Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 25, 1903, Image 1

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t I
NO. 2.
I i
1 i
'JN'iarly Joo People Caught in 01-
gAittic Cloud Iturstand Drown
ctl I.Ike Rats In a Trap.
A eloud w lil li burst mi I In hills ii
iiillc south of 1 1 i 1 1 r at about .V.'lo
oVI.m U Sunday afternoon June l.'t.
Id limw a hungry Hood of wafer,
which swept down the hillside In a
vvull .In fii-l high mid LiM) yards wide.
Reaching the liottolil of flu canyon.
flu' Mould avalanche retired Its'
mighty front over I he doomed town,
and allied to destruction nearly
every building and liuinau Ising
flint lay In Km path, leaving a waste
of desolation to mark Hh trail. The
lest l'o lug torn-lit rnred down the
narrow gorge of Willow Cn-ck, lftttfi
' lat lug as It rearlied them the settle
ments of lclligton, lone and Pmig
laM, lint lessening In fury and In vol
ume as I he I hlrsty alkali soil of the
valley iiraiiK up t lie water like a
-pongc. I'.i'hlnd It lay nearly .'am
h ad, drowned like rain In a trap.
The suddenness of the catastrophe
gae I he let bus no warning, over
w helm I nc t hem for t he main part n
liny sat within t heir hi iiiii'M.
I in uii'd la lily after the fatal Hood
had wiped the major pi rt Ion of I le
UHT out of existence, HWlft eourlerH
iu horseback hmi to warn the resi
dents of the Valley toward the Co-
fuinlila of t he coining miII. It-lle
Matlock, soli of mi ex Sheriff of Mor
row eoiiuly, rode a wild tide for Is
iiilleN ahead of the raging watei'H.
IIIh horse dropped dead, lint he se
cured another, ami again another.
ocrliig the ('..", mlli'H to Arlington In
hcvcii hoiirH. To thin I'liul Kcvcn-of
Oregon Ih limlolllitedly due t he fact
that the raurherM of the Willow
Cn-ck country Im-Iow lleppner lost
mo little stock nihl property.
I ; i ll Me A tee, a business man of
lle.pner, whoM residence Ih on a
Inmh Ii ahove lleppner, wax an cyt
wit iichh of the disaster. Ill rouipaiiy
with Frank Spnullng, he I "f t llcpp
ner at 1H:'.'0 o'clock last night on
liorHeliaek, arriving at Arlington thin
lllol'llillgat 'i.'.U) IH'llH'k.
" n Sunday afternoon," said Mr
McAtit-, "there had lieeli a pretty
severe rain Htorui, accompanied hy
in mil wind and lightning. I was
standing lu front of the house ami
noticed that a cloud of remarkable
tlcnsciicss Hhroiideil the top of the
hill on the cowl wide of the canyon.
I turned a way for a moment, when
it roar canned me to look again at
the hill. I hiiw a wall of water
whom- height I would U afraid to
gauge, rushing down the mountain,
carrying immense trees and timbers
on It rrcHt, and tearing the very
rockM from their foundation struck
tint upper part of tin town firMt. The
residence of Tliomiui Howard wan
tlio HthI to fall, and IiIh entire family
wax drowned. In the Krug homo
also every person wiw drowned, uh
wiih the case In the Halo and Haling
reMldenccH. All of these houses were
about 4 or 5 blocks above thu busl
ir'hh center, The houses ol Mr. Abra
tiamslck were entirely demolished
f These bouses were four or five blocks
j Above the business center."
. , Tlio Palace Hotel wan the first
) building to stein the tide, and all the
' guests were saved; but bounty below
the l'alace Hotel were thrown out
Into the street, overturned and
wrecked. The residence of O. A. Ilhca
wtui carried away, and the entire !
family, consisting of a wife and three I
daughters, and MImh AdkliiM, a cons
In. wen drowned. Mr. Rhea hliu
Melf wiih absent III Cortland, attend
ing t he MuhoiiIi' con vent lou. ( '. I:.
Hedllled, w Imw ri'Hldeiice wiih com
pletely destroyed, wan iiImo nliMi'iit
with Mr. Khcn In Portland, and IiIm
wife and baby were drowned. The
body of Mrs. Rcdflcld Im among the
Popular Young; Lady of Paisley
Is the Winner of the Much
Coveted Prize for the 4th
MIhh l'rais-cs Jones, of Pulslcy,
recovere.i. A. t . iilegern Iioiim m hh wiih (l t h. voting c.ttt Ht forlod-
ciirne.i away ami air. ..leg.-r .irown- ,,.HM of .jK.rtJ. fr t. Fourth of
ed. IIIh family Im lii the Ci.Ht. 1 July In Lakevlew. Klic nfelved :'I0
"(leorge I'oiiH. r'H liollHi- Was next V(,,(.M t. I(u4t UIIIj wlJ- v,.r
but the family nurre..c.l In hii vlng M,. Hnlder, her lienrent t.pponent.
their lives by running to the tipN-r (V :,7 voten. MIhh Join's Ih ii popular
story, the house In lng curried down j young lady of I'iUley, our neighbor-
u.ecni ic i uni .piiinern oi a i""". Ing t own on t he nort h. ami the eld
When reached by the rescuers theyj(.Mt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. M.
found the house had lni cut In t wo ! J,.m. l-,l..t.l.r,,i,i,. ,.,.
Some of the very largest and Is-st At fl A
clips of Likevlew have gone to the 1 A
l'laiilgan Warehouse and from all f
reluriiH ami Indications, the own-!
ersoffhes. wools will realize from'
one-half, to a cent over the Is-st
price paid here.
ami Mr. i 'onser wiiHstiimllng in wai
ter up to his lieck holding IiIh wife
that the young men of Ijikevlew
have allowed a young lady of our
upon the roof, and keeping her from neighboring town fo'step In ami
slipping wllli IiIm iMitsin-lcliedaniis." j cnptim- a prlw away fjj.m so many
lr. M.Swor.l and .1. Avers, w ho , promising candidates , yet no ls-tter
were living In the same house, were j eliolce outside of Lnkevlcw could
1 1 row ned. i iscnr Miner's Iioumi- was ' IIIVI. H--u made.
next ilemollHlie.l, and Mrs. Miner j The vote Ih Iow Is the total ns
drowned. The rest of the family counted at -J o'ebs-k yesterday.
xllccii-ileil in sivlug their lives by l'rilllii-H .loueH..
clllllbllig to the roof. All of the: Mae Snider
Wells family but two were lost and j vl,a sl"'iy
. , , . . . 1. 1 . i A una I o n
tlie house carried awav. With the
Kthel McKee
Wells resilience went the house of .- , ... , ,
Kate i ii nlciM'k
ticorge Swnggerl. Mr. Swaggerfs ! ;ca I'.anister. ..
t wo married daughters wen" drow r- fieiile Saelling. ..
ed with their five children. ! Myrtle Smith ...
! i;ille Nyswniier.
MaU l Pike
I'uuli, I III.. I. .11
n ston', nnd Mr. Mallory, a crippled j J'ete Post
old man was found safe holding a
baby. .Mm Matlock's house was
next. Mr. Matlock was drowned,
but his family was saved. I'r. lllggs'
house also went. lien' one child
was drowned but then-st of the falii-
Hag" Bauer Elopement.
An elopement In this enmity Ih a
ran- thing, and It treated consider
able comment, when It as learned
that Ilert A. Ungan had carried
away Nellie, the 17 year old daugh
ter of Frank I). ISauers. P.agan had
Is-eu working for liaueis, mi his
place on Thomas Cn-ek, and fell In ;
love lth the young lady, hIio r;.
cipns-ated the affections. Itagan
asked for consent of the pan-nts to
marry the girl, but was refused.'
Coining to town Saturday Itagan
Mrs. E. H. Smith is the Victim of
What May Result in a Fatal
Shooting Last Tuesday.
Kxcltement was Intense Tuesday
morning when word spread over
town that Llllle Smith wife of Dr. E.
II. Smith had Is-en shot and mas dy
ing as a result. Many kinds of re
ports wen-soon in circulation, and
the correct version of the sad affair
was hard to fathom. After the first
excitement had died away It wan
learned the shooting was the prob
able result of an accident.
It apis-nrs that Mrs. Smith wan
The Mallory house was carried ."u
yards and was found lodged against J
I ly escaped. Mrs. Fldcr was drown
ed In her n'sldence. The house of Mr.
lloyd and Mr. Walton wm also de
stroyed and both families lost. Mr.
Hart liolomew succeeded In saving
all persons In his residence, although
they wen' badly bruised. The house
Itself was washed away.
Perhaps the greatest loss isTiirn'd
at the lleppner Hotel. This house,
which was run under the manage
ment of Jones & Ashbaugh, was car
ried away. It Is supposed that then'
wen about .VI guests In this hotel all
of whom an' reported to be lost.
The proprietors themselves wen'
saved, but their families wen-among
t he dead.
Court stnrt, at lleppner, m the
bank of the stream, Is swept clean as
a gravel bar from end to end. Not
even the foundations of a long line
of Wnutlfu! residences are left. All
the Ayers' homes, nnd the Matlocks,
Wells, Shiitt and Kelthley'a, are im If
they had never Imvii. F. very business
house, except the hotel, Fair store
and Oibl Fellows' building, along
the side of the ntni't on which the
bank stands, are wrecks, a large
building Is Jammed Into the drug
ston and several other Btructureti
are In the middle of the same street.
Residences are turned over or torn
to pieces. Mud, nil mo and misery
are everywhere.
The water was 15 feet high in
Ileppner's streets and rose over the
new Court-houHo wall. It came
down Palm Fork chiefly, but was a
torrent on all hillsides. Kuormous
piles of rock and graver have been
washed down the canyon, Ave miles
up on llutter Creek.
The flood came almost Instantly,
and lasted one hour. The people
thought it was only a repetition of
the cloudburst a few days ago, and
were not alarmed until It was too
Disla Wlllits
licorge W hurt on
lici t ha Mckerson
Ada Woodcis-k "
Ottle Field Lnkeview (iilibins New l'iue Cnvk
Ida Howard Un-ws Valley
liertie Schlagt-I Paisley
Jonas King 1-akeview
Malwl Pry or
Ollic lleryford
Carrie Tonulngwii
Pearl Moss
iet Pryan
Sclmu lleryford "
Thos. Kler
Mrs. IH'wey
Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Welter
C. It. Anderson "
in her room up stairs and was look-
applied to County Clerk Manrlng for ,nK Ht H calibre rifle which she had
a license, but again met with defeat, '""ded taking tip In the hills ac
Pcing a determined ami gallant c,"I'inied by some friends. The
; young man he hied himself back to "rst intimation of the accident waH
I the ranch with a buggy and at the the report of the gun and a scream.
solemn hour of 11 p. m. Sunday Ir. mltl was out In the yard on
... 1.!.. .. I .1.1
. night, thev stole silent v awav. "1UMI ""lu """"'K " imiieni,
Palslev :ai, i , . , , . ,
,Jlk(.vll.v;. They w. n- seen In Ires valley, IT, a,,1 WHM t,,e flrHt to arrive at is Creek ,::; miles awiiy. at : o'clock t he next . '"'dslde of his dying wife. All of the
I.akevlew 1 P; j morning, leaving nothing but dust physicians In town were summoned.
1-HKcvlcw 4r.ii,, tii,,r W(tk( Wh(.n tlu, They found that the bullet had enter-
"1 . i i , . . . lllsf nlu.rtf. th luijirt urn! hn,l
iiiisseii i neir uaiiguier, I ney surmisei - -
at v that they had been outwit- Penetrated the left lung, where it had
ted by the lovers, and their rath probably lodged. The wound was
knew no bounds. Mr. Mailers was in pronounced not to lie absolutely
town looking for his daughter, and,'ltal-41,1,1 u to th'"' writiug the pa
w lien be iearne.1 whcn'they had gone. ' t,cnt ttinK a,on ft w" M P"
he said things that don't look well in H'bl? UI,lU'r ,he circumstances. The
La keview
.1 rooked 'nck
I.llke lew
4-i I
I ;
t.vs.. We have not learned whet her ( ,iltal l-rUl for such wounds has not
they have been married yet or not. j -vet arrlve.l and it may yet prove
fatal. The serious nature of the case
Died In San Francisco. ! Is well known to Dr. Smith, and he
Charley Purrus received the sad remains constantly at the bedside of
news last Friday that his sister Mrs. j his wife.
(continued on 4th page)
Last Wednesday was the appoint
ed time for t lie sale of wools at The
Flanlgan Warehouse In IU'no. Near
ly two million pounds of wool from
Western Nevada, California and
Southern Ongou were In the big
building, to bring to Keno the buyers
from the Fast as well as the west.
The morning showed a tendency
to combine on the part of the buyers.
and as a result all their bids were
n-Jected. In the afternoon, Senator
Flanlgan who ersonally conducts
tlw sals called the buyers together
and Informed them that their com
bination must cease or no wools
would Is) allowed to go. This put
an end to the combination and
Nevada wools were sold for prices
from 4 to 15 cents. During the
second tlay of the sale, four lots of
Lake and Modoc county wools were
sold for prices netiug 14 cents to
their owners, clear of all charges.
The second sale will lie held In the
near future at the Warehouse and In
the menu time wools will be sold at
private sale to the advantage of the
The amount of wool collected In
Iteno on one floor and under one
roof Ih sutllcient to entice buyers
from the Eastern sea board and es
pecially from the woolen mills. The
sale was a perfect success from every
point of view. The Warehouse has
the confidence and support of every
woo) grower lu western Nevada.
I Francis Iirown had died that day
in a San Francisco hospital as the
n-stilt of an operation. The end wiut
not unexiH-cted as word had lieen
received several days liefore that she
was not c.Hfted to live, and her
mother, Mrs. Hurrus was summoned
from Keno to her lsilslile. Mrs.
P.rown was very well kuown here,
as she was raised In Lnkeview. It
was only a few years ago that she
removed w ith her husband to Heno.
where her parents ami family soon
followed. Ik'sides her husband and
child she leaves father, mother, sis
ters Llllle and Pearl, brothers Tom
and Archie of Keno, and Charley of
La keview.
Mrs. Brown was '2i years of age.
She was burled at Keno last Mon
day lu the family lot. She will lie
sadly mourned by her relatives, and
will Ih? missed by many friends.
Reservoir Site la Harney.
The Burns Times-Herald says:
Register Fa'rre of the local land office
last Tuesday received a telegram
from the general land commissioner
at AVashlngton, withdrawing tem
porarily townships 17, 18 and 19 In
range HI, townships 17, 18 and ID,
range .'l- from all disposal pending
receipt of letter as to sections.
These particular townships are all
within the proposed reservoir site
In Sll vies valley and are withdrawn
for this purpose. The letter to fol
low will perhaps state what par
ticular sections within the with
drawal that will be open to entry or
other disposition as a part of the
townships withdrawn are situated
on side hills where the waters of the
reservoir will not reach.
This Is the first withdrawal of land
tor irrigating purposes lu this land
district and every Indication points
to the government taking hold of
the proposltlou and push It.
The accident hapis-ned about 9:30
Tuesday morning, and Mrs. Smith's
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. M.
T. Walters, and her sister Mrs. J. L.
Smith, were in the house at the time.
The shock to her parents was indeed
severe, as they are both In feeble
health. Mrs. Walters only recently
returned from Tacoma, where she
had been a!ij Inter for her health,
staying with another daughter, Mrs.
The accident Is greatly deplored
by the many relatives and friends of
Dr. and Mrs. Smith, and It Is hoped
that the wound may not prove
A. F. & A. M. Orand Lodge.
The following officers were elected
at the recent sesslou of the Grand
Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Oregon.
S. M. Yoran, of Eugene, grand
master; Thomas Gray, of Portland,
deputy grand master; W H. Flana
gan, Grants Pass, grand senior war
den; W. T. Williamson, Salem, grand
juutor warden; Henry ltoe, Port
land, grand treasurer; James F. Rob
inson, F.ugene, grand secretary; Ja
cob Mayer, Portland, M. S. Wood
cock, Porvallis, John K. t'leland,
Portland, trustees of Educational
The following are the -newly chos
en officers of the Grand Chapter, I)..
E. S., of Oregon: Helen P. Catch, of
Salem, worthy grand matron; C. F.
Wlegand, Portland, worthy grand
patron; Delia Houston, Portland,
associate grand matron; J. P. Lu
cas, ISaker City, associate grand
patron; Mary Scott Myers, of The
Dalles, grand secretary; Laura
Lounsberry, of Astoria, grand treas
urer; Inex Ryan, of Oregon City,'
grand conductress and Ray L. Slier
win, of Ashland, associate grand