Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 30, 1903, Image 3

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All ,v.
local Ibappcnlncio Colt) in parnornpbo
A Complete Line of Ladies Tailor
ing samples for Spring ami Summer
A Large Assortment of Men's Hats
will be sold at Oreatly Keduccd Pri
ces. Call early and get first Selec
tion. A Full Line of Groceries Always in
Spring Goods
. . Arriving: . .
All the Time
V. I). Mi-Ut wiik Iutc from Siilcm
Win. ICoiiImoii wiw over from Alcl
Jto.v Nlilrk ivtiirni'il from All iimih
IiihI Tlnirmliiy.
Tin' Niiii-ll of ni'w mown liny Ih
wuf ti'il iiiih 1 In lint'w.
,Iim IIhoii 1 .f A1II11. nrrlvt'il In
l.nkt'vli'w IiihI 'I'luiiHitiiy.
Ml mm Sail If (iirrlKiin whh h vlnllur
(nun I'tilnli-y litMt 'I'liurmlny.
IVi.-r i riMiit-r tf D11I11II1, Minn..
wiim nun mvc H"' arrival) TliurHilny.
Kfiilurky Kavnrito Wliiaky miMi-at
Mini Im-i. bicihiiii tfrriiiiit'iiil it.
1'iMl A KiiimT.
A. T. (illlil-rl ti( Si ill I ll I'liMllili'llll,
Wiim tlnlllK ImihIiii'hm III I.nkt'VlrW IiihI
Y.. .1. SII1I1.1M wiik ri'ulMtiTi-il nt
Until l.nki'vlrw, fi'iitn Clili'iiuM on
'. V. Allnrit, of Hiiltitli, Minn., wiim
In n- on IhihI IniHlni'HM tin' Intti-r iurt
of If IN I Mlfk.
I". N. I.ll.liy. mi.l A. It. Ilinlrr of
I'oi'tliiml. witi' kiii'mIh at Until
l.nkfxli'w IiihI Tliiirailu v.
.1. Ii. Morrow, S. i:. Moan ami (
Win. IiuIIi-ImIi wt'if
Aili-I lanl 'I'liurHilay.
IhIIoi'h from
I'i'iiiii-Ih ij., ami Cay S. I'.nrk of
M in lii-it j n l Ik. were at li-li'llntf to laml
llllllttTH III I.llkl'Vll'W hint Wl'I'k.
Ali'X. I'lUpalrirk ami l'. I'.linrr
fiiint' ilown from t In X rancli IiihI
Tlinrmlny. Alrx. faini' ilown to l
It IiIm family.
Tin' I in I In iim art' Hit' only law
lirviiki-rn In Hu'w parlM. Tlii-y ran
Im Htt'ii inoHt any ilay wll li lmiU of
yoiuiK iltii kM I'ttrryliiK llirm to tlirlr
t'ampM for "liriip IiIr flit ii 111."
.1. ('. IIoiIhoii ami hoii Ii'ii, ami
.lami'M Waki'lli'll riiuii' nvrr from
liltf Valley IiihI TliurMiliiy with af
Ininrll of 1'- lirml of liorni-H, .1 im hail
hoIiI lo Koln rlK, tin' ImrM-lniyiT.
af Wlill wort h en mi' In from IiIh
t'limpontln' lirml of Sprain'' riirr
ThiirHilay lnt. with a lunlly hwoIIimi
hnml, railHi'il hy tin liltt' of hoiiii' Iii-
tii'rt. It wiim not wrluiiH, ami I I i-
t'lil HHHlHtani't' nimiii llxnl him up.
Mrn. Mauli- Mulkf.v wiim here
from I v Ih 1'ivrk lant Wi'iIiii'miIiiv
with hi-r iirplii-w, Harry Shtfhy,
who a few iIiivm pri'vlmiM hail IiIh
arm liroki-n liy Im Iii thrown from a
horHi'. I r. IUiIhoii wiim comprlli'il lo
put tin1 yonnjr man iiikIit t lie Intlu
fiifi' of rhloruform whlli' netting tin"
arm, iim lmtli Imiii'M hciv hroki'ii ami
It wiim a vt-ry painful Injury. Xrw
Tin t'M that wiim Hi'iit hy tin- loi-al
Wooilmi'ii of thti Worlil loilut' to thoj
rt'llrf of tin llt'ppntT Hiifft'ivi'rt, wiim
rt'tiirni'il IiihI wi'fk iim not mt'ili'il.
Wlirll It roint'M to ovi'l-iltiliitf thlliK'M
In tin' way of lllii rallty, Ort'on inn
I'otni' iim iit'iir iIoIiik It iim any other
Htatf. Tlu1 way thi inonr.v rolleil In
to tin' rt'lit'f of thoHf Hiiffi'n'iH wiiNii't
hIow ami ll font in I to roll In hniu
nftf r I In-fommlt ti in charf yt'llftl
f ihmikIi.
Wf not lef from thf l.nkf County
I'Mimlni r thai .1. A. ItoKM, reffiilly
of I'rinf vlllf, Iium It it-ji tfil in l.akf
vlfW for thf purpoM' of pnut ieiny
IiIh profi'Hslon. l'l lnnl Hukk'h, h Ihi
foruifi'ly ri'Hiilfil In Ihilulli, Minn.,
whfrt' hi' fiiriifil for himsflf n repiitii-
I Ion iim I ho fori' mtit tide ami laml
atloriify of thf northwfKt han of
lute taken an eHpeclul Intelt'Hl in thf
tlcvflopiiifiit of Co n trill l Mvj-oii nml
l.akovlfw elileiiH are to lio coiiki'iiI
nhitfil In having a man of lilw ahilily
In their oominunlty. Wo will von
lure to hii.i' dial lie Iihm no Niiporliir
In laml law prnclieo In Oregon. I om
ChtitoM 1'U-hii.
I Jllllll'O'lt (IrMt tl'll'M'0M WIIM llllllll'
from part of 11 It'iul water lx In
fiirll riKl of wlilcll lit' ci'ini'litfil com
IIIOII HM- I Mi lt' kIuhmi'M.
California (arm for aaltt nt n liitf liar
Klin. iki aerr fniii'i'il 11111I rroaa ft-nrwl.
Coal iri"Bi'iil nwiit-r IIO.MK) lint wi.l liti
miltl fur f.VKKI ; I, iliiwn nml IihIhih-h on
tHRy iviiii'tit. 1 1 1 1 r t at llii o(
lli t.. 47 If
III A tnilli'ii nlolii' IHI.IHMl aiitomn-
lilli'M will In' ila'i'il oil tin' uiarki't
iliirlnic tin pn'Mi'iit yt'iir, wlilrh will
only Hiipply half t lit ili'inaiiil.
Kevrral ruiii" tl tlin Nrt!.entiTn
Ktiak iMrt'ctury, i'iiiilifil lv Sloa A
l.ilflitly, pr 11 1 ith f AltnriiH. liavo Ih-iti
It'll hi tin ulliff for iliHtriliiitiiin. It in
11 valititllt lunik lor aim k men ami mnrtli
tlit prii'i. ll
A hIiiiii Iiimmi tor toM tin CIiihijow
liiiliili'lpal rointiilMKloii on Hit' Iioiim
Injtof tin' poor Hint on kohii' imto
hloliM ln IiihI found famllii'M slit-plntf
In tliTH tin- part'iilM on tin1 lloor,
thru a tnaltn'HM, ntnl a layrr of clilli'
It'll oil t In top.
Cyrua Nolilt' Wliick v tln chain
pion ami t i 1 1 it 1 it 10 i 1 n of llii'in nil.
I'hi'iI in nil llrt-clii plarfH. Auk (or
I "ryii" Nolilf it'MMlit wlifti you want
a tfonil tliop at Iioiiki. :!7 if.
A I'olk roiinly papt-r ml vitIIhi-m a
"full lilooil iMirhniii t'ow kIvIiii; In
ipiartM of milk, a rlilln plow. Hint-
toiiMof Htraw am! a lot of Iniilne
holil furiill uri'." Sfinl iim that oow,
wt will Mlrnln thf ouptiit ami Hell It
to thf Hiroml haml man.
roi-t A Kiiut art- now rtft'lfinu hitr in
voit'eit for their wiutiT trmle. All the
(liiffl lirnmlit of liipli'iirn ami eiarn artt
kt-pt thiTf. I'ii" I A Kinif furni-li the
home itli the I iff I liramlit for iiiftliein
al purMHf. 42-lt
Afli-r piciili kliiK iinilfr a hn.VMtnek
a party of l.ollilay iiinktTH iifar
Man! auliaii, rraiuf, lift an empty
'iflnirer Ihit liottlf Hianillny; up on
thf uroiiiul. Thf hiiu'h rayn lieeame
fiMUMfil throuuh thf kIiihm ami net
the Hlat k alight. It wiim luinifil to
t lie UTollllil.
Whorlou A Sinith'H I'lilnre rontinnt-a
to U the Mi(iiilnr rlnh riMiin. If vou ar
lookintt for a ii i it n you will likely lirtl
him at the 1'alni'e. (ifoiye anil Kent
hIwiivh treat their Htroim well. I.atft
lifrimlii'iilH. I'rivatf fltili riMini, 4'.' lf
A I I he t Inif of t hf Kollian m t ilpa
t It in of llritalu live iliMllnrt hin-oIoh
of ilnM wtTf thfre, moHt of which
can u It Ii certainty lie lilent llleil with
thoHf of thf jiifHt-nt ilay. They Wfiv
the hoiiMf tltK. thf Ki-fyhouiul, thf
liullilotf, thf terrlfr ami thf xlow
houiul. Not inore t han I CIO Htpiaro mlleit of
territory art' timlfr cultivation in
heiieiiiln or nUal hemp, ycl on thin
Miuall area Im proiluceil Hit filter that
lite rally IiIiuIm the wheat harvontM of
thf worltl. It Im iihi'iI alike In Mln
ufMotiinuil Ar'f ut inn, In Sllierla ami
Ah the outcome of much paiiiHtak-Inn-
Invent ij;ut ion the oxIhIoiico Iihm
lieen ilemoiiHtrateil of a cIiihm of
human lielnun calletl moral IiuImh'
IIch. Their oHHentlal charactorlMtlc Ih
complete moral InncnHllilllty, revealed
hy a total aliHeuce of repugnance to
the Miitfi'Htlon of crline iK'fore the
The cave dwellers of Mexlcocau run
a distance of 170 iuIIch at a wtivtcli,
jK't'ln'at a Kin w trot, ruuiiln Hteail
i lly and constantly. l'ivi)iieiit l.v a
letter has lieeu carrletl from (Jnaz-i
nmrls tu Chihuahua, a tllhtanee of
over lion inileH, in livo iIii.vm, the t a r
rler ll Iiija' nil Hie time on a simple
diet of pinole, a llm ly ground corn
mixed with water into a thin kind
of uruel.
Not only are American mowers,
harvesters ami hay rakes In use In all
the farming districts of south Her
many, hut smaller agricultural Im
plements, made In America, such iim
forks, Knrdcii ami lawn rakes, hoes,
shovels, spades ami hand potato
dinners, have also rapidly Krown In
favor, and are now on sale In nearly
every local hardware store.
$ 2.00 PER YEAR
Vnltct Hialfi Land Office at Lkevew Oi on.
July 7, !.
Notice in herpb alTcn that in compliance
with the prorlalon of the rl of (ongri-M of
June . IK7K i nililKl "An act for the mIc of
lintlK-r Uml In the tti of California, Oreg
on, Nrvala ami in Wlilriion Tcrrltorj" aa
fitt nilwl to all Ih Huhlln Inl Htau by act
of A uriii.t 4. ixy, the fnllowlna p-rini have
tiled In lliiioffii-e their awurn matenientu towli:
Decima J. Salisbury,
of Applcton. M7 Oak Ft., County of Oataratnie.
late of Winconiiin, tuiirn ili rnfiit No HHA for
the piirrbaae of thHKli NK'-i (Vein BW'i SWW
S HW ' Tp 3d S, K 15 K.
Marifi ry E. Salisbury,
of Applfton. M7 Oak St.. fonnty of Outairamie.
aiate of Wiwounin, aurorn matement No i!fA for
I the purchaau of the V Vkc 35, Tp 35 S, K
! 1) E.
Emma May Krhumann
of Portland (loodi-notiKh Bldf, county of Mnll
nomah, slate of Oruiton. aurorn atatemt nt No
i'i"0 tot the purc'tiaae of the W Sec 31 Tp
H, K b E.
Thai. . Bt bumann,
of I'ur'latiil. OorMnnoiiab Blilif. county of Mult
nomah, stale o! On Rim. axnrn statement No
i',71 for the purchase uf the bWU Sec M Tp 35 b,
K 15 E.
That they trill offer proof to show tha: the
land Koiinht is more valuable for ua timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their claim to said lands before C 11.
Willi row I'. H. ornmlsMoner at Klamath Fallal
Oreaon. on Thursday, ibe loth day of Septem
ber 1MU3.
They name as witnenes: Emma Mar gcba
mann of Portland ort iion and O. J. Salisbury,
M. t.SalUbury. Carrie V. Kundy, Cbaa W. Em
body and William Kinley all of Uly Oreiron.
Any and all persona claimlha; advernely tha
above-described lamia are requesied to file
their claims in this office a or before aairi loth
day of September W4
July 9-n
E. M. BkATTAtK, Reglater.
rnited Btatea Land Office,
Ikevlew, Orefon, Slay is, 1j3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
witb tbe provisions of tbe act of Congreaaof
JuneS, 1B7H entitled "An act tor the sale of
timber lands In tbe tatea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa
extended to all the Public Land States by aet
of August 4, 1H2, the following persons hare
ML'd in this offica their sworn statement,
Mary J. Kenna,
of No. 27 West 4!h St., riulnlh, county of .
Louis, state of Minn., saorn atatemenl No l9(Ja,
for the purchase of the Hvyi SWU W1 eW i.
NEi4 SH Bee 1 Tp 34 fi, K 14 K.
John Carney,
of No. 42H Fast 1st rt Duluth, eounty of St.
Iouis, state of Miun., sworn statement No 1,
fur the tuirchase of tbe si 2, XW
NE'- St4 NW'i 8.C 11 TpSt 8, R 14 E.
Mary R. Boucby,
of No. Iti26 8-rnd St., Dnliith. county of Ht.
louis, state of Minn., sworn statement "No
for the purchase of the SE'4 N WU - NHff
W, HE't tec 12. Tp 84 8, K 14 K.
Margaret E. McCoy,
of No. 7 Eat Srd St.. Pnluth roiinly of Hi.
Ixiuis, state of Minn., sworn statement No 22uu,
fur the purchase of tbe M U KWJ4 SE',i &W W
SWf4E'4Sec4Tp41 S, K 16 K.
France it. Kenuey,
of No. St9 Mlsava Ave.. Dnluth, county of m.
Louiit, Slate of Minn , sworn statement No 221)1,
for the purchase of tbe SW li Ree 35, Tp 32 8, K
15 E.
That they will offer proof to ahow that tha
land sounlit is more valuable lor its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and to es
tablish their claim to said land before Jaa.
II. Driscull, County Clerk at Klamath Falla
Oregon, on Frida), the 21 si da' of August, I9ui.
They name as witm-sse: F. W. Merrilt tl
Portland, Ore-'.'n. Mike Pooker, of Klatnatl
Fall Oregon, ami Mary R. Houi l.y, John Car
ney, Mary J. Kentia, Margaret E. Mcly and
j Frances M . Kenney all of Uulutb Mii'.n.
Any and all person claiming aclve'selv the
above described lamia are requested to file
their t li! ius In this office ou r before said 2Ut
da of August 1903.
Jane ia-24
E. M. Brittain. Register
Fnited State Ijtml Office.
Lakevlew, Oregon, May 19, 190:1.
Notice la hereby given that in conipliaure-
ith tbe provisions of tbe act of Congress ol
June S, IKK, entitled "An act for the sale ol
timber lands in the State of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public I .and States by tbe
act of Augusi4.lK'.i2, Ktiberl Kayburn.of Beaver
ton, county of aihington, state of Oregon,,
baa thit, day tiled in thin office his sworn state
ment No. 2252, for the i mr hnse of the 6W
SV4 Sec 2, N'J Ml' 1 4 SEVj SIV4 Sec 11 Tp 33 R,
R la E, anil will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
Htone than for agricultural purposes aud to es
tablish his claim to said land before I', li.
Withrow, I'. 8. Ciimnitssioiicr at Ktainalh
Kails, Oregon, oil Tuesday, tue 1st day of Sep.
j I'.SM.
I He tiHtnes as witinsais: W. R. Johnson,
! Frank Van Hrnl n sml F. IV. Merrilt of I on
ian d Ongon, ami E. E. Flu h ol liiy, Oregon,
i Any and all persons clalmlntr adversely
1 the above-described lamls are ritiitenled to file
i their claim in thi oltii e oil or before said 1st
I day of Scpicu. Ih r, IimI.
I June E. M. BaivrAiN, Register
fulled States Land OmVe, I akevlew, Oregon,
June 25, lsJ3. Nolice Is hereby given thai in
coiniliai!ce with the provision of Hie aei ol
June s, lv;a, euil'ied "An act for the sa.e ol
iiiuuer inii'is in inu niaies in Hnrnla, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington T-rritory
c&icuticu to mii me t tioiic irfinu Mtates by
ol August 4, l.vji, vt i:nui I'nekard, of Lake
view, eouniyoi l ake state ol Oreu,,n. ba o,t
day tiled in thisoltiee liisorn Kiatemeut No.
2o!, lor the purchase of the N WVi See 9 Tp 37 S,
R 1 E. ami will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its limber or
tone than lor agricultural purposes and to es
tablish bis claim to imlti luud U-lore C. 11.
Willi row V, e. t'oMiiiiiKsion.r at Klaiualh Falla
Iikm""' Krull' ,uu ',lQ ''y o' Scpiciuber,
He naniea hs uitnesses: E. . Stark. Fred
lleiikleuiau. Floyd Farmer and Mary James, alt
ol l.akeview Oreinin. Any and all peratma
claiming adveraely the above-described lamia
are requested to tile tnelr clatni In this office,
on or before said 4'h tlav ol (Vptembcr, 19u3
July 2-ihi E. M. URA'ITAIN Register.