LAKE COUNTV fcXAhlNCK. LAKIIVinW, ORUUON. JULY 0. 1U PLAYED GOOD BALL Paisley and New Pine Creek Open the Base Ball Contest With a Good Game Other Games Play luili: When that expression was heard from P. A. McCorran, tin umpire, of Keno, last Friday forenoon, jeople tegan to think the game would be Judged right and fairly. And It was. Never wan there an umpire In Lake vlow that gave such ierfect Hat Mo tion, simply Uvause he understood the game know how. lie was Johnny on the spot" every time the pitcher delivered the ball. The same Friday wan W'twecn Paisley ami the State Line team. The latter boys apeared In good form, but not any more ho than the Paisleys. It was nobody's game up to the sixth Inulng. W. Y. Miller, of the Paisley team went out and made 11 seorv in the first inning, which looked a though it would U' the last. Uoth teams played good ball and the excitement wa intense. The rooters on the bleachers yelled them selves hoarse. The letting was spirited but there was some odds in favor of Pine Creek. In the "mI in ning, Lester Vernon made tlie tlrvt run for the State Line team, and that was the last until the 7th In ing, when five of the boys went out and made a tally each. Paisley j made one tally in the ."th inning. It . automobile, but upon the pussen began to look like Pine Creek was a i gees alighting found it to ! Paul de sure winner, but it was nobody's j Laney and K. A. Piiterhoiigh. who game until the Mh. Paisley made : were touring Sout hern and Kastcrn two tallies in the 7th and tive in the Oregon in a covered wagon iih red Mh, and the State Line team only: letter on the side, conveying the made one in theMh. losing the game , intelligence that the Oregon Journal by 7 to It. Statk Link W. Faster C W. Y. Miller P.. Wade P A. I'.annister L. Vernon 1 It 11. lintiuan .). (JibboiiH 1' It V.Sutherland 0. Smith -i 15 J. Harier 1. Amick SS C. Withers 1. Smith K K C. llannan L. Mulkey C F P. McDonald C. Phodes L F iuy ItecHe ScoKK II y Inmm.s 1 2 ', 4 .". ti 7 ! Total Paisley 1 n it 0 1 - " Stat.- Line ii n 1 u " U 1 u 7 The purse was of the gate re cipts. jfjvnu. The second gallic was played on the afternoon of the 4th and was witnessed by a very large crowd. It was between the winners of the pie viotis day and a picked up nine from Lakeview and Silver Lake. The Paisley boys protested against the outside boys, claiming that Lake view was to play with a home team. ISut as several of Lakeview 's Is-st players could not play, it was favor ably agreed to as arranged, if the big purse of 2iM) would lie equally divided. With this understanding the game was played. Ah it was not known how the Lakeview nine could play, ami as the Paisley boys had put up such a good game tin day ls-fore, it was expected the re sult would Is close. In the first inning Lakeview made five tallies and Paisley one, ami in tin? next Paisley made four and Lakeview none, making tin Hcore j even. Hut the Paisley boys were ; 1Uvlng the license 'alsed to ifSt per worn out from the day ls-fore, and ( night, and claim they will bring the tould not put up half the game they niatb r bef,,re the circuit court if the did witli the State Line team, and 1 iini0,,t is not returned. The noon saw their finish. The Lakeview .j0f,rc's will return to Alturas today nine j.iit up a good game find won where they will fill another engage In a gallop after the second inning. ' ment. They always give good clean Si'ohk iivlxxixiiH, ! shows and are deserving of success. 1 2 :i 4 5 ti 7 s '.) Total Lakeview 5 0 2 :i 0 4 0 1 17 ! Paisley 1 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 ! The third game was played Sun day afternoon between Lakeview ! und the State Line for the gate re ceipts of the last two days, to Im di vided equally, making $45 for each wide. The betting seemed to be in favor of Lakeview a little, ami when they went to the bat, they made three runs the first Inning, but when Tine Creek went to the bat they pro reeded to bat the I,akevlew pitcher all over the Held. The viniWiwl Paisley boys lielng n little sore, root ed for the Pine Creokers. In the first Inning. Pine Creek made four runs. In the 2d, one. In the :UI, 7, ami In the 4th. 3. when the likevlew nine changed ltchers and put Pent Smith In the box. and he only allow ed them to make one more run dur ing the name. The game ended In tlrst Imlf.of the Nth. In favor of Pine Creek with a score of HI lo S. Stohk u Y Inninos. 1 2 :i 4 7 s s Total State Line 4 1 7 : 0 0 1 lrt lkevlew : 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 S JULY RACE MEETING. (concluded from first page. I Some jiood riding was done In hob bled stirrups but no up and down riding. The bronchos were pretty ones indeed, showing plenty of breed ing and stamina. The first race yesterday was a consolation race. anil repeat, with the following entries: I.ady Lord like, Creed more. Ialry Maid and Tulare Thief. Creed more won. The second was a mile dash fur fjuo. Henry M.. Yo No Se and The Wooer entered. The latter won. The Oregon Journal. Tuesday afternoon a vehicle steamed Into town, sailed down main street at a whirlwind gait ami drew up at The F.xaminer ollice. We jit tirst thought it was another was one of Port land's daily paper. These gentlemen are full of energy,; and vim, probably sullicient to pro-m-I their carriage, but they brought along a span of mules to help them out of a snow drift which they encountered on the mountain be tween here and Plush. They were com)clled to return to Plllsh Monday 1 on their way here during the big; snow storm. The snow was 1 inches 1 ditp. ; The gent lei nen are ga t hi-riiig data for a speeial edit ion of the Journal. ' devoted exclusively to the interior i if Oregon. i Paul de Laney is an old resident of . Lakeview, ami is classed as one nf 1 tile best descriptive writers on the west coast, lie is and has been i writing numerous stories of Lake, i county for his paper, and is gather ing material for a lot more. It will; be rcinemliercd that De Laney wrote j the "Lord of the Desert," and while on his way from liurns to Lakeview, j he camped on the spot where the! scene of this story is laid. Mr. Puterbough iscirculatiou agent of The Journal, and will no doubt do a good business in Lakeview. Moore's Comedians closed their six nights' engagement In Lakeview last night. They met with all the success that they expected, which was a crowded house every night, and some nights fieople wen; turned away on account of room. They think they were not treated fairly in Probably no heavier snow storm occured during last winter than was witnessed last Monday morning July 01 li. Il came down In large flakes ami soon covered the gr und to the depth of of an Inch. Trees were bent to the ground with the heavy load, and many were broken down. It was a scene rarely wit nessed and one that people could not believe unless they seen It with their own eyes. SPRING BAILEY Kino; A rum anri liraull fill lliirul taauiplm to nw lerl from. WORK . Ol'ARASTILFI PRICKS . RIIASONABU rr 1 brewery ? AYRLS& 5CT1LAULL. Props. SALOON IN CONNECTION Leer sold Wholesale & Retail Delivered any place in Town Dance miss it taken dance. 1 1 L- ALKV 2 I PAIMIR . . AM) 7 I A PAPLR . IIWGfR I m J FOR it CLOTHING QO TO ..&.. MASSINGILL us tip on the Phone if yon want Anything; in our Line. HIGH SHOES Lowest Prices See Me ! G R A V E 5 r t . . PLATFORM . . $ .DANCE. $ There will be a Big Platform 4th of July week. You will if you don't have your measure for a suit in time for the big & We guarantee fit and satisfaction P at THE MONOGRAM. AHLSTROM BRO'S. clocks S ' ' - ,!!y As-' :-" ' M l felH6ii