Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 30, 1903, Image 1

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NO. .TO.
The 5upreme Court Affirms the The flany Mot Spring in Oregon
Lower Court's Decision In the j liqual to If Not Superior to
Case of llx-Sherlff Ncllon j The Ones In Arkansas.
District Attorney I.. T. 'uiiii, re. Tin- lint springs of iin-noii are
eclvetl two dispatches Tuesday i n mi mg I In- st 11 le's I i i t Interesting
I In- rff.1'1 that I In- Supreme court fi-.-i 1 uri-H. Like many of I he resource
had Hint day ullltined tin' lower nf llii-Mliilc, these mi- undeveloped,
Cllllll III I III' I'll!' f I III' Still'' "if ()!' IIU'I Willi till' ll'M'lllIIIH'llt of tin
goil s A. J. Nclloti. , I'acllle Northwest, I hey nut.v be
'. M. ( raw ford, At I orney general, fi mini I n In tin' most vnliuilili' fea-
wlivil fruin Snlt-ni as fulluws: Nclhm I tires of I In' count ry. They lim.v In'
case nllliTiicd by Siiii'i'iin' court, fuinnl bulling fruin I hcenrt h at ninny
Deputy District A 1 1 1 iriii'.v '. S. ) ilnt h lit llnslcru Oregon, Jt u I 1 he
d a s n .t mi Whi hi coiiuly also w lr- mull' i r i t i md t x that have Imi'U
I: Stale h .Ni lluii aiflrmcd. made so far Unr nut tin- theory
'I'IiIh rn xi' in nil' ii p ul I In M ny i iti 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ii I liy ninny Hint tiny are
i ( circuit coilll III 1 II' 1 1 . J 1 1 1 1 tin' rase ftpinl tn till' fatuous lint springs nf
was hi'l f"l' trial at tin' billowing Arkansas. I niptifect analyses have
II I in l:i irlnlii r. The Jury disagreed been tumlc nf water from ninny nf
a in I a in-vv l rial w iim grunted at the t lnw springs, mi'l many nf tin' c!
I fii ii f. illi in ng, h I ii ii A. .1 .Ni'llmi iiiii'IiIm contained III tin' Arkansas
was com I. if. nf ciubc7..lclug : :imii, hot spring are fniiiiil III tin- water
iiloniiity funds while tax cullectur frniiltln' Oregon hot springs. The
ami iilirrlff nf Lake county. Tin' lilif III tiillliy nf t hesc spt lllgs stlf-
use w ;s ajiji ali'il to tliii supreme tn ins a heat siiporlur n any , possibly
court, an. I hn- just lru derided iin in the world. 'I'ln-x niur fuith a
ibue, Mr. Ni'.lnii I'M" been ly lug In 1 constant How, year In ami year mit.
I c enmity Jail hin last October, n ml t he fount niu head In considered
i .11' "I'liti'iiri i ti ii 1 1 1 (' t ii n him Inexhaustible, says I . i,l )i- I ,t t in-y In
in biipri-iciiii'-nt In till' M'lillrliliary , tin' I'o'llall'l Journal
fnf . il' I '.lis Jlllil a t!';e nf Jti.HH(. :
J'm-lll il.l.VM 111-' II 111 N I'll ill W llilll
in l h ' u !( i 1 1 mi' a i n trial.
'1'ln'ia-' nf tin' State Nriliiu'ri
Imiiil ini'ii ' fllll In fin''' t tii Minn nil'
. niirl. ami .! U,'X,h, i."I will Im .1,-
i -, i t
I ..t
A nr. at
I. uiiUs Were I'.urutJ.
I Ii.- i ml In III I Mi'iui ( 'hall In in j Hit
-..i i.-il Inn nl mIiI.iIiiI ii-Ii-I ..i I el
I I r I l:t.t !i 111. I I 1. HI f I'l llll III III. it'll in-
.Ii I'l-
. 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 n ly lmt in 1. I Ii.-..Ml-
il. I.l I ii f in- a l.i i ::'
., I I lif Taln'l'iint l i-t
T v. i 1 1 1 .I i ' i, ,iii. ! i ' I
i i.n N u i I f I ..-iii 1 1 1 1 v the
in! I in- I iin.' . .1 I In- nl
i ' . a f . -i i - -.' i. to I i v a a-1
i . . ' i if I -.. u iu.-li I .. 1 1 : : .i I.. . i
I a i.i ,i I pel' til.! i a
.1 I.l - t y ill' i.ll I Ii j . 1 i. ill-.
! .-. I 1 1 1 I a i f t lil- i.n ! ! i It i ! -nil,
;.!! inn i .1 w hi. U . I
v iili la mil tut Ii il .m.i - la
-i.i iiilinii In u own- i ' s
. i ; . i .'
: if ; -I '
I. f. il .
lif. - I
U1. . .-
II. .-
ft If l.i
I I.'
In a i I il 1. 1 ...I i .iim Is a m I 1 ni il liii'
Iin u.nli.-.v.l. 1.,'ll. rHVM iv rcail fr.,.,1
many ... uuincii I men In .lliierciit
Hc tini.Hnf the l lillc.l StatcH
have lceture.1 fr.mi thU ,.latf..f.n. I
eiuiKral ulalliif,- the iiMHeinlily 1 1 1 i n
its success and Its freedom from In
debtedness, and short addresses
made by people from different parts
of Oregon who wcro present, Intcr
Hjicrsi'd with flue musical numbers.
Mr. Moore Paralyzed.
Mrs. E. V. Moore Htiffered ji Htroko
of paralysis on the left Hide last
Tuesday evening. Shu bad gone to
the home af lit r daughter Mrs. V. 7..
Moss, to feed the chickens, and la
attempting to pick up a bunch of
keys hIio bad dropped, nho fell to the
ground paralyzed. Neighbors soon
discovered her MerlottH predicament,
anil she was carried to the homo of
M. A. iStrlplln. Mrs. Moore suffered
intense pain, and was unable to move
or talk until yesterday morning,
w ben hIio woh moved to her own
home, and lias since been resting
comparatively easy. It is not known
whether hIio will recover from tbo
paralytic. Htroko or not, but for one
of her ago It In extremely doubtful.
I ul Ml AT MAN'. l'nlVI.
'I'lii'w hirliiKi arc f'liiml In lu.iny
nf t In- rmiiitli'H nf Oi .jcmi, Imt 1 1 h v
arc iiinic, nciici'iilly ilii-i film Icil In
Jati'rn Orrnn. Only hvn nf the
v ."-t t,nn.l..'r l.aM Urn i.n'r..v,-l t..
i'i- iniihlili-ialili' 'Mcut. A-lilaml
' !--,, rill" .;.l;:riiiiil.
ami llnl I. I.I.C. mi tin- I l. K. A .,
hac l.ti II nl I a 1 1 Hi 'I ft if I lit' li'iii! inn
nf it ilni, aii'l mi' ii'vanli i ii vji!
nalilf ili-l il Ml ii tlir. nf tilt' fesnt ii'
I'lai-i k. 'I n ar.' ni'ilf imuiiTiHIs ill
I he in!- li.'l- . ( I Ii" .-Int.'. an. I K l.ui:
aih. I. il..-, Il.ini. y. r.n.!, aii'l M i!-
h. -ur ;i ! .1 hiii'I i I Ii I Ii in. I In'y
.-I ::: h I i 1 1 : n .-I i. -i - 1 1. 1 c 1 1- .-a In .1 I'
i. a a l. u ..I lli.- rj.iin.,- in I ! n .-1 c u u -I
if - a ii' I cl ii. i ii y i !' I lifin a if t l.f
I . ' :i t I ' ! i -i i ' I I f . I .
', I' M M I 1 1 I 1 I .
III I I..' ill! Illf i 1 III !' ill 111 1 nf lllf
fH i if i v I a I ! i .' 1 1 1 1 I all ., ill h '..I III., i !l
InlllllN, ( ! It It .'I "inv-t" nf lllt-.-i'
1 1. 1 1! - l, I, . !i II' ii a i in j .n i f I thai
.. r - i I i 1 1 . I..1 -1 1 j 1 1 i' i i r l.i a uy in
llif r-lalf. Tlii-y vary in lfiu.f l.i
Iihv, aii'l I lif lii..;lifr-l I cln uTn I n iv is
hi i.l I . i I if rcarhf tl at litis iminl hv
,lMM,s,. fi,l.illKH. I(U a very
ulll, ;1M a rilllJ, mv
,,f .,., ,,,,,1 tH teiniicfat t.rc In hii
,lRh ( ,,K
"lii'viPs Tea Kettle."' The springs
throughout llastern Oregon are used
by the ranchers and butchers for
scalding bogs, and were used In early
days by the Indians for boiling their
meats, lint the "Hevll'H Tea Kettle"
Is too hot for all practical purposes.
The ordinary springs are Just tbo
right temperature for scalding hogs
and the ranchers bring them to tbo
springs and plunge them into the
water for a moment and draw them
out and the hair slips oft readily.
Hut tbo "Kevirs Tea Kettle" sets the
hair and makes It almost Impossible
to remove It from tbo hogs. Tbo
experienced rancher no longer taken
any chances on this nprlng unless It
is to dip tbo water from the basin
and let it cool until the proper tem
Hruturo is reached.
Tbero are also a number of hot
springs near Lakeview, iu Lake coun
ty. Mont of these have been taken
up by tattlers on their homesteads,
but they are lying Idle, waiting the
' ; , v -' ' ' ' ' . . f - v V . . ' ' 1.
-, v;-' ', v.;-;,.
V. '- '' ''' V ?' y ,
'I'lie iitilc r!nHiiil!ty nvi r whlrh thin flue liMikiiiK cntlciunn Is reeut bus
b"'ii fur iveekH the renter of Inlen-Kt for lairnpi'iin illil(itnats. He rule the
riiOMt lurl.uli'iit of Hie ltnlkium. tlmt tlmler Imh h hh li for ycrH hns threatened
to net nil i:urnie iililnz'' wllh wnr. I'erKonally rrlm-e Ferdinand Is not to
l.lmi:i for llie t'TiKeiit ilimiirlteil eoiiilitloim. His ieoile have Iwen inf.unied by
the Turkish oiilr.ii.'es on their kin folks in Maeedoiiin, and be i-ould uot avert
an outUr"itk if he wotiM
lime when It may pay to Improve
mum. In piinMinr thruunh the inun-
try on a eoltl day the hieaiu f isitiy: 1 1. ,at hs in 1 1 vat." many caws
from tin's., nprltms tive out the idea ,,f acute rheumatism have ln-cii im
fmm a distance that a great lire is mediately relieved. Tin- rniicuer has
r.ining at that particular place. All a si ring nf names nf t in w who have
j t'i t a I ii hi is kilifd in ar l lie spr! :iys,
i lmt as t he water ilows a way In the
' dist. nice and tie' tempera t lire is r-
tlilt t'tl a heavy n row th of y;rass is pi t -j
diici'd, iind winter ninl summer,
' slock conn' to these places tn yra '. .
I a one ca in-a r La kev if w t w. i Ii nc -
1 1 red leill- I'lianeil in a lilil near
: . .tie t if I l.f -. spriii'.'.-s a if I fell into I he
t-iri:iL;- aifl w.rf l.niii sc-iliied to
dea ill 1 1 f-f I her. 'Iii"- were vail
: at '' i'l ,a. h, ami the It
I i l m t; la ; ei 1
! I l.f i iv 'if r lo const met a f -l
ai-niiii'l I if liiiiiinn c.niirnt.u ft if l
: pi t ! i i t ', HI nl si i ick in t in- f ii t n re.
j a i in I'l. r. v i a iioi -r.
A i i ii' If hat ii linns.- has . Ii.'fii c.i
il -
st nil - It-1 1 nc a r 1 .a ke if vv I h.i 1 i - I a a
j in It a 1 1 1 a ue t if I iy I he ci l iens i f that
1 1 1 ii. :i ml is iv -a fi If tl n- a sort ui
j saiiii.'triuiii also. The owner, nil old- j
j time rancher of the country, built a !
"vat .ix:!0 feet and four feet deep i
some distance from the spring and
also constructed a rough shack over
the vat. He then dug a trench in a
roundabout way from the spring to
the shack, giving the water, which
comes from the earth ut a boiling
beat, tlmo to cool off. After the
"vat" Ih filled, the water flows out
through a notch at the top of tbo
"vat" and Joins the main stream iu
the channel Ik'Iow. lly this means,
tbo water In tbo "vat" Ih kept at a
projier temiiorature at all times and
a fresh flow is kept running through
the "vat." In winter time the doors
uro kept closed to tbo shuck, which
keeps the water at the proper tem
perature, and they are kept open in
summer, which gives tbo same re
tail ts.
The iH'oplo from Lukevlew visit
the place and pay a small fee for a
swim, and this Is not only prononuc
ed a great pleasure, but Is said to bo
very exullcratlng, and the sick find
relief here. A small room, Just largo
enough for a man to Btand up In,
has lieou constructed over the spring,
and this Is called the "sweat box."
1 1 Is claimed tint liv taking the
"treatment" in this crude liox ami
I" - i u it -i i ni.! to ii . 1 1'. :. In ii5'
ui ami have gone aw ay as juveniles.
I MAI IIKl l! Col M'V.
M.i 1 li'Mlf i iitnty cuii! a ins st '!ne fc lf hot springs. .War Vale,
1 he county sea t, a geyser nf boiling
.'iter and steam wan created in a
very unexpected way. Along the
1 1. 1 1. U s nf the MaUiti.r Kiver mi tl'.e
i.p:iu,it-.' side of the sti-i-ata l'ioiu the
1 town a niiiiiii.'i' t .f hot .-iniifs
,,,.( ,,f ti. i.auk- and run into the
ri.i'. liiaking ii gr.'.-it i'l'.-im and
.-in. !. here the lmt am! cu!d v f
ci .:ae I . ff.i I;.-r. Ii struck i.n ent'-r-pri.-ing
cit i.e u I ha . by boring a well
I' n k ii-oin 1 he I'l r 1c migh ! ti ad hot
.it'-r. ami l he point m It t i. ii beit.g
above the level nf the tiuvn, be ex
pected to est,bli.-li a hul-Wilttf
works tn supply the town. After
drilling about 4.1 feet be was sur-
prised to have a hot stream of water
follow the augur as it was drawn
from the bole and spurt feet above
the opening. It required all of the
energy of the workmen to get out
of the way of the stream to keep
from lieiug scalded to death.
Other holes were bored in the
neighborhood and the whole hill
was converted Into a IhmI of these
geysers. Xo further Improvements
has leen made, and the settling up
of the country Is awaited to justify
the conversion of this water Into
useful purposes.
O'Neal's, ltt ndles from Vale, on
tbo Westfall ronn, tests the nerves of
tbo timid. At this point a large hot
spring bolls from the earth aud
flows down Into the gulches in a
large stream, a cloud of steam rising
along the channel for a long dis
tance. ' The stage road possess this
plaeo and O'Neals is a stage stutlou.
For a distance along the road for a
half mile or more, small hot springs
boll out from the side of the hill that
borders the road. Those flow into
(concluded on 4th page)
William Chambers is Fatally In
jured and Now Awaits the
IZnJ Without a Murmer.
William ChatiilierH, who liu l-en
hcrflltiK Hlnr for ThK. Hunk, at
KfM'k "re'k, iiliout 7." tnilcH eant of
here, eaine to town on the TIukIi
xtitfc Tuenilay In i lyinj? condition,
and Kiiffefino; a tlioiixainl ileatlis. A
week iio )u. wan riding ft Imrne and
lendiiii; another liorw, mIii-ii the
one he wax riding Ix-gan to huck,
and In." whh tlirown violently agaitiHt
the k;i(Ho liorn, caiiHlng a ruiiturc
and Mtratigulated hernia. All the
liliVHieiaiiH vi.tited the doomed man
jaiid they all ngreed that liln cane;
I was fatal. An oM'ration was talk
led of, lmt In' said he would rather
not undergo It, iih he had h offered,
eiiough. and the dK'tors Haiti he
i would not Hurvive it anyway.
j Mr. Chandlers Is '') years old and
i nerved four years as cavalryman iu
the Civil war. His honu; is In Vir
I ginla. Wli"ii he dies which may be
j In L'4 limirs ir may We K-'veral days
i he will leave this earth without
! home, family, friend or money. The
i l.iht few remaining hours on earth
is the only time lie has ever bad to
j ask for charity, and that si-ems to
lie his greatest worry. The K.xain- reporter asked him if he wished
a minister to visit him, but be said
he did not .
Bennie Beall Almost Drowned.
Another ac"?er-'tfc iiapi"cd last
j Friday that would havoeuJed .'.ite!
! ly had it not b -en for the timely ar
i rival of Klmer Ahlstroin. Little,
j lleimie. the 1 year oi l sou of Leo
; I'.eiill, while playing iu the backyard
became o cr balanced in a half bar
re! lilled with water, and was hang
ing mi w ith nne hand sutlicient to
raise his face out f the n ater and
yell. Not knowing of any danger,
, Mr. Ahlstroin heard the lit 1 1 - - fellow
.scream, and at tirst thought that
: the children were playing, but on
i opening the door to go in the house
: he glanced over to Ilea IPs and saw
the prediciment little Hetuiie win in.
lie instantly ran. nnd leaping over
; the two fences that Intervened, res
Iciietl the little fellow just after he
j bad released his band and given up.
The boy was resusitated without
ditliculity, and was ulright the next
Accldently Shot.
Dudley, the 4 year old son of Mr.
nud Mrs. J. C. Dodsou, xvho are liv
ing at their summer home in Big
valley, was accldently shot by an
older brother, Byron, Monday after
noon. The boys In some way had
gotten hold of a Winchester 22 special
rifle, and were playing with it, when
It xvus discharged, taking effect In
tho left hip, and passlngclear through
the body, coming out In front. Dr.
K. II. Smith who is camping at the
upper eud of Big valley, was sum
moned aud dressed the wound. It
was thought advisable to bring the
patient to towu, and starting at 8
o'clock at night they arrived here at
3 a. ni. Dr. Stelner has been attend
ing the patient sluce. The boy haa
suffered no pain since the accident,
aud It is thought that no vital or
gans have been injured. It is
expected that tho wound will not
prove serious, but a certain length
of time Is required before the fatal
period Is passed.