All the Time LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER III THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWS - PA E'ER IN SOUTH EASTERN OREGON $ 2.00 PER YEAR JOB - PRINTING - - LATEST DESIGNS LOWEST PRICES WE. - GUARANTEE SATISFACTION A Complete Line of Ladies Tailor ing samples for Spring and Summer Suits. A Large Assortment of Men's Hats will he sold at Greatly Reduced Pri ces. Call early and get first Selec tion. A Full Line of Groceries Always in Stock. C. U. SNIDER. 1 TIMRKR I.tSIt 4TI K. t'nlltd Hi.fs I jdiI Office al Ijikevlcw Orf roo. Jul; 7, IUB. Notion m ber-bT It-o that In cumplianoA with the prnvUlnna ofthe'tof Congrpu of June a, 1K7H tntlllr.i "An l for the nale 0t tlmlx r lnU In the matm ol llfornl, Oren on, Nv'l and In Wanhlniitnn TttvXf" m exu-nded to all the I'uMIc lnd Htatm bjr act of Attgwt 4, the fol lowing )t-rxnt he tiled in tliii off li-e their aworn ate menu towll-Ix-clma J ealinburj. of Al.nl-lon. 54T Oak ft.. foiinlT of Ontairamu'- i alate of W Iwonilii. morn rlau mflit No iitfri tor ' the piirchaw! of lhrPK'4 N Y.K. H c Z7 HA NWU WHWi-i Hec iTp3jH. R IS K. MarKi rr E. Hallabary, j of Appli'ton. M7 Oak 8.. County of Outaeamie, ! alate of WImoiiiIii. aworn imrinr:i( No i-xtf for- j tne purebaav ol the H,-c aj, Tp 35 H, K. Kmma Mar Srhumann of Portland ;oodi-noiizh Wdr, county of Mult nomah, atate of Orvxon. aworn alalement No !B70 lor the purchase of the Wi K'a Htc 31 Tp S 8, K 16 E. l ii.a. J. Pcbumann, of Portland, fiood-noiiKh Bldir. county of Mult nomah, atate of fir non. aworn atat nirnt No k'Vs'e' thB ,,urt'hM,; ' th! b 32 TP 34 B That they will offer proof to abow tba: the land Miuirbt la more valuable for in timber fir mine (ban for agricultural purpo8' and to ee tal lmh their i Ulin to aaid lanla before '. H. Witbrow I'. H. i oinmU-loiier at Klamath Falla On-fcon. on Tburalay, tbe loib day of fceptem Ixr luui. They name aa witneaaea: Ifmma Mar Schu mann of Portland Oregon and I) J. Salisbury. M. K..Hallbury. Carrie V. I. unity. Chaa W. Em body and William Finley all of Bly Oregon. Any and all peraona claimihfr adversely tb above-deMTileu landa are requea:el to filo their claiina in thia office u or before aaid lutra day of H-iembc-r l'Jn3. July -i7 t. M. Brattain, Begialer. TINUF.R t..l aiOTIt K Cmteil Malta Land Office, witb Ibe provision! of the act of ConKreaa i June 3, lHTh entitled "AO aet for tbe aale af timber landa In tbe Ptatea of California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa eitended to all the Public Land Malea by act of AUKUat 4, I V'-'. the following persona have HI din tbia office tbeir aworn alatemt-Dia. to-wil: Mary J. Kvnna, of No. 27 West 4th 81., Uilnth. county of ft. Ixuia, atate ol Minn., aworn statement No !. for the purehaa-of the fsw-, SV t - W SWj, N E!4 ijW i4 ec 1 Tp :U K. K 14 E. John Carney, of No. 4J East lat M.. Imlulh, county of -"t. Louis, stale of Minn., aworn atateoient No WHS, for the purchase of the sE'i See 2, S')i NE'4 Nt1 Nrt ' B'C 11 Tp5 8, R 14 E. Mary K. Houihy, of No. 1H-J6 S-ffond St., Iiil Ih. county of St. liuis. atkte ol Minn , aviorn atatemeiit No for the purebas of th hE'4 N W'4 SV'4 NE W), SE'4 Stc 1J. TpS4H. K14E. Maruaret E. McCoy, of No. I7 East 3rd Bu, Ptiluth county of St.' Louia, state ol Minn., aworn siHtemeiit No 2-laj, for tbe pun-has -of the W'.; HW1 - feE', SW', t-W4 SE!4 Sec 4 Tp 41 , K 16 E. Frances M. Kenney, of No. 239 Misara Ave.. Imlulh, county of st I. ouia, slate ol .Minn , sworn atHteuient No J-.ul, for tbe purchase of the oW -i Bet Si, Tp Si S, K 15 E. That they i'l off.-r proof to ahow that land south t la mure valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purpose and to es tablish (heir claim to said laud before Jaa. II. Driscoll. Couuty Clerk at Klamath Fall Oregon, on Frida), the gist da' of August, Mutt. They name as witnesses: F. V. Merritt ft Portland, Oregon. Mike Hooker, of Klamath Falla Oregon, and Mary R. boueby. John Car- ntv Mart J W-i'.iiM MArirnr.-t K. Mi'I'uT anif I Francea i. Keuney all of Culuili Minn. Any and all persons claiming adversely the. above described lands are re i nested to fllo their elaima in this office ou or before aai12lKt, da of August 19U3. June E M. Brattaih. Register TIMBKH I.A I KOTK'K, I'nited (states Land Office. Lakeview, Oregon, May 19. 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance' witb lue provisions ol the act of t'ougreaa of June 3, ihiN. entitled "An act for tbe aale t timber lands in tbe Ptatea of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, aa extended to all the Public 1 and mates by the act of August 4. 1!2, Robert Kaybnru.of H. aver- ton, couniy ol vt Bslimtton. state of Oregon, has this day hied in thin office hia aworu atate inetit No. ai'SJ, for the purehnae of the tiWU i SWi4 Sec 4. Ni, Nvi.4 Hti NW Sec 11 Tp 3.1 i R lo E, and u ill off. r proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for iia timber or I stone than for HKriciiliural purposes and to es tablish hia claim to said land before c, H. Wlthrow, !'. S. I oiuinisaioiier at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho lat dayol Sep. j l'.sW. lie names as wiinisait- W. It. Johnson, : Frank uti Mral-n and K. W. Merrill of I'orl j laud Oregon, and E. K. Filch of bly, Oregon I Any and all nersoua claiiuinir adverselr the alioe desirined lands are requesicd lo file their cliiiii'siu this office ou or before said lat' day of September, l'.Hii. June lh-Ji E. M. Hhati'AIN, Register TIMHKK l.AM .TI I'nited States Ijiii I Otlltv, I akevlew, Oregoiu,, June 2o, Itkui. Notice la hereby given that km coinpliaiiee uiih the provisions of the act ut June a, Wa, entiilud "An act lor the s.e of. limber lauds iu the Statea of California, Oris. gon, Nevaiia, and W aahingtou T. rritoi y," a, extended loall tbe I ulilie IaiuI Slates by art of August 4, lwr), William Packard, of Lake view, coiintyot La mi atate ol Oregon, has this day tiled in thia office hia sworn statement No. iAni. lor the piirrhaae of the NWU See ( Tp 37 S. R H E. and will offer proof t show that the land sought is more valuable for lia Umber or atone than fur agricultural purixiaes aud to es tablish Ins claim lo aaid laud before C. H. Witbrow 1'. S. Coiniiiiaamner at Klamath Fall Oregmi. on Friday the 4lU day of bepleiuber. He names aa witnesses: E. a. Stark, Fred lleiikleiiiau, Floyd Farmer ami Mary Jaiuea, alt of lakeview Oregou. Ally and all persona claiming adversely the aUove-deseribed landa are requested to tile tlieirelsl.nl In this office ou or before said 4th day of fentemher, 13. Jul) ii i. n.i lA'l'i Alfc f.egi.itr