Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 09, 1903, Image 7

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O'ora n4 f'ollon Were lnwn, ba
SI a nip p the Nam Price.
lie IimiI a wllclcriii'MH of red heard,
find liU aharp shiwi-d grriit drier
mliiiilloii 11 In1 hulked In at the post
ollli'o w Inilnw 11111I hhKi'i):
"Whnt'a two t poatagc stamp
"They nre worth S i riiln." rrp"1!
jmwI iiiiixti-r.
"Oh, you run beat that utmrrly.
Cm n't you glnuim "in hIji mp an' u post-
I kyn rI fvr i! n-iitsV
"You any stamp luilii't gne down a
"Not n Mt."
"An' rottoii an mrn mi' everything
plum down to iiutlilu'."
"We can't li' lp Hint."
"W'y. I pnl'l '1 cents frr stamps when
xtton 11 ! relit nu' wlienl II."
"Tlint'H nil trui'."
"An' you nlu't g'ln' to rnt down a Mt
on 'cm 7"
"Not a lilt."
"Thin In J-Mt simply a plum murage.
I'll ko rli iiii to Possum Trot nu' ipilt
Itatt-rnUIn' your Miuned il!W. I know
I kin kH stumps rlubt rriim then,.
They'll glinui a kmm. fresh, whole
KtM'k stump 1111' a clinw of rimhI 'hacker
fer 2 cents. I don't wroe to be
robbed In lironil upon daylight If I
know inym-lf. You've luid a grliidln'
inoiioH-rly lure Jest almut an long na
the people In Koln to hi nnd It anyhow.
You lirv Jest ground 'cm nn' ground
Via with i-tortlonnto prices until the
fust thing you know some 'roinmodat
In' feller will mart ut another postuf
flee In thin town an' bu'st you hlgher'n
n klie. Key if they don't!" Atlanta
Had old lb. Problem.
n .
"Women ure still pushing their wuy
Into nil Industries."
"Tim fa ho. I have Just been dis
charged to iniike wiiy for 11 woman."
"You him? Well, well! What nra
you going to do now?"
"I am trying to marry the woman."
Had IIU Fears.
"You have not takeu the medicine I
left?" link the physician, villi willK
anger. "I ilcrln re Htich uetloiiH as that
aiuiply dim ko me loNe uiy patience."
"Well. diKtor." meekly smiled the
Kuffrrlug one, "I wax 11 fin Id that If I
continue! to take your medicine you
would lime another of your patlentn."
Itciillxlng that the ciihc whh hopeless,
the physician left tin- hoiinc. Haying
that even an operation would be of 110
avail.- Haltlmorc American.
A I'm I Ml rtrarrlptloa.
The town poet, writing of the de
parture of a late cHteeineil citizen,
My In 11 rural exchange:
II didn't want no doctor;
Hut. pltylnic hla Krosna,
Wo hi'I'l a consultation
And culled 1n Dr. Jones.
lie wrote a Inns prescription,
With all a Uoclor'a pride.
"Farewell, my wife and children."
The patient said and died I
AtluutA Constitution.
Ills Impression.
"Illram," queried Mr. Meddergrass,
"did you ever aee one o' them caatlea?"
"I 'low I hoy, mother," replied the
old man. "I aeed one o' the tarnal
things l.iat time I win tew th' city."
"What air they built out uv, Hiram T
asked Mrs. M.
"Gold bricks, mother," waa the alg
nlflcuut 'epiy. Chicago New.
"I.ynchln'a In bad enough," said
Proncho Hob, "but theso burnln'a at
the atako Is terrible."
"I'm glad to hear that there la 110 poa
Iblllty of aucli utrocltloa In Crlmaon
"No, air; no poHalblllty whatever. Not
with fuel at tlio present price." Wash
ington Star.
As It Sometimes Happens.
"Speuk the truth and shamo the dev
il." "That'a all right In theory, but If I
poke the truth 011 aorue occaalona I
would ahiiuie myaelf."
All Over.
"Did you get aa much pleasure out of
your country club as you expected?"
"No; Just aa I waa beginning to bavs
good tlms my wife Joined." Lift.
Ita 5toppd Th Taper.
I'm itiiipeil my ist, ft I he;
Mills'! like 10 do It,
II 11 1 Hie editor he il Uhi smsrt
And I sllnw Iih'II ru It.
I sin a msn si psya hladi-tiU,
And I wnli'l lie lnnlt'il,
Ho when sn i-illlor i-i sinsrt ,
I wsnl Mi lw ronaiilled.
I liHik hla .M-r 'l.-vi-ll jresia,
And ln-lii'il him sll I could, air,
An' when II nun-a o iliinnlii' me
I didn't llilnk he would, sir.
Kill thai he did an' jrnu ln Ix-t
II tnsdn nn- hul a Ihundi-r,
Hsya I, I'll aliip that alii-i t. I will,
II the iliiM-il I It I list Kix-a utiderl
I hiinled lip the mi-aaly whelp
An' fur hlai'uniiln,-aivr,
I paid thi'in 'li-vnn yesra an' null!
Vra. air, I've aiopH'd hla psM-r.
- Msaon ts.) fieniiH rat.
Offered Lucrative loaltlon.
Klllierl. Applt'Kilti li'iN Iwt-ll ten-j
dcred the pOHltluu of lliHMTtor of the j
f(iret reM4Tvea of the l'iM-lfUr conat lit
11 Hiiliry of f IiMUKI H-r month and all ,
exM-iiMCM, naya th l-.xpn-MH. Air. 1
AppleRiite In exM-lall.V HtU-il for the:
poHltloii, and the offer coinea to lilm I
without Molk'itatlou or through the.
Iliftiience of frleiidM. He U iKTMOlially j
known to thoHc In nuthorlty atj
WiiHlilngtoii, and throiiKh their
knowledge of IiIh iiiiilltlcut Iuiih ami
IlierltH, the poHltloii lias) U-eli offered
lit in. It In quite likely, however,
that he will not iK-cept the poMltloiij
iMTaiiMe of the continued IHiichm of 1 1 1m j
wile. 11 let rt-fiiMiil will le regretted
by bin frlemlM here and by the WumIi j
liiKton authorltleH w ho know that
In him the dutlen of foreMt ri'm-rve ,
liiMKftor would le coiiHcleiitloimly
prorH-j-iited without fear or favor. i
A. M. Kclmi.v, formerly clerk of :
Wiihi-i county, but now one of the
bl; Hheepllieil of the Mitchell country '.
piiHHed through IJeinl ycMterday, la
company with I'.. K. Allen, 011 the '.
way to Callfornli, niyMthe Jleiulji
llulletln. The (Inn of KcUny & Id-cd-1 :
er have fourbaiulH of nlni'p l."i,(MHi In '
all on the road to the t'allfornlii '
market, and Mr. Kelnny fxMft to
overtake them In the vicinity of Nil-':
ver Lake and ewort them to onri3
uelKhlior Htate. The trip will occupy
live iiiontliM.
A. kiss; For iDfornalloN. I
"All I want In a little pin money,"
Hi Id younif Mrs. DashlnKton.
"I know It. my dear," answered her
husband, "but don't you urn? anytblnjr
but diamond plus T' Kan Francisco
Not Icl4.
Doing a-welgh with blniHelf.
Reduced Summer Excursion Ratio
The Denver & Rio Grande, popularly
known aa the "Hcenio Line of the
World," haa announced greatly reduced
round-trip ratea from Paciflq Ooaat
pointa for the benefit of teachers who
will spend their vacation in the Kaat,
and of delegates to all the prominent
Conventions N. K. A., at Boston; A.
(). U. W., at St. Paul ; H. P. O. E., at
Haltimore; Woodmen of America, at In
dianapolin; Eagles, at New York; Mys
tic Shrine at Saratoga Springs j K. of P.
at 1-ouiHville, and T. P. A. at Indianap
olis. Tickets at the reduced rates will he
bailed upon one fare for the round trip,
but will be aold only on certain day a.
These tickets will carry stop-over privi
leges on the going trip, giving pansen
gers an opportunity to visit Salt Lake
City, Ulenwood Springs, Colorado
Springs and Denver; and will be good
to return any time w ithin ninety (UU)
days. Passengers going via the Denver
A Hio Uraude are given the privilege
rtf ruhi.nlna via a ,1 i fftirDn fr. mil I H.
i For the rate to the point you wish to
go, ana lor times ot sale ana outer par
ticulars, as well as for illustrated
phamphlets, write
W. C. Mcliride, General Agent,
tf 124 Third Bt., Portland, Ure.
Zl as.'-a ,sar--afiJ. JTT:- .,
0 1 vvvvNkN; c;v
Tli Kind Yon llavo Always
In iimo for ovit HO yovrn,
pZtCjty- nonal mipcrvlalon ulnoo Ita Infancy.
fi4CC444 Allovf no one todorolve you In thin.
All Counterfeit, Imitation and Jut-aN-jrooP aro but
Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience agalnat Experiment.
OaNtorla In a harmless aubftltute for Caator Oil, Pare
goric, Drop and Hoot bluff Syrups. It Is l'lcanant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
HiibNtancn. It nije I Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays revcrbdincN. It cures Dlarrhosa and Wind
Colic It relieves Teethlnjr Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It anal in I late the Food, regulates the
Stomach and llowcl, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bougbt
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmk sommmv. 99 nusssv smsrr. m vess orrv.
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
m JUST opbned. Ooods AR-
HOTEL ILaketiew
5eomaow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
:e?2sris f
1 I gaKCVlCW
, .
lS) 49 fMasiai Uas4L Ait
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc.
J.WENDELL, - Proprietor.
The Only First Class Restaurant in Lakeview. Turkeys,
Chickens and Suckling Pigs baked to order. Bread and pas
try always on hand. Excellent Service Prices Reasonable.
Central Cafe
Lunch Counter
Evsrytblng Nsw First Class
P. A. MTANIKY, lrp'r.
I M I 1 ?
- JT-'-V -vTITi tmr ' i
BotiKlit, nnd which lian heca
lian bomo tlio alirnainro of
han boon inado under uU per-
Signature of
Cnirlor Rn Hino nn Water St
uiiiuui uu. u.i.a ..u,w. wt.
iif i
. .
U4fcl I aLaiiIAISI
This is the only Cafe and Lunch Coun
ter in Lakeview and the first and only
Bill oi Fare and Check system in East
ern Oregon. Meals from 10 cts. up.
All kinds of Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Baking done to order. All white cooks
Call Once and you will Call Again.
The Scenic Line
To The Oit And South
Through Sslt Lnke CMv, Leadville, Pue
blo, Colorado .irinjf and Ihjnver.
Offer tlm choice of Three Hoiltcs thro'
ihe fsnmii liocky M' nntain Hcenery,
and Kiv Ii-tinct Itoules (Cast and
Mouth of l)eiiver.
lii'taem 0(Vn and Denver, carrying
all Clause of Modern Equipment.
I'erfe.:t Ihriinit Cur Service and Person
ally Conducted .oiirint Kicurniont to all
Points KhsI.
For all inforir.Htion and illustrated liter
atu.e, call on or address
General Agent,
12 Third St. Portland, Or.
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leavea Lakeview at 6 a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paieley
at 6 :;i0 a. m every day but
Pssscngert' are f j. Round trip $ (
OFFICE- Kviiol & WngllelJ's MkeTlaw
S. L. McNacghtos, Prop.
Office at Mercantile Store
Ftage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
need ay b and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrives
at Plush at 9 p. m. Leavea Plush Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a. m.f arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
Passenger fare $3 one way or 5 for
round trip. Freight ratea from May
1st to Nov. lt $.75 per hundred ; from
Nov. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per hundred,
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. VADIN, Proprietor.
Office in Llnkville Hotel
Kl.msth Falls.
Daily from Ager to Klamath Hot
Springs, Keno. Kiamath Falls, Dairy,
Bonanza, Bly and Lakeview.
Daily from Lakeview to Bly, Bonanxa.
Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, Klamath
Hot Springs and Ager,
Makes connection with al! trains at
Ager. Also connects at Klamath Falls
with the stage for Ashland.
Good Stock .v. Easy Coaches
H. K. Bakib, Frop'r.
Office in Bieber'A Store
Stage leavea Lakeview daily, ex
cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrives
at Alturas at 6 p. in.
Leavea Alturas for Lakeview at
0 o'clock a.m., or on the arrival
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention
first - Class - Accomodations.
JalilCS Dull J right ear tor ewes; revert
tor wethers. Bonis ewes Bquars Crop and Slit
la rlgUt ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crana
Lake. Postnfflee address, Lakerlew, Oregon
7flf Whitwnrth Bdw"cropo ieit
LaU II III 111 Ullll ear, Hall Underorop oS
right lor ewes ; reverse for wethers. Tar Braa
W. Range, Fish Creek. PostoMoa addrasa
Lakeview, Oregoa