Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 18, 1903, Image 8

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Vj V-fjr T't "" v
on Ilipli ami
X The quality
I - INk of all in the
V Ql bet. and if
you want an honeet hoe i( hest
leather and workmanship, get it
here. The figure at w hich we are
selling tells the whole story. Hon
est value at an honeet price.
' 1
You are HUre of
ie very tie w ent
PI V etiH-k, Urgent net-
XX ij-'Vlt ection ami ii.iti-
faction, which
Childrene and Misses SSandaU
Sties 6 to 2
fl.OO, $1.20, 1.40.
Ladies Sandals, 1.65
Ladies Oxford Ties
$1.00, and 2.25
Mttna (tull n)vrfa mw tmtftrn
Men's Kull Madras Golf Kliirtai
Mens Fancy Healed Front Golfs
f 1.7" and t'-' OO.
Balhrit!K'n I'nderwear 50 c.
Jersey RibU-d Shirts and Drawers
7!) ts.
Mens v! Finished Shirts and
dr.iw rs $1 .00
Ileal news of the neii-am (reli V
and altiyettier cliMrming chirt
aints at fractions of their real y
worth. Think of tuviti the ihtin-
tient Lawn Waints worth - for
fl.'H) Kvery woman with mini- y
tuer plans is interested -anil that V
mean every woman. S
Kent materials, iHrfect colors,
put toaether hotter than you V
would do it yourself.
Fancy I'ercale aajnts "Sets.
Fancy Madras Waists It .''
Merreriavd Linen Waists
(4.UIIJIIIIII tl Iff Xty
doi lou rain. ', n J M'"'"1. '" 'iik ii-Hi,. ,.UIIM.
The f ii tt in tm mid Mock an- ninlllm; ; ,nl" 'M",r,, ''' '' ' i 1 1 m
.., ., ... ti... i.i.k ..f ,'" Mli Mr... v-1-r.hi.v.
I IU.1 MIMI IIU'l' .". ...
t lino.
.1. W. I'llio wim over friitn
Miin. In v.
Itluwii In the mil api'lli'iinl .
'IiimIi i ' 'irHiin ( r.. ih r. fi.ri'iiiitn t.f .
Bieberfs Store Hotel Building Bieberfs Store
A. I.. IVIco wan In from W timer
If you want MhliiKlen. m.i Ayri'M k
tieo. StevetiM catm In frmn Iheilen
ert Saturday.
John Cllliani of Hl.v, wiih In Iwike
view TueHilay.
1 1 null A hern iih III from IiIm nheep
camp TiieMilay.
II. T. TIlompNOII of liiirtlelil, I'll ,
arrived hen1 TueM.lay.
J. (). Ilainaker wan hen- from
Itonauzit Saturday.
M u in ik-1 Samlern' wan In from IiIh
camp after niippll. Moinlay.
Frank KotfKvrw wan In from hfn
sheep camp TileMilay after niipplleit.
Iike Shore cut t ! rum h In MoiM
county, ai-eompinl.'il l.y IiIm family
were her,, from h.lln t'ns'k Siilur
John Hoowr atiil u If.-of ( ulUt . ma,
t'al., arrived In l.iikelew Tu.-Mility
on a to Hu ll- ncphU'w V. A.
MuhhIiiuIII I'll in their lllt Ult
to thin country.
CltlK lin of Slh .t Lake atl.t Khun
nth lulls an' aH it Inutile pr..)ii t of
a road acr.iHM country Ix-lwei'ti thow
plaeen. The run. I would ! prin
cipally III K lama t h I 'utility .
J. II. I.lniieil, u.lienul lllH-t l(.r of
the Interior il.'p.irtm.-iit ,
from iiMhltiKtoii Satttntay. lie In
hereon olllrlal lmli roiin.-. t.-.l
with the I. iik. vl. Ian I oill. e
At a unit Iiik ..f the l.onr.1 of r,'-
I ar LSUCKCt at J. Wm-.., U . r. II. -u lry. ami K.Im
: LcwL" & Clarke Pair 1 S. Inn. it were here fr..m I'ortlan.l
- - - - - 1 Sat nr. lay .
Lake county will lie ivpivM' at
the 1-wU ,V ( hlike Tair to I..- I k - J . I
in Portland In I :.".. l.y at I.-aM one
ItamenAc Iteynoldn. the N.-iv IMue " A-M ii,. Norm.,! s. I.ool
fnrk tnlllern. . n. lii town oier'1""1 W,''U' " u'"' ,'''1 ' ''' ' I"1"''
SiiikIm v. th" 1 oiim'iii. ,,a ..f 11 !,. InillliiiK
to in.-.-! Hie Krowliit; In U . ( Hint
I'.. I'.. Lhliirhart an. I wife Were
III from the Crooked Creek mi mill
Suinla v.
Will Make the 5eason of 1903 at Lakevlew and
New Pine Creek, Oregon
C'hi'Ktnut burse, broa.l -trip in fare. rihthili.l Wg l.iif atnive ankl.
Ii92. Brert by Auauxr Belmont. Nursery istu.t, Kentucky.
l Seclusion
i ( Mnrhy
I Vesuvicnne .
y ( Iln i'Ulliau.
Touchntone .
'Bin W1D(5 . . .
Mi.HS.-v-lh.n .
7' ti
I ftli
1 I 3 1
lis I'FL'iir di-s
lam FoHin
'Inru st.-am
dam Ml-;, .-tnvtly
dam ...
ilam Ji.'asTa
'I it m M i ; in . . ,
'Im hi Mi- l'rtni-r
'lam I ' r . 1 1 Y n r'. 1
If. in Hhv I.h . N.ti'- (J
Mahbran. .
' Bouuy
'IhantiL'leer .
'Ellerdale ...
'Magnolia .
Se iiiiuct'-r . .
'Maria .. .
ani. l. hy Wh alt-bene
' ( Hunt. r. by Mi-li'i Henry
tl.ri-yniax by 1'
' fhaiwhter of Au.iruH.-au
( Ion by ( n I n
' i'aliuyra by Hnltaii
tl'oul br liny Ml l.llelon
' B-Ile fame by Kelitiarar
ToUeb-lolle bv Cailll't
" t Vulture by l.atitrar
Whilter by W axy
' f.iare i by Oet.iviall
I'artian by W alduu
f 1'auliiie by M.m.'N
,ir Herenle by W ha!' Nine
I Ki ln, by Kinlliua
,The Karon by llirdealetior
PiM-NhiililaH by l,leueue
I M. ltHirn- by iliimiim-y ' linker
'Viieen Mary by Oia.liMt.'r
t Hirileateb'-r by sir Mni ulea
( Whim by I, lli
i I.aner.'"f.l by l.lvertHml
I icra'M dam tjy Touibi'y
I ll'.iti.n liy Timoloii!
i A 1 . !- arn-ai by arM-.l(m
('lerici'e by H'lltall
(Mvrile by M arm. I like
,T.nirhtiiii t,v I 'alll'-i
il'. by (ir Syntax
tllarkawayby Keonomift
( .-.u-ihi inn by t-l.'ciiUliMli
'lm lr imj
'Jam I.H.vT'.n Vii
Jll.J..y. !. I.
It'- 'Irtlll
Inr I,
l ....
by I.anrnr (-..-lirn ty Buzzard.)
by Wany 1'iip" W aiv by l'nt-a-oa.)
by Kami le I Vie. in Mir-k'- by Mar-ke
l.y Urn lie H'T.el by Tartar
by Mareb.-m ; ide l, ii. lol f .h I n Arabian
by Coiiifunir- K'irest.'r, '' 'r'.fi'a Furr'.ter
by t'a'" (if.dlhlli AraliiMll!
by I'artncr 'liK by liyrly l iirk
bV Mrtlewell '!.'! i b "T " A T4 V i.U
bv Hrlmiii.r lIi'Arev V-dlow Turk J
by I'la'. -s W..i!.- Turk,
bv ImdftWori h tJarb
. jr or Keutu. I. . . K-
.linn ky mi
AIXJ The Full Mood Norman StHlli .n "SI I KTKU," l.y Imp.
Normany, lnrn h Imp. liordemin, and tli'; I-ull-tilood Sliire Mai
lion ' KAUNK AN"' hy Kan of Karn, he hy In.p. l:lai k 1'ritne, dam
hy Imp Glary....
; article and thi Is a n-llc of pioneer
jhlntory. A copy of The i:amlner
i containing a ish.n t history of a tar
j Inicket found on the , at Hj.e of
Aliert Lake, found its way to a
Mrs. 1 1 l lela ml is here from Kliini
at li I alls on a to her liii tli. r
John Cull
K. X. Smith nii'l .1. J. Collins of
AM.ati.v wen- nuestM at The I jik- lew
ponilar hool
Tin- .lire- 1,1. . . M,, ,,.,11, ',,U
Were ijuile it hiii . i hM ux aa the
rar.s w ei i i mi eriie.l, Imi 1 1 o i . v . I
in at tell 1 1 ill. e s . 1-, in it , , , ,- -.
t.ltloliM. .S.iiiii . ,t I he I'll,,, will
i I . i I aUe n-
The i ,, m men ol CaUI.-l olinerw-d
III. M II II nil 1 .Villi , iler. il vl lllU the
i Kllles e.ea.'. Nell.l.ol Mil
j.lillie 7lh, liy liii,llln a '"aiitlful
I uray luai l.U- iiiouuiiieiit . ,. t he
I . 1. I - - , I
I . I nil l si ill a II 1 1 w lie, .1 M 11 It's nil. I ! ... . . .
Portland linn, ami their ,, I " ve w a kelieb I. w er-over Irol.i P.l
lt U well noted in what they hmc to V"""-v Monday.
nay. The following letter U M-lf ex! l'isar and IV Ma.ho, . if I'aullnii
I'ortlan.l, i if.. .Inn.- J, ptn:;.
.1. IC. I!i:i( ii.-n A: Son,
l.akeview , ( t,
I iellt letneii:
We are in receipt of a
copy of the Lake County Lxamiiier
ami note the Tar I'.iii k.-t Mistorv."
We have forwanled t his paper to t he
advertising depart nieiit at South
who ha ve slui'p In t his count v, w ,
in tow n Mole lav.
The Ai i. tilt ileal .W. s ,i t .u met
Sua. lay t o . I. t ide on soine , ..tir- to
pre eut any hhow m (1..111 , i.inlii to
Lakevlew iltnlnn rai Inu irh. We
j'll'l Hot lealll the result of tin- lll.-et
L. L. Wood, A. H Johnson and L ,
II. I 'eters I'll Hie o er from I'.ly, Tiles
day on laud Iiii-Iih-sh.
I'. M. Snider. L
I ' r il in a nd I in v Moi ire
I from M.-. Monday,
i I". L. M.Creily and I
I w en- ley iMlt-red at t In
I I ... L I I , . ....I .. ..
iil'll, ir.lMI'lll'l .. I. Ill' III,.
Since our last ue ..n.. I1C h of
lain has (alien t.. kI,i.,.h He hearts
Chll'ls, ti-.. jllf ,,. farni.-iK and sto, l.ta. . The
,,-re I"'"' lat t. r are now asMiireil ample rant;.
! f.-e.l for their st.s k, and the fanners
II. Linn, j w III expect .....1 , rop of r.iln.
Lake lew , A teleurain from K. iio l,:i .-vetiltip;
Jslated that at the I lalilan Ware-
! hear from it. we would kiiv that
I we certainly approve of the old far1 U"'" "llnl"' vd from hums h,lw. w,,,,, S1,,.H 11lv (),H ,iai
jltueket." As regards g.NhiliitlieMhis i S"""'J,V- ,'vl" w '"' I" en sold to ... al H U. I'.al-
lie at the I-wis A. Clark lair.
' ie-ert on his liiryele. lie Ha s it Is a
the season
atiee withdrawn. I'll, en offered II
to PI eenla lloldlim for II to I P,.
Anions the rare hore. I h it have
i.i iiM d here diiriiu.'. the v e,-k h.r
III.- Jul ra ,-h are I''s lean
d'-r a 11. 1 ' In. ", ,,,. i',,f iii v
ieo. Jones mid .laughter Ir; eM'iof A tit.-l. t.. j I i,-w e . an.; a l.av
horse, and liiin. n.l.-iv 11 ( ,,f
would nay e would l.e wla. lo have I r"H''iU "'I'
j it and e w ill show it in our j lHrt Harv.-y returned last
I and we w ill ret urn It to you in n , ,Vlrli Ashland, w here Hhe al
I order. When we exhibit it it ill lie ' teiid''d a tel'lil of si'hool at the State
j done under our name In eon nee 1 ion I N'"'"l;il School.
witli ours. We will exhibit it iii,,ur:
repository nut il t he I'air opens. We 1 came down from Paisley I11.I i
would hiie;-est to uie us a lit 1 1.- his-1 and leturned Saturday aecouip.iii 'Keuoi Yon., Se
tory ill 11 eoiuleiised form of its dis-ll,,d by Mrs. Ceo. Johnson.
Good pasturage for mares from a distance at $i.5o per month.
'Special Terms will be given for the service of either of the above
5tallions to a number of mares upon application.
B. W. FARROW, Lakeview, Oregon.
Horse-shoeing Shop
M. S. Earne , Prop r.
TI-tlliKK l.l .OTI'K.
United Htateh Land Oltire, Lakevlew, Oregon
Feb. 2.1. l'i'i. Noli.e in, hereby (.'Iveii ihat in
eouiplianee ujth lie- iroviioiiH ol Hie act
of l.'onf. f f rum' :1. 17. etitiiled "An M. i
'lorlbe rub of limb'-r land" in die MHt. h f
'r.-on, 1'ailfuriiiH, V vitdH. iind ':i)-liiii.'i"n
I'lerriloiy," a- extended In hII the l'ubi;e
I I. MIC' Mules t,i 11 1 I id AUL'II-I I l-i'. II,.. ;,,.
j .' Ml!.- bat. II.K du I ; d III III!.- '.II,
I 111' 1 I P. .' ' ' 'I I'l' I 1 I - III-'.' '.
: 1 .1 1 . : . II :I'C v
covery and probable cause of Its be
injf found w here It was,
Tlianklnv; you uulii for the Inter
(iMtyou inaiiifewt In thin matter ami
hoping to huvf the "Tar IJucket" at
an early (iiU-, we are
Very truly yourH,
j S t t i,i:uAKi:i( JMfo'H Co.
Drowned in CoKKSwell Creek.
j Alhert, the fourteen year-old Hon of ().
A. HaHtiiiK, of (JoKKvell creek, wuh bc
; fidentally drowneil in that Btream last
' Thursday afterininn. Mr. llantiii wan
in I.akeview when thtj news reached liim
and la ha-tm e I l.uiiie, hut huh t'y.i hitt; to
K-e liin son alive. 'J im hoy v an subject to
; il' ji'ii' Hp.i-.iii-, aid il in nii,i,-i.,
liortiH, the little Hon of I,. A. Mey
ers, while playing behind the llup
tlst hurcli, found a perfect Indian
arrow head 10 IneheM in IimikMi.
DlHtrlet Attorney 1. 1". Contv re
turned Sunday from Klamath KuIIm,
where he has lieen In at U-iidanve at
the Klamatli County Circuit Court.
Felix C,reen has been appointed on
the coialnlttee to JuiIki' the vajpiero
nue In thn July iuicm, In m' of
CIiiim. 'I'riualui, as advertised in the
ArraiiKenuiils at Altunw have
I'r. II. i:. I.. si, jhl. r .-1 1 1 family
returned Tuesday from n two
tuontliH Hojouru in Saii-iu and
vblnlly. The )r. went nwny for
IiIh health and coiiicm home eoin
pletely recovered. Their return Im
heartily welcomed l,y tl,ir many
friends In ljiUevlew.
Kx-Coili,l,y Judne W. A. Itooth, of
rrlneville, has been Hpetiillne; Heveral
da.VM lii Ijikevle-.v. lie Im awaitlnv;
the aril ul of other inetiibeiM of the
liooth Kelly I, umber Company, with
whom he w ill accompany on an In
Hpecl liij. lour oer their la rue land
been made for a lii' Fourth of July I ''"''"'ij-'.h from here to the Idaho line.
.1 he i,
t.: lr PCM.
el a
,:"n tl'-lforlhei-.e
celebra I ion al that plate. The
aiaoiinl of S:!.".il has 1 11 n b ,cri I I
.Mi. 1 1.
This company last year purchased
oil 1 lie lauds hi -I one, inc. t . . I )io iliiriin
.M ilit nry Waon I : ... 1 I I '. .ini.i a .
II il'-
at !'. ;..
S'irU . , , i 1 i. j j J
01 A'.; 'I-! I
I Muyli li
I.. M. l;."..t itai.v, I:. ;;i.-t r.
'I'll'' blilicli id' ,- 1 ays will le- li
at Loveless corral.- June Jii.