Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 30, 1903, Image 5

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flMMtional Xocnl
Ala meeting of tin hoard of direc
tor: of tin' Ii'wIm ami Clark FxpoMl
lion h. l.l In 1'orlliiml July I'ltli, II.
V. Heotl, editor of the Orvgotiliiii,
wan elected prcMldcnt to mieceed the
Into exNcnntor CorU'lt. II. W.
Monde, ('"''"I iiwiniiniT of tin Purl
hind Ocucrnl Flu-trlc ('oiiiun.v, wan
rhnHcii tllri-etor Kcncnil.
V. It. Ilrown HiIh week Mold th
remainder of IiIm Shorthorn and
Hereford nil lie, rnmprlMltiK 'W head
to Arthur N-wU and K. Freiier. Mr.
licwln look 1M head -HI Kliorl lioriiH
mid .1 HcivfonlM ninl paid the price
officio. They are nil ynuiijr cattle
which Mr. Urown hrounht lien from
MlMMoiirl hint Aprliitf. Hi' will nlilp In
aiiotln-r lol next mwinoii. Klamatli
CliarliM Kiiih-m, who Iiiim lnen work
ing on tin' X L ranch during hnyltijf
wiw tin' victim of a runaway acrl
ili'iit IiimI TliurMilay that will lay
lilm up for a ImiK tlini'. Hi' wan
thrown to tin' ground, and out' of
tin jfuanU of tlin cycle ton open tin
calf of Mm li-jt In a frightful nianni'r.
Ili wiim liroiiuht to town and Mr.
Hall dri'Hwd and wwed IiIm wound,
ln U now n-Htlng t'nty.
Tin' awful. 11'pulnlvi and diiMtard
lyrrlini'of lui'i'Ht, Iiiim 1 mii t-harp-d
agaliiMt I iio. V. Kmm'X of Modoc
County, and he now Iii.vm In Jail lit
Alt nrtiM aw aiting IiIm trial on AugiiMl
Hth. Tin mail If In Im a man
In a a widower, old and gray-halrcd
and prolialily weak minded. 'I'ln
harm' may Im proven falw. iim the
old man proti'MtM IiIm Innocence.
"MiimIc hath eharuiM to mouIIii' tin
navagi IiiiiimI," lint when a grind
organ run liy a gitMoleni engine Im
planted In front of your reMldcnee
for a week, the "Huvngv luviiMt" getM
on the war path, and then an vIm
Ioiim of grind orgaiiM and Hliootiug
gallerleM Hailing high In the air.
TheMi vIhIhIim may come true, mi they
Hay, If auot her grind organ eoiueM to
The Ili-rald hh.vm: The m-iihIi hi
clalniM i if S. I'. Momm, ThoM. Alford
and L. i. hinvllle, ho nerved III the
Indian whim of (IiIh otitic In l0."i and
Iv'ili, have liii'ii allowed and If there
Im anything h it of the .ini,inmi State
a 'propria t It ll made liy t he hint leglM
hiture, tliey will uowget the aiuoiint
of their respective l j i Iiiim. If there Im
nothing left, t bene gentlemen will
have to wait until another appro
priation Im made.
Stock liiHpector ,1. I ClarkHon
and County Clerk A. W. Manrlng
went to Silver Lake Sunday. lii
Hpector ClarkHon wiim called there to
examine the Hinge Iioi'mi-m that ply
hct ween Silver hake and I'rlnevllle.
The hoi-Mi-H were taken with adlHeaw
t hat reMt-nilileH glauderM, and Clark
hoii had t hem iUiirant ined. One of
the hoi-Mi-H died Friday, and It 1h like
ly they will all have to Ik killed to
keep Ike illm-iiMe from Hpl'eadillg.
A cainilng parly coiiMlMelng of F..
C. AhlMtioiii and w ife, T. X. Hundley
and wife, t he MImhch Ollie nnd Fdnn
lleryford mid Kuhy Wendell, mid A.
II. llmniiu rMly, went out early Mon
day morning for a t wo week'H out
ing on the headwatei-M of Sprngue
river. The llHhlug mid hunting In
that lelnily lire reported to lie ex
ceedingly good, mid we can expect
a rare treat on their ret urn of Home
choice vciiIhoii McmUm mid trout.
Staging in t he early mining camp
ilayH wiim recnlled TueHilay evening
when tlie Noiiiheni Hinge arrived
with a Well Fargo & Co., Fxpivhh
ineMHeiiger n hoard wltha, wiwcd off
nliot gun m roHM IiIm lap. A. A. Huike,
one of the company" triwlcd nicNHen
gerM wiih the gentleman who mine
along with a hiiiiiII amount of treaH
lire that wiim being whipped In. It
would not have lieon healthy for any
one to try to hold up the. Mage, km
liurkc looked ih If he might hIiooI.
Walter Sherlock had a mlxiip with
a hay rake and a harli win fence lant
TliurMilay that might have proven
fatal, and iim It wiim, It niiilnl the
Hervleen of Dr. Hall to tako wveral
Htltclii'M In the hack of Walter' head.
lllHliauil wiim alMO liadly liu-erated.
The accident iM-rurrcd when Walter
wiim ililvlng through the gate of
Held Pro, field and one wheel of Ha
rake utriirk a punt and broke tin
tongue. The horm-n ntarted to run
and the ntub end of the tongue
h( in k In the ground, throwing the
rake and Walter high Into the air,
the hitler alighting on a barb wire
fence with the reMiilt an Mated.
poMtiuiiMter Wilcox took a trip
down Cioimc Lake Valley one day
hint week, ami lie noted that the
eropM looked iniicli In-tter than had
Imvii n-ported. The wheat crop Im
nhort from the fact that the u
ual acreage wan not planted, but
then w III Im good rcMiilt from what
him Imi'ii howii, On account of the
nhort crop and high prlcen for barley
hiMt year, the farmer have an iiiium
ually large acreage of thU grain In
thlM year, and the crop will In very
Several Chlnine cltlc have erected
templi-M In honor of I.I Hung Chang.
HIm tomb iiImo han the form of a tem
ple. Two of ItM Iiimi rlptloiiM are:
' All count rlen In the world mourn
him" and "lie changed heaven and
revolutionized the earth.''
A III Prison Break.
A dlMpati h from Sai-raiiientoilated
July -7th hiivh: Twenty prlnoiiern
at I'oImoiii broke away thin morning
killing lour guardM. Took Warden
and neveral guardM with them.
Probably much blood will be nhi-d
b.ifoii they arv recaptured.
Having Decided to Retire from the General Merchandise
Business, we offer Our Entire Stock Below Cost for Cash.
1-2 Gallon, $J.50 per Dozen Quarts, $1.00 per Dozen
Pints, 95 per Dozen. Jar Rubbers 5c. per Dozen
Jar Caps 25 cts per Dozen.
Piano l or Sale.
A tine if-JKi iraud Siiare Piano
for Male at a bargain, nearly iim good
an new, reiiMon for Mi lling party Im
going to leave town In a few dayn.
FiKluIre at Hotel I.akevlew at
once. ''
Bryan's Sinter in Ashland.
Attorney F. S. Allen of Lincoln.
Neb., returned hint ttii-k from Klam
ath FalN, w here he adjusted the In
Hiinincc on the life of the late 1 r. F.
I . Iteami-N for the Modern Woodmen
and to look after timlM-r IniNlneHH.
Mi-m. Allen ncioiiipaiiled him and en
Joy m t he dint Incl Ion of being the hIm
ter of Wm. J. l'.iyan, pieslilnit ial
candidate of the democratic party In
iVMi mid I'.mmi. Mr. Allen w ill locate
Senator Dolliver on a timber laud
claim In Northern California In-fore
they return F.nnt.
l'iilii-il Hitc Ijiri'l (iltlce, Iki-vli-w, Or-nin
July Zl, l;i:i. Nullrc In bi-ri lir (jlvi-n 'lit
it.'tirKt V. W1m ril I'limh, Or-irin, hmn fllrd 110-tlo-iil
liln Int.-iitlon to inakv flnal priMil on M
il ri l Uliii No. 4", fur lh- ninureye'l HE 'k
c.l K'4 w . K'. ill SK'j H'i. ol Sh', H-o. 10
T x j H W K. W. M., Ix-Iuri H-Kin.-r imI Kf
i . ivi rm jik-vl'W. Orrvon on KriMay, Hie 4ib
ily ol Kt'pii'iiilHT, luod. Il niinii-H Hit ImIIiiw
1 UK u lliirHM-N to prove the cotii!tt IrriKfttlon
ami r. i liniluii nl uid laml: T. II. Alkire.
Jtii llamlily, J. I., hblrk mil John It-buy all
ol I i ilnrvllli-. ( ml.
July MM K. M. IIUATTAIS, RiKliti'r.
1 o fihecpmen.
Shei-puieu hhoiild Ih careful about
taking any nheep out of baiulM that
lire Infected wit h m-iili, Sheep that
have not Ih-cii lipped twice, are not
dipped according to law, and miiKt
not be mixed w ith clean Hhecp. One
baud wiim held up lately and dipped.
He careful about the buckn. A word
to t he u Im- Im HUlticlellt.
.1. F. Cl.AUKHOX,
Stock lunpector.
HMKKT !..! PllOOf
t'lillrit Hit,'i IjiikI Oltti-e, Ijikeview, Orccon,
July 2-'. l'.-i. Noiii-e In lii-n-hy rlvi-n that lay
li.r II. Alkire of i:.-1ariU.-. California, 1'. (..
ha 11 1 ril iiuilre of iiittiiiliiii to maku proof on
lila ill m.-M laml rlaiui No. 1 .'-'I. fur the N'. of
hW i. n. ol HWi. Hih- M, TjiSM HK K. W. M.,
Nr.1, nISuljW I, ol NK'. of ht. K,-c Ti
;K K. W . M.. before Ki-KinU-r anil km-ln-r
at J.aki-i, lew, lir.-Kon. on Kriilay, the 41 h Uay of
N'pU'inlH-r, l''l He tiamea tin- filloiiir
r.nri'i lii prove the roiiipli- ti IrrL'aluin and
r-i'lainalioti of alil laml: lirnrne I' W lae n
I'limli. On-tiiiti, John UeUiy. J. 1.. Shirk ami
Jauiin llatnhli- ol O-ilarvllli', I alilorma.
July ii:io K. M. Ukattais. Ki-kIhU T.
ni. I'Iiook.
laml oilii-i' al Lakevii-w, Oreifi-n. JulyJI,
I'.kI. Niii li i- it. li.-n l.y kIvi-ii thai tin-fnllow.
inti'iiauii'il i tll.-r ha rlli-il uolk-i- ol her lnii-u
(inn In ninki- Una! proof In tmppori of lu-r c-Ihiiu
ami I hat naiil priHil will lie mailt- li-fore 1'he
K'Ki"ti-r ami Ki-ri-lvi-r al l.aki-vli-w. Ori-izon. on
AiikukI VI . ln'.l. li : J 1.. Morrow . t:t-lr a' l.a
of Jme II. Morrow, ili-rt-HNt-il. I. H. No. SITH lor
i In- Lota l, , :i, i, r. ti, ; aril ri, l'p. :iJ H K, U K.
W. M. ori-Koii.
Hi- iiaiiu-B the follow I li K "A llin-iai-a to prove
IiIm t-oii(lniinUH rt-iiiili-iu-e u f Kilt and rultlvation
ol taut laml, vli: A. N. Ili-nm-lt ami 1,. II.
Kraki n, ol Warm-r l ake. On-irou anil H. E. iuan
ami Kit. A. Iiunnaviii, of Aili-I, Oregon.
July Hi M K. M. llMATTAIN.
IjuhI offli-e at ! akevlew Oregon, July 2, IWVJ.
Xiitu-e in herehy iiivrn that the followihK
liauieil ai-itler han tiled notice of lila intention
lo make llual proof iu support of hi claim and
that "aiil proof will he maite l lure Ki-Klnter
ami Ki'ieiver at I.akevlew. Oreiron on Auxuat
17, lmtt, vln: AllM-rt Ivnt, lld.A for the KWi,
NK', NH i4 HKi4 Si, HK' See :il Tp 8H 8, K 17 K.
Ilii tiaim a the follow nig w itm-mies to prove
hid e.outiuiioua i-eaiili'iicn iihiii and rullivaiion
ol aiil laml, via: Charlea I'alim-rlt-e, Janien
Mi-lii-k, lieorre ! HolhriMik and Will llolbrook
all of l4ikevu-w Oreiroti.
Juljy -1 t. M. IIKATTA1N, KeK-i-.U-r.
300 RAMS
M aa
V v V
300 Full-blooded Year
ling and Two-year-old
Rambouillet and Delaine
. . RAflS . .
will be offered in Lake County
for the seasons trade by . . .
Am there art hundred of our Hheep Iu Iike county but little needs to
In Haiti an to their quality for they tpeakfor themnelTes.
-AIJX'AI' J''-AP'7''All--AIO'W''-W'- ArWI-l''WlJI'
LEE BEALL, Praprictor
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Absolute! Pure
.Black Leg.
Ih how irevaleiit Iu nearly all
HiH-tloiiH. It fan In prevented
liy vaei'iiiation.and
Black Leg Vaccine
U the lowest priced, eili-dent
uki'iI and nioHt mu-i-eHnful vae-t-lne
Write for 1ILACK 1AM book
let i-niif alniiiK full iuforinatioii
f oueeruine; the dlHeaw and the
proffMri of vaff Inatlon.
Cutter Analytic Laboratory
Fresh HiipplU-H of our product
are for Hale ly
Lnkevlew, Or.
1 1 ,
CoprHf ht VhkU Drain
BINDERS - Are The Best.
J. E. Bernard & Son.
Wabash Tourist Car Lines
l u
I.v. I'lili aao MMi1ay, 11:00 u At. Hosiou Tm s layt 5:20 p M
l.v. t'lilrago Tliurailay U:u0 A M Ar. Hot-tua Frlilaya b.Mru
U-BVU Kauaaa Oily Krlilaya :J0 r M Arrive 81. i'aul ami Mia
ut)MHilla Haturiiay 7:20 r M.
For particulura consult your aent or Address
, f. A(t., HI. Uium. Wo. P, V. f . Agi., Lot AiifVlet