LAKE COUNTY EX A1 Irs ER, LAKEVIEW, CRLQON, JULY 16, 1903 Peculiar and I'rrtlnent. Tln I'urtxlutiM nli '.M.imni l.orw-N hint .yritr. TIhtc an1 Mi'iul.v Jo.ihmi known nicd lrlmil IvtiU'illfM. Hut r (ciii f i hi miiii h( Hiiluirlu n n- MiimIcimm. Tin" Imlr nf I In- lii'iiil x fanli-r In hiiiiiiiht t ti it it In wlnlcr, 'I'lii' lintiiiiiii ami m t nf iiff ill iniixt lilrnl leal In rlii'liilrnl 'iiiiimihI tin II. Tin' . !! of CiikIiuuI ilrlnk noiih MNl.tMNi.iNHt kiiIIiiiim nf milk lii it yciir. II Im riMwrliil Hint tin' Imini'Mt IIvimI h-oiIi lire tlmw wliu iiwiki tilvilkfilHt t hi-lr chief ini'iil. Mo Mining; In Hunk ( CiikIuikI nuti' iilNT Unit li mIiikIi' mIhvI will lift II wi'lulit llf IN) miIIIim. Tin lnt4'Ht cuiv (nr liiti-rmtl ciiih it rrpurli'il In I jikIiiihI In a tii!ilrNimi (ul i( iniiliiMwM four or (I vc tlmi'H it liy. An I'JikIUIi inii viir Iiiim hiindt-d over IiU ulllrliil Miliary to lr illvlili'il lif. ( wi-4'ti tin' piiur iiii'l tin town lininU. Tin' HrNt I If. liiMiiniui'i' Miicli'ty wiin tarli'i In London In inns ami Mllllt lirr III 1 7 M . Nl'ltlllT WIIMMIHTI'MH- ful. I'rrnwitii'iit MJihnji' cnriH tu ri'ii li'r adl In ciiwm nf ih Mi nt an' admit In Im- i rK' nl.c I liy t In' SwIkm Alpine 4'llllm. itl In rniiti'iiiiiitiiiti tu ri'iiinvi' hi' HalutliiK k'lini at tin' 'I'iiwit nf 1iii'Iiiii ji in I hhIihI II uti' Id i ii i i i i - r lltlll lllnlllllTM. Tin' In-iIh uf pi'MM In ( 'nlurailii Hiilui' I Inn' 1 1 ii 1 1 1 iih iiiany iin Jihmi hitch ami tlirri' Im iuii' dcil cvri-eillnj; In hIi J.M hi arrrH. Till' I.IVl'-lllll lIlH'kM, lllll' (if till' MuiuliTM uf modern ciiiiiiiiitci', ex-ti-iul almiK tin Mcrru-y a illntnni-i' of l ami a half iiiili'H. Twelve iiillllnii imiimlH' worth of leather Im iTiiilr-il i-viT.v yi'iir to pr vlili' I In ami hliiM-M fur tin' Inhab itant of tin-at I'.rllaln. If Kf'-at ciii tiiriiril tin' atiuim ilirrr to llijtilil air it woiilil make a wa ;i" feet deep over the riiirfai'i' of 4 ln wholi' kIoIh'. London Im miiiii iwil to have 170, fHNi liihalillantM to tin- Hiiiari' mile, I tit t on t hi' raMtMlilf, Ni'W York, there an- :1.".,imhi icoplc to the miiuiv mile. MaHMailiiiMet Im In fit' from the rei'ati'il iniinler t rial fareeM of New York. There Im only one ain'al jiom Hllile then' from tln Jiiry'a verdict Htralnht to tin hlnln'Mt court. Tin hiMt nil in' tree wan planted In California In s0 liy a I'n'iu hinan, w ho brought the tiii to thUcountry from I'rance. The llrxt orchard iflDacreM Ih'kiiii to yield ill ls7.". Tin1 inotornien on tin Manhattan elevated traliiH are nhcltcred In vch tilnileH from tin. Icii'Ht k'Ich of win tcr. All the motormcii on tlie Miir- fiU'e cutm ouuht to In protected in like manner. Thi' flrMt tyK'wrltinj machine wan patented 111 ISlM) by William AuHtin Hurt of Detroit. It wiw Imprm-tlc able for K'icral iimo. The p-neral iiho of the tyiMw rlt4'r did not Inln until 1S74. The Importation of opium that Im prepared for minikin? Ih douhlo that iiHed hy phyHlclaiiH and morphine liahltucH. The amount Is inoro than lialf a million iioundrt and the value :i,500,000. That low lying; territory of the MIhmIhhIppI hIiouIiI at tlmcH lo over flowed Ih not HurpriHliiK If one con nlderH that the " leathern of Watern" ilniWH HtipplicH from L'S Htatcn, drain liitf one third of the area of the United StateH. An anouyinouH donor Iiiih offered to provide footwear for every hIioo Ii'hh child In Sunderland. Each pair of limit h Ih to In) Htainped with a not Ideation that they are the prop erty of tho mayor, and any parent attempting tu well or any pawn broker lUTcptliiK them In pledge will .bo prouccuted. I'opulUU Next Year. CiinMlileralili' comment Iwim U-cii cailMcd III the Went h.V the fiMMertlon of a leading ropullMt of Kiiiihiim that he iM'llevi'N the iiiimt of the old t line iiienilN TN of that party w ill Hiipport ItooM'velt ami the ItepiibllcaiiH la next year'H national campaign, Irre NM'ctlve of the I eiuirat le nottiliiec, w hiM'Ver he may be. The KaiiMiiM t'ily .loiirnal expri'MHi'M the Maine Idea and jcIvcn iih the itiihuii that. Pop II 1 Im in In the Wi-mI "wiim all orKillilzeil protcMt aualiiit pollrleM which were iN'lleved tu have brought hard Hiim'm upon t he count ry. It wan a ilenper ale reMiirt of t he HKl li-llll iii ImIm who were willing to try anything that afforded a Iun of relief. The rector atlon of proHperlty thrnnuh the very itKciiclfM that the I'opullHtM had thought to In' ho deHtructlvfColivluc ed them of their error, and now they ileMlri' the party under Iiomc adinlu iNtratlon they an' urowliiM: rich to continue In power." TIiIh I'XpreHMeH the fnctM ax we nee them; Hint we may add iiIho that the majority of the I'opullMt party in the Went, where that Htranp' political movement originated, wiim drawn originally from the Hepulillcau rankM. They fell Into error iim to mnue of the caiiMeN of the hard tlmcH from which they Miifferi'd and Into the further er ror of ImlorMlliK errolieollN pollcieM iih the remedy. Free Mllver, one of thi'He, I In now dead beyond the Iion of ri'H iirn-cllini. Moreover, they hi' that the iCepuhllcan adnilulMt rat Ion Iwim j cliiikeil the format h hi of triiMlM ami' comliliieH and put exlMtliiK oiii-m in I fear. Tlie Ih-iiiiN-ratM talked violent-1 ly iiKaliiHt triiMtH, am) hccuhciI the! KepublicaiiH of favoring them; yet1 when the liemiN-ratlc party came' Into full powwr in t he nation in lv.i:', ; It did nothing whatevir. So why J Hhould any I'opullMt go to the liemo-1 era tic party? Again, on the tariff! the ropullMt an- with the Ucpuhll- can party. The proMiN-rlty which ! followed t he enactment of the 1)1 ng- ley law In 1M7 hIiowciI them ItNVnlue im giving the IhihIm for great national proHperlty. They are with the Ke piibllcaiiM In oppoMltlon to the evil of triiMtM; mo are they regarding natfoiial expaiiMlon. The Hepubllcaii voteof the Went for KooHcvcit ill l'.NM will In' phenomenal. Toledo I Mailt. IWO HrMarit, IM. The reHilera of thli aMr will be li Hed to learn that there 18 at leant one dreaded dintann llmt Hcieuce lias Imhmi utile to cure in all ita atattca and that ih Catarrh. llaU'a Catarrh Cure ia the only pnHitive cure now known to medical Iralernity. Catarrh Ix-iog a comititiitioiiHl (liHeiiHc, reijnires a coimti tutiuiial treatment. llaU'a Catarrli t'uro ia taken internally, actini; directly upon the IiIoihI and iiiucinis aurfucea of the Hyntetn, thereby de."toyiii( tho foil tn I ii t i in of the ilieeaHo, and icivioK the palielit Hlri'MKth by liuiUlinx up thecon Htitution and Hnniit mitme in doiiiK ita work. The proprietors have bo much fiiilh in ii" curative powera, that they offer One Hundred Iiollara for any cane that it fails to cure. Fend for lint of tea liiiionials. AditreHH, K.J. CI1KNKY A Ct)., Tolinlo, O. Kihl by DruiiKiHta, ifc. Hall 'a Family J'illa are the beat. Re duced Summer Excursion Ratae The Denver A. Rio ti ramie, popularly known aa the "Scenic Line of the World," haa announced greatly reduced round-trip ratea from Pacific Coaat pointa for the benefit of teachers who will apend their vacation in the hast, and of delegates to all the prominent Conventioua N. K, A., at lioaton; A. (). U. W., at St. Paul ; B. P. O. E., at Ilalliiuore; Woodmen of America, at In dianaxilia; Kanles, at New York; Mya tic Shrine at Saratoga Springs ; K. of P. at Ixiuiaville, and T. P. A. at Indianap olis Tickets at the reduced rates will be based upon one fare for the round trip, hut will be sold only on certain day a. These tickets will carry Btop-over privi legea on the going trip, giving passen gers an opportunity to visit Sa4t Lake City, (llenwood Springa, Colorado Springs and Denver ; and will be good to return any time within ninety (IH)) days. Pasaengura going via the Denver A, Kio Urandu are given the privilege of returning via a different route. ror the rate to the point you wiah to go, and for dates of sale anil other par ticulars, as well aa for illustrated phamnhlets, write W. C. Mcltride, General Agent, tf 124 Third St., Portland, Ore. Pasturel Pasturel Pasturel Plenty of fine pivaturu mljiicent to Lakovlow with abundance of food and water, luqulru at Harvey's CBtauraiit. 24 -fit. i... rt!r.-j (EEEI3 AVrCclable rrepnMlionforAs 5imilaim(5 flic FcxkI and Net? ula -line die Slouvichs and Dowels of Promoles DiScalioibCrWrfur ness aivl nosl.Conliiit3 immUkt ( ipiiim.Morpliine nor Mineral. w w- til llf,Jln:Jr.l6 ArMnfirl l.Mi!(!y J'orrons!itfi lion, Sour 5l.)iiirh.l)i.!iTlwHv Worms S 'oiwuKidiu .1 cwrish mss iwm Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Sttfimlurr or NEW YOHK. S. J. STUDLEY STUDLEY Exact copy or wrapper. LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of j Hi FURNITURE. 3 j 3 j 1 3 JUST OPENED. OOODS AR. RIVING ALL THE TIME ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR r ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOnnODATIONS SAHPLE ROOn For COnnERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors lakeview &- Door North of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc. J. WENDELL, - - - Proprietor. WM. HARVEY, THE PALACE The Only First Class Restaurant in Lakeview. Turkeys, Chickens and Suckling Pigs baked to order. Bread and pas try always on hand. Excellent Service Prices Reasonable. Central Cafe and Lunch Counter Everything Nw A PlratClaaa Call F. A. MTANL.KV. ll'r. pflrra Mm y y For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years P ill TMt etrrun cohmmt. Mm omr. F. E. HARRIS & HARRIS Snider BuFding on Water St. Market is s Hotel Lakeview 3333?S PROPRIETOR, i i RESTAURANT 1 the . i PRICES p lilillllllllllllllilliil This is the only Cafe and Lunch Coun ter in Lakeview and the first and only Bill of Fare and Check system in East ern Oregon. Meals from 10 cts. up. All kinds of Bread, Cakes and Pies. Baking done to order. All white cooks. Once and you will Call Again. iSdMIO GRANDE 5i.-rj mhi THt-,iiiii2v llOGRAMDEWESTtK The Scenic Line To The East And South Through Salt Lake CitT, Ieadville, Poe- blo, Colorado ISpringii and tenver. Offera the choice of Three Route thro' the fanioua IUky Mountain Scenery, and Five Iitinct Itoutes Kant and South of Ienver 3 fast Trains daily" 3 Belaeen 0Ken and Ienver, carrying all Claaaea of Modern Equipment. Perfect Dining Cr Service and Peraon aly ConddcU-d Touriat Kicumiona to all I'ointa F.ael. STOP OVERS ALLOWED ON ALL CLASSES OP TICKET For all information and illustrated liter ature, call on or addreas W.C. HcBRIDE, General Agent, 124 Third St. Portland, Or. Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m. every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :30 a. ia. every day but Sunday. Pumieri' arc ti- Round trip $ f OFFICE- Hernolrtn A Wingfleld'i Lukerlaw LAKEVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE S. L. McNacghtox, Prop. Office at Mercantile Store Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed needaya and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrives at Plush at 9 p. m. Leaves Plush Toes days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9p. m. Passenger fare 3 one way or $5 fur round trip. Freight rates from May 1st to Nov. 1st f .75 per hundred ; from Nov. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per hundred, Western . Stage . Line J. L. YADIN, Proprietor. Office in Llnkvillc Hotel Klamath Falls. Daily from Ager to Klamath Hot Springs, Keno, Kiamath Falls, Dairy, Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview. Daily from Lakeview to Bly, Bonanza. Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, Klamath Hot Springa and Ager, Makes connection with all trains at Ager. Also connects at Klamath Falls with the stage for Ashland. Good Stock .'.. Easy Coaches LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE It. K. Biaaaa, Prop'r. Office In Bieber's Store Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrives at Alturas at 8 p. m. Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at 6 o'clock arm., or on the arrival of the stage from Madeline. Ar- rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturas. Freight - Matters - OJven Strict Attention first - Class - Accomodations. MHKEP BRANDS. lamOC RarrV Brus w,tn swallow For la JdlllCd DdllJ ri(ht ear lor awn; rrveria tor wether. Borne ewea Square Crop and Bill fn right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crana Lake. PonlntBoe addreie, Lakeview, Oregoa 7af Whitwnrth Brandt with Crop o lett Lay II III 1ITUI 111 ear. Ball Underoron o right tor ewee ; revere tor wether. Tar Bran W. Bange, Fih Creek. Potto Sloe add r eta Lakeview, Oregon